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Research from the World Health Organization (WHO) shows that an estimated 4.2 to 7 million people die
from air pollution worldwide every year and that nine out of 10 people breathe air that contains high
levels of pollutants. In Africa, 258 000 people died as a result of outdoor air pollution in 2017, up from
164 000 in 1990, according to UNICEF. This comes mostly from industrial sources and motor vehicles,
as well as emissions from burning biomass and poor air quality due to dust storms. In Europe, a recent
report from the EU’s environment agency showed that air pollution contributed to 400 000 annual deaths
in the EU in 2012 (the last year for which data was available). In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic,
attention has been put on the role that air pollution has in transporting the virus molecules. Preliminary
studies have identified a positive correlation between COVID-19-related mortalities and air pollution and
there is also a plausible association of airborne particles assisting the viral spread. This could have
contributed to the high death toll in China, where air quality is notoriously poor, although more definitive
studies must be conducted before such a conclusion can be drawn. 

The existence of this problem is the burning of Fossil Fuels. Sulfur dioxide emitted from the combustion
of fossil fuels  like coal, petroleum for energy in power plants, and other factory combustibles is one the
major cause of air pollution. Agricultural Activities also one of the cause of Air Pollution  because
Ammonia is a very common byproduct of agriculture-related activities and is one of the most hazardous
gases in the atmosphere. The use of insecticides, pesticides, and fertilizers in agricultural activities has
grown quite a lot. They emit harmful chemicals into the air and can also cause air pollution. And also
Waste in Landfills, Landfills are land areas in which waste is deposited or buried. These deposited or
buried wastes generate methane. Methane is a major greenhouse gas that is highly flammable and very
hazardous. E-waste is another grave concern involving a lot of unscientific dismantlings such as chemical
leaching, burning wires and others. Exhaust from the Factory Industries Manufacturing industries release
a large amount of carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons, organic compounds, and chemicals into the air,
thereby depleting the quality of air.Mining Operations, Mining is a process wherein minerals below the
earth are extracted using large equipment. During the process, dust and chemicals are released in the air
causing massive air pollution.This is one of the reasons which is responsible for the deteriorating health
conditions of workers and nearby residents.


The seedling that I have planted is Calamansi. It is a small citrus fruit that is used to flavor foods and
drinks. Despite its outer appearance and its aroma, the taste of the fruit itself is quite sour, although the
peel is sweet. Calamansi marmalade can be made in the same way as orange marmalade. Calamansi
grows to about 25 feet tall at maturity. Its pulp has a distinctive flavor described as “a cross between lime
and orange.” The tartness of calamansi blends well with other juices, such as banana, apple, grape,
papaya, mango and coconut water. The benefits of Calamansi are, It bleaches the skin. Because of its
strong acid content, the fruit can eliminate those dark marks, age spots, acne scars, and blemishes on your
face or your body. And it Fights inflammation. One of the biggest calamansi benefits is that it fights
inflammation in your body. Similarly to apple cider vinegar, this little crazy-sour buddy, which is full of
anti-inflammatory tannins too, helps with normalizing the acidity levels in your stomach. It can also help
Aids in collagen production.Without collagen nothing in our bodies would be in its place, muscles and
skin very much included. It's the main structural protein binding the different types of tissue throughout
our bodies. Vitamin C is one of the most important nutrients to help your body produce its own collagen.
Calamansi can also Boost our Immune System because, Calamansi fruit is extremely rich in vitamin C,
which is known to be a number one nutrient in fighting viruses and retaining iron. It's also rich in vitamin
A, calcium, and potassium. Lastly it Reduces Mucus The citric acid in calamondin fruit breaks through
the mucus and phlegm in your respiratory system. It also works against the inflammation in your
respiratory tract and throat. I planted it on October 29,2020 because my first seedling died so I have to
plant again. The height of my plant when I planted it is 14-15 inches. As of know November 25,2020 the
height of my plant is 22 inches now with leaves and it’s getting bigger now. For me My Tree Parenting
symbolizes investment, by taking care of this tree until it grows.




The Impact of the project for our community is it can give more oxygen to us, it can reduce the amount of
storm runoff, which reduces erosion and pollution in our waterways, it may also reduce the effects of
flooding. And the impact of the project in family is it can reduce the energy demand for cooling our
houses, we reduce carbon dioxide and other pollution emissions from power plants. The impact of the
project for myself is they gives us oxygen, store carbon, stabilise the soil and give life to the world’s

Plants are really important for the planet and for all living things. Because plants absorb carbon dioxide
and release oxygen from their leaves, which humans and other animals need to breathe. Living things
need plants to live because they eat them and live in them. Plants maintain the atmosphere. They produce
oxygen and absorb carbon dioxide during photosynthesis. Plants provide many products for human use,
such as firewood, timber, fibers, medicines, dyes, pesticides, oils, and rubber. Plants create habitats for
many organisms.


We must persuade other to plant trees because planting trees is the most easiest and most sustainable
ways to positively affect the environment. We need trees now more than ever! We can make a difference
in our environment by planting more trees.

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