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Trading Journal #2 - Back From the Abyss

..And my mysterious journey continues. –

I am as bullishly excited as I can. More so that am back with my P1million (with plus). I never have
thought I can finally recover it within a week – of prayers, hard work and humiliation. Exulted for the
miracles of these angels - MBT, BDO, AP, AGI, and ALI, you all made my day! You rock, and you bring
it on to me – blessings to have gained around P20K in a single day! And, I was just a Tyro! More to go
for remaining eggs to hatch – SMC, ACEN, BPI, MM, SMPH. Optimistic for its win. Also eyeing for
HOUSE, SHLPH, CEB, RLC and UBP. The trend is my friend now.
Dreams do really come true when last night I had a special dream. I was brought into a paradise-sort place
– never been into such a big, airy, spacious, round space properly shaded by tall surrounding trees. It was
serene and refreshing. The feeling I felt on that dream is impeccable.
Wake up! Back to reality now.
This time, what I did differently is, I didn’t take much time to look for the financials as it takes time for
the portfolio to grow if I focus on value investing. Anyways, the portfolio needs to be sold all after two
months’ time. Sorry, for my secret mentor who believes to “concentrate on few stocks, to focus on them
for long term” No. I need to move on. I can’t wait forever. I need to break a leg and take the risks. A risk -
not just a stupid risk! But, a risk worth fighting for! Hence, I took the big leap of selling bearish stock in
order to diversify again, with the silver lining that the rewards or gains will somewhat offset the loss. And
it comes to fruition. Lucky me. Bravo!
What would I continue to do is to buy low and sell high at 9:30 to 10:30, and 11:30 to 12:30pm. Other
times, I can also consider as timing is sometimes everything. Moreover, the best thing that really counts
every penny is to learn investing smartly. In the past weeks until now, I have learned plenty game-
changing lessons that impacts not only my financial and career areas of my life, but on me - the real me,
as a whole.
This stock market investing is counting on me, telling me that it’s one way to your niche, and every good
decision counts for a million. There are still hidden tactics out there that I need to manifest it myself.
Thank you.
Yearning to learn more about it. This might be my passion and my niche that I’ve been yearning for long.
Yes, I am serious about it. Not just fun, engaging, and smart. A little extra to my wealthy pocket.

For the coming days - I

Lessons Learned:
Control emotions and be as careful as precise as possible. Making mistakes no matter how small as it
seems, is too costly to behold.
Without preparation and proper logic, a hectic action can ruin it all, so better be prepared and do your
homework beforehand.

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