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Using WHO in English

Who is a subject pronoun like ‘I’, ‘he’, ‘she’, ‘we’ and etc…

We use WHO to ask which person does an action or which person is a certain way.

Example Sentences;

Who is this?
Who will come early tomorrow?
Who on earth believes that?
The children who came late waited in the class.
The new teacher who has short hair is from Spain.

Using WHOM in English

Whom is an object pronoun like ‘him’, ‘her’, ‘us’ and etc… We use WHOM to ask which person
receives an action.

Example Sentences;

Whom will he blame for the accident?

The man whom I saw at the theather last night is an engineer.
Whom does God favor?
This is my neighbour whom I like a lot.

Using WHOSE in English

Whose is a possessive pronoun like ‘her’, ‘his’, ‘our’ and etc… We use WHOSE to find out
which person something belongs to.

Example Sentences;

Whose car is this ?

Whose notebook was stolen in the class?
The child whose bicycle has been lost cried.
The girl whose bag is red is looking for you.

Qoutation Marks

Comma    , Colon    : Semi Colon    ; Full stop    .

Question Mark    ? Slash    /
At sign    @ Hyphen    –
Exclamation Mark    ! Ellipsis Mark    …
Square Brackets    [ ] Apostrophe    ‘
Underline    _ Quatation Mark    “
Asterisk    * Brace    { }

1. Common Noun
6. Uncountable Noun
Nonspecific people, places, things or ideas
Cannot be counted
Man, city, religion etc…
Milk, music, food, water, snow, rice etc…
2. Proper Noun
Specific people, places, things… 7. Compound Noun
Made up of two or more smaller words
Albert Einstein, London etc…
Textbook, snowball, seafood, sunflower
3. Abstract Noun
Something that you can not perceive with 8. Collective Noun
your five senses Refer to a group of things as one whole
Belief, love, pride, happiness etc…
Bunch, audience, flock, group, family
4. Concrete Noun
Something that you can perceive with your 9. Singular Noun
five senses Refer to one person, place things, or idea

Apple, lion, eyes, flower etc… Cat, dog, ship, monkey, hero etc…

5. Countable Noun 10. Plural Noun

Can be counted Refer to more than one person, place
things, or idea
Pencil/pencils, apple/apples, train, clock
etc… Dogs, cats, ships, babies etc..

50 Conjunction Sentences;

I can pass after the green light is on.

Although she speaks seldom, she says meaningful words.
I went to bed at 10 pm as I had a plane to catch at 7 am.
She talks as if he was rich.
You can go as long as you are good.
I hate broccoli as much as I hate cauliflower.
As soon as I went to home, I started to work.
It seems as though she is in trouble.
She usually eats at home, because she likes cooking.
My work must be finished before afternoon.
He works every day, even on Sundays.
You will go to that cinema even if they don’t allow you.
Even though it rained a lot, We enjoyed the holiday.
Michael has very much money. However, she’s not all that happy.
Let me know if you go to the school.
If only Maria had been able to come.
Inasmuch as it rains, I’ll take an umbrella.
People burn forests in order that they have more land.
Just as I was watching the football match on TV, electricity went off.
You must study hard lest you fail.
Now go home and cook meat meals.
Once I start eating, I must continue.
I will go to cinema provided the others go.
You can borrow the PC provided that you promise to give it back in time.
I go to theater weekly rather than monthly.
Since I was ill for two months, I lost my job.
She was too late so that she could not apply for the job.
Supposing you had a dog, what would you do with it?
She runs faster than me.
Though it is raining, they swam in the pool.
Please stay at home till afternoon.
I will go to supermarket unless it is very crowded.
I waited up for her until eleven o’clock.
I was watching tv when she came in.
You can come whenever you want.
She was eating in the kitchen, where there was table.
She is very funny whereas he is boring.
We can meet you wherever you want.
I worry about whether She’ll be a good person.
I found the article which was very important.
While I was playing with the children, he came the park.
I visited Alice who was ill.
Whoever says so is a liar.
She asked him why he was playing football.

after    although    as    as if as long as    as much as    as soon as    as though
because    before    even    even if even though    if    if only    if when
if then    in as much    in order that     just as lest    now    now since    now that
now when    however    once    provided provided that    rather than    since    so that
supposing    than    that    though till    unless    until    when
whenever    where    whereas    where if wherever    whether    which    while who   
whoever    why

Formal Writing    Informal Speaking

I want a banana.    I wanna banana.
Let me in.    Lemme in.
Not yet.    Na chet.
I have got a car.    I’ve gotta car.
I’II meet you there.    I’II mee tcha there.
Why did you take it?    Why dju tay kit?
Did you do it?    Dja do it?
Let me go.    Lemme go.
I have got to go now.    I’ve gotta go now.
Do you want to dance?    Wanna dance?
I’II let you know.    I’II letcha know.
When did you get it?    When dju geddit?

Do you make any of these MISTAKES

Wrong: Every students like the teacher. Correct: Every student likes the teacher

Wrong: I look forward to meet you. Correct: I look forward to meeting you.

Wrong: I like very much ice cream. Correct: I like ice cream very much.

Wrong: I have visited Paris last weekend. Correct: I visited Paris last weekend.

Wrong: The woman which works here is from Spain.Correct: The woman who works here is
from Spain.

Wrong: She’s married with a lecturer. Correct: She’s married to a lecturer.

Wrong: He was boring in the class. Correct: He was bored in the class.

Wrong: I must to call him immediately. Correct: I must call him immediately.


by the side of by virtue of by way of by chance

by the name of by luck by accident by air by sea
by land by all accounts by all means by coincidence
by courtesy of by definition by degrees by design by dint of by far by force by
hand by heart by law by check

How to be more politeness in English

Don’t Say: That’s a bad idea. Say: I’m not so sure that’s a good idea.

Don’t Say: Can I smoke here? Say: Would you mind if I smoked here?

Don’t Say: Come here. Say: Could you come here?

Don’t Say: This report is awful. Say: This report is not really up to standard.

Don’t Say: No. Say; No thanks.

Don’t Say: Can I borrow your pencil? Say: Could I borrow your pencil?

Don’t Say: Leave me alone. Say: Sorry, I’m a bit busy right now.

Don’t Say: It’s hot, open the window. Say: Do you mind if I open the window?

Don’t Say: Tell me when you’re available. Say: Let me know when you’re available.

Don’t Say: I hate this colour. Say: I am not too fond of this colour.

Don’t Say: Your work isn’t good. Say: I’m not quite satisfied with this work.

Don’t Say: I want a hamburger. Say: I’d like a hamburger

Don’t Say: Sit down, please. Say: Take / have a seat, please

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