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February 24, 2021

Conversation 1

Sandra: Hi, Celi. Where's Pablo? I thought he was hanging out with us tonight.

Celi: Hi, Sandra. He canceled at the last minute.

Sandra: Again? You put up with a lot from him. He did this last time.

Celi: Yeah, he keeps doing it. I'm starting to resent him for it.

Sandra: Have you tried confronting him about it? You should talk to him.

Celi: Do you really think that's a good idea? I don't want to be pushy and have
an awkward conversation.

Sandra: If you don't feel comfortable talking to him, you might want to consider
texting him about it. And you can think about what you're going to write.

Celi: That's not a bad idea. I'll give it a try.

Sandra: Great! Let me know how it turns out.

Vocabulary – Conversation 1

1. I thought = eu pensei / thought = passado do verbo think

2. Hang out - phrasal verb

-to spend a lot of time in a place or with someone/ passar tempo junto /
sair /curtir
“ You and I could hang out.”
3. Put up with sth/sb— phrasal verb with put
- to accept or continue to accept an unpleasant(desagradável) situatio
n or experience, or someone who behaves unpleasantly.
- aturar/tolerar

“ I can put up with the house being messy, but I hate it if it's not clean.”
4. I'm starting to resent him for it. = Estou começando a ficar ressentido
com ele por isso.
-to resent = ressentir-se /guardar rancor
5. Pushy = agressivo
6. Awkward = incómodo/estranho/embaraçoso
7. Give it a try. = dar uma chance/tentar/fazer uma tentativa
“But they were willing to give it a try.” (willing = dispostos)
“We decided to give it a try, because we thought, "Hey, how hard could it

8. Let me know how it turns out. = me avise como ficou/como as coisas


Conversation 2 – Finding a new roommate

Celi: Hi... Sandra, right? I'm Celi.

Sandra: Nice to meet you in person.

Celi: Come on in..... take a look around.

Sandra: Wow, this place is really nice! Big, and light... and so neat!

Celi: Yeah, I'm kind of a neatnik.

Sandra: Oh, I know what you mean. I'm totally the same way.

Celi: Really?

Sandra: Yeah, I just can't stand it when people leave their stuff all over the
place, or, you know, leave dirty dishes in the sink.

Celi: That's great to hear! So, have a seat. Can I get you anything to drink?

Sandra: Oh, no thanks. I stopped for coffee on the way here. So, how long have
you been looking for a new roommate?

Celi: Oh, for a couple of weeks or so. I've talked to about five people, but no one
has seemed quite right. So, in your profile you said you're new to the city,

Sandra: Yeah, I lost my job a few months ago. I couldn't find another job near
where I lived, so I decided to take a job in a different city. At first, I was pretty
upset about losing my job, but then I got a lucky break. Losing my job was one
of the biggest challenges I've ever faced, but it turned out to be the best thing
that ever happened to me.

Celi: Well, that's great! I'm still looking for a job. I'm not really sure what I want
to do...

Sandra: I'm sure you'll figure it out.

Celi: Yeah. I hope so. So, did you live with roommates before, or your parents,
Sandra: Yeah, I lived with a couple of roommates. I got along great with one of
them. But the other well...she was basically a nice person, but we were just
really different.

Celis Oh! In what way?

Sandra: Well, like I said, I'm really neat, and she was pretty messy, and she
was noisy... you know, she was always watching TV and talking on the phone
and having her friends over. She just really got on my nerves,

Celi: Oh, no! I can't stand messy people. Did you hear about the woman who
sued her roommate?

Sandra: No. What happened?

Celi: Apparently, the woman had asked her roommate to clean up. She never
did, and the house got so messy that the woman sued her roommate.

Sandra: What a nightmare!

Celi: Yeah, I hear you. I'm old roommate was wonderful. The only
thing that bugged me about her was that she was always late.

Sandra: Oh, I hate it when people are late! I always try to be on time. A lot of
times I arrive at places early, actually.

Celi: So, it sounds like we're the perfect match! When can you move in?

[Later that day... ]

Celi: OK, so Tom, you're not going to believe this...

Tom: What happened?

Celi: Well I just got home, and Sandra's not here, and...well, just take a look at

Tom: Wow. Oh, no.

Celi: Yeah! Sandra said she was really neat! What am I going to do?

Tom: Well, uh, you might want to consider the direct approach. You know, just
confront her about it when she gets home.

Celi: I don't you really think it's a good idea? I mean, she just moved
in. I'm not sure how she'd could be pretty awkward.
Vocabulary – Conversation 2

1. Roommate = companheiro de quarto

2. Take a look around = dê uma olhada ao redor
3. Neat = arrumado
4. Neatnik = a person who is compulsively neat
“Sandra is such a neatnik that it makes me crazy—I don't care how tidy
her desk is, but she keeps trying to tidy my desk!”
5. I hate it when people leave their stuff all over the place.
Eu odeio quando as pessoas deixam suas coisas espalhadas.
6. dirty dishes in the sink = pratos sujos na pia
7. no one has seemed quite right = ninguém parecia adequado
8. profile = perfil
9. near = próximo/perto
10. Upset = chateado/triste
11. lucky break = golpe de sorte
12. it turned out to be the best thing that ever happened to me.
acabou sendo a melhor coisa que já me aconteceu.
13. I'm sure you'll figure it out.
Eu tenho Certeza que vc vai resolver isso/ solucionar
14. To get along with someone
se dar bem com alguém
“You could've at least tried to get along with my father.”
"Você poderia pelo menos ter tentado se dar bem com meu pai."
15. Messy = bagunçado
16. Noisy = barulhento
17. To sue = processar alguém/alg coisa
18. Bug me = me incomoda/me irrita
19. Be late = estar atrasado
“You know, today I can't be late.”
20. Be on time = ser pontual
“And I want to be on time for my job interview.”
21. Early = cedo
“I got home early today. = Cheguei em casa cedo hoje.”
22. Perfect match = combinação perfeita/par perfeito
“Look at you two, perfect match.”
23. Soulmate = alma gemea/cara-metade
“Well, there goes my soulmate.”
24. Move in = mudar-se/ morar com
“Stan said he was fixing the place up so his family could move in.”
25. React = reagir
“He reacted angrily to the news of his dismissal.”
Angry = raiva
Dismissal= demissão
26. Tidy= arrumado/limpo/ordenado
“The boys have finally tidied their bedroom.”

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