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Benvolgudes famílies,

Amb l’objectiu que els vostres fills i filles puguin seguir treballant a casa els continguts
de “The Show Must Go On”, compartim amb vosaltres diversos documents que inclouen
uns sèrie d’activitats que, segons considerem, ajudaran a que mantinguin el contacte
amb el curs. Les activitats estan explicades segons els passos que han de seguir per
realitzar-les. A més, al final del document, hem inclòs les respostes als exercicis, per
que ells mateixos puguin corregir els errors que hagin pogut cometre.

Consells generals:

- Animar el vostre fill o filla a fer les activitats que proposem.

- Tots els exercicis del llibre, així com les fotocòpies adjuntes per a cada setmana,
es corregiran a classe amb els seus professors i professores habituals un cop
torni l’activitat al centre.
- Les activitats proposades en aquest document serviran a l’alumnat com a repàs
i preparació per l’examen del segon trimestre.
- També recomanem que l’alumnat jugui amb l’aplicació Tuned In per Teens 2.
Dear Student,

This document provides you with some exercises that you can do at home this week, so
that you are well prepared for the upcoming exam. The last page includes the correct
answers and solutions for the different questions and exercises. You should always try
to get to an answer by yourself before you look it up in the answer key.

Day 1

Warm-Up Activity

We will give you the beginning of a sentence and you have to continue it using an
infinitive after the verb. For example, if it says, “Whenever I see a police officer, I
want…”-> You can say, “I want to say thank you for their job.”

Now it is your turn! These are the sentences. (Read it aloud if you want to, it will help
you practise the pronunciation.)

- I would promise.........................................if you gave me the answers to the next exam.

- Most kids ask........................................ for the weekend but their parents often say no.
- If I were faced with the choice of eating human flesh or jumping in a lake full of pooh,
I would choose………………………………………………………………
- If somebody were hurting a member of my family, I wouldn’t hesitate………………………..
- If somebody wanted to disappear and was willing to pay a great deal of money in
order to change identities with another person, I would pretend…………………………….. for
€1 million.

Vocabulary PP.124 + 125

Open your book on pages 124 and 125. First, check if you have done exercises A and C; if
not, this is a good moment to complete them and catch up!

- If you haven’t got ex. A and C:

o Ex. A: Have a look at the phrasal verbs inside the box and complete the
sentences below it.
o Ex C: You are going to think now about words ending with -mate, for
example roommate. These words belong to the same group. In Ex.C, we
want you to think and write some words you can think of ending with -
mate and some beginning or ending with night- / -night.
- If you have done ex A and C, you can continue completing ex.B and D:
o Ex. B: Here you see a table you have to complete with different words
that belong to the same group. For example, treat is a verb; can you think
of a word starting with treat that can be in the same group as treat?
Exactly! Treatment is a noun and belongs to the same group as treat.
Now it’s time for you to complete the table.
o Now let’s think about sleep, fall asleep and go to bed. Can you see the
difference between the three of them? Now complete the sentences
using the three verbs.
o Ex. D.: Before you do ex.D I would like you to think about the following

 What is the treatment for a bee sting? A common home remedy is

to put mud on it.
 What could happen if a sore throat is untreated? It could become
 Whose appearance in your hometown would start a riot?
 What is apparent about your best friend/English teacher/parent?
 Where do you see yourself in the distant future?
 Have you ever cut yourself so badly that you wouldn’t stop
bleeding? What happened?
o In ex.D, you have some actions, read them and think about what they
mean. Oh, we almost forgot! To plant evidence means to place criminal
evidence to make a person seem guilty.

Reading PP.131-132 and exercise 113

We thought that it would be a good idea to do a reading, but before you listen to track
13, open your book in page 132 and look at the “Reading Comprehension” questions.
Read them and think about what you have to answer in each of them. You should only
take notes, don’t write complete sentences, ok?

Have you read all the questions? Well, then you can listen to track 13 twice and answer
the questions. Once you have listened to the track, check your answers with the written
text in pages 131 and 132.

If you prefer it, you can read the text in pages 131 and 132 and answer the questions of
ex.113 instead of listening to the track.

Vocabulary PP.132-133, Exercise 114 A+B

o Ex.114 A: Look at exercise 114. All you have to do here is to match the
words that go together. Shall we do the first one together? So,
incriminating matches with… evidence! Incriminating evidence, well done!
Now, complete the rest of the exercise on your own.
o Ex.114 B: Write the words you formed in ex.114 A next to their meanings.

Online Homework

We recommend you to complete online homework 20.

Day 2


Once we come back to class, you will have to sit Test 2, so we thought it would be a
good idea if you practised the writing task.
- First of all, let’s try to remember the format of the following types of writing.
Complete the following table with your ideas. (Remember that they don’t have
the same characteristics.)

Letters Articles Stories Reviews

Now, your task is to write a short summary of the story using one of the writing styles: a
letter, an article, a story or a review.

Day 1

Page 124 Ex A:
1. raced over / 2. passed out or blacked out / 3. worked out / 4. blacked out or passed out / 5. run out of
(sentences will vary)

Page 124 Ex.B

Noun Verb Adjective Adverb

treatment to treat treated/
appearance/ to appear/ apparent apparently
disappearance to disappear
distance to distance distant distantly
blood to bleed Bloody/

1. going to bed, 2. fell asleep, 3. sleep.

Page 124 Ex C (Suggested, answers may vary)

MATE: classmate, room–mate, workmate, flatmate

NIGHT: nightmare, fortnight, midnight,

Pages 131-132 Ex 113

1. the library, Charlotte’s bedroom, St Andrew’s block of flats, the street

2. a bit of rubber caught in the rope
3. the name of somebody who had taken out books related to the crime.
4. the police officer
5. Jane Doe – In English when a person doesn’t remember who they are or if an unidentifiable person is
found, they are given the name Jane Doe (for women) and John Doe (for men).

Pages 132-133, Exercise 114 A

1. g / 2. e / 3. h / 4. c / 5. a / 6. b or f / 7. b or f / 8. D

Pages 132-133, Exercise 114 B

1. sift through / 2. free period / 3. a bit of / 4. engrossed in / 5. incriminating evidence / 6. dead end / 7.
glance down / 8. burst through

Day 2

Table with styles

Letters Articles Stories Reviews

-can use rhetorical question -use all past tense verb
-Start off with DEAR -use direct and reported forms -descriptive language
speech -descriptive language
-Finish with LOVE or YOURS - title - title -make a recommendation
SINCERELY - keep the reader’s attention

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