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Inner Planets 

Outer/External influence of the Environment 
Inherited conditions  
URANUS​ (nervous system as a whole). How is it moving and flowing? Here and there and there.  
- Torus field 
- Aura 
- Electromagnetic field  
Unconscious → Conscious 
Revolution. Place where new forms and ideas challenge what we already know and understand. From 
here we derive inspiration for the new  
Hershel is struck by lightning when he finds Uranus  
God of the Sky 
Necessary knowledge 
Sudden shifts 
Erratic liberation  
Independence and freedom from past habits  
Disrupter and change re: ideas  
Changes not only must happen, but will happen  
Needs to happen in the present 
Our ideas about X (material, our values, resources) must shift - Uranus in Taurus 
- challenges to structures and roots are being exposed  
- Lymphatic system 
- Flow 
- Everywhere  
- Head: cloudiness in thinking  
- Consuming 
- Unconscious 
- Does have boundaries depending on what we’re talking about 
- Loss, Fog 
- Dissolves 
- dolphin 
- isolation 
linked to idea and idealization  
what things could be  
Formless, dreamy planet  
- thought up before discovered  
thin veil bt reality and dreams  
nightmare or dream come true 
create necessary space for something new to emerge  
- Endocrine system (small but big impact) 
- Kundalini 
- Small glands 
- Makes small things big and big things small  
- One thing affects everything  
- Unconscious desire 
- EA: where we begin  
Dual planet  
Moon is same size as pluto  
Twin desires 
- to be individual and fully understand self 
- become one with everything around you  
Hades = Hell 
Psychological turmoil 
Decomposition and regeneration 
Healing crisis 
Has a physical heart on it  
Genes, past life 
- “epigenetic memories linger for 14 generations” 
Eliminate and create  
The erotic as power  
- Confront feelings and compulsions 
Early developmental issues 
Inherited conditions (of family and the world) 
Prenatal conditions 
Everything intense 
Potential to get to root of things  
Letting go  
Fear of Death, relationship to Death and Grief  
Sex and sexuality 
Abandonment issues 
Martyrdom (?) 
Feelings of being out of control  
Essentially alone  
Self annihilation  
Compulsive behavior 
Stuffs or starves 
Not sit alone in shame  
Be vulnerable and share with others  
Resentment and pettiness  
Relationship to power 
- Capacity to be successful, influence many people, create something with meaningful impact 
Power struggles (within society, our body, with our desires and needs) 
Survival mechanisms 
Impulse to fight or flight  
Lizard brain  
Difficulty determining genuine threat 
Issues get stuck inside of us and we start to feel justified 
- Need to get present, grounded and checking in with what's actually happening 
Capacity to heal  
Mediumship, raw psychic intuition 
Where we have capacity to create meaningful transformation and transmutation 
Capacity for change on a deep, heartfelt level  
Pluto transit:  
Wrecking havoc 
Destroys foundation, rebuild again  
Let go  
Comes with consequences 
Transformative, scary and intense 
Acts of cruelty 
Are you abandoning, punishing, martyring yourself? 
Make us feel like we don’t have a choice  
- All or nothing  
Out of our control 
Desperate, reactive 
Sit in dark 
Don’t make things more complicated than they need to be/they already are 
Lasts 2 years  
Near-living testimony and print about  
Intense debates and plethora of meaning  
Heart: most important discovery  
Discovery came from perceived irregularities in Neptune’s orbit, same way Neptune was found  
Search for Pluto came out of misperception of Neptune’s nature 
Hypothetical planet 
Glyph for Uranus preserves H in Herschel  
Ceres once an asteroid is now a dwarf planet like Pluto, discovered before Pluto  
- Bigger, but named after a goddess not given same credence and worth as Pluto  
Asteroids discovered after Neptune but before Pluto 
After Uranus discovered, Astrologers confused 
- Why do we have traditional rulerships? What is the rationale behind that? 
- Uranus and Neptune given rulership  
- Rise of hypothetical points (Irani and British astrology) 
- theosophy: religion and philosophy, spiritual 
- spiritual evolution  
- Darwinism, applying to the soul  
- belief that we’d eventually find 12 houses, each for 1 houses  
Uranus broke up the traditional rulership system  
→ breaks down symmetries 
Indian tradition 
Still call Uranus Herschel  
The thought of Uranus and Neptune as rulers doesnt enter mind 
Consistent model 
- Didn’t have break up like in Western astrology  
Thema Mundi  
Balance between the masculine and the feminine 
Mythical birth chart for the Cosmos  
Starting point for traditional rulership scheme 
Uranus → Aquarius 
Neptune → Pisces 
When you get to Pluto, this whole thing breaks down  
- Why Pluto rules Scorpio or Aries  
Symmetry between each planet ruling one assertive and one receptive sign, gets lost with introduction 
of Outer planets  
Others might say we might need to unbind ourselves from traditional thinking 
Why not expand the houses and the horoscope to accommodate these other planets? 
Is society evolving and changing? Is that true? 
- Spiritual Darwinism  
Justification: Life is so radically different now. Society changes and Astrology should change 
Counter: Fundamentals of life still the same  
Argument: Outer planets have to find their way into your chart by connecting to the traditional planets  
Argument: Light you can see ends with Saturn  
Ancient: That which you can see matters (empirical). Fact that a body is hidden imbues it with symbolic 
Argument: Transpersonal planets - going beyond dimensions of ourselves. Beyond what we can see. 
Maybe only relevant if closely configured to a visible planet. Matter wherever they’re placed 
Argument: Outer planet don't always manifest.  
How do we account for different peoples’ accounts re: the effects of outer and inner planets? (modern 
vs. traditional astrologers) 
- More confusion about Pluto than Uranus and Neptune  
People have very different conceptions of the effects of the outer planets  
Word Transformation overused and too vague. Whole chart is about transformation. What they really 
mean is crisis that incites transformation. Not all crises are bad. Some mean opportunity, growth, etc  
- Using euphemisms to not freak out clients  
Pluto, “butterfly planet” 
1930’s to mid 1970s: phase where Astrologers were very ambiguous  
Argument: In some charts, Pluto has no effect. Pluto might only resonate for those spiritually 
Robert Hand “Planets in Transit” (1976) 
- Accessible to the beginner astrology 
- Written with psychological background 
- Second-generation astrologer 
- Not afraid to change his ideas  
- Consulting astrologer over decades  
- He thinks more deeply about topics than other people do, yet makes that accessible  
- integrated his book into their delineations  
- Book is also notable for narrowing planet significations in the mid 70’s 
Takes us back to “What is a planet in astrology?” 
- Astrologers not involved in Pluto’s demotion  
Argument: Timing of Pluto timely w/ astrological significance 
- Counterpoint: Significance not applied to Pluto’s demotion 
- Will children born after 2006 experience a different kind of Pluto because the culture has 
changed the signification of Pluto? 
Different approaches: historical, mythology, empirical/looking at charts  
Richard Tarnas Pluto  
~ 44:40 John Varley seeing Uranus transit in his chart and his house catches on fire 
- Amazed to confirm empirically the signification of this outer planet  
Neptune went through multiple iterations of near-discovery  
Significations more haphazard, from different quality researchers, some foregrounding different methods   
- Uranus castrated and overthrown by his son, Saturn. His testicles are thrown into the sea, and 
Venus is borne from his sperm 
- Confirmation bias  
Pluto is so much slower than the other planets, have to sift through far more events than Uranus and 
Fierce debate re: placing Neptune  
Alan Leo 
- The astrological alphabet  
- Aries = Mars = 1H, Pluto = Scorpio = 8H 
- Pluto/Scorpio/8H death, sex, regeneration 
- Pluto rulership of Aries disappears 
Demetra George 
Stephen Arroyo “Astrology, Karma and Transformation” 
Mid 1970’s - Pluto in Leo Generation  
- More standardization, more specific 
Pluto is centered 
- Evolutionary Astrology 
- Jeffrey Wolf Green 
- Chris Brennan: “the fetishization of Pluto” 
Tradition of the Nodes  
Chiron discovered in 1977 
All perceptions valid or true -- Why? 
- Spiritual Darwinism more embraced over time  
- Development of outer planets → refinement and Martin Shulman and Dane Rudger (nodes) → 
maturation in 1970s and ‘80s 
- People believed we can talk about heightened and lower consciousness in what seems evident 
- Now under critique 
Are we creating our own reality w/ our adherence to perceptions of reality? 
Push to include non-Western mythology in planet signification  
Outer planet significations are more broad because they don’t adhere to traditional rules -- rulership, 
dignities, sect → might be why they're called transpersonal (collective, internally psychological). Not 
Pluto and consumerism  
Power struggles, situations where your power is strongly challenged and have to deal with it, uncovering 
of the hidden, how we go into depths   
Pluto glyph: cross of manifestation, crescent of soul, circle of spirit 
- Parallel to Venus  
- Depth/strength of desire, obsession  
- Hades 
- Desire, love, the Heart - Persephone, Orpheus 
- Pluto has a heart  
- Experience depth of heart  
- Consumerism: what we want, get it faster or more  
US Culture 
- Affecting the world 
Zeus (Jupiter) not modernly associated with Desire 
Some outer planets associated w/ inner planets, analysed using different systems  
Mercury - Uranus 
Mars - Pluto 
Venus - Neptune  
keyword analysis → better matches → Uranus and Mars, Pluto and Mercury  
Mercury used to be planet known for transformation  
Many significations previously associated with Saturn now assigned to Pluto  
Neptune took on Moon significations  
Moon and the nodes  
20th century: downplay of houses, increase in aspects between planets, not paying attention to houses, 
dignities, or rulerships → outer planets take on more significations  
Overlap between inner and outer planets, and inner and inner planets 
Saturn returns and sect on  
Modern take: Outer planet can manifest without inner planet  
Some say look at outer planets like fixed stars 
Outer planets as an additive to the inner planets  
- Can work with profections  
Uranus and Neptune significations more empirically derived vs. Pluto with mythology 
Could be divine synchronicity -- planets named by astronomers in a way that the cosmos intended 
Pluto: Place for us to put our shadow, darkness, physiological experience of fear, mirror to ourselves  
- Has Pluto become a receptacle of all of our negative mental goings on? 
(Converse tertiary) 
Pluto becomes a golem; can we make it something else? 
Theory: Us naming a planet collectively affects its significations, ex. Pluto and ass/n with Death  
Makes small things big, big things small  
Atom bomb, nuclear fusion  
Sam Reynolds: 
The quality of light. Light can illuminate, but it can also blind you. It depends on how you expose 
yourself to that light. 
- Association with truth and reality 

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