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2000 years of Latin Prose

Chapter 1 – Ennius: Saturn and the Struggle for power

A Latin anthology for the 21st century

Two thousand years of Latin Prose is a digital anthology of Latin Prose. Here you will be
able to find texts from two millennia of gems in Latin. In this chapter, the very first of
many to come, we will go back to about 200 years B.C. and learn about, and read from,
Ennius’ work Euhemerus.

Contents of this chapter

1. Life and Works

2. Audio & Video

3. Latin Text

4. Keywords & Commentary

5. English Translation

2000 years of Latin Prose

1. Life and Works

In this section you will learn about the author's life and
(239–169 B.C.)

Ennius, from Raphael’s “The Parnassus”

Ennius was a writer and a poet born in Rudiae in southern Italy in 239 B.C. and is by
many considered the father of Roman poetry. Sadly though, we only have fragments left
of his writings.

We know a few details about Ennius, but very little that is certain.

In him several cultures crossed; his hometown, Rudiae, was situated in a Hellenistic, i.e.
Greek, region and he spoke not only Latin and Greek, but also a now extinct Indo-
European language native of southern Italy called Oscan. Knowledge of these three
languages made him, according to Roman author Aulus Gellius (c. 125-128–180 A.D.) say
that he had three hearts:

2000 years of Latin Prose

“Quintus Ennius tria corda habere sese dicebat,quod loqui Graece et Osce et Latine sciret.

— Aulus Gellius, 17.17.1

Ennius most likely had a very good education, likely in rhetoric and philosophy and was
well acquainted with Greek drama due to the theatrical, very Hellenistic town Tarentum
(modern Taranto on the heal of southern Italy) that was close to his hometown. Later,
this would be a genre that he would Romanise and excel in.

He served in the Roman army, either as a mercenary or a centurion (or perhaps both)
and met, during his service, the man we shall speak of in chapter 2 of 2000 years of Latin
Prose; Cato Maior. This turned out to be a turning point for Roman literature as Cato
Maior, or Cato the Elder as he is called in the Anglo-Saxon tongue, in 204 B.C. brought
Ennius with him to Rome.

In Rome, he made a living as a teacher and by adapting Greek plays. He is said to have
lived quite humbly, with only one servant, but at the same time became close with many
men from the Roman nobility.

One of these men was Marcus Fulvius Nobilior, a Roman general with an enthusiastic
interest of Greek art and culture, and thus an interest in, and a liking to, Ennius. It was
Fulvius' son Quintus Nobilior who, according to Cicero (Brutus, 79), ensured Ennius'
Roman citizenship in 184 B.C.

Another, very important and notable, friendship Ennius formed was with one of Romes
greatest generals (sometimes said to be one of the greatest generals of all time) and
consul Scipio Africanus Maior. So great was his friendship with Scipio and his family that
when he died in 169 B.C. and his ashes taken home to Rudiae, a memorial was
supposedly placed in the tomb of the Scipios.

Ennius is, and was, famous for his tragedies, his poetic works, and especially for his
Annales; an epic poem stretching over 18 books starting with the fall of Troy in 1184 B.C.
and Aeneas, the Roman hero and forefather of the founder of Rome, leading up to
Ennius’ own time and the censorship of Cato Maior in 184 B.C.

Annales is one of the most important works in Roman literature as it is the first epic
poem in Latin to use the metre dactylic hexameter, that was so common in Greek epic
poetry. Using hexameter in Latin poetry for the epic genre became standard after Ennius,
just look at one of the most notable and famous works in Roman history: Aeneid by
Vergilius, or Virgil, (70-19 B.C.), very much inspired by Ennius' Annales.

It is quite fitting that the Latin poem is written with Greek metre, not only because of
Ennius' three hearts that we spoke of earlier but also because of a dream that Ennius
shares with his Annales-readers. In this dream Homerus, or Homer, the author of the
2000 years of Latin Prose

most famous Greek epics the Illiad and the Odyssey, appeared before Ennius to inform
him that his soul had been
reborn in him.

Annales hasn't just been

recognized as an important
work in modern times but
was considered so already
in Roman times. They held
it so high that it became a
school textbook during the
late Republic.

Today, only about 600 lines


“Aeneas fleeing from Troy” by Pompeo Batoni

Apart from his epic Annales, Ennius wrote, as mentioned, a lot of tragedies, two
comedies, a parody as well as satire. What is left of his Saturae, i.e. about 30 lines, is the
first – so far – example of Roman satire. In these few lines, we get to know a little bit
about Ennius himself, as he uses himself in the text.

We, for instance, get to know that he most likely had gout as he wrote:

“Numquam poetor nisi [si] podager”

— Ennius, Sat. 64

“I never poetize except when I'm gouty.“

This line has given rise to rumours that Ennius died from his gout. This, however, is pure

Ennius also wrote a work called Euhemerus, in prose, a theological doctrine based on the
Sacred Scripture of Euhemerus of Messene (late 4th, early 3rd cent. B.C.) that spoke about
the human origins of the Gods. Ennius’ work, or rather the parts that remain, has been
called the first example of artistic Latin prose and deals mainly with the genealogy and
life of Jupiter.

2000 years of Latin Prose

It is to Euhemerus we will turn to in this very first chapter of 2000 years of Latin Prose and
read a passage concerning Saturn and his brother Titan and how they fought over a
kingdom. To get the throne, Saturn promised Titan not to bring up any male heirs so that
Titan would stay first in line. Well, Saturn lied.

The fragments from Euhemerus come from the early Christian author Lactantius (250-325
A.D.) and his Diviniae Institutiones. Lactantius might have altered Ennius’ original, but
according to scholars (see:An Anthology of informal Latin, by J.N. Adams) much points to
large parts of them being authentic.

Written by Amelie Rosengren

Want more?
If you want to learn more about Ennius, check out the video we made about him. You
can find it here.

If you want to read more about Ennius, his works, and his style, we warmly recommend
you turn to Michael von Albrecht’s excellent workA History of Roman Literature: From Livius
Andronicus to Boethius.

If you’re curious about Ennius' dream about Homer, you can find an article about it here:
Peter Aicher "Ennius' Dream of Homer" The American Journal of Philology, vol. 110, no 2
(Summer, 1989).

We can also recommend An Anthology of informal Latin; 200 BC-900 AD (2016), by J.N.

2. Audio & Video

Click below to read and listen to this passage from
Ennius' Euhemerus.
There are subtitles in English.

Video with English Subtitles

2000 years of Latin Prose

Audio of Latin text

001. Ennius – 2000 Years of Latin Prose –
Daniel Pettersson

3. Latin text
Below you will find the original text of the passage in

Euhemerus, ap. Lac. Div. Inst. 1.14.1–7, 10-12.

Haec Enniī verba sunt: ”Exim Sāturnus uxōrem dūxit Opem. Tītān, quī maior nātū erat,
postulat ut ipse rēgnāret. Ibi Vesta, māter eōrum, et sorōrēs: Cerēs atque Ops, suādent
Sāturnō, utī dē rēgnō nē concēdat frātrī. Ibi Tītān, quī faciē dēterior esset quam Sāturnus,

2000 years of Latin Prose

idcircō et quod vidēbat mātrem atque sorōrēs suās operam dare utī Sāturnus rēgnāret,
concessit eī ut is rēgnāret.

Itaque pactus est cum Sāturnō, utī, sī quid līberum virīle secus eī nātum esset, nē quid
ēducāret. Id eius reī causā fēcit, utī ad suōs gnātōs rēgnum redīret. Tum Sāturnō fīlius quī
prīmus nātus est, eum necāvērunt.

Deinde posterius nātī sunt geminī, Iuppiter atque Iūnō. Tum Iūnōnem Sāturnō in
cōnspectum dedēre atque Iouem clam abscondunt dantque eum Vestae ēducandum
cēlantēs Sāturnum.

Item Neptūnum clam Sāturnō Ops parit eumque clanculum abscondit. Ad eundem
modum tertiō partū Ops parit geminōs, Plūtōnem et Glaucam. (”Plūtō” Latīnē est ”Dīs
pater”, aliī ”Orcum” vocant.)Ibi fīliam Glaucam Sāturnō ostendunt, at fīlium Plūtōnem
cēlant atque abscondunt. Deinde Glauca parva ēmoritur.”


”Deinde Tītān, postquam rescīvit Sāturnō fīliōs prōcreātōs, atque ēducātōs esse clam,
sēdūcit sēcum fīliōs suōs quī Tītānī vocantur, frātremque suum Sāturnum, atque Opem
comprehendit, eōsque mūrō circumēgit, et cūstōdiam hīs appōnit.”


Reliqua historia sīc contexitur: Iovem adultum, cum audīsset patrem atque mātrem
cūstōdiīs circumsaeptōs atque in vincula coniectōs, vēnisse cum magnā Crētēnsium
multitūdine Tītānumque ac fīliōs eius pugnā vīcisse, parentēs vinculīs exēmisse, patrī
rēgnum reddidisse atque ita in Crētam remeāsse. Post haec deinde Sāturnō sortem
datam, ut cavēret nē fīlius eum rēgnō expelleret; illum ēlevandae sortis atque effugiendī
perīculī grātiā īnsidiātum Iovī, ut eum necāret; Iovem cognitīs īnsidiīs rēgnum sibi dēnuō
vindicāsse, ac fugāsse Sāturnum. Quī cum iactātus esset per omnēs terrās
persequentibus armātīs, quōs ad eum conprehendendum vel necandum Iuppiter
mīserat, vix in Italiā locum in quō latēret invēnit.

4. Keywords & commentary

Below you will find some keywords and comments on the text.

2000 years of Latin Prose


These following words are key to understanding the text, if you already know them -
great! - if not, make a mental note of them.

exim: Then (Occurs principally in early Latin and in later high-style texts.

ibi (temporal: then (ibi temporale rel. common in comedy, occurs in poetry, less so in
prose authors.

idcirco: for that reason

clanculum (adv., dim. of clam: secretly

clam (prep. +abl./acc. with out the knowledge of

elevo: diminish, lessen

eximo: take off, remove

gratiā: (+gen. generally postpositional):for the sake of, in order to…

rescisco: to learn, find out (that which was hidden)

virile secus: of male gender


postulat ut regnaret: There is some fluctuation in tense use across the passage. Here
postulat can be taken as secondary tense, here present perfect, equivivalent to postulavit.
We read the imperfect subjunctive regnaret because secondary tenses (perf., imp., pluf.,
and present perfect are regularly followed by the imperfect subjunctive.

uti de regno ne concedat fratri: ut(i) ne instead of ne is old.In Classical Latin the usual
final negative of classical Latin is ne alone.

2000 years of Latin Prose

idcirco et quod: These words may be interpreted in various manners. Either resumptive,
referring to the causal qui-clause (“since he was…for that reason, and because”or it
might look ahead to quod (‘and (also for this reason, because . . .’ with a displacement of
et. (Adams 2016:10–11

uti si quid liberum uirile secus ei natum esset, ne quid educaret: quid is pronominal,
and the subject with uirile secus as apposition. The expression Virile (muliebre) secus is
neuter, indeclinable, and used often appositionally. It functions as a genitive of quality,
not unlike expressions such as id genus (”of that kind”. The secondquid is somewhat
redundant picking up the first si quid.

tum Saturno filius qui primus natus est, eum necauerunt: Here filius (nominative is
in the same case as the relative pronoun (qui, rather than the case it would have had in
the main clause (accusative. Adams (2016 writes: In this type of construction (usually
called ‘attractio inversa’) the relative clause, preceded by the antecedent (here filius), comes
before the main clause, and there tends to be a resumptive pronoun (or noun) in the main
clause. A more regular version of the sentence would be: Tum filium qui Saturno primus
natus est necaverunt.

Reliqua historia sīc contexitur: This introduces the second part of the story in which
Ennius gives in Latin a text from sacred writings. In another part of the fragment it reads:
“this, as is written, is the origin and kinship of Jupiter and his brothers: in this way it has
been handed down to us from the Sacred Writing”. Note that part of the passage is
entirely in indirect speech.

5. English Translation

Below you will find an English translation of the text.

Euhemerus, ap. Lac. Div. Inst. 1.14.1–7, 10-12.

2000 years of Latin Prose

These are the words of Ennius: ”Afterwards Saturn married Ops. Titan, who was
older than Saturn, demands the kingdom for himself. Upon this their mother Vesta, and
their sisters Ceres and Ops, advise Saturn not to give up the kingdom to his brother.
Then Titan, who was inferior in person to Saturn, on that account, and because he saw
that his mother and sisters were using their endeavours that Saturn might reign, yielded
the kingdom to him.”

”He therefore made an agreement with Saturn, that if any male children should be born
to him, he would not bring them up. He did so for this purpose, that the kingdom might
return to his own sons. Then, when a son was first born to Saturn, they slew him.”

”Afterwards twins were born, Jupiter and Juno. Upon this they present Juno to the sight of
Saturn, and secretly hide Jupiter, and give him to Vesta to be brought up, concealing him
from Saturn. Ops also brings forth Neptune without the knowledge of Saturn, and
secretly hides him. In the same manner Ops brings forth twins by a third birth, Pluto and
Glauca. (”Pluto” in Latin is ”Dispater”; others call him ”Orcus”.)”

”Upon this they show to Saturn the daughter Glauca, and conceal and hide the son Pluto.
Then Glauca dies while yet young.”


”Then Titan, when he learned that sons were born to Saturn, and secretly brought up,
secretly takes with him his sons, who are called Titans, and seizes his brother Saturn and
Ops, and encloses them within a wall, and places over them a guard.”


The remainder of the History is composed as follows: that the grown-up Jupiter, when he
had heard that his father and mother had been surrounded by guards and thrown in
fetters, came with a great number of Cretans and defeated Titan and his sons in battle,
freed his parents from the fetters, returned the kingdom to his father, and so returned
to Crete. Then, after that, an oracle was given to Saturn that he should beware that his
son not drive him out of the kingdom; in order to thwart the oracle and avoid the
danger, he ambushed Jupiter in order to kill him; Jupiter, having recognized the ambush,
once again claimed the kingdom for himself and put Saturn to flight. When he had been
driven about over all lands by armed pursuers, whom Jupiter had sent to seize or kill
him, he barely found a place in Italy where he could hide.

Translated by William Fletcher (1886)

2000 years of Latin Prose

Daniel Pettersson, M.A., is co-founder of Latinitium and is currently teaching Latin

at Stockholm University where he is also working on his PhD dissertation on
Humanist Colloquia. Daniel believes in the importance of Latin literature in the
modern world, and that you can teach yourself Latin with the right motivation,
method and material.

Amelie Rosengren, M.A. and co-founder of Latinitium, is a published author, illustrator

and historian. She specializes in daily life, has a soft spot for historic
curiosities, and works as a museum educator at the world’s oldest open
air museum, Skansen.


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