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Amuse= diverter= Let me amuse myself by making a suggestion.

Comb your hair / com out =peinarse / desenredar = To get ready for school, I didn't have anyone to comb out my
long braids.

Cupboard = anaquel

Fall behind= retrasarse= He took work home so that he wouldn’t fall behind on the project.

Fortnight= 15 días

Go over= revisar / analizar=

Help around the house = ayudar en casa= Let your children help around the house such as dusting, sweeping, or
surting laundry.

Journey home= regreso a casa / viaje de vuelta= On the journey home, the girl talked all the time.

Pity = lastima /pena = Its economy is booming but it is a pity about the poor/ I have seen the real situation of the
patients there, and I felt pity on them.

Please = agradar/ complacer= It pleases me when you smile at me. / The children behaved well to please their

Stubborn= terco/ rebelled= Being stubborn may help to achieve an objective.

Tug= tirón / remolcar= She felt a tug at her hair

Will power / strength of will= fuerza de voluntad = Her strength of will, her enthusiasm and her hope that things will
always turn out well are contagious.


Turn out well / Come out right = (que algo) salga bien = Thanks to this help, I can plan many future projects,
because I know that by doing things well, everything will come out right.

Getting stuck = quedarse atascado= Getting stuck in traffic I the worst in the world.

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