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Name: Danish Sarwar

Reg.#: L1f16bbam0298
Section: (B)

Balance of payment:
There is a constant flow of money into and out of a country. Products and services are exported
and imported, monetary gifts are exchanged, investments are made, cash payments are made and
cash receipts received, and vacation and foreign travel occur.
The system of accounts that records a nation’s international financial transactions is called its
balance of payments.

Current Account:
Current account is a component of balance of payment.
Current account is a record of all merchandise exports, imports, and services plus unilateral
transfers of funds.
The current account is important because it includes all international merchandise trade and
service accounts, that is, accounts for the value of all merchandise and services imported and
exported and all receipts and payments from investments and overseas employment.

Balance of Trade:
Balance of trade is one of the component of the current account and it is the result of the
subtraction between the exports and imports of goods and services of a country. If exports are
greater than imports, it will lead to a positive balance or trade surplus. However, if the balance is
negative, it will be known as trade deficit.
Every country has different cultures. So management styles vary based on the different cultures
that each and every country have and multinational or international organizations are quite
capable of understanding the differences that the leadership may exhibit.
There has been lot of research regarding these factors and there are many authors who have been
active in understanding the differences. If we look at some instances of management we will be
clear with the understanding of the differences. Studies suggest that English managers are
generally are cooperating, easy to go with and diplomatic but as they are very much close to their
tradition they may actually have issues working with employees possessing different values.
American managers are assertive and action oriented and they actually believe in giving freedom
to the employees regarding their views. We can understand the differences and why the
difference exists and that is because the culture is actually different from each other. USA has
been a country which has raised from the ashes and hence they the importance of individuality
and that is the reason they encourage that. English culture is different because they have been at
the top for most of the time hence they are unable to respect the difference in values.

Quantitative research methods:
In quantitative research, usually a large number of respondents are asked to reply either verbally
or in writing to structured questions using a specific response format (such as yes/no) or to select
a response from a set of choices. Questions are designed to obtain specific responses regarding
aspects of the respondents’ behavior, intentions, attitudes, motives, and demographic
characteristics. Quantitative research provides the marketer with responses that can be presented
with precise estimations. The structured responses received in a survey can be summarized in
percentages, averages, or other statistics.

Qualitative research methods:

In qualitative research, if questions are asked, they are almost always open-ended or in-depth,
and unstructured responses, including storytelling, that reflect the person’s thoughts and feelings
on the subject are sought. Consumers’ first impressions about products may be useful. Direct
observation of consumers in choice or product usage situations is another important qualitative
approach to marketing research.
Qualitative research is used in international marketing research to formulate and define a
problem more clearly and to determine relevant questions to be examined in subsequent research.
It is also used to stimulate ad message ideas and where interest centers on gaining an
understanding of a market rather than quantifying relevant aspects.

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