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Untuk Memenuhi Tugas Tambahan Bahasa Inggris

Dosen: Ibu Dra. Atti Herawati, M. Pd.

Name: Apriliana Rossa

Class: 1A – Pendidikan IPA
Halaman 28

Can: Are:
Set root speed Living things


Have: Need:

Root, Stem, Leaf, Sunlight

Flower, Fruit Minerals

Plants are living organisms that cover much of the land of planet Earth. They include
grass, trees, flowers, bushes, ferns, mosses, and more. Plants are members of the kingdom
plantae. Plant have Root, plants need roots to live this part of the root consists of the root
feather and the root cap. Stem on plants function as a place to attach other parts of the plant.
Leaves are one part of a very important plant, with a variety of shapes, sizes, thickness and
colors. Green leaves contain chlorophyll. Flowers in plants have a function as a means of
reproduction, with a beautiful shape and a distinctive smell, so that attracts the attention of
insects. Fruit is the next result of the pollination process on flowers. Plants can regulate root
speed. When finding root food it will move slowly. When the food runs out, the roots will
move quickly to the bottom and edge of the soil. besides that plants can interact. Leaves and
flowers produce special chemicals that can be used to communicate with other plants. A plant
needs sunlight, carbon dioxide, minerals and water to make food by photosynthesis. A green
substance in plants called chlorophyll traps the energy from the Sun needed to make food.
Chlorophyll is mostly found in leaves, inside plastids, which are inside the leaf cells. The leaf
can be thought of as a food factory. Leaves of plants vary in shape and size, but they are
always the plant organ best suited to capture solar energy. Once the food is made in the leaf,
it is transported to the other parts of the plant such as stems and roots.
Halaman 35

Choose one of the trees below and write a paragraph that describe it.

Coconut tree have a single stem, root fibers, not thin and
woody, clustered to form tubers, adaptive to sandy beaches. Typical segmented rods of
monocotyled type with spreading vessels. The wood is not good for building. The leaves are
single leaves with pinnate reinforcement, the leaves look like compound leaves. The flowers
are compounded in parts of the circuit protected by bractea; there are male and female
flowers. Large fruit, diameter 10 cm to 20 cm or more, coconut has a yellow, green or brown
color Coconut trees reach a height of 30 m. Initially originated from the coast of the Indian
Ocean, but now it is spread in all tropical places. This coconut tree can grow to a height of
1,000 m above sea level. The benefits and content of coconut is a multipurpose tree. Wood
from coconut trunks is used by people as boards for houses. The leaves are used as a roof
after drying. Coconut young leaves as a material for making diamonds or various forms of
decoration are very interesting. Stems of dried child leaves, we usually do not stick, collected
into one to be used as a broom.
Halaman 6

Dolphin fish a different from bottle-nose dolphin. Find out more about both of their
characteristics and present it in class
Bottle-nose dolphin Dolphin fish

Animal class Any of a class (Mammalia) that Any of a class (Actinopterygii) is a

nourish their young with milk class in the taxonomy of fan finned
secreted by mammary glands. fish.
Size Have a size of 2- 4 meters Have a size of 86-140 centimeters

Body Weighs around 135-635 Weighs around 40-88 kilograms

Color The bottlenose dolphin is gray Body colors metallic blues and greens
with a whitish belly. However, on the back and sides, with white and
there are dolphins in several yellow underneath. Many dolphin fish
colors and patterns. have blue, green or black spots.
Diet Bottlenose dolphins eat a wide They prey on crabs, squid and
variety of fish, crustaceans, crustaceans and on fish such as
squid, and eels. mackerel and flying fish.
Halaman 45

Translation Section
Translate the following text into Bahasa Indonesia

Mediterranean diets are believed to contain well balanced omega 3 food such as
whole grains, fresh fruits, vegetables, fish, olive, oil, garlic, and moderate wine consumption
combined with little meat intake.
Studies have linked omega 3 fatty acids and a diet balancing omega 3 and omega 6
with a variety of health benefits. It is believed that an inappropriate balance of these fatty
acids contributes to the development of serious diseases.
Omega 3 balance has been linked extensively with reducing inflammation and
preventing certain chronic diseases such as heart disease and arthritis. Omega 3 benefits have
been shown to help treat or prevent the following conditions: high cholesterol, high blood
pressure, heart disease, stroke, diabetes, weight loss, arthritis, osteoporosis, depression,
bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), eating
disorders, burns and skin disorders, inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), ashma, eye disease
(such as macular degeneration and glaucoma), menstrual pain, breast cancer, colon cancer,
prostate cancer, ulcers, migraine headaches, preterm labor, emphysema and psoriasis, lyme
disease, lupus, panic attacks.

Translate Bahasa Indonesia

Diet Mediterania diyakini mengandung makanan omega 3 yang seimbang seperti biji-
bijian, buah-buahan segar, sayuran, ikan, zaitun, minyak, bawang putih, dan konsumsi anggur
sedang yang dikombinasikan dengan sedikit konsumsi daging.
Penelitian telah menghubungkan asam lemak omega 3 dan omega 3 dan omega 6
yang menyeimbangkan diet dengan berbagai manfaat kesehatan. Dipercayai bahwa
keseimbangan asam lemak yang tidak tepat ini berkontribusi terhadap perkembangan
penyakit serius.
Keseimbangan omega 3 telah dikaitkan secara luas dengan mengurangi peradangan
dan mencegah penyakit kronis tertentu seperti penyakit jantung dan radang sendi. Manfaat
Omega 3 telah terbukti membantu mengobati atau mencegah kondisi berikut: kolesterol
tinggi, tekanan darah tinggi, penyakit jantung, stroke, diabetes, penurunan berat badan,
radang sendi, osteoporosis, depresi, gangguan bipolar, skizofrenia, Attention Deficit /
Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD ), gangguan makan, luka bakar dan gangguan kulit, penyakit
radang usus, ashma, penyakit mata (seperti degenerasi makula dan glaukoma), nyeri haid,
kanker payudara, kanker usus besar, kanker prostat, bisul, sakit kepala migrain, persalinan
prematur, emfisema dan psoriasis, penyakit lyme, lupus, serangan panik.
Halaman 3

Translation Section
Translate the following facts about some animals into Bahasa Indonesia

1. A giraffe’s heart weighs 22 kilos

Hati jerapah berbobot 22 kilo

2. A grizzly bear can run as fast as a horse

Seekor beruang grizzly dapat berlari cepat seperti kuda

3. In a lion family, the females do more than 90% of the hunting

Di dalam keluarga singa, betina melakukan lebih dari 90% perburuan

4. The first camel lived in North America

Onta pertama tinggal di Amerika Utara

5. A new-born baby blue whale weighs as much as an adult African elephant

Bayi paus biru lahir memiliki berat seperti gajah Afrika dewasa

6. A new-born panda is smaller than a mouse, and weighs about 100 grams
Panda yang baru lahir lebih kecil dari tikus, dan memiliki berat sekitar 100 gram

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