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Corona Time - Multiple Choice

1-Read the paragraph the answer the question that follows .

In England, almost 50% of school leavers go on to higher education. The figure has not always
been as high as this. Twenty years ago, it was closer to 30%, and thirty years before that, it was
only about 5%. Another huge change has been financial. Before 1998 CE, higher education in
the UK was completely free for UK citizens. Since then, tuition fees have been introduced.
Most students borrow this money from the government. They don't have to repay it
immediately. Instead, they pay it back slowly out of future earnings.

-The other change that happened in England on education was :

a) The figure has not always been as high as this.
b) They don't have to repay money immediately.
c) financial .
d) on future earnings.

2-Read the paragraph the answer the question that follows .

In Finland, however, students are usually given less than half an hour of homework per night .
They attend school for fewer and shorter days than 85% of other developed nations. Despite
this, they achieve top marks in subjects like Maths and Science. In addition, most students also
speak at least two, and often three, languages fluently.

- The sentence which shows that students in Finland are either bilingual or multilingual.
a) In addition, most students also speak at least two, and often three, languages fluently.
b) In Finland, however, students are usually given less than half an hour of homework per night.
c) Despite this, they achieve top marks in subjects like Maths and Science.
d) They attend school for fewer and shorter days than 85% of other developed nations.

3-Read the paragraph the answer the question that follows .

Where do these students live? Many have rooms in halls of residence, especially in their first
year; others rent flats or houses. A lucky minority live in property that their parents have bought
for them. Most of them need to learn to cook, do their own washing and manage their time and

- Not many students live in …

a) rooms in halls of residence . b) flats
c) houses d) property
Step by Step 1 Adli Jbarah 0788494202
4-Read the paragraph the answer the question that follows .
I have relatives in Jordan and they arranged for me to stay with a wonderful family who live
just outside Madaba. I was amazed by the number of international students there, who were not
only from Germany, but from all over the world. Most of them had studied Arabic to a high
level. I’m very familiar with colloquial Arabic, which is what my family speaks and
understands. The Arabic class, in Modern Standard Arabic, was challenging, especially the
- Anita is used to …………………..
a) standard Arabic b) colloquial Arabic
c) grammar d) wonderful family

5-Read the paragraph the answer the question that follows .

By a break, I mean any change of activity from studying. It could be something as simple as
just getting up from your desk and listening to some music, or walking around for ten minutes .
- The underlined pronoun It refers to ….
a) activity b) studying c) break d) change

6-Read the paragraph the answer the question that follows .

According to a study carried out by Pennsylvania State University, USA, multilingual people
are able to switch between two systems of speech, writing, and structure quite easily. It has
been proved that they are also able to switch easily between completely different tasks. One
experiment required participants to operate a driving simulator while carrying out separate tasks
at the same time. The experiment showed that multilingual participants were less distracted by
the other tasks and therefore made fewer driving errors.
- multilingual people can switch between two systems of …..
a) completely different tasks b) speech, writing, and structure
c) driving errors d) driving simulator

7-Read the paragraph the answer the question that follows .

The three universities with the most undergraduates are the University of Jordan in Amman,
Yarmouk University in Irbid and Al Balqa Applied University in Salt. These are all public
universities. An example of a newer university is the German-Jordanian University in Amman,
which was set up in 2005 CE. It is a collaboration between the MOHE and Germany’s Federal
Ministry of Education and Research, and it follows Germany’s model of education in Applied
- The university which is a collaboration between the MOHE and Germany’s Federal
Ministry of Education and Research is ……………
a) the German-Jordanian University b) Yarmouk University
c) Al Balqa Applied University d) the University of Jorda
Step by Step 2 Adli Jbarah 0788494202
8-Read the paragraph the answer the question that follows .
You will stay in one of our beautiful apartments. You’ll hear and speak English all day long.
You can either join a small group of other students of a similar level, or request a ‘tailor-made’
course. For example, you may require a course in academic English to prepare you for
undergraduate or postgraduate studies, or a vocational course to help you with your career.
Either way, you will live and work together as a family.

- To prepare for undergraduate or postgraduate studies, student ought to enroll into …..
a) tailor-made course b) academic course
c) vocational course d)beautiful apartments

9-Read the paragraph the answer the question that follows .

Yes! I wish I had researched Chinese culture before I visited the country. In order to be
successful in China, you need to earn their respect. Chinese business people will always ask
about a company’s successes in the past. However, because I worked for a new company, I
could not talk about its track record. We did not do any business deals on that first trip.’

-The phrase which means" your reputation based on the things you have done or not in
the past " is ………………………
a) company's success b) earn respect c) do deals d) track record

10-Read the paragraph the answer the question that follows .

Jordan has more free trade agreements than any other Arab country. It trades freely with many
countries, including the USA, Canada and Malaysia. Which other areas are important for
Jordan’s trade? Jordan first signed a trade agreement with the EU in 1997 CE. It signed a free
trade agreement with Egypt, Morocco and Tunisia in 2004 CE. In 2011 CE, another trade
agreement was made with the EU, Egypt, Morocco and Tunisia. Trade with the EU and North
Africa in particular is likely to grow.

- The first trade agreement was with …

a) the USA b) the EU c) Canada d) Morocco

11-Read the paragraph the answer the question that follows .

In the 1940s. technology had developed enough for inventors to make the first generation of
modern computers. One such model was so large it needed a room that was 167 square metres
to accommodate it in. During that decade, scientists in England developed the first computer
program. It took 25 minutes to complete one calculation. In 1958 CE, the computer chip was
- The underlined pronoun' it ' refers to …
a) decade b) room c) One such model d) the first computer program
Step by Step 3 Adli Jbarah 0788494202
12-Read the paragraph the answer the question that follows .
Many classrooms now use a whiteboard as a computer screen. As a consequence, teachers can
show websites on the board in front of the class. Teachers can then use the Internet to show
educational programmes, play educational games, music, recordings of languages and so on.
In some countries, tablet computers are available for students to use in class. Therefore,
students can use the tablets to do tasks such as showing photographs, researching information,
recording interviews and creating diagrams.

- Teachers can use the white board to do tasks such as ….

a) showing educational programmes b) showing photographs,
c) researching information d) creating diagrams

13- Showing photos means ………………..

a) showing people photos that you have b) watching photos that you have
c) sending photos that you have d) sharing photos that you have

14-Read the paragraph the answer the question that follows .

Many people are excited about the ‘Internet of Things’. For them, a dream is coming
true. They say that our lives will be easier and more comfortable. However, others are
not so sure. They want to keep control of their own lives and their own things. In
addition, they wonder what would happen if criminals managed to access their
passwords and security settings. The dream could easily become a nightmare!

- One of the below sentences is a reason for being excited about the Internet of thing ….
a) They say that our lives will be easier and more comfortable
b) They want to keep control of their own lives
c) they wonder what would happen if criminals managed to access their passwords and
security settings
d) They want to keep control of their own things

15-Read the paragraph the answer the question that follows .

At a surgery in London, 70 percent of patients who were offered the choice between a herbal or
a conventional medicine for common complaints such as insomnia, arthritis and migraines
chose the herbal remedy. Fifty percent of patients then said that the treatment helped.
One doctor said, "I now consider homoeopathy to be a viable option for many different
conditions, including anxiety, depression and certain allergies. It provides another option when
conventional medicine does not address the problem adequately."

- Herbal remedy was chosen to treat ………

a) anxiety b) insomnia c) allergies d) depression
Step by Step 4 Adli Jbarah 0788494202
16-Read the paragraph the answer the question that follows .
The researchers, while agreeing, raise the question: why are people making bad lifestyle
decisions? Do more optimistic people make better and healthier lifestyle choices? The
researchers appreciate that not everyone’s personal circumstances and environment make it
possible to live without worry. However, they believe that if we teach children to develop
positive thinking, and to ‘bounce back’ after a setback, these qualities will improve their overall
health in the future.
- According to the researchers, the factors that improve the health of children are ……
a) bad lifestyle decisions
b) personal circumstances and environment
c) better and healthier lifestyle choices
d) developing positive thinking, and to ‘bounce back’ after a setback
17-Read the paragraph the answer the question that follows .
The low infant mortality rate, as well as the excellent healthcare system, have been contributing
factors to Jordan’s healthy population growth, which will result in a strong work force with
economic benefits for the whole country.
- Jordan’s healthy population growth leads to …………………….
a) the excellent healthcare system
b) a strong work force with economic benefits
c) excellent healthcare system
d) the low infant mortality rate

18-Read the paragraph the answer the question that follows .

Experts recommend a mixture of activities. These should include moderate exercise , such as
fast walking , and more strenuous exercise , like running . They also advise exercise that
strengthens the muscles , for example sit-ups . The more muscle we build , the more calories
we burn , and the fitter we become . In addition , exercise is a great way to cope with stress .
In recent study , patients who had been suffering from depression reported a great
improvement after increased physical activity .
- The activity that strengthen the muscles is …….
a) running b) sit-ups c) more muscle d) fast walking

19-Read the paragraph the answer the question that follows .

Adeeb is going to visit the USA, France, the UK, Ireland, Belgium, Italy and Germany, where
he will be staying with relatives. However, while he is in Germany, Adeeb will not be spending
all his time sightseeing. He will be working with a specialist doctor to build the appendage. He
will also be attending a course on prosthetics and learning about different kinds of medical
- The country , where Adeeb will be staying with relatives is....
a) France b) Ireland c) Germany d) Belgium
Step by Step 5 Adli Jbarah 0788494202
20-Read the paragraph the answer the question that follows .
Scientists have already developed brain implants that improve vision or allow disabled people
to use their thoughts in order to control prosthetic limbs like arms, legs or hands, or operate a
wheelchair. In 2012 CE, research on monkeys showed that a brain implant improved their
decision- making abilities. How will humans benefit from this research? Scientists hope to
develop a similar device to help people who have been affected by brain damage, which could
be caused by dementia , a stroke or other brain injuries.
- Brain implants lead to .....................
a) allowing disabled people to use their thoughts b) developing a similar device
c) dementia or stroke d) a stroke or other brain injuries.

21-Read the paragraph the answer the question that follows .

By then, they will have added 182 extra beds, along with bigger units for different departments,
including radiotherapy. New adult and paediatric wards will have opened. Additionally, they
will have built a special ten-floor outpatients’ building, with an education centre which will
include teaching rooms and a library.
- The education centre ,which is in the outpatients’ building , will contain ........
a) 182 extra beds b) radiotherapy
c) adult and paediatric wards d) teaching rooms and a library.

22-Read the paragraph the answer the question that follows .

The new hand, which was developed by Swiss and Italian scientists, was a huge
improvement. With it, Sorensen could not only pick up and manipulate objects, but he
could also feel them. ‘When I held an object, I could feel if it was soft or hard, round or
square,’ he explained. He said that the sensations were almost the same as the ones he felt
with his other hand.
- The underlined word' ones' refers to …
a) sensations b) objects c) Italian scientists d) Swiss scientists

23-Read the paragraph the answer the question that follows .

Electric , driverless cars will operate as public transport vehicles, and the city will be connected
to other locations by a network of roads and railways. Energy will be provided by solar power
and wind farms, and there also plans to build the world's largest hydrogen plant. A desalination
plant will be used to provide the city's water, with 80% of water used being recycled .
Biological waste will be used as an energy source too, and industrial waste will be recycled.

- The two materials which will be recycled are …………..

a) Biological waste and water b) Biological and industrial waste
c) Water and electric d) Water and industrial waste

Step by Step 6 Adli Jbarah 0788494202

24 -Read the paragraph the answer the question that follows .
One of the many things which Ibn Bassal achieved was A Book of Agriculture. The
book consisted of sixteen chapters which explain how best to grow tree fruit and
vegetables, as well as herbs and sweet-smelling flowers; perhaps the most famous
chapter of all was the one that described how to treat different types of soil. Ibn Bassal
also worked out how to irrigate the land by finding underground water and digging
wells. He designed water pumps and irrigation systems. All of these things were
passed on through his writing.
- The chapter which considered the famous one is ……………………….
a) how best to grow tree fruit and vegetables
b) how best to grow herbs
c) how to treat different types of soil
d) how best to grow sweet-smelling flowers
25- The underlined word which refers to …
a) many things b) The book c) sixteen chapters d) Ibn Bassal

1- c 2- a 3- d 4- b 5- c 6- b 7- a 8- b 9- d
10- b 11- d 12- a 13- a 14- a 15- b 16- d 17- b 18- b
19- c 20- a 21- d 22- a 23- d 24- c 25- c

26- Sami started working at 8 a.m this morning and he's still working .
a) He has been working at 8 a.m
b) He has worked since 8 a.m .
c) He have been working since 8 a.m .
d) He has been working since 8 a.m .
27-The engineers met in the company then they went to the project site .
a) After the engineers met in the company , they had gone to the project site .
b)The engineers went to the project site after they had met in the company .
c) Before the engineers met in the company ,they had gone to the project site .
d)The engineers went to the project site before they had met in the company .
28-The journalists asked the prime minister a lot of different questions .
a) The prime minister was asked a lot of different questions .
b) The prime minister is asked a lot of different questions .
c) The prime minister has been asked a lot of different questions .
d) The prime minister were asked a lot of different questions .
29- The government has recently built two new vocational schools .
a) Two new vocational schools has recently been built .
b) Two new vocational schools had recently been built .
c) Two new vocational schools were recently been built .
d) Two new vocational schools have recently been built .
Step by Step 7 Adli Jbarah 0788494202
30- You're not allowed to park here .
a) You mustn't park here .
b) You might park here
c) You don’t have to park here
d)You shouldn't park here .
31- It is normal for the workers to take two short breaks daily .
a) The workers is used to taking two short breaks daily .
b) The workers are used to taking two short breaks daily .
c) The workers is used to take two short breaks daily .
d) The workers are used to take two short breaks daily .
32-I have some questions for you , Muna .
a) Nour told Muna that she had some questions for here .
b) Nour told Muna that she has some questions for here .
c) Nour told Muna that she had some questions for him .
d) Nour told Muna that she has some questions for him .
33- I really enjoyed the book that I finished this morning .
a) Tareq said that he had really enjoyed the book that he bought that morning .
b) Tareq said that he had really enjoyed the book that he had bought that morning .
c) Tareq said that he really enjoyed the book that he had bought that morning .
d) Tareq said that he had really enjoyed the book that he had bought this morning .
34- Ramzi is very good with numbers and calculation .
a) The person who is very good with numbers and calculation was Ramzi .
b) The person which is very good with numbers and calculation is Ramzi .
c) The person who is very good with numbers and calculation is Ramzi .
d) The person who is very good with numbers and calculation was Ramzi .
35- Mariam, supervised the building of the Andalus Masjed .
a)The thing that Mariam, supervised is the building of the Andalus Masjed.
b)The thing that Mariam, supervised was the building of the Andalus Masjed .
c)The thing that supervised the building of the Andalus Masjed is Mariam .
d)The thing that supervised the building of the Andalus Masjed was Mariam .
36- Ali ibn Nafi' was born in 789CE in Baghdad .
a) It was in 789CE that Ali ibn Nafi' was born in Baghdad .
b) It was in Baghdad that Ali ibn Nafi' was born in 789CE .
c) It was Ali ibn Nafi' who was born in 789CE in Baghdad .
d) It was Ali ibn Nafi' which was born in 789CE in Baghdad .
37- I asked someone to redecorate my office .
a) I have my office redecorated.
b) I had redecorated my office .
c) I has my office redecorated .
d) I had my office redecorated .
Step by Step 8 Adli Jbarah 0788494202
38- I think you should practice much exercise .
a) If I was you , I would practice much exercise .
b) If I were you , I wouldn't practice much exercise .
c) If I were you , I would practice much exercise .
d) If I was you , I wouldn't practice much exercise .
39- Heat the ice to make it melt .
a) If you heat the ice, it melts .
b) If you heat the ice, it melt .
c) If you heats the ice, it melts .
d) If you heats the ice ,it melt .
40- Surfing the Net isn't as interesting as reading news paper .
a) Surfing the Net is less interesting as reading newspaper .
b) Surfing the Net is less interesting than reading newspaper .
c) Reading newspaper is more interesting as surfing the Net .
d) Reading newspaper isn't as interesting as surfing the Net .
41- Jordan has more free trade agreements than any other Arab country.
a) Any other Arab country doesn't have as much free trade agreements as Jordan .
b) Any other Arab country has more free trade agreements than Jordan .
c) Any other Arab country has many free trade agreements than Jordan .
d) Any other Arab country doesn't have as many free trade agreements as Jordan .
42-Where did you travel last year ?
a) Do you mind telling me where did you travel last year ?
b) Do you mind telling me where you travel last year ?
c) Do you mind telling me where you travelled last year ?
d) Do you mind telling me where you travels last year ?
43-Does the multilingual person practice different languages regularly ?
a) Could you tell me if the multilingual person practices different languages regularly ?
b) Could you tell me if the multilingual person practice different languages regularly ?
c) Could you tell me if the multilingual person practiced different languages regularly ?
d) Could you tell me if the multilingual person practices different languages regularly .
44- Could you explain the best way to revise ?
a) I wonder if you could explain the best way to revised ?
b) I wonder if you could explain the best way to revise ?
c) I wonder if you could explain the best way to revises .
d) I wonder if you could explain the best way to revise .
45-Scintests have proved that walking for an hour a day is beneficial .
a) It is proved that walking for an hour a day is beneficial .
b) It has been proved that walking for an hour a day is beneficial .
c) It have been proved that walking for an hour a day is beneficial .
d) It was proved that walking for an hour a day is beneficial .
Step by Step 9 Adli Jbarah 0788494202
46- The rescue services reported that the fire has started at midnight .
a) The fire was reported to has start at midnight .
b) The fire were reported to has started at midnight.
c) The fire were reported to have started at midnight .
d) The fire was reported to have started at midnight .
47- Drinking water, it is said , keeps the body healthy .
a) Health experts said that drinking water keeps the body healthy .
b) Health experts have said that drinking water keeps the body healthy .
c) Health experts say that drinking water keeps the body healthy .
d) Health experts says that drinking water keeps the body healthy .
48-It's a pity that some people threw rubbish on the roads .
a) I wish they had thrown rubbish on the roads .
b) I wish they hadn't thrown rubbish on the roads .
c) I wish they threw rubbish on the roads .
d) I wish they didn't throw rubbish on the roads .
49- I'm thirsty . I didn't bring a bottle of water .
a) If only I had brought a bottle of water .
b) If only I hadn't brought a bottle of water .
c) If only I brought a bottle of water .
d) If only I didn't bring a bottle of water .
50-The driver regrets driving fast .
a) He wishes he had driven fast .
b) He wishes he hadn't driven slowly .
c) He wishes he had driven slowly .
d) He wishes he didn't drive fast .
51- You should have kept practicing sport .
a) I wish you hadn't kept practicing sport .
b) I wish you didn't keep practicing sport .
c) I wish you kept practicing sport .
d) I wish you had kept practicing sport .
52-I couldn't understand anything.
a) If only I didn't study Chinese !
b) ) If only I had studied Chinese !
c) ) If only I studied Chinese !
d) ) If only I hadn’t studied Chinese !
53- The meeting wasn't successful .
a) I wish it had been successful .
b) I wish it hadn’t been successful .
c) I wish it was successful .
d) I wish it were successful .
Step by Step 10 Adli Jbarah 0788494202
54-Rama doesn't help her mother in the kitchen .
a) If only she helped her mother in the kitchen .
b) If only she helps her mother in the kitchen .
c) If only she had helped her mother in the kitchen .
d) If only she is helping her mother in the kitchen .
26 - d 27- b 28- a 29- d 30- a 31- b 32- a 33- b 34- c 35- b
36- b 37- d 38- c 39- a 40- b 41- d 42- c 43- a 44- d 45- b
46- d 47- c 48- b 49- a 50- c 51- d 52- b 53- a 54- a
Writing and Editing
55- The following paragraph represents …. : ‫هذه الفقرة تمثل‬
The aim of this report is to provide information concerning participation in
the arts in London, England. It will include factors which discourage
people from taking part, and suggest ways to increase participation.
‫خاتمة‬ ‫مقدمة‬ ‫عوامل‬ ‫وضع حالي‬
a) conclusion b) introduction c) factors d) current situation

56- The following paragraph represents …..

It is important to focus on those who currently do not participate in the
arts at all by
• arranging a subsidised program for those who want to study music
or dance but do not have enough money
• publicising and presenting cheaper theatre performances
• further research into reasons why people do not enjoy the arts.
a) conclusion b) introduction c) factors d) current situation

57- The following paragraph represents …..

In conclusion, it might be a good idea to get funding to make some arts
activities a lot cheaper to do. This would increase participation from those
who already take part, as well as make the activities more attractive for the
people who do not participate at the moment.

a) conclusion b) introduction c) factors d) current situation

58- The following paragraph represents …..
This report examines the free-time activities that [your town] has to offer.
[include details of the town such as population, size, geographical location; list
main types of entertainment that can be found, such as sport, music and the
arts, public services, shopping]

a) conclusion b) introduction c) factors d) current situation

Step by Step 11 Adli Jbarah 0788494202
59- The following paragraph represents ……
Finally, modes of transport are always changing, depending on many different
factors, but one thing is certain; we will still be travelling the whole world! We
might even be able to experience weightlessness by travelling to space!

a) conclusion b) introduction c) factors d) current situation

60- The following paragraph represents ……

The article discusses Masdar City, which is an example of a ‘megaproject’. A
megaproject is a large-scale investment project designed to stimulate the economy
and benefit the population.

a) conclusion b) introduction c) factors d) current situation

61- The following paragraph represents ……

Do you know what you're going to study at university? I’ve come up with
some ideas but I really need your help! Do get in touch if you have any stories
or advice that you think might help me to make this life- changing choice.

a) an introduction for a letter b) an introduction for an essay

c) an introduction for a blog d) an introduction for a report

62- The following paragraph represents ….

Dear Mr Hammad,

I am writing in view of the recent news that instruction in all modern

languages at our school will be cancelled as of next year. A large
proportion of the student body is extremely upset at this.
a) an introduction for a letter b) an introduction for an essay
c) an introduction for a blog d) an introduction for a report

63- The following paragraph represents ….

Charles Hotel, Paris
I recently stayed at this hotel for a few nights during a conference, and it did not ……..

a) an introduction for a letter b) an introduction for an essay

c) an introduction for review of a hotel d) an introduction for a report

Step by Step 12 Adli Jbarah 0788494202

64- One of the following words is written correctly .
‫إحدى الكلمات التالية صحيحة إمالئيا‬
a) polimath b) polemath c) bolymath d) polymath

{ Functions ‫} يجب التركيز على صناديق الوظائف اللغوية‬

65- ………the recent advances in technology, it is still unreliable and very inconvenient.
a) However b) Therefore c) Despite d) But

66- Therefore, people can communicate more quickly and conveniently.

- The above sentence indicates ………….
a) consequence or result b) opposition c) recommendation d) simile

67- However ___while he is in Germany, Adeeb will not be spending all his time
a) , b) . c) ? d) :

68- Music is not as important as Maths ____but it is compulsory .

a) , b) . c) ? d) :

69- If you __a degree in Medicine or Law, you will find that your job prospects are good .
a) do b) did c) does d) done

70- language proficiency is important for anyone who wants to study abroad ___Remember, it’s
never too late to study or change career direction.
a) , b) . c) ? d) :

71- ………………..plants are becoming more important nowadays .

a) disalination b) desalenation c) desalinetion d) desalination

72-Jordan is rich in potash and phosphate, and the…………….industry for these minerals
are one of the largest in the world .
a) extraction b) extraktion c) extriction d) ekstraction

73- ………………., technology makes communication more convenient .

a) However b) In this way c) Because d) Despite

74- Jordan makes healthcare a top …………….for all.

a) proierty b) priority c) briority d) preority

Step by Step 13 Adli Jbarah 0788494202

75- The sentence which shows '' reporting information '' is…
a) The aim of this report is to examine the best ways to revise before the exams .
b) However, frequent breaks is important .
c) In conclusion, studying early in the morning is beneficial .
d) Finally , practicing sports keeps memory fresh .
76- For higher education, students enter university___ either academic or vocational
courses .
a) , b) . c) ! d) :
77- Nutrition is very important ____You should try to eat fresh fruit as much as you can .
a) , b) . c) ! d) :
78- Malek started typing at 8 a.m this morning and he's still typing .
a) He has been typing at 8 a.m .
b) He has been typed since 8 a.m .
c) He have been typing since 8 a.m .
d) He has been typing since 8 a.m .
79- I intend to study Chemist tomorrow .
a) I plan to study Chemist tomorrow .
b) I'm planning to study Chemist tomorrow .
c) I'm going to study Chemist tomorrow .
d) I planned to study Chemist tomorrow .
80-- I asked someone to fix my lap top.
a) I have my lap top fixes .
b) I has my lap top fixed .
c) I had my lap top fixed .
d) I had my lap top fixes .
‫( احتمال أن يأتي فقرة من قطعة ويطلب عنوان مناسب لها ضمن خيارات فيفضل أن نركز على الفقرات التي فيها‬
) ‫عناوين وربط معنى العنوان بفكرة الفقرة‬
81- The best title / heading / sub heading for the following paragraph is ……….
Everyone knows that the Internet connects people, but now it does more than that – it connects
objects, too. These day computers often communicate with each other; for example, your TV
automatically downloads your favourite TV show.
a) A frightening future b) A difficult life
c) An easy life d) What is the ‘Internet of Things’?

82- The best title / heading / sub heading for the following paragraph is ……….
As a result of careful planning, the number of healthcare services has been increasing rapidly
over the past years. More than 800 different kinds of healthcare centres have been built, as
well as 188 dental clinics. In 2012 CE, 98 percent of Jordanian children were fully
a) Hospitals b) Life expectancy c) Healthcare d) Healthy population growth
Step by Step 14 Adli Jbarah 0788494202
83- The best title / heading / sub-heading for the following paragraph is ……….
Some people just come for a week, and they are usually amazed by how much progress they make in
such a short time. Others come for two, three, even four weeks. It’s up to you. You can be sure of
one thing – we’ll do our very best to give you a first-class experience and send you home thinking and
dreaming in English!
a) How long are the courses? b) How much does it cost?
c) What will I be doing? d) What exactly do you mean

84- Read the paragraph and complete it with the missing sentences .
‫هذا مثال على تكملة الفقرة بالجملة المناسبة‬
Of course this raises a question: how can I manage to fit in all this extra exercise ? The best
way is to build it into our daily lives so that it becomes a routine . … …………………….You
could get off the bus one stop earlier than usual

a) School children are less physically active than they used to be .

b) Another big factor is lack of exercise .
c) They also advise exercise that strengthens the muscles , for example sit-ups .
d) It doesn't have to take much extra time .

85- Read the paragraph and complete it with the missing sentences .

Now let’s look at imports. Unlike some other countries in the Middle East, Jordan does not
have large oil or gas reserves. For that reason,……………………………………… . Its other
main imports are cars, medicines and wheat.

a) This was followed by the EU, with 17.6% of its imports

b) Jordan has to import oil and gas for its energy needs
c) Jordan has more free trade agreements than any other Arab country
d) Most of Jordan’s exports go to Iraq, the USA, India and Saudi Arabia.

55-b 56- a 57- a 58- b 59- a 60- b 61- c 62- a

63- c 64- d 65- c 66- a 67- a 68- a 69- a 70- b
71- d 72- a 73- b 74- b 75- a 76- a 77- b 78- d
79- b 80- c 81- d 82- c 83- a 84- d 85- b
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Step by Step 15 Adli Jbarah 0788494202

Step by Step 16 Adli Jbarah 0788494202

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