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1. We go on file and check their different tabes like general, security, details etc.
2. Then we will see the same command from CLI.
3. To see all the directories in C folder command is ls c:\.
4. GET-HELP LS –FULL is used for help
5. If we want to see the hidden directory in the file ls -force c:\
Changing directory in the CLI
6. PWD(print working directory) tell you that which directory you are currently in.
7. CD (change directory) cd c:\users\asadjani\whatever … will change the
directory to go back we can use the shortcut command CD.. or we can use
cd..\desktop to go on desktop. Cd~ is the shortcut for home directory.
8. Now we will use tab key to complete commands.
9. History commandmkdir command is used to create new folder.
For removing item or folder remove-item path
10. #mkdir is command to go on directory that you create also press tab key after
this command.
11. CP(copy) is used for the folder from one folder to another.cp myfolder c:\user\...
12. To copy file with their content we need to put command –recuu
13. A wildcard is used to select multiple files and copy based on certain
14. patterns.such as multiple jpg files cp *.jpg c:\user\asadjani\documents
Get-host is used to find version of power shell.

Moving and renaming files and directories

1. To rename the file command is MV Filename Newname.

You can move multiple file with wildcard MV * docx c:\user\asad…

Removing files and directories

2. Rm foldername is used to remove file.
Displaying file content

 CAT .\asad.txt this will dubbed the content of the file on powershell and show all
the text include on file.
 CAT .\asad.txt –head 3 / -tail 3 will show us only first three line of the
 More .\asad.txt will show only one page

Modifying text file

 Start wordpad filename will show the file by wordpad.

 GET-ALIAS LS is command that is used to find out the full form of command.
Searching within files
 Method#1StartIndexing optionsUsersFiletypesindex
properties and files content then press OK.
 Method#2Notepad press Ctrl+shift+f now search for a specific word
which held by any folder or text document. But it’s not work only in
 Method#3Powershellselect-string cow*.txt

Searching within directories

 To find the specific type directory ls 'C:\Program Files\'-recurse -filter *.exe

Input output and the pipeline

 Echo woof > file.txt for input and output we use this command
 For showing what’s inside file.txt cat file.txt
o To send the output of one command to the input of another command we
use pipeline.
o Cat file.txt | select-string ow now to insert the list with creating new file is
below command.
o cat file.txt | Select-String ow > file1.txt

Now when got the error message that’s simple StdOut but what if we want to insert the
error in file instead of showing on CLI for that we use Stderr command:

 rm secure.txt 2> error.txt now here 2> telling the powershell to redirect
Stderr into the file name error.txt instead of StdOut.
 rm secure.txt 2> $null will not show the error message for read more
follow command

We have two types of account in our machine:

Standard Account & Administrative Account

Standard account have less control over machine whereas Administrative Account
have full control over machine and there can be multiple administrative account on
simple machine.

 Go to computer management look out all the tabs and understand them.

We have two types of built-in account Administrative and guest account

Viewing user and group information using CLI

 Get-LocalUser will give all the account of system including enable and disable
 Get-LocalGroup will gives all the groups.
 Get-LocalGroupMember administrators this command gets all the members of
the local Administrators group.
 We can also change password direct using GUI to go on computer
 Now to do the same task using CLI the command will be net users guest * now
type the password.
To force the users to change their password forcefully after logon use:
 net users guest /logonpasswordchg:yes
File permissions
 ACL is a function which look for incoming and outgoing traffic.
 DACL discretionary ACL is internal list attached to the object that which user or
group can access the file and what are the actions they can perform on it.
 SACL system ACL are used to tell the window that it should invoke the event
when someone is access the file or folder every time. Every folder has SACL.

Modifying permission

 icacls C:\file.txt
Special permission

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