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To Rumi
Sheikh Muhammad Nazim Al-Haqqani An-Naqshibandi, Sohbat of the 12th of December, 1994.

Based on the spirituality of Mawlana Jalaluddin Rumi who is the main reason for our presence here, with
approval of other great Awliya who rest in Konya, and for spirituality of all Awliya resting throughout
Anatolia who brought the light of Islam here, and firstly for the holy and blessed soul of our Master, alaihi
afdalu s-salatu was-salam, let us read Fatiha Sharifa.

Audhu billahi min ash-shaitani rajeem. Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim.Alhamdu lillahi Rabbi l-'alamin Ar-
Rahmani r-Rahim Maliki yawmi d-din iyyaka na'budu wa iyyaka nasta'in ihdina s-sirata l-mustaqim as-
sirata lladhina an'amta 'alayhim ghayri l-maghdhubi 'alayhimwa la d-dallin. Amin.

Certainly there are ones who are present with their spirituality here. Our religion is based on adab.
Alhamdulillah to Janab ul-Mawla,I was following this ceremony for years with my heart from a distance.
He let me be present here this year. I praise Allah Almighty first of all. I make salatu salam to Rasulu
Kibriya and I make salatu salam to his great sahaba, tabiyin and ansar. We present our respect. And we
ask from Janab ul-Mawla not to withhold His divine favour for our country and people. He doesn't
withhold but our appreciation is little. Therefore, may He not treat us based on our actions. May He treat
us with His great Grace and Generosity in a way which suits Him. And I ask for His favours on your behalf

When I was invited to come hereto honorable Konya, previously called Shehremini, when Halil bey
invited me, I told him on the phone the first thing that came to my heart. "It's not your invitation. It's an
invitation from M. Rumi. You haven't called me for years. This year M. Rumi invited. "For his invitation I
would come on my head if my feet didn't walk. Alhamdulillah it was easy and without effort. I am afraid of
these places when I hear about winter, thinking how we will reach in the sharpness of the winter?
MashaAllah with Divine favour the sharpness of winter is gone and it is beautiful now. There is no cold
which can beat our weak body alhamdulillah.

And when they ask us on which matters we are going to speak to our honorable Shehremini. If this
question of yours was in a common gathering, I would tell you immediately that I will speak about this or
that. In fact, I am not someone who can give a lecture. However, this meeting is a spiritual meeting. It's not
an ordinary meeting. Here we are coming in the presence of a Sultan of akhira. If someone is invited to the
presence of a Sultan and you say "Let me cook some soup and what shall I bring?", it will be embarassing.
What is it? How are you going to cook soup? You will take it to the Sultan. Does anyone going to the
Sultan's invitation prepare something at home? We thought about it. Adab ya Hu. The call came from
Konya. We said "With pleasure! Ya Mawlana, with pleasure. I will come here.I will come running on my
head and eyes. And then from your food, from your table, I will present to your neighbors whatever you
present to me."

Therefore, since the moment I entered, I am nothing, I passed my personality to Mawlana Jalaluddin
Rumi. His spiritual power is on me now. As long as I move here, I stand under his spiritual support. It is
certain that those who are present here will behave with adab. Listen. Though we have shown that we
have signs on Mawlana's views on truth. Certainly he is a bright star in the sky of truth, maybe the sky of
the prophecy of RasulAllah (saw) - he is a bright star in Mursil Nubuwatin. His every word is a reflection of
truth. Therefore, his starting with "Bishnav" beginning with B is just like Allah Almighty's beginning with B
in Bismillah Sharif. Sultan of truth Mawlana Jalaluddin Rumi said "Bishnav" starting with B related to this. Page 1

And the letters Ba Alif are the signs of Allah Almighty's Being. If not, bi kan ma kan. Bi yakun ma
yakun."What was, was with Me. What will be, is with Me. What happened did so with My power. What
will happen will be so with My power. I have no partner. I have no associate. I have no mu'in (helper), no
watcher, no minister. There is Me, no other." If so - bishnav, Listen! Listen! What will follow the one who
listens? Obedience will. Listen with obedience. To listen is an action which will open the door to all truth.
Who doesn't listen won't reach any truth. Masnawi is so many thousand verses and six volumes, but its
summary comes with bishnav. If not going to listen, there's nothing Masnawi can give to a person.
Masnawi gives something to the one who listens.

Who listens?A person who can imprison his ego listens. A person who can't imprison his ego can't listen.
Therefore, the word bishnav is addressed to the whole world. They say the rank of animals now, the
animal rank is the rank of the crawling or the ones walking on four legs. In order to go out of that rank -
listen. Those who listen when told to listen, those who leave the rank of the crawling animals, earn the
personality of human. Then slowly slowly, step by step they will be raised from rank to rank. With every
listening a person is raised to a higher station.

Sultan of akhira, the star of the sky of truth, Mawlana Jalaluddin Rumi told six great tomes of Masnawi
Sharif off hand. It's not a mind production. It is a Divine favour. It needs to be understood. And with six
great tomes, with this much thousand verses, what Mawlana told about truth that can be taken, listened to,
and accepted by everyone from the ummah of Muhammad and every type of person. 21 years ago when
his 700th year was celebrated, on the 700th year of Sultan's Sheb-i Arus(wedding with eternity/Urs)or
night of meeting, ascension to the Presence of Rabbu l-'alamin, malai 'ala, I remember that the Pope had a
message. The Pope said a message which appreciated, congratulated and praised Mawlana Jalaluddin

I was surprised. The Pope is appreciating Mawlana Jalaluddin Rumi. Why? No doubt, he read his
Masnawi. He found such a place which addressed him and made him satisfied that he was telling about the
personality of Mawlana Jalaluddin Rumi to his Christian world and noted that he was someone deserving
appreciation. It came to my heart again that the Pope is the spiritual leader of the Catholic sect in the
Christian religion. He is someone who maybe rules one billion Christians. I was astonished by his sharing a
message and appreciating Mawlana Jalaluddin Rumi and not knowing Rasulullah who raised him up and
presented him with his spiritual power and rank, who is the absolute reason for his spirituality and light.
How come he accepts a star in the sky of prophecy of our Prophet and does not see our Prophet? Weird.
This world is the world of weirdness.

Konyans who are sleepy can leave. Those in front have started to be so. If someone needs to go, I have to
finish quickly and stop our sohba at this point. However, the Sultan is saying "I have something to give
them. I have something to say. I want Konyans to hear something. I want Konya leaders to hear
something. I have something for Turkey's leaders to hear. I have something for the Islamic world to hear. I
have something for world leaders to hear. I have something for the European patriarch to hear. I do. And
this time I want to show to those who assume I am dead, that I am alive with spiritual power. I have
something to say in order to show that I am not someone sleeping quietly to the
sounds of the ney (flute)- to those who think so.

Now. Dastur, ya Sayyidi madad. We depend on your support. Yes. We are men of Haqq/Truth. Amanna
wa sadaqna. We are the swords of Haqq. Amanna wa sadaqna. No one can stand against us. In fact, my
Masnawi is a very soft, very beautiful, very sweet, very relaxing and very soothing book. However, we have
spiritual strength we keep behind. Even though we showed the manifestations of Jamal (Beauty) attribute -
the tariqa of Mawlana is a symbol of gentleness, politeness, gentleness and softness from all aspects. We
didn't interfere in politics as we have promised."Tariqa people have nothing to do with politics. There can't
be and there won't be. But they should fear. People of haqq have nothing to do with outward politics. Page 2

However, they are influential spiritually in this world. If they want, they can raise someone or take him
down. The Sultan is saying "If someone has any claim, I will let him know if I will raise or take him down.

"He is very gentle, very polite. Because we know where we are. We are in Huzurullah - we are present with
Allah. Therefore, “La tarfa'u aswatakum fawqa sawtin Nabi’” (49:2)(do not raise your voices above the
voice of the Prophet). Of course, as long as we are in the presence of the Prophet, we won't raise our voice
above his voice. However, the voice of our Prophet is below the manifestation of Jalal according to Divine
manifestation. Therefore, we have a permission now to get a bit harsh from very soft. We are authorized to
make a call with adab:"O those who live in Turkey and especially those living in Konya, I was calling you.
My door is open to everyone. A governor may come to the dergah. A king may come. Free and slave, men
and women, sane and insane may come. Sick and healthy, rich and poor may come. This door is open.
Zoroastrians may also come. One with a crucifix on his neck may also come. If Pope comes, I won't say
"No" to him. But as soon as they are attracted to me, I won't leave them, neither Pope, nor a patriarch.
This is certain.

Therefore, we, Konyans and those living in Turkey -bishnav! You should listen. Your survival is with your
listening. Your rank is with your listening. We were looking at realities. When I look at your realities, I see
that your listening is weak. And I advise you to listen "says the Sultan. "Isma' wa ati'a". Listen and obey. If
you ask what to listen to, listen to Allah. If you ask what to listen to, listen to Rasulu Kibriya. If you ask
whom to listen to, listen to good ones. Don't you have good ones? If not, it is better to be underground than
on earth. If a nation has no good people to listen to, it is better for people to lie under the earth than to
walk on earth. It's a word of the Prophet.

Masnawi Sharif is to tell the word of Allah to those who listen, to explain the word of the Prophet to those
who listen. Yes. The earth has its surface and its inside. Those who deserve to stand on it are good ones. If
you don't let good ones live, it is better for you to be underground because you won't have benefit in this
world but only loss. To have one loss is better than ten losses. Therefore, O man living within the borders
of this land, treat mankind as mankind. Mankind. We are a translator of Mawlana. Mankind is the greatest
creature of Allah, the Creator of the universe. And there is nothing greater. What is mankind in the eyes of
Allah? How is it? What is its value? We are all human. Each of us has been created with a special human
nature. There's none exactly alike. There can't be. Even if twins, they can't be the same. How many
billions of people there were, each one's identity is different. They call it identity. Identities are different.
They carry different personalities. And a man is holy man. Everyone can become holy from the time of his

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12_tr_Rumi_SN.mp4 Page 3

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