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Title: Kill a brand, keep a customer

Submitted by

Submitted to
Ms. Shahnila Yousaf

Reg # 9124

Section # Null

Date: 4/12/2020

Department of Computer Science

City University of Peshawar
& information technology

 Most companies tend to assume loss-making brands, not knowing the unseen costs they will incur.

Research has shown that when two brands have been merged by a firm, the market share of the new brand never

reaches the combined share of the two original ones. Methodically, there are four steps smart companies can use

to kill brands:

1. First, CEOs make the case for rationalization by bringing together groups of senior executives to

conduct joint audits of the brand portfolio. These audits make the need to prune brands apparent

throughout the organization.

2. Secondly, the executives need to make a decision of how many brands will remain by which they do

either by setting expansive boundaries that all brands must meet or by recognizing the brands they need

so as to oblige all the client sections in their business sectors.

3. Thirdly, the executives must do away with the brands that they have decided to drop making a decision

in each case whether it is okay to merge, sell, milk or just to do away with the brand ultimately.

4. Lastly, it is important for the executives to invest the resources they have freed to make the brand to

grow and expand.

When these steps are followed well, doing away with brands will make the company's profits to grow.

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