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A subsidiary organ of Organisation of Islamic Cooperation(OIC)

Assignment 1
Sociology of Education (TVE 4251)

Teachers’ role in our society and academic environment

Submitted to,
Ms. Abdullahi Binta Suleiman
Dept. of TVE, IUT

Submitted by,
Mousum Kabir Rabbi
ID# 180032204
BSc TE, 2yr.

1 Mousum Kabir, ID#180032204, Sociology of Education, TVE 4251 | IUT

Role of a Teacher in Society
The role of a teacher in society is both important and valuable. It has far-reaching effects on the society in
which he lives, and no personality can be more influential than the teacher. Students are deeply
influenced by the teacher's love and affection, his character, his qualifications, and his moral
commitment. A popular teacher becomes a model for her students. Students try to change her manners by
her manners, dress, manners, conversation style and her upbringing. He is their role model.

The importance of a teacher as an architect of our future generation demands that only the best and most
intelligent and deserving members of our intellectuals should be allowed to qualify for this noble
profession. It is unfortunate that the worst and most incompetent people in general enter this
profession.An important reason for anyone who fails to find the opening of any other step in life, enters
this profession and recklessly plays with the destiny of the nation plays is the poor salary of our primary
and secondary teachers which is not better than that of the clerks. A huge number of our teachers are so
frustrated and disappointed.

They have to go for part-time work to meet their basic needs. Again, the teaching profession does not
enjoy due respect in the society. Primary and secondary teachers are especially at a disadvantage. Their
condition is less than that of physicians, engineers, advocates, civil servants; Even less than semi-
educated and illiterate traders. So for an intelligent person to leave the career of a doctor or an engineer
for the sake of education, even if he is interested in studying and training, he needs great commitment. So,
when choosing a good teacher, it must be remembered that teachers are given better opportunities,
possibilities and differences.

When we speak of a good teacher, it means that a teacher must be a model of faith and piety and have a
fairly good knowledge. A teacher should consider it his duty to educate and train his students and feel
responsible for it. He should have the feeling that his students have entrusted him to him and should avoid
any violation of the trust that society has placed in him. He should be a mixed person with roots in the
society. People will accept him as their well-wisher and sincere friend who takes care of their child. This
expense should determine if a candidate in this profession has a natural intelligence and skills for

He should actively participate in social activities in a positive way. He should know the art of teaching
with a deep insight into child psychology. He should always treat students fairly. He should not lose his
self-control over the mistakes that his students can make and instead should respect his feelings and
arrogance and try to understand and solve their problems with grace while keeping cool. One should
smile in the face of intense criticism of his views, and should not be ashamed or insulted to accept
mistakes sincerely.

He should be proud of his culture, his national dress and national language. He should be a preacher, a
counselor, a reformer and a dedicated teacher as well as a guide. In other words, he should be a perfect
teacher and a perfect educator. While highlighting the role of a teacher in society, it is important to
involve the role of parents in the process of character building of students. In the past, both parents and
teachers did their best to develop a conducive environment for their children to develop higher qualities
and morals. But in the last fifty years overall social change, large-scale urbanization, fierce competition
2 Mousum Kabir, ID#180032204, Sociology of Education, TVE 4251 | IUT
for financial gain and heavy busyness in daily life have taken away all the time and energy from parents,
leaving little time or energy for them to monitor their children.

They use newspapers, television and other entertainment as much as they have time. As a result, the
younger generation rarely has the opportunity to share ideas or engage in meaningful discussions with
their parents. On the other hand, the idea that education is meant to build better people, not just to get
better jobs, is rooted in us. As a result, the minds of the students are bound to dream of better jobs and
higher social status.

Role of a Teacher in Academic Environment


The main role of the teacher is teaching. Basically, when people hear the word teaching, it seems like the
first image is of an older student standing in front of a group and presenting academic material. To ensure
that students understand the subject, the teacher should disclose the different types of teaching methods.
There are many activities that teachers can do, such as reading articles in magazines, writing fictional
essays, drawing pictures, creating brain storms, role play and improvisations, quizzes, debates, games and
warmups, practical experiments and drawing, modeling and painting. These activities will help students
to expand their ideas and develop creative, critical and reflective thinking. Teaching not only provides
information, but also makes students think differently and out of the box. The teacher has to try his best to
get the intellectual material of the students and apply the knowledge not only to themselves but also to
other people. Teachers need to give students space to guide and express their views so that they do not
feel alienated or rejected by teachers. If they have done wrong, the teacher should correct them and not
blame them. With these strategies students will feel more confident about themselves and in the end we
can reach the goal.

The teacher as an assessor

A teacher can’t just teach a lesson and then move on. Teachers must master each student's development
and lesson objectives. Expert teachers are able to identify patterns in their students ’test results and then
plan their lessons to meet the needs of their students. The teacher draws a distinction between assessment
and evaluation. This refers to assessment tools and outcome measurements. Assessment uses those
assessments to find the value of a particular event. Teachers use assessments to determine where
children’s learning process is and which teaching process has worked. Teachers evaluate in different
ways. Assessments need to be authentic. In other words, the assessment must measure the stated goal and
be appropriate for the method employed. Traditional assessments include tests, quizzes, essays, reports
and likes. Some educators distinguish between traditional theoretical and alternative assessments.
Alternative assessment in some circles refers to something that is not a multiple choice test. Tests are the
most commonly used evaluation tools. Most experienced teachers use a variety of assessment tools.
Teachers should inform students of the types of assessment tools to use.

There has been a lot of talk about portfolios recently. Portfolios are great valuation tools when used
properly. They are also very demanding to teachers and students. It can take years to create an effective
portfolio rubric. There are many publications on portfolio usage. The teacher’s available ideas and
options need to be carefully researched before entering the portfolios. Some schools have demanded
portfolio evaluation. The guidelines are sometimes vague and confusing. Assessments need to be clear

3 Mousum Kabir, ID#180032204, Sociology of Education, TVE 4251 | IUT

and distinct. Reliable assessment is consistent when the same condition is repeated. The teacher should be
given the same test at the same time in the same way. As a result all variables are controlled. A variable
can be used to control all others during variation and then determine the effectiveness of the modified
item. Using different methods to present the text, the same assessment can be tested until nothing else has
changed. Tests created by book publishers are great for attendance but are rarely effective. Effective
teachers use these tests as source material for classroom exams. The assessment will make Malaysia’s
eligible citizen a philosophy of national education. Students will gain skills and competencies because
they want to be the best among the best. They will be able to perform the task effectively and efficiently
from the given test.

Physical educators

Physical educators are the ones who provide the most physical activity time in the classroom, teaching
skills and activities that transition from physical education to physical activity outside the classroom,
inspiring children to be physically active and taking on the role of physical activity manager for the
school. The physical education teacher has a unique responsibility in the school's physical activity
program to ensure that students are physically active within the physical education class. Physical
education teachers also have a responsibility to assist in direct and guide opportunities for physical
activity within the school outside of physical education classes. Physical education programs have a
responsibility to teach the skills that students need to participate in physical activity outside of physical
education classes and the skills they need for lifelong physical activity. Skills transferred to the skills used
in child play in physical education classes. Another role of physical educators is to encourage and
motivate children to be active. There are many ways to do this, including promoting community
activities, allocating physical activities to homework or homework, showing interest in and taking the
lead in participating in physical activities outside of class, for example

Physical activity is important and among the physical elements to make students aware of the importance
of good health it is mentioned in the philosophy of national education. It is also about developing
technical, tactical and social talents and skills. They get a chance to showcase their talents .. At present,
all schools believe in organizing sports events in the school to provide better opportunities to the students.
In this way students are encouraged to decide which sport is best for them. Sports days are also a big
entertainment event for school students and teachers. As a result, students can later use physical fitness
skills to the benefit of society. Sports activities will also complement the overall and integrated
development of the individual as students are academics and balanced in sports. Talent, potential and
ability are not developed individually; In contrast, they are interconnected and integrated so as not to
compete with each other. It contributes to intellectual, spiritual, sensory and physical growth and
development. In addition, it helps to develop individual potential. Every person is blessed with hidden
talents, potentials and abilities by the hidden God. These should be tapped, nurtured, improved and
augmented. Physical education can offer individual opportunities to develop his talents, possibilities and



4 Mousum Kabir, ID#180032204, Sociology of Education, TVE 4251 | IUT

Teachers know the needs of their students better than others involved in the curriculum process. State or
federal standards often provide insights into the materials, activities, and types of specific skills that a
teacher needs to include when determining the skills to be included in the curriculum. Multiple grade-
level teachers can help identify the skills students need at each level and ensure that the curriculum
promotes students to the next grade-level and meets standards.


Since teachers must use the curriculum, they must have input in creating it. You can gauge whether an
activity will fit a specific time frame and involve students. If multiple teachers use the curriculum, allow
them to provide as much input as possible at their creation stage. As teachers provide input they will gain
ownership of the final product and feel more confident that the curriculum was created with their
confidence and the needs of their specific students in mind.


Teachers must implement the curriculum in their own classrooms, sticking to the plan that has taken so
long, careful planning and effort. When a teacher fails to apply a strong curriculum properly, he or she
fails to meet the criteria or apply effective practices in the classroom. This does not mean that no teacher
can change a little. In fact, a robust curriculum is designed for a teacher to be flexible and to include a few
personalized elements or to choose from in a selection of activities.


Reflecting a curriculum allows teachers and others involved in the process to find any weaknesses in the
curriculum and try to make it better. Teachers reflect on the curriculum in multiple ways such as keeping
a journal while applying the curriculum, giving student surveys and reviewing results or evaluating data
and analyzing individual student performance. Reflection can not only improve a particular curriculum, it
can also lead to the creation of new curricula.

So Teachers are the most important for our society and education.

5 Mousum Kabir, ID#180032204, Sociology of Education, TVE 4251 | IUT

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