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wxWindows 2

Programming cross-platform GUI applications in C++

© 2001-2002.Franky Braem. All rights reserved.

You are allowed to copy and to print this book as long as you don’t exploit the
information commercially.

The author of this book makes no warranty of any kind, expressed or implied, with
regard to the programs or the documentation contained in this book.
wxWindows – Programming cross-platform GUI applications in C++ -2-

1 Contents




2.3.1 WINDOWS 3.1 7
2.3.2 WINDOWS 95/98/NT/2000 7
2.3.5 MAC 8
2.5.1 VISUAL C++ 9
2.5.2 MINGW32 10








wxWindows – Programming cross-platform GUI applications in C++ -3-

5.10 WXWIZARD 28



6.2.2 WXSIZER 33
6.3 WXPANEL 37
6.3.1 METHODS 38
6.3.3 EXAMPLE 38


7.1.1 METHODS 39
7.1.3 EXAMPLE 40
7.2.1 METHODS 41
7.2.3 EXAMPLE 42
7.3.1 METHODS 43
7.3.4 EXAMPLE 46
7.4.1 METHODS 47
7.4.3 EXAMPLE 48
7.5.1 METHODS 49
7.5.3 EXAMPLE 50
7.6.1 METHODS 51
7.6.3 EXAMPLE 52
7.7.1 METHODS 53
7.7.3 EXAMPLE 54
7.8 WXGAUGE 55
7.8.1 METHODS 56
7.8.3 EXAMPLE 56
7.9.1 METHODS 58
7.9.3 EXAMPLE 59

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7.10.1 METHODS 61
7.10.3 EXAMPLE 62
7.11.1 METHODS 63
7.11.3 EXAMPLE 64
7.12 WXSLIDER 65
7.12.1 METHODS 66
7.12.3 EXAMPLE 67
7.13.1 METHODS 69
7.13.3 EXAMPLE 69
7.14.1 METHODS 70
7.14.2 EXAMPLE 70
7.15.1 EXAMPLE 71
7.16.1 METHODS 72
7.16.2 EXAMPLE 72
7.17.1 METHODS 74
7.17.2 EXAMPLE 74
7.18.1 METHODS 75
7.18.2 EVENTS 77
7.18.3 EXAMPLE 77







11.1 TOOLBAR 85
11.1.1 EVENTS 85
11.2.1 ITEMS 86

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11.2.3 USING IMAGES 87
11.3.1 METHODS 88
11.3.2 WXLISTITEM 88
11.5 TAB 91
11.5.1 TAB PAGES 92
11.5.2 EVENTS 92
11.6 TOOLTIP 92


13 HTML 94



16 DRAG & DROP 97



19 STRINGS 100

20 DATE & TIME 101



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21.1.2 WXHASHTABLE 103



24 LOGGING 106






28.1.1 OVERVIEW 111
28.1.2 EXAMPLE 111
28.2.1 OVERVIEW 112
28.3 WXFRAME 113
28.3.1 OVERVIEW 113



2 Introduction

2.1 Why wxWindows?

Did you ever wanted to write a program in C++ that runs on Windows, Linux or Unix?
How is this possible when every platform has it’s own framework, look and feel, or SDK?
Of course, you don’t want to rewrite your application for each platform. This would create
a maintenance nightmare.

wxWindows is the solution. wxWindows hides all the platform specific code for you. There
are many platform independent frameworks available. So why should you choose for

wxWindows – Programming cross-platform GUI applications in C++ -7-

! It is very complete. There are many utility classes.

! It is still heavily developed.
! Many compilers and platforms are supported: Windows, Linux, Mac, Unix
! There’s a lot of documentation.
! It’s free for personal and commercial use.
! Whenever possible, wxWindows uses the platform SDK. This means that a program
compiled on Windows will have the look and feel of a Windows program, and when
compiled on a Linux machine, it will get the look and feel of a Linux program.

2.2 History of wxWindows

Julian Smart started wxWindows in 1992 at the Artificial Intelligence Applications
Institute, University of Edinburgh. In 1995, a port to Xt was released by Markus Holzem.
In May 1997, the Windows and GTK+ ports were merged and put into a CVS repository.

2.3 Supported platforms

wxWindows supports many different platforms. wxWindows is developed as platform-
independent as possible. Few classes (e.g. wxTaskBar) are platform-specific. Because
these classes are wxWindows-compatible, it’s possible that you add support to some
platform specific functionality in your application without sacrificing the cross-platform
goal. Whenever possible, the native controls that are available on the platform are used.
Unavailable controls are emulated.

In order to avoid architecture dependencies, wxWindows offers various architecture

independent types and macros such as wxInt32, wxInt16,… wxWindows has functions for
multi-platform file handling. wxPathList, for example, avoids the difficulty with the file
separation character.

2.3.1 Windows 3.1

wxWindows is designed to make use of WIN32 features and controls. However most
features work on the 16-bit windows. Don’t expect that the Windows95-specific classes
such as wxTaskBarIcon work on Windows 3.1. 16-bit compilation is supported for Visual
C++ 1.5 and Borland BC++ 4 to 5.

2.3.2 Windows 95/98/NT/2000

wxWindows is supported on Windows 95/98/NT and 2000.

The following compilers are supported:

# Visual C++ 1.5, 4.0., 5.0 and 6.0
# Borland C++ 4.5 and 5.0
# Borland C++ Builder 1.0 and 3.0
# Watcom C++ 10.6 (Win32)
# Cygwin b20
# Mingw32
# Metrowerks CodeWarrior 4

2.3.3 Unix with Motif

You need Motif version 1.2 or above. The following classes are not yet implemented:
wxSpinButton, wxCheckListBox, wxJoyStick and wxGLCanvas. Some Windows-specific
classes like wxMiniFrame and wxTaskBar are not likely to be implemented because
there’s no sensible equivalent on Motif. Keep this in mind when developing a cross-
platform GUI. Check the FAQ of wxWindows for Motif for more details.

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2.3.4 Linux/Unix with GTK+

wxWindows 2 for GTK is a port of wxWindows to the free GTK+ toolkit. GTK+ is available
for most flavors of Unix with X.

2.3.5 Mac

2.4 Installing wxWindows

Download the version specific for your platform at Extract the
archive into a directory on your system, for example c:\wx. Don’t use a pathname with
spaces. Some compilers doesn’t like that.

When you’re going to use makefiles to build wxWindows, make sure you set the WXWIN
environment variable. It should point to the installation directory. An example:


2.4.1 Compile wxWindows

wxWindows is a source-distribution, which means that you need to compile it before you
can use it.

! Visual C++ 5.0/6.0

Use the project file wxvc.dsp which you can find in the /src directory. Use Batch build
to build both a Debug and a Release version of wxWindows.

Previous versions of Visual C++ can use the makefile For more
information about how to do this read the install.txt file which you can find in the
/doc/msw directory.

! Mingw32

MinGW is a collection of header files and import libraries that allow you to use GCC
and produce native Windows32 programs that do not rely on any 3rd-party DLLs. The
current set of tools includes GNU Compiler Collection (GCC), GNU Debugger (GDB),
GNU make, and other utilities.

First, don’t forget to set the WXWIN environment variable. Before you can compile
wxWindows you have to perform the following tasks:
• Download from the remstar ftp site: (see
folder \wxwin\ports\mingw32)
• Extract cp.exe and rm.exe from and put them in the bin-directory of
your Mingw compiler.
• When the PATH environment variable doesn’t include the bin directory of the
Mingw compiler, then you have to update mingw32.bat (in the src directory) to
make sure the compiler can be found.
• Run mingw32.bat
• When necessary, update the makeg95.env file (see below). This file contains all
the common settings for wxWindow programs.
• Only for version lower then 2.2.9: The INT32 problem: Mingw32 already defines
INT32. The problem is that it is defined as int, which is not the same as defined in
wxWindows. Add the –DINT32_DEFINED compiler option in makeg95.env. Change
the jinclude.h header file, which you can find in the jpeg directory, and add the
following line at the top of the source code.
typedef int INT32;
• Change the working directory to src/msw and run “make –f makefile.g95”.

wxWindows – Programming cross-platform GUI applications in C++ -9-

Use forward slashes in the path, not backslashes!

• When you want to debug your applications with GDB then add –g to the
debugflags. Your executables will be enormous, because debug information is
created in each object file.

When the make program complains about some include files it cannot find, you can
change the makeg95.env file as follows:

#ifeq ($(MINGW32),1)
#INC = -I$(WXINC) -I$(WXDIR)/contrib/include -I$(WXDIR)/src/png -I$(WXDIR)/src/jpeg -
I$(WXDIR)/src/zlib -I$(WXDIR)/src/xpm -I$(WXDIR)/src/tiff $(EXTRAINC) $(COMPPATHS)
INC = -I$(WXINC) -I$(WXDIR)/contrib/include -I$(WXDIR)/src/png -I$(WXDIR)/src/jpeg -
I$(WXDIR)/src/zlib -I$(WXDIR)/src/xpm -I$(WXDIR)/src/tiff $(EXTRAINC) $(COMPPATHS) -

Change it into:

#ifeq ($(MINGW32),1)
#WINC = -I$(WXINC) -I$(WXDIR)/contrib/include -I$(WXDIR)/src/png -I$(WXDIR)/src/jpeg -
I$(WXDIR)/src/zlib -I$(WXDIR)/src/xpm -I$(WXDIR)/src/tiff $(EXTRAINC) $(COMPPATHS)
WINC = -I$(WXINC) -I$(WXDIR)/contrib/include -I$(WXDIR)/src/png -I$(WXDIR)/src/jpeg -
I$(WXDIR)/src/zlib -I$(WXDIR)/src/xpm -I$(WXDIR)/src/tiff $(EXTRAINC) $(COMPPATHS) -

INC = $(WINC) -I C:/Development/programs/dev-c++/include/g++

You probably have to do this when you use the Dev-C++ IDE that contains the
Mingw32 compiler.

2.5 Setting up your compiler

2.5.1 Visual C++

When you use wxWindows with Visual C++, you select new Windows 32 Application in
the application wizard. Visual C++ provides a debug configuration and a release
configuration for your project. To build your application with the wxWindow library you
have to apply the following project settings.

! Debug configuration

C/C++ Tab

The preprocessor definitions field should contain the following symbols:


__WIN95__, __WIN32__, WINVER=0x0400, STRICT

The Use run-time library should be set to Debug Multithreaded DLL.

Link Tab

The Object/library modules field should contain:

kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell.lib ole32.lib oleauto32.lib

uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib comctl32.lib rpcrt4.lib winmm.lib wxd.lib xpmd.lib pngd.lib zlibd.lib
jpegd.lib tiffd.lib

wxWindows – Programming cross-platform GUI applications in C++ - 10 -

The Ignore libraries field should contain:

libcd.lib, libcid.lib, msvcrtd.lib

! Release configuration

C/C++ Tab

The preprocessor definitions field should contain the following symbols:

WIN32, NDEBUG, _WINDOWS, __WINDOWS__, __WXMSW__, __WIN95__, __WIN32__,


The Use run-time library should be set to Multithreaded DLL.

Link Tab

The Object/library modules field should contain:

kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell.lib ole32.lib oleauto32.lib

uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib comctl32.lib rpcrt4.lib winmm.lib wx.lib xpm.lib png.lib zlib.lib
jpeg.lib tiff.lib

The Ignore libraries field should contain:

libc.lib, libci.lib, msvcrt.lib

! All configurations

C/C++ Tab

The Additional include directories field should contain:


Of course you can add other directories you wish to use in your project. You can
skip this setting when you add those directories to the options ‘Directories’.

Link Tab

The Additional library path field should contain:

c:\<wx-path>\lib, c:\<wx-path>\contrib\lib

Replace the <wx-path> with the path where wxWindows is installed. You can skip
this setting when you add those directories to the options ‘Directories’.

2.5.2 Mingw32

You have to create a resource file when you run your application on Windows. The only
requirement is that you include wx.rc.

#include “wx/msw/wx.rc”

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wxWindows – Programming cross-platform GUI applications in C++ - 11 -

The name of the resource file should be the same as the target in your makefile. Create a
makefile as shown in Example 1.
Example 1. A makefile for MingW.


OBJECTS=YourApplication.o YourFrame.o

include $(WXDIR)/src/makeprog.g95

Use the EXTRAINC to specify additional directories for header files. EXTRALIBS can be
used to specify some extra libraries to link with and use EXTRACPPFLAGS to define
additional preprocessor definitions. EXTRALDFLAGS is used to specify additional link flags
and directories for searching libraries. OBJECTS is a list of the object files which are
related to your source files.

Example 2 shows you how a makefile is created to use expat, the XML parser.

Example 2. Adding additional libraries to a makefile.


Because the linker of MingW (ld) searches for libraries with a “.a” suffix, you probably
have to rename some libraries, or you have to specify the full path when using the –l
option flag.

2.6 Hello World

The first example is the well-known Hello World application. The application will show a
window displaying ‘Hello World’ in its statusbar.

Each wxWindow application needs an object derived from wxApp. Each application
overrides the OnInit() method for initializing the application. You can, for example, create
your main window here. Example 3 shows the definition of HelloWorldApp.
Example 3. HelloWorldApp.h - The HelloWorldApp definition

* The HelloWorldApp class
* This class shows a window containing a statusbar with the text ‘Hello World’
class HelloWorldApp : public wxApp
virtual bool OnInit();



For the main window, you use the wxFrame class. This class provides a window whose
size and position can be changed by the user. It has thick borders and a title bar. In
addition, you can provide it a menu bar, a statusbar and a toolbar. Example 4 shows the
implementation of HelloWorldApp.

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wxWindows – Programming cross-platform GUI applications in C++ - 12 -

Example 4. HelloWorldApp.cpp - The implementation of HelloWorldApp

// For compilers that supports precompilation , includes “wx/wx.h”
#include “wx/wxprec.h”

#ifndef WX_PRECOMP
#include “wx/wx.h”

#include “HelloWorldApp.h”


bool HelloWorldApp::OnInit()
wxFrame *frame = new wxFrame((wxFrame*) NULL, -1, “Hello World”);
frame->SetStatusText(“Hello World”);
return true;

When you’re compiler supports precompiled headers, you can use the wxprec header file.
When it doesn’t, you should include wx.h, which includes all necessary header files for
wxWindow. You can also include each header file separately for each control.

The macros DECLARE_APP and IMPLEMENT_APP does the following for us:
# When the platform needs one, it creates a main() or WinMain() method.
# It creates the global method wxGetApp(). You can use this function to retrieve a
reference to the one and only application object.

HelloWorldApp &app = (HelloWorldApp&) wxGetApp();

You could be wondering why the frame variable isn’t deleted somewhere. By setting the
frame as the top window of the application, the application will delete the frame for us.

The cast of NULL to wxFrame* is done because some compilers define NULL as 0L so that
no conversion to pointers is allowed. This cast makes the code a little bit more portable.

After the frame is constructed, a statusbar is created with the CreateStatusBar method.
The text of the statusbar is set to “Hello World”. Calling the Show method shows the
frame. Show is a method of the wxWindow class which wxFrame derives from.

When the OnInit()-method returns false the application immediately stops. This way you
can stop the application when something went wrong during the initialization phase.

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3 Using wxFrame
The wxFrame class provides us a frame window. A frame window is a window whose size
can be changed. It has a thick border, a title bar. Optionally it can have a menubar, a
toolbar or a statusbar. A frame can act as a container for other controls except for
another frame or a dialog. wxFrame is derived from wxWindow.

During this chapter we will create a small text editor.

3.1 Creating a frame

Normally you create your own class that derives from wxFrame. This way you can add
functionality to your own frame class. In Example 5 you can see how this is done. The
implementation is shown in Example 6.
Example 5. TextFrame.h - The TextFrame definition
#ifndef _TEXTFRAME_H
#define _TEXTFRAME_H

class TextFrame : public wxFrame

* Constructor. Creates a new TextFrame
TextFrame(const wxChar title, int xpos, int ypos, int width, int height);

* Destructor


The constructor of wxFrame is called from the TextFrame constructor. The constructor of
wxFrame is defined as follows:

wxFrame(wxWindow* parent, wxWindowID id, const wxString& title,

const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition, const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize,
long style = wxDEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE, const wxString& name = “frame”)

! parent is a pointer to the parent window. In this example, the frame doesn’t have
any parent, so NULL is passed.
! id is the window identifier. –1 indicates the default.
! title is the name of the window. This will be shown in the frame’s title bar.
! pos is the window position. A value of (-1, -1) indicates the default (=
wxDefaultPosition). Depending on the platform this default is chosen by the
windowing system or wxWindow.
! size is the window size. A value of (-1, -1) indicates the default (= wxDefaultSize).
Depending on the platform this default is chosen by the windowing system or
! style is the window style. wxFrame defines the following additional styles:

wxDEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE A combination of the styles wxMINIMIZE_BOX,

wxICONIZE The frame will be displayed minimized. (Only on
wxCAPTION A caption is shown.
wxMINIMIZE The same as wxICONIZE
wxMINIMIZE_BOX A minimize box will be shown.

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wxMAXIMIZE The frame will be displayed maximized. (Only on

wxMAXIMIZE_BOX A maximize box will be shown.
wxSTAY_ON_TOP The frame will stay on top of other windows. (Only
on windows)
wxSYSTEM_MENU A system menu is displayed.
wxSIMPLE_BORDER No border is displayed. (Only on GTK and windows)
wxRESIZE_BORDER A resizable border is drawn (Unix only)
wxFRAME_FLOAT_ON_PARENT The frame will be above the parent window in the
z-order and is not shown in the task bar. (Windows
and GTK only)
wxFRAME_TOOL_WINDOW Shows a small caption bar. (Windows only)

! name is the name of the window. This parameter is used to associate a name with an
item. This allows the application user to set Motif resource values for individual
Example 6. TextFrame.cpp – The TextFrame implementation
// For compilers that supports precompilation , includes “wx/wx.h”
#include “wx/wxprec.h”

#ifndef WX_PRECOMP
#include “wx/wx.h”
#include “TextFrame.h”

TextFrame::TextFrame(const wxChar *title, int xpos, int ypos, int width, int height)
: wxFrame((wxFrame *) NULL, -1, title, wxPoint(xpos, ypos), wxSize(width, height))


Example 7. TextEditorApp.h – The TextEditorApp definition

class TextEditorApp : public wxApp
* Initialize the application
virtual bool OnInit();



Example 8. TextEditorApp.cpp – The TextEditorApp implementation

// For compilers that supports precompilation , includes “wx/wx.h”
#include “wx/wxprec.h”

#ifndef WX_PRECOMP
#include “wx/wx.h”
#include “TextEditorApp.h”
#include “TextFrame.h”


bool TextEditorApp::OnInit()
TextFrame *frame = new TextFrame(“Simple Text Editor”, 100, 100, 400, 300);

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return true;

3.2 Adding a control

Now that the frame window is created, you need to add a control for processing text.
wxTextCtrl is the class you need. The frame class contains this control.

Example 9 shows the new definition of the TextFrame class. The only thing that’s
changed is that you add a member of the type wxTextCtrl. This member is initialized in
the constructor.
Example 9. TextFrame.h – The TextFrame definition with wxTextCtrl
#ifndef _TEXTFRAME_H
#define _TEXTFRAME_H

class TextFrame : public wxFrame

* Constructor. Creates a new TextFrame
TextFrame(const wxChar *title, int xpos, int ypos, int width, int height);

* Destructor
wxTextCtrl *m_pTextCtrl;


Example 10 shows the new constructor of the TextFrame class. The parent of the
wxTextCtrl member is the TextFrame, so we pass the this pointer. The text ‘Type some
text…’ will be shown as the default text. Notice that the wxTextCtrl’s constructor looks
similar to the wxFrame’s constructor. Each class derived from wxWindow follows the
same constructor pattern.

Again, you don’t see code for deleting the pointer of wxTextCtrl. You don’t need to,
because TextFrame is the parent that will delete all it’s children when it is destroyed.

wxDefaultPosition is defined as wxPoint(-1, -1) and wxDefaultSize is defined as wxSize(-

1, -1).

wxTE_MULTILINE is a specific window-style for a text control. This style indicates that
wxTextCtrl allows multiple lines. See chapter 7.10 for more information about different

Example 10. TextFrame.cpp – The TextFrame implementation with wxTextCtrl

// For compilers that supports precompilation , includes “wx/wx.h”
#include “wx/wxprec.h”

#ifndef WX_PRECOMP
#include “wx/wx.h”
#include “TextFrame.h”

TextFrame::TextFrame(const wxChar *title, int xpos, int ypos, int width, int height)
: wxFrame((wxFrame *) NULL, -1, title, wxPoint(xpos, ypos), wxSize(width, height))
m_pTextCtrl = new wxTextCtrl(this, -1, wxString(“Type some text...”),
wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxTE_MULTILINE);

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When you build this project, you’ll have an application that shows a window where you
can enter some text. Try cut, paste, and you’ll see that this small piece of code does a lot
for you.

3.3 Adding a menubar

Naturally, you want to add menus to your application to aid the user in writing text.
wxWindows provides the following classes for menus: wxMenuBar and wxMenu.

Each menu needs a unique ID. In Example 11 you see this is done by using an enum.
#define for defining constants (e.g. #define MENU_FILE_MENU 1) isn’t used because this
can’t guarantee you that you have unique ID’s. It’s quit easily to overlook some values
and it’s difficult to maintain when you have to insert new ID’s.
Example 11. TextFrame.h - The TextFrame definition with menus
#ifndef _TEXTFRAME_H
#define _TEXTFRAME_H

class TextFrame : public wxFrame

* Constructor. Creates a new TextFrame
TextFrame(const wxChar *title, int xpos, int ypos, int width, int height);

* Destructor
wxTextCtrl *m_pTextCtrl;
wxMenuBar *m_pMenuBar;
wxMenu *m_pFileMenu;
wxMenu *m_pInfoMenu;



In the implementation of TextFrame in Example 12 you see how the menubar is created
in the constructor of TextFrame. A menu-item is added to the menu using the Append
method of wxMenu. Note how the ampersand is used to indicate which character is used
as the hotkey. When the menu is created you use Append method from wxMenuBar to
append it to the menubar.
Example 12. TextFrame.cpp – The TextFrame implementation with menus
// For compilers that supports precompilation , includes “wx/wx.h”
#include “wx/wxprec.h”

#ifndef WX_PRECOMP
#include “wx/wx.h”
#include “TextFrame.h”

TextFrame::TextFrame(const wxChar *title, int xpos, int ypos, int width, int height)
: wxFrame((wxFrame *) NULL, -1, title, wxPoint(xpos, ypos), wxSize(width, height))
m_pTextCtrl = new wxTextCtrl(this, -1, wxString(“Type some text...”),

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wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxTE_MULTILINE);

m_pMenuBar = new wxMenuBar();

// File Menu
m_pFileMenu = new wxMenu();
m_pFileMenu->Append(MENU_FILE_OPEN, “&Open”);
m_pFileMenu->Append(MENU_FILE_SAVE, “&Save”);
m_pFileMenu->Append(MENU_FILE_QUIT, “&Quit”);
m_pMenuBar->Append(m_pFileMenu, “&File”);
// About menu
m_pInfoMenu = new wxMenu();
m_pInfoMenu->Append(MENU_INFO_ABOUT, “&About”);
m_pMenuBar->Append(m_pInfoMenu, “&Info”);



3.4 Adding a Statusbar

Adding a statusbar to your frame is even easier. Call the wxFrame-method
CreateStatusBar and you’ll have a statusbar. As parameter, you can pass a number that
is used to create separate fields in the statusbar. With the SetStatusText method of
wxFrame you set the text of the field in the statusbar.
Example 13. Creating a statusbar
SetStatusText(“Ready”, 0);

Example 13 creates a statusbar that contains 3 fields. The text “Ready” is displayed in
the first field.

The statusbar can also be used to display a description of the selected menu. Example 14
shows you how to change Example 12. When you select a menu, the description is
displayed in the first field of the statusbar.
Example 14. Menus with a description-text.
// File menu
m_pFileMenu = new wxMenu();
m_pFileMenu->Append(MENU_FILE_OPEN, “&Open”, “Opens an existing file”);
m_pFileMenu->Append(MENU_FILE_SAVE, “&Save”, “Save the content”);
m_pFileMenu->Append(MENU_FILE_QUIT, “&Quit”, “Quit the application”);
m_pMenuBar->Append(m_pFileMenu, “&File”);

// About menu
m_pInfoMenu = new wxMenu();
m_pInfoMenu->Append(MENU_INFO_ABOUT, “&About”, “Shows information about the application”);
m_pMenuBar->Append(m_pInfoMenu, “&Info”);

3.5 Processing Menu Events

Now that you have menus on your frame, you want to implement actions when the user
selects a menu. You have to find a way to process the events that are triggered by the
menus. The trick is that you attach a method of your class to the event you want to
process. In previous versions of wxWindows, events were handled by supplying callback
functions or by overloading virtual functions. From wxWindows 2.0 event tables are used
instead. In this chapter, only the events generated by menus are explained. You’ll find
more about event handling in chapter 4.

Each window that processes events needs to declare an event table. The
DECLARE_EVENT_TABLE macro is used for this. You also need to define the methods for
your actions. An event received from a menu is a wxCommandEvent. This is the type of

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the parameter of your methods. Example 15 contains the full definition of the TextFrame
Example 15. TextFrame.h – The TextFrame definition with an event table
#ifndef _TEXTFRAME_H
#define _TEXTFRAME_H

class TextFrame : public wxFrame

* Constructor. Creates a new TextFrame
TextFrame(const wxChar title, int xpos, int ypos, int width, int height);

* Destructor

* Processes menu File|Open
void OnMenuFileOpen(wxCommandEvent &event);
* Processes menu File|Save
void OnMenuFileSave(wxCommandEvent &event);
* Processes menu File|Quit
void OnMenuFileQuit(wxCommandEvent &event);
* Processes menu About|Info
void OnMenuInfoAbout(wxCommandEvent &event);

wxTextCtrl *m_pTextCtrl;
wxMenuBar *m_pMenuBar;
wxMenu *m_pFileMenu;
wxMenu *m_pInfoMenu;



The event table is placed in the implementation file. wxWindows helps you with a bunch
of macros. The BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE macro is used to declare the beginning of the event
table. Because you can have many event tables in your program you pass the name of
the class that processes the events in the macro. To attach your method to the event,
you use the EVT_MENU macro. The end of the event table is marked with the
Example 16 is the full implementation of the TextFrame class.

Example 16. TextFrame.cpp – The TextFrame implementation that processes menu events
// For compilers that supports precompilation , includes “wx/wx.h”
#include “wx/wxprec.h”

#ifndef WX_PRECOMP
#include “wx/wx.h”

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wxWindows – Programming cross-platform GUI applications in C++ - 19 -

#include “TextFrame.h”

TextFrame::TextFrame(const wxChar *title, int xpos, int ypos, int width, int height)
: wxFrame((wxFrame *) NULL, -1, title, wxPoint(xpos, ypos), wxSize(width, height))
m_pTextCtrl = new wxTextCtrl(this, -1, wxString(“Type some text…”),
wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxTE_MULTILINE);

m_pMenuBar = new wxMenuBar();
// File Menu
m_pFileMenu = new wxMenu();
m_pFileMenu->Append(MENU_FILE_OPEN, “&Open”, “Opens an existing file”);
m_pFileMenu->Append(MENU_FILE_SAVE, “&Save”, “Saves the file”);
m_pFileMenu->Append(MENU_FILE_QUIT, “&Quit, “Close the application”);
m_pMenuBar->Append(m_pFileMenu, “&File”);
// About menu
m_pInfoMenu = new wxMenu();
m_pInfoMenu->Append(MENU_INFO_ABOUT, “&About”, “Shows info about the application”);
m_pMenuBar->Append(m_pInfoMenu, “&Info”);



BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(TextFrame, wxFrame)
EVT_MENU(MENU_FILE_OPEN, TextFrame::OnMenuFileOpen)
EVT_MENU(MENU_FILE_SAVE, TextFrame::OnMenuFileSave)
EVT_MENU(MENU_FILE_QUIT, TextFrame::OnMenuFileQuit)
EVT_MENU(MENU_INFO_ABOUT, TextFrame::OnMenuInfoAbout)

void TextFrame::OnMenuFileOpen(wxCommandEvent &event)

wxLogMessage(“File Open Menu Selected”);

void TextFrame::OnMenuFileSave(wxCommandEvent &event)

wxLogMessage(“File Save Menu Selected”);

void TextFrame::OnMenuFileQuit(wxCommandEvent &event)


void TextFrame::OnMenuInfoAbout(wxCommandEvent &event)

wxLogMessage(“File About Menu Selected”);

Try this program and see what the results are. The Open and Save menu items of the
File menu are not yet implemented. How you can open, read and save a file is explained
in chapter 24 and how you can use common dialogs for opening and saving files is
explained in chapter 5.

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4 Event Handling
In chapter 3.5 on page 17 you’ve already learned how to do the event handling for
menus. In this chapter, you’ll learn how event handling works and how to handle other

4.1 Introduction
An event is something that occurred in your application or outside your application. An
event might be initiated by the user, another application, the operating system… You
need a mechanism to react on the events you’re interested in.

In previous versions of wxWindows, events were handled by the application either by

supplying a callback function or by overriding virtual member functions. From
wxWindows version 2.0, event tables are used instead. An event table, as seen in
Example 17, tells wxWindows how to map events to member functions. An event table is
declared in the implementation file (cpp).
Example 17. An event table
EVT_MENU(wxID_EXIT, MyFrame::OnExit)
EVT_BUTTON(BUTTON1, MyFrame::OnButton1)

The above event-table tells wxWindows when it receives a WM_SIZE event for your
frame to call the OnSize member function of the MyFrame class. The
BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE macro declares that MyFrame, which is derived from wxFrame,
owns this event table.

The member function that handles an event does not have to be virtual. Actually the
event handler ignores the virtual declaration. These functions have a similar form: the
return type is void and they receive an event parameter. The type of this parameter
depends on the event. For size events, wxSizeEvent is used. For menu commands and
most control commands (e.g. a button), wxCommandEvent is used. When controls get
more complicated, they use their own event class.

In the class definition, a DECLARE_EVENT_TABLE-macro must be placed. See Example

15 on page 18 for an example.

All these macros are used to hide the complexity of the event-handling system. For a
complete list of these event-macros, look at Appendix A: Event Macros on page 115.

4.2 How it works

When an event is received, wxWindows calls the ProcessEvent method of
wxEventHandler on the first handler object belonging to the window that generates the
event. wxWindow (and therefore all window classes) is derived from wxEventHandler .
ProcessEvent searches the event in the event tables and calls zero or more event handler
function(s). These are the steps in processing an event:

1. When the object is disabled (with SetEvtHandlerEnabled of wxEvtHandler) the

function skips to step 6.
2. When the object is a wxWindow, ProcessEvent is recursively called on the window’s
wxValidator. If this returns true, the function exists.
3. SearchEventTable is called for this event handler. When this fails, the base class is
tried, and so on. When no more tables exists or an appropriate function is found the
function exits. When a function is found, it’s executed.

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4. The search is applied down the entire chain of event handlers. When this succeeds
(meaning the event is processed) the function exits.
5. When the object is a wxWindow and the event is a wxCommandEvent, ProcessEvent
is recursively applied to the parent window’s event handler. When this returns true,
the function exits. This way a button click will be processed by the parent of the
button and not by the button itself.
6. Finally, ProcessEvent is called on the wxApp object.

4.3 Event Skipping

ProcessEvent exits when it finds a function to handle the event. This means that when
your class reacts on an event, the base class does not get the event. Sometimes this is
not desired. This problem can be avoided with the Skip method of the wxEvent class,
which is the base class of each event type. This way the search for event handlers is

Example 18 defines a text window, which only accepts numeric characters.

Example 18. NumTextCtrl.h – The definition of a numeric text control
class NumTextCtrl : public wxTextCtrl
NumTextCtrl(wxWindow *parent);
void OnChar(wxKeyEvent& event);

Example 19. NumTextCtrl.cpp – The implementation of a numeric text control

// For compilers that supports precompilation , includes “wx/wx.h”
#include “wx/wxprec.h”

#ifndef WX_PRECOMP
#include “wx/wx.h”
#include “NumTextCtrl.h”
#include <ctype.h>

NumTextCtrl::NumTextCtrl(wxWindow *parent) : wxTextCtrl(parent, -1)


void NumTextCtrl::OnChar(wxKeyEvent& event)

if ( isdigit(event.GetKeyCode()) )
// Numeric characters are allowed, so the base class wxTextCtrl
// is allowed to process the event. This is done using the Skip() method.
// Character is not allowed.

BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(NumTextCtrl, wxTextCtrl)

When NumericTextCtrl receives a key event, the keycode is checked. When the entered
key is numeric, the base class wxTextCtrl may process the event. That’s why the Skip
method is called on the event. You must call the Skip method here, because otherwise no
key would be processed.

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4.4 Vetoing an event

Some events can be vetoed. When you veto an event, the event is not further processed.
Example 20 shows you how the close event of the Simple Text Editor is vetoed when the
text is changed in a text control. The user can’t close the frame until the text is saved.

Example 20. Vetoing an event.

void TextFrame::OnClose(wxCloseEvent& event)
bool destroy = true;

if ( event.CanVeto() )
if ( m_pTextCtrl->IsModified() )
wxMessageDialog *dlg =
new wxMessageDialog(this, "Text is changed!\nAre you sure you want to exit?",
"Text changed!!!", wxYES_NO | wxNO_DEFAULT);
int result = dlg->ShowModal();
if ( result == wxID_NO )
destroy = false;
if ( destroy )

When does CanVeto return false? You can’t veto an event when the task manager ends
your program, when the user logs off, …

4.5 Plug an event handler

Consider the following problem: you want to log each menu command. You could create
a function that is called in every command event handler function. The problem with this
solution is that this will be hard to maintain. When you add a new menu item and you
forget to call the function the menu command is not logged.

The solution for this problem is to create a new event handler and plug it into a
wxWindow class. To do this, you create a new class derived from wxEvtHandler. Within
this new class, you do the same as you would when you do event handling for a normal
window. The code is shown in Example 21 and Example 22.

Example 21. LogEventHandler.h - The definition of the LogEventHandler.

#ifndef _LogEventHandler_H
#define _LogEventHandler_H

class LogEventHandler : public wxEvtHandler

LogEventHandler() : wxEvtHandler()
virtual ~LogEventHandler()
void OnMenu(wxMenuEvent &event);


#endif // _LogEventHandler_H

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Example 22. LogEventHandler.cpp - The implementation of the LogEventHandler.

// For compilers that supports precompilation , includes "wx/wx.h"
#include "wx/wxprec.h"

#ifndef WX_PRECOMP
#include "wx/wx.h"

#include "LogEventHandler.h"

void LogEventHandler::OnMenu(wxMenuEvent &event)

wxLogMessage("Someone selected a menu item");

BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(LogEventHandler, wxEvtHandler)
EVT_MENU_RANGE(-1, -1, LogEventHandler::OnMenu)

With the EVT_MENU_RANGE macro, you can handle a range of menus. The first two
parameters specify the range of id’s you want to handle. –1 means that you want to
handle all the menu items.

The next step is to push the new event handler in the stack of handlers. This is done
using the PushEventHandler method of the wxWindow class. Removing the event handler
is done PopEventHandler method.

PushEventHandler(new LogEventHandler());

The PopEventHandler method has a boolean parameter. When this parameter is true,
wxWindows will delete the event handler. Note that when you don’t pop the event
handler, wxWindows will try to delete the event handler when the window is destroyed.
This can generate access violation errors when you didn’t create the event handler on the
heap. Avoid these errors by calling PopEventHandler with parameter false in the
destructor of your class.

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5 Common Dialogs

5.1 Introduction
In chapter 3.5 on page 17 you provided menu commands for opening and saving a text-
file. To allow the user to select or enter a filename you can use a common dialog:
wxFileDialog. When common dialogs are used, you give the user a consistent interface.
No matter which application the user uses, they can expect to see a dialog that looks

wxWindows provides the following common dialogs:

! wxFileDialog
Shows a dialog for saving or opening a file.
! wxColourDialog
Shows a dialog for selecting colors.
! wxFontDialog
Shows a dialog for selecting a font.
! wxPrintDialog
Shows a dialog for printing and setting up a printer.
! wxDirDialog
Shows a dialog for selecting a directory.
! wxTextEntryDialog
Shows a dialog that request the user to enter a one-line text.
! wxMessageDialog
Shows a dialog with a single or multi-line message, with a choice of Ok, Yes, No and
Cancel buttons.
! wxSingleChoiceDialog
Shows a dialog with a list of strings, and allows the user to select one.
! wxWizard
Shows a wizard dialog.

wxWindows is a cross-platform framework. When a common dialog is not available on

the particular platform, wxWindow will present a generic dialog.

You’ll see in the following examples that for every dialog the Destroy method is called
instead of deleting the pointer. This is done for consistency purposes. wxWindows
controls should always be created on the heap and they are safely removed when you
call the Destroy method. This is because wxWindows sometimes delays deletion until all
events are processed. This way wxWindows avoids that events are sent to non-existing

5.2 wxFileDialog
wxFileDialog is used to present the user a dialog where he can select or enter a filename
when he wants to open or save a file. The constructor of wxFileDialog looks like this:

wxFileDialog(wxWindow *parent, const wxString& message = “Choose a file”,

const wxString& defaultDir = “”, const wxString& defaultFile = “”,
const wxString& wildcard = “*.*”, long style = 0,
const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition);

! parent is the window that owns this dialog.

! message is the title of the dialog.
! defaultDir is the default directory.
! defaultFile is a default filename.
! wildcard is something like “*.*” or “*.txt”. This is used for filtering files. “*.txt” will
show files only when they have txt as extension. It’s possible to list multiple
extensions and to add a description for each extension. This list is displayed in the

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dialog’s “files of type” combo-box. Use the following syntax for this:
description|extension. The following example gives the user the possibility to view all
files, all text-files and all bitmap files: “All files(*.*)|*.*|Text files(*.txt)|*.txt|Bitmap
! style is the type of the dialog.

wxOPEN This is used for the open dialog.

wxSAVE This is used for the save dialog.
wxHIDE_READONLY Used to hide read-only files.
wxOVERWRITE_PROMPT Used to ask for confirmation when a file will be
wxMULTIPLE For open dialog only: Allows multiple file

! pos is not used.

Example 23 completes the text editor you’ve written in chapter 3. The ShowModal
method displays the dialog. “Modal” means that no other window of the application can
get the focus until the dialog is closed. ShowModal returns wxID_OK when the user
presses OK and wxID_CANCEL otherwise. GetFilename is used to retrieve the name of
the file that is selected. GetPath will return the full path (directory and filename) of the
selected file. Loading and saving text is very simple when the wxTextCtrl class is used.
You can use the methods LoadFile and SaveFile.
Example 23. Implementation of the File Open and File Save menu actions.
void TextFrame::OnMenuFileOpen(wxCommandEvent &event)
wxFileDialog *dlg = new wxFileDialog(this, "Open a text file",
"", "", "All files(*.*)|*.*|Text Files(*.txt)|*.txt",
wxOPEN, wxDefaultPosition);
if ( dlg->ShowModal() == wxID_OK )
SetStatusText(dlg->GetFilename(), 0);

void TextFrame::OnMenuFileSave(wxCommandEvent &event)

wxFileDialog *dlg = new wxFileDialog(this, "Save a text file",
"", "", "All files(*.*)|*.*|Text Files(*.txt)|*.txt",
wxSAVE, wxDefaultPosition);
if ( dlg->ShowModal() == wxID_OK )
SetStatusText(dlg->GetFilename(), 0);

5.3 wxColourDialog
wxColourDialog implements a dialog where the user can select a color. wxColourDialog is
used together with wxColourData. wxColourData is used to set the current color in the
dialog and to get the selected color. The constructor of wxColourDialog looks like this:

wxColourDialog(wxWindow *parent, wxColourData *data = NULL)

! parent is the window that owns the dialog.

! data contains color information. It contains the default color, custom colors and
under Windows you can tell it to show the full dialog with custom color selection

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Example 24 adds a menu-item to the application to allow the user to select another
background color. The current background-color is assigned to colourData. When the
application runs on a Windows-system the full dialog is displayed.
Example 24. Selecting a color with wxColourDialog
void TextFrame::OnMenuOptionBackgroundColor(wxCommandEvent &event)
wxColourData colourData;
wxColour colour = m_pTextCtrl->GetBackgroundColour();
wxColourDialog *dlg = new wxColourDialog(this, &colourData);
if ( dlg->ShowModal() == wxID_OK )
colourData = dlg->GetColourData();

5.4 wxFontDialog
wxFontDialog is used to show the user a dialog where he can select a font. This dialog is
used together with wxFontData, wxFont and wxColour. wxFontData is used to set the
current font in the dialog and to get the selected font. The constructor of the
wxFontDialog looks like this:

wxFontDialog(wxWindow *parent, wxFontData *data = NULL);

! parent is the window that owns the dialog

! data contains information to show the current font and to retrieve information on the
selected font.

Example 25 implements a new menu item for changing the font in the editor. First of all
fontData is filled with the current font and color. When the application runs on a
Windows-system, the user will see a help-button. When the user selects the font,
fontData is used to set the new font and foregroundcolor.
Example 25.Selecting a font with wxFontDialog
void TextFrame::OnMenuOptionFont(wxCommandEvent& event)
wxFontData fontData;
wxFont font;
wxColour colour;

font = m_pTextCtrl->GetFont();
colour = m_pTextCtrl->GetForegroundColour();

wxFontDialog *dlg = new wxFontDialog(this, &fontData);

if ( dlg->ShowModal() == wxID_OK )
fontData = dlg->GetFontData();
font = fontData.GetChosenFont();

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5.5 wxPrintDialog
wxPrintDialog is used to print a document and to set the printer options. It’s used
together with wxPrinterData and wxPrinterDC

5.6 wxDirDialog
wxDirDialog is used to select a directory. The constructor looks like this:

wxDirDialog(wxWindow *parent, const wxString& message = “Choose a directory”,

const wxString &defaultPath = “”, long style = 0,
const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition);

! parent is the window that owns this dialog.

! message is the title of this dialog.
! defaultPath is used to select the default in the dialog.
! style is not used.
! pos is not used.

The following example shows an implementation of a menu item to set a new working
directory. wxGetCwd is used to retrieve the current working directory. When the user
selected a directory you can retrieve the name of the directory with the GetPath method.
wxSetWorkingDirectory is used to set the new working directory.

void TextFrame::OnMenuOptionDirectory(wxCommandEvent& event)

wxDirDialog *dlg = new wxDirDialog(this, "Select a new working directory", wxGetCwd());
if ( dlg->ShowModal() == wxID_OK )

5.7 wxTextEntryDialog
wxTextEntryDialog is a dialog that requests a one-line text from the user. The
constructor looks like this:

wxTextEntryDialog(wxWindow *parent, const wxString& message,

const wxString& caption = “Please enter text”, const wxString& defaultValue,
long style = wxOK | wxCANCEL | wxCENTRE,
const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition);

! parent is the window that owns the dialog

! message is shown in the dialog.
! caption is the title of the dialog
! defaultValue is the default for the textfield
! style is the dialog style. All styles of wxTextCtrl can be specified here.

wxOK An OK button is displayed.

wxCANCEL A Cancel Button is displayed.
wxCENTRE Centers the dialog.

! pos is the position of the default.

As you can see in the following example wxTextEntryDialog is ideal to prompt the user
for a password.

wxTextEntryDialog *dlg = new wxTextEntryDialog(this, “Enter your password”,

“Enter your password”, “”,

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if ( dlg->ShowModal() == wxID_OK )
// Check the password
// Stop the application

5.8 wxMessageDialog
wxMessageDialog can be used to show a single or multi-line message, with a choice of
OK, Yes, No or Cancel. The constructor looks like this:

wxMessageDialog(wxWindow *parent, const wxString& message,

const wxString& caption = “Message box”,
long style = wxOK | wxCANCEL | wxCENTRE,
const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition);

! parent is the parent window of the dialog

! message is the message to show. This can be a multi-line message.
! caption is the title of the dialog
! style is the dialog style

wxOK Show an OK button.

wxCANCEL Show a Cancel button.
wxYES_NO Show Yes and No buttons.
wxYES_DEFAULT Used with wxYES_NO and makes the Yes button the
default. This is the default.
wxNO_DEFAULT Used with wxYES_NO and makes the No button the
wxCENTRE Centres the message.
wxICON_EXCLAMATION Shows an exclamation mark icon
wxICON_HAND Shows an error icon.
wxICON_ERROR Shows an error icon.
wxICON_QUESTION Shows a question mark icon.
wxICON_INFORMATION Shows an information icon.

! pos is the dialog position.

On page 22 you see Example 20 that uses wxMessageDialog to ask the user if he is sure
to exit the application.

5.9 wxSingleChoiceDialog
To Do

5.10 wxWizard
To Do

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6 Dialogs
A dialog box is a window with a title bar. The window can be moved and it can contain
controls and other windows. A dialog can be modal or modeless. A modal dialog blocks
the flow of the program until the dialog is closed.

6.1 Programming dialogs

wxDialog is the base class for all dialogs. Your custom dialog derives from wxDialog. The
constructor of wxDialog looks like this:

wxDialog(wxWindow* parent, wxWindowID id, const wxString& title,

const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition, const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize,
long style = wxDEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE, const wxString& name = "dialogBox")

! parent is the window that owns the dialog.

! id is a unique window id.
! title is the caption of the dialog.
! pos is the position of the dialog
! size is the size of the dialog.
! style is the window style of the dialog.

wxDIALOG_MODAL Specifies that the dialog will be modal

wxCAPTION Puts a caption on the dialog (default)
wxDEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE Equivalent to a combination of
wxRESIZE_BORDER Displays a resizable frame around the
wxSYSTEM_MENU Displays a system menu
wxTHICK_FRAME Displays a thick frame around the dialog
wxSTAY_ON_TOP The dialog stays on top of all other
windows. (Windows only)
wxNO_3D Specifies that by default no child controls
should have 3D borders.

! name is the control name.

When you use dialogs in your program, wxWindows needs a resource file. When you
don’t need extra icons, it can be as simple as you can see in Example 26.

Example 26. TextEditorApp.rc - A simple resource file.

#include "wx/msw/wx.rc"

Example 27 shows you the definition of a dialog that shows the about-information of the
simple text editor you have developed in the previous chapters. Example 28 shows the
Example 27. AboutDialog.h – The AboutDialog definition

class AboutDialog : public wxDialog

* Constructor
AboutDialog(wxWindow *parent);


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* Destructor
virtual ~AboutDialog() { }

* Sets the text on the dialog
void SetText(const wxString& text);


wxStaticText *m_pInfoText;
wxButton *m_pOkButton;



Example 28. AboutDialog.cpp – The AboutDialog implementation

// For compilers that supports precompilation , includes "wx/wx.h"
#include "wx/wxprec.h"

#ifndef WX_PRECOMP
#include "wx/wx.h"

#include "AboutDialog.h"

AboutDialog:: AboutDialog(wxWindow *parent)

: wxDialog(parent, -1, "About Simple Text Editor", wxDefaultPosition,
wxSize(200, 200), wxDEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE)
m_pInfoText = new wxStaticText(this, -1, "", wxPoint(5, 5),
wxSize(100, 100), wxALIGN_CENTRE);
m_pOkButton = new wxButton(this, wxID_OK, "Ok", wxPoint(5, 40));

void AboutDialog::SetText(const wxString& text)


You can see in the examples that there’s no event handling. You don’t need to provide it
because you can use the default event handling of wxWindows. A dialog is automatically
closed when the user clicks on a button that has the wxID_OK or wxID_CANCEL
identifier. Example 29 shows you how you can show the dialog when the user clicks on
the about menu item.

When you don’t use the default handling, you don’t use an Ok button for example, then
you need to destroy the dialog yourself (by calling Destroy()) in the EVT_CLOSE event!
Your application keeps running when you don’t destroy the dialog.

Example 29. How to show a dialog?

void TextFrame::OnMenuInfoAbout(wxCommandEvent &event)
AboutDialog *dlg = new AboutDialog(this);
dlg->SetText("(c) 2001 S.A.W. Franky Braem\nSimple Text Editor\n");

When you execute the text editor and select the Info/About menu, you must see a dialog
as shown in Figure 1.

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Figure 1. The about dialog.

6.2 Layout Dialogs

You’re probably not happy with the layout of the dialog in Figure 1. It would be nice to
center the text and the button on the dialog. Moreover, what happens when the size of
the text changes? The button should always be positioned below the text.

6.2.1 wxLayoutConstraints
Instead of calculating the positions of the controls when you get an EVT_SIZE event,
wxWindows helps you with the wxLayoutConstraints class to layout the controls on a
parent window. Each window can be associated with a wxLayoutConstraints object to
define the way it is laid out, with respect to its sibling or the parent.

wxLayoutConstraints contains 8 different constraints:

left Represents the left hand edge of the window.

right Represents the right hand edge of the window.
top Represents the top hand edge of the window.
bottom Represents the bottom edge of the window.
width Represents the width of the window.
height Represents the height of the window.
centreX Represents the horizontal center point of the window.
centreY Represents the vertical center point of the window.

The constraints are initially set to wxUnconstrained, which means that their values should
be calculated by looking at known constraints. The layout algorithm needs to know
exactly 4 constraints, to calculate the position and size of the control.

Therefore, you should always set exactly 4 constraints of the above table.

The algorithm is executed when the Layout method of wxWindow is called. You can use
the SetAutoLayout method to automatically call Layout when the window, frame, dialog
or panel is resized. Alternatively, you can call Layout yourself.

Each constraint is an object of the wxIndividualLayoutConstraint class. Each of the

following methods defines how the window is constrained relative to either its siblings or
its parent.

Above(wxWindow *w, int margin = 0)

Constrains the edge to be above of the given window, with an optional margin.

Absolute(int value)
Constrains the edge to be the given absolute value.

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Sets the edge or constraint to the current value of the window’s value. If either the width
or the height constraints are as is, the window is not resized but moved. This is often
used when the size of a control is not allowed to change (e.g. a button)

Below(wxWindow *w, int margin = 0)

Constrains the edge to be below the given window, with an optional margin.

LeftOf(wxWindow *w, int margin = 0)

Constrains the edge to be left of the given window, with an optional margin.

PercentOf(wxWindow *w, wxEdge edge, int per)

Constrains the edge or dimension to be a percentage of the given window and his edge.

RightOf(wxWindow *w, int margin = 0)

Constrains the edge to be right of the given window, with an optional margin.

SameAs(wxWindow *w, wxEdge edge, int margin = 0)

Constrains the edge to be the same as the edge of the window, with an optional margin.

Example 30 AboutDialog.cpp - Using wxLayoutConstraints.

// For compilers that supports precompilation , includes "wx/wx.h"
#include "wx/wxprec.h"

#ifndef WX_PRECOMP
#include "wx/wx.h"

#include "AboutDialog.h"

AboutDialog:: AboutDialog(wxWindow *parent)

: wxDialog(parent, -1, "About Simple Text Editor", wxDefaultPosition,
wxSize(200, 200), wxDEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE)

wxLayoutConstraints *layout = new wxLayoutConstraints();

layout->top.SameAs(this, wxTop, 10);

layout->centreX.SameAs(this, wxCentreX);
m_pInfoText = new wxStaticText(this, -1, "", wxPoint(-1, -1),
wxDefaultSize, wxALIGN_CENTER);

layout = new wxLayoutConstraints();

layout->top.Below(m_pInfoText, 10);
layout->centreX.SameAs(this, wxCentreX);
layout->width.PercentOf(this, wxWidth, 80);

m_pOkButton = new wxButton(this, wxID_OK, "Ok", wxPoint(-1, -1));



void AboutDialog::SetText(const wxString& text)

// Call layout, because the static text could be resized.

Example 30 is the new implementation of the AboutDialog.

m_pInfoText is layout as follows:

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layout->top.SameAs(this, wxTop, 10);

The top is the same as the top of its parent with a margin of 10.
layout->centreX.SameAs(this, wxCentreX);
The horizontal center is the same as the horizontal center of its parent.
The width is kept unchanged. The width could be changed by setting a new text.
The height is kept unchanged. The height could be changed by setting a new text.

m_pOkButton is layout as follows:

layout->top.Below(m_pInfoText, 10);
The top of the button is below m_pInfoText with a margin of 10.
layout->centreX.SameAs(this, wxCentreX);
The horizontal center of the button is the same as the center of its parent.
layout->width.PercentOf(this, wxWidth, 80);
The width is 80% of the width of its parent.
The height is kept unchanged.

As you can see in Figure 2 the layout of the dialog is much better now.

Figure 2 The About dialog with wxLayoutConstraint.

6.2.2 wxSizer
The preferred way of wxWindows to layout controls on your dialogs are sizers. Sizers are
classes derived from wxSizer. The most important method of wxSizer is Add. With this
method, you add controls, other sizers or spacers as items to a sizer.

Adding controls

void Add(wxWindow* window, int option = 0,int flag = 0,

int border = 0, wxObject* userData = NULL)

! window is the control to add to the sizer.

! option is used together with wxBoxSizer
0 means that the size of the control is not allowed to change in the main orientation
of the sizer.
1 means that the size of the control may grow or shrink in the main orientation of the
! flag can be used to set a number of flags which can be combined with the OR

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Border flags:

wxTOP Defines that the border is on the top.

wxBOTTOM Defines that the border is on the bottom.
wxLEFT Defines that the border is on the left.
wxRIGHT Defines that the border is on the right.
wxALL Defines that the border is on all sides.

Behavior flags:

wxGROW or The item may be resized.

wxSHAPED The item may be proportionally resized.
wxALIGN_CENTER or The item is centered.
wxALIGN_LEFT The item is left aligned.
wxALIGN_TOP The item is top aligned.
wxALIGN_RIGHT The item is right aligned.
wxALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL The item is centered in the main orientation.
wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL The item is centered in the main orientation.

! border defines the border width when a border flag is set.

! userData allows an extra object to be attached to the sizer item, which can be used
by derived classes.

Adding sizers

void Add(wxSizer* sizer, int option = 0, int flag = 0, int border = 0,

wxObject* userData = NULL)

Sizers can be nested. See adding controls for a detailed explanation of all the

Adding spacers

void Add(int width, int height, int option = 0, int flag = 0, int border = 0,
wxObject* userData = NULL)

A spacer can be used to keep space between controls. You could for example add a
spacer between two buttons on a dialog. When the spacer is allowed to grow, the result
will be that the first button is kept left aligned and the other one is kept right aligned.

! wxBoxSizer

A box sizer is used to layout your controls in a row/column hierarchy. A box sizer can
grow in both directions. Depending on the flags you specify, a box sizer will grow
vertically and/or horizontally. When you create a box sizer, you have to give it a main

First, a sizer is created for the full dialog. Its main orientation is vertical. All the other
sizers, who are children of the dialog sizer, will have a horizontal main orientation.
They are allowed to grow horizontally, but not vertically. The second sizer is used to
layout the Ok button. This is done to keep a fixed margin between the button and the
edge of the dialog. When the button is added, a border of size 20 is specified.
Example 31. Using the wxBoxSizer
AboutDialog:: AboutDialog(wxWindow *parent)
: wxDialog(parent, -1, "About Simple Text Editor", wxDefaultPosition,

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wxBoxSizer *dialogSizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL);

wxBoxSizer *textSizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL);

m_pInfoText = new wxStaticText(this, -1, "", wxDefaultPosition,
wxDefaultSize, wxALIGN_CENTER);
// The text can grow horizontally.
textSizer->Add(m_pInfoText, 1, 0);

wxBoxSizer *buttonSizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL);

m_pOkButton = new wxButton(this, wxID_OK, "Ok", wxPoint(-1, -1));
// The button can grow horizontally, not vertically.
// The button has a left and right border with size 20
buttonSizer->Add(m_pOkButton, 1, wxLEFT | wxRIGHT, 20);

// The sizers can't change their vertical size. They can only grow horizontally.
dialogSizer->Add(textSizer, 0, wxGROW);
dialogSizer->Add(buttonSizer, 0, wxGROW);


! wxGridSizer

A grid sizer is a sizer which layouts the controls in a two-dimensional table that
contains cells of the same size. The width of each cell is the width of the widest
control and the height of each cell is the height of the tallest control. When you create
a grid sizer you have to specify how many rows you want and how many columns. If
one of these are zero the value is calculated by the grid sizer. You can also specify
how much space there must be between columns and rows.

In Example 32 a grid sizer is created with two rows and one column. The space
between columns and rows is 10.

Example 32. AboutDialog using wxGridSizer

AboutDialog:: AboutDialog(wxWindow *parent)
: wxDialog(parent, -1, "About Simple Text Editor", wxDefaultPosition,
wxGridSizer *dialogSizer = new wxGridSizer(2, 1, 10, 10);

m_pInfoText = new wxStaticText(this, -1, "", wxDefaultPosition,

wxDefaultSize, wxALIGN_CENTER);
dialogSizer->Add(m_pInfoText, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER);

m_pOkButton = new wxButton(this, wxID_OK, "Ok", wxPoint(-1, -1));

dialogSizer->Add(m_pOkButton, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER);


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Figure 3. The about box using wxGridSizer

! wxFlexGridSizer

A flex grid sizer is a sizer which layouts the controls in a two-dimensional table with
all cells in one row with the same width and all cells in one column with the same

A grid sizer is very useful for dialogs where you need to attach labels to controls.
Figure 4 shows an example of the use of wxFlexGridSizer. The width of the first
column, containing the labels, is the maximum width of one of the labels. The code
for creating such a dialog is shown in Example 33. You can see that 2 rows and 2
columns are created. When adding controls to the sizer, they are placed from left to
right and from top to bottom.
Figure 4. An example of wxFlexGrid

Example 33. Using wxFlexGridSizer

wxFlexGridSizer *dialogSizer = new wxFlexGridSizer(2, 2, 10, 10);

dialogSizer->Add(new wxStaticText(this, -1, "Username"), 0, wxALIGN_CENTRE_VERTICAL);

dialogSizer->Add(new wxTextCtrl(this, ID_USER_NAME), 0, wxALIGN_CENTRE_VERTICAL);
dialogSizer->Add(new wxStaticText(this, -1, "Password"), 0, wxALIGN_CENTRE_VERTICAL);
dialogSizer->Add(new wxTextCtrl(this, ID_PASSWORD), 0, wxALIGN_CENTRE_VERTICAL);
dialogSizer->Add(new wxStaticText(this, -1, "Retype Password"), 0,
dialogSizer->Add(new wxTextCtrl(this, ID_PASSWORD2), 0, wxALIGN_CENTRE_VERTICAL);


! wxStaticBoxSizer
wxStaticBoxSizer is a sizer derived from wxBoxSizer. It adds a static box around the
! wxNotebookSizer
This sizer is a specialized sizer to make sizers work on wxNotebook controls.

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Sizers can be nested. You can use a box sizer together with a grid sizer. Example 34
shows you how a wxBoxsizer is combined with a wxFlexGridSizer.

Example 34. Nested sizers.

wxBoxSizer *dialogSizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL);

wxFlexGridSizer *controlSizer = new wxFlexGridSizer(2, 2, 10, 10);

controlSizer->Add(new wxStaticText(this, -1, "Username"), 0, wxALIGN_CENTRE_VERTICAL);

controlSizer->Add(new wxTextCtrl(this, -1), 0, wxALIGN_CENTRE_VERTICAL);
controlSizer->Add(new wxStaticText(this, -1, "Password"), 0, wxALIGN_CENTRE_VERTICAL);
controlSizer->Add(new wxTextCtrl(this, -1), 0, wxALIGN_CENTRE_VERTICAL);
controlSizer->Add(new wxStaticText(this, -1, "Retype Password"), 0,
controlSizer->Add(new wxTextCtrl(this, -1), 0, wxALIGN_CENTRE_VERTICAL);

wxBoxSizer *buttonSizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL);

buttonSizer->Add(new wxButton(this, wxID_OK, "Ok"));

dialogSizer->Add(20, 20);
dialogSizer->Add(buttonSizer, 0, wxALIGN_CENTRE);


The result of this code is shown in Figure 5.

Figure 5. A dialog with combined sizers.

6.3 wxPanel
A panel is a window that can contain controls. Its main purpose is to be similar as a
dialog, with the exception that it can have any window as a parent. This way you can
create a frame that contains several controls.

wxPanel(wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id = -1, const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition,

const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize, long style = wxTAB_TRAVERSAL | wxNO_BORDER,
const wxString& name = wxPanelNameStr)

! parent is the parent window of the panel.

! id is the unique identifier for the panel. Use –1 when you don’t need it.
! pos is the position of the panel.
! size is the size of the panel.
! style is the style of the panel. wxPanel doesn’t define any specific styles.

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6.3.1 Methods

6.3.2 Event handling

6.3.3 Example

6.4 Dialog Resources

wxWindows provides a resource file facility, which allows the separation of dialog, menu,
bitmap, and icon specifications from the application code, but there are some problems
with it:

! The resource file format is a recent addition and subject to change. In later versions,
the format will be replaced by XML.
! Not all controls are available.

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7 Standard Controls
In the previous chapters, you already saw some standard controls. This chapter will show
you how to use the standard controls and what you can do with them. A standard control
always needs a parent window: a wxFrame, wxPanel or wxDialog.

A standard control should be created on the heap (using new) and added as a child to
another window. The parent window will delete your control. So, don’t delete it yourself,
because this will result in access violations errors.

When using an identifier for a window you have to be sure that you use a valid number.
Don’t use zero because this can cause segmentation faults. The easiest way is to use an
enumeration with the first element starting at 1000. When you don’t need an identifier
use -1.

Validators are not discussed in this chapter. Read chapter 8 to know how to use them.

7.1 wxButton
By clicking on a button, the user initiates a command.

The constructor looks like:

wxButton(wxWindow* parent, wxWindowID id, const wxString& label,

const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize,
long style = 0, const wxValidator& validator,
const wxString& name = "button");

! parent is the parent of the button. Can’t be NULL!

! id is the identifier of the button. Use –1 when you don’t need an identifier.
! label is the text that is shown on the button.
! pos is the position of the button on its parent. When you use sizers you can use
! size is the size of the button.
! style is the style of the button. Besides the styles of wxWindow you can also use the
following specific button styles:

wxBU_LEFT Left-justifies the bitmap. (Win32 only)

wxBU_TOP Aligns the bitmap to the top of the
button. (Win32 only)
wxBU_RIGHT Right-justifies the bitmap. (Win32 only)
wxBU_BOTTOM Aligns the bitmap to the bottom of the
button. (Win32 only)

! validator is a validator for the button.

7.1.1 Methods
wxString GetLabel() const
Returns the string label of the button.

wxSize GetDefaultSize()
Returns the default size for a button.

void SetDefault()
This sets the button as the default button for the panel or dialog.

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void SetLabel(const wxString &label)

Sets a new string label for the button.

7.1.2 Event handling

How do you execute an action when the user clicks on a button? You use the
EVT_BUTTON macro. The argument of the function is a wxCommandEvent. To attach a
class method to your button, you have to use a unique id for the button. The easiest way
to create a unique id is using an enumeration. For some buttons, you can use predefined
identifiers. For example: use wxID_OK for an “ok” button on a dialog and wxWindows is
able to do a default event handling for you.

EVT_BUTTON(id, func) Fired when the user clicks the button.

7.1.3 Example
The following example shows a simple dialog with a centered button. When you click the
button, a message box pops up with the message “You clicked my button”.
Example 35. ButtonDlg.h - The definition of the wxButton example.
#ifndef _ButtonDlg_H
#define _ButtonDlg_H

class ButtonDlg : public wxDialog



void OnButtonSelect(wxCommandEvent &event);


// ID's



Example 36. ButtonDlg.cpp – The implementation of the wxButton example.

#include "wx/wx.h"

#include "ButtonDlg.h"

ButtonDlg::ButtonDlg() : wxDialog(NULL, -1, "ButtonDialog",

wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(150, 150))
wxButton *button = new wxButton(this, BUTTON_SELECT, "Select", wxDefaultPosition);

// Setting the button in the middle of the dialog.

wxBoxSizer *dlgSizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL);
wxBoxSizer *buttonSizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL);
buttonSizer->Add(button, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER);
dlgSizer->Add(buttonSizer, 1, wxALIGN_CENTER);

void ButtonDlg::OnButtonSelect(wxCommandEvent& command)

wxMessageBox("You clicked my button");

BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(ButtonDlg, wxDialog)

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EVT_BUTTON(BUTTON_SELECT, ButtonDlg::OnButtonSelect)

7.2 wxBitmapButton
A wxBitmapButton is a button that contains a bitmap. You can use it on a dialog, panel or
almost any window.

The constructor:

wxBitmapButton( wxWindow* parent, wxWindowID id, const wxBitmap& bitmap,

const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition, const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize,
long style = wxBU_AUTODRAW, const wxValidator& validator = wxDefaultValidator,
const wxString& name = “button”)

! parent is the parent of this button. Can’t be NULL!

! id is the unique identifier for the button. Use –1 when you don’t need this.
! bitmap is the bitmap to display on the button.
! pos is the position of the button. When not set, wxDefaultPosition is used.
! size is the size of the button. When not set, wxDefaultSize is used.
! style is the style of the button. Besides the styles of wxWindow, the following styles
can be used:

wxBU_AUTODRAW The button will be drawn automatically

using the label bitmap. When no style is
specified, this will be used as default.
(Win32 only)
wxBU_LEFT Left-justifies the bitmap. (Win32 only)
wxBU_TOP Aligns the bitmap to the top of the
button. (Win32 only)
wxBU_RIGHT Right-justifies the bitmap. (Win32 only)
wxBU_BOTTOM Aligns the bitmap to the bottom of the
button. (Win32 only)

! validator is a validator for the button.

7.2.1 Methods
wxBitmap& GetBitmapDisabled() const;
Returns the bitmap for the disabled button.

wxBitmap& GetBitmapFocus() const;

Returns the bitmap for the focused state

wxBitmap& GetBitmapLabel() const;

Returns the bitmap label (the one you passed in the constructor).

wxBitmap& GetBitmapSelected() const;

Returns the bitmap for the selected state.

void SetBitmapDisabled(const wxBitmap& disabled);

Sets the bitmap for the disabled state.

void SetBitmapFocus(const wxBitmap& focus);

Sets the bitmap for the focused state.

void SetLabel(const wxBitmap& bitmap);

void SetBitmapLabel(const wxBitmap& bitmap);
Sets the bitmap for the button.

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void SetBitmapSelected(const wxBitmap& sel);

Sets the bitmap for the selected state.

7.2.2 Event handling

The events for wxBitmapButton are the same as wxButton.

7.2.3 Example
The example will show you how to create a wxBitmapButton. When you want more
details on how to use bitmaps, you should read chapter 18.

Example 37. ButtonDlg.h - The definition of the wxBitmapButton example.

#ifndef _ButtonDlg_H
#define _ButtonDlg_H

class ButtonDlg : public wxDialog



void OnButtonSelect(wxCommandEvent &event);

void OnClose(wxCloseEvent &event);

// ID's

wxBitmapButton *m_pButton;


Example 38. ButtonDlg.cpp - The implementation of the wxBitmapButton example.

#include "wx/wx.h"

#include "ButtonDlg.h"

ButtonDlg::ButtonDlg() : wxDialog(NULL, -1, "ButtonDialog", wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(150,

m_pButton = new wxBitmapButton(this, ID_BUTTON_SELECT, wxBitmap("button"));

// Setting the button in the middle of the dialog.

wxBoxSizer *dlgSizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL);
wxBoxSizer *buttonSizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL);
buttonSizer->Add(m_pButton, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER);
dlgSizer->Add(buttonSizer, 1, wxALIGN_CENTER);

void ButtonDlg::OnButtonSelect(wxCommandEvent& command)

wxMessageBox("You clicked my button");

// We have to destroy this dialog, because we don't use a default Ok button!!!

void ButtonDlg::OnClose(wxCloseEvent &event)

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BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(ButtonDlg, wxDialog)

In this example, you have to add the bitmap definition in the resource file. Example 39
shows you how to do that.

Example 39. ButtonApp.rc - The resource file of the wxBitmapButton example.

button BITMAP "books.bmp"

#include "wx/msw/wx.rc"

7.3 wxCalendarCtrl
The calendar control allows the user to select a date. You can customize the display of
the control in several ways: colors and fonts can be globally changed and each day can
have another display style. Read chapter 20 Date & Time on page101 when you need
more information about handling dates in wxWindows.

You have to explicitly include “wx/calctrl.h” before you can use the calendar control.

The constructor looks like this:

wxCalendarCtrl(wxWindow* parent, wxWindowID id, const wxDateTime& date = wxDefaultDateTime,

const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition, const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize,
long style = wxCAL_SHOW_HOLIDAYS, const wxString& name = wxCalendarNameStr)

! parent is the parent window of the calendar control. This can’t be NULL!
! id is the unique identifier for this control. You can use –1 when you don’t need one.
! date is the default date.
! pos is the position of the control.
! size is the size of the control.
! style is the style of the control.

wxCAL_SUNDAY_FIRST Shows Sunday as the first day of the week.

wxCAL_MONDAY_FIRST Shows Monday as the first day of the week.
wxCAL_SHOW_HOLIDAYS Highlights the holidays in the calendar. (Default)
wxCAL_NO_YEAR_CHANGE Disable the year selection.
wxCAL_NO_MONTH_CHANGE Disable the month selection.

The display of each day can be changed using the wxCalendarDateAttr class.

7.3.1 Methods
void EnableHolidayDisplay(bool display = TRUE)
When enabled the special highlighting of holidays is used. Use this instead of changing
the wxCAL_SHOW_HOLIDAYS style bit. The style can only be set on creation.

void EnableMonthChange(bool enable = TRUE)

When disabled the user can’t select another month and year. Use this instead of
changing the wxCAL_NO_MONTH_CHANGE style bit. The style can only be set on

void EnableYearChange(bool enable = TRUE)

When disabled the user can’t select another year. Use this instead of changing the
wxCAL_NO_YEAR_CHANGE style bit. The style can only be set on creation.

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wxCalendarDateAttr* GetAttr(size_t day) const

The attributes for the given day are returned. This can be NULL.

const wxDateTime& GetDate() const

The selected date is returned.

const wxColour& GetHeaderColourBg() const

The background color from the weekdays header is returned.

const wxColour& GetHeaderColourFg() const

The foreground color from the weekdays header is returned.

const wxColour& GetHighlightColourBg() const

Returns the background color used for highlighting the selected date.

const wxColour& GetHighlightColourFg() const

Returns the foreground color used for highlighting the selected date.

const wxColour& GetHolidayColourFg() const

Returns the foreground color used for highlighting holidays.

const wxColour& GetHolidayColourBg() const

Returns the background color used for highlighting holidays.

void ResetAttr(size_t day)

Reset the attributes for the given day.

void SetAttr(size_t day, wxCalendarDateAttr *attr)

Set the attributes for the given day. You can use NULL to reset all attributes for that day.

void SetDate(const wxDateTime& date)

Set the current date.

void SetHeaderColours(const wxColour &colFg, const wxColour &colBg)

Set the colors used for the weekday header. colFg is the foreground color and colBg is
the background color.

void SetHighlightColours(const wxColour& colFg, const wxColour& colBg)

Set the foreground color (colFg) and the background color (colBg) for highlighting the
selected date.

void SetHoliday(size_t day)

Mark the given day as a holiday.

void SetHolidayColours(const wxColour& colFg, const wxColour& colBg)

Set the foreground color (colFg) and background color (colBg) used for highlighting
holidays. This is only used when the style wxCAL_SHOW_HOLIDAYS is set.

7.3.2 wxCalendarDateAttr
wxCalendarDateAttr is used for setting attributes for a specific day.



wxCalendarDateAttr(const wxColour& colText, const wxColour& colBack = wxNullColour,

const wxColour& colBorder = wxNullColour, const wxFont& font = wxNullFont,
wxCalendarDateBorder border = wxCAL_BORDER_NONE)

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wxCalendarDateAttr(wxCalendarDateBorder border, const wxColour& colBorder = wxNullColour)

! colText is the foreground color of the day number.

! colBack is the background color of the day number.
! colBorder is the color of the border.
! font is the font used for the day number.
! border specifies which border is drawn. wxCalendarDateBorder is an enumeration
with the following values:

wxCAL_BORDER_NONE No border.
wxCAL_BORDER_SQUARE A square border.
wxCAL_BORDER_ROUND A round border.


const wxColour& GetBackgroundColour() const

Returns the background color to use for the day with this attribute.

wxCalendarDateBorder GetBorder() const

Returns the border type to use for the day with this attribute.

const wxColour& GetBorderColour() const

Returns the border color to use for the day with this attribute.

const wxFont& GetFont() const

Returns the font to use for the day with this attribute.

bool HasBackgroundColour() const

Returns true when the attribute has a non-default background color.

bool HasBorder() const

Returns true when the attribute has a border.

bool HasBorderColour() const

Returns true when the attribute has a non-default border color.

bool HasFont() const

Returns true when the attribute has a non-default font.

bool HasTextColour() const

Returns true when the attribute has a non-default text foreground color.

bool IsHoliday() const

Returns true when the attribute specifies that the day should be displayed as a holiday.

void SetBackgroundColour(const wxColour& colBack)

Set the background color of the day number.

void SetBorder(wxCalendareDateBorder border)

Set the kind of border. Look to the constructors for the possible value.

void SetBorderColour(const wxColour& col)

Set the color of the border.

void SetFont(const wxFont& font)

Set the font to use.

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void SetHoliday(bool holiday)

Display the date with this attribute as a holiday.

void SetTextColour(const wxColour& colText)

Set the foreground color of the day number.

7.3.3 Event handling

wxCalendarCtrl has several event handler macros. The handler function takes a

EVT_CALENDAR(id, func) A day was double clicked or the user

pressed the enter key.
EVT_CALENDAR_SEL_CHANGED(id, func) The selected date is changed.
EVT_CALENDAR_DAY(id, func) The selected day is changed.
EVT_CALENDAR_MONTH(id, func) The selected month is changed.
EVT_CALENDAR_YEAR(id, func) The selected year is changed.
EVT_CALENDAR_WEEKDAY_CLICKED User clicked on the weekday header.

A wxCalendarEvent has the following methods:

const wxDateTime& GetDate() const

The selected date is returned. This method can be used for all event types except

wxDateTime::WeekDay GetWeekDay() const

The selected weekday is returned. This method is only useful when handling the

7.3.4 Example
The example shows a dialog with a calendar control. When you double click or press the
enter key on a day, the day is marked with a red background color.
Example 40. CalendarDlg.h - The definition of the Calendar example.
#ifndef _CalendarDlg_H
#define _CalendarDlg_H

#include <wx/calctrl.h>

class CalendarDlg : public wxDialog


void OnClose(wxCloseEvent &event);
void OnCalendar(wxCalendarEvent &event);


wxCalendarCtrl *m_pCalendar;

#endif // _CalendarDlg_H

Example 41. CalendarDlg.cpp - The implementation of the calendar example.

#include <wx/wx.h>

#include "CalendarDlg.h"

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CalendarDlg::CalendarDlg() : wxDialog(NULL, -1, "CalendarDialog", wxDefaultPosition,

wxSize(185, 185))
m_pCalendar = new wxCalendarCtrl(this, ID_CALENDAR, wxDefaultDateTime,
wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize,

wxBoxSizer *dlgSizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL);

wxBoxSizer *CalendarSizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL);
CalendarSizer->Add(m_pCalendar, 1, wxGROW);
dlgSizer->Add(CalendarSizer, 1, wxGROW);

void CalendarDlg::OnCalendar(wxCalendarEvent &event)

int day = event.GetDate().GetDay();
bool on = false;
wxCalendarDateAttr *attr = m_pCalendar->GetAttr(day);
if ( attr != NULL )
if ( attr->GetBackgroundColour() == *wxRED )
on = true;
wxCalendarDateAttr *newAttr = new wxCalendarDateAttr(*wxBLACK, on ? *wxWHITE : *wxRED);
m_pCalendar->SetAttr(day, newAttr);

void CalendarDlg::OnClose(wxCloseEvent &event)


BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(CalendarDlg, wxDialog)
EVT_CALENDAR(ID_CALENDAR, CalendarDlg::OnCalendar)

7.4 wxCheckBox
A checkbox is a labeled box which can be checked or unchecked.

The constructor:

wxCheckBox(wxWindow* parent, wxWindowID id, const wxString& label,

const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition, const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize,
long style = 0, const wxValidator& val, const wxString& name = "checkBox")

! parent is the parent window of the checkbox. This can’t be NULL!

! id is the unique identifier of the checkbox. Use –1 when you don’t need it.
! label is the text that will be shown next to the box.
! pos is the position of the checkbox.
! size is the size of the checkbox.
! style is the style of the checkbox. The checkbox doesn’t have any special styles.
! val is the validator of the checkbox.

7.4.1 Methods
bool GetValue() const
Returns true when the checkbox is checked, false otherwise.

void SetLabel(const wxString& label)

Sets a new label for the checkbox.

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bool SetValue(const bool state)

Check or uncheck the checkbox. This does not generate an event!

7.4.2 Event handling

Besides the events from wxWindow, the only event generated by the checkbox is when
the checkbox is checked or unchecked. The EVT_CHECKBOX handler-macro is defined as:

EVT_CHECKBOX(id, func)

The function receives a wxCommandEvent argument.

7.4.3 Example
Example 42 and Example 43 shows you how to create a checkbox and how to use the
EVT_CHECKBOX handler. With the IsChecked method, you can see whether the checkbox
is checked or not. You can also use GetValue of wxCheckBox for this.
Example 42. CheckBoxDlg.h - The definition of the Checkbox example.
#ifndef _CheckBoxDlg_H
#define _CheckBoxDlg_H

class CheckBoxDlg : public wxDialog


void OnCheck(wxCommandEvent &event);
void OnClose(wxCloseEvent &event);


wxCheckBox *m_pCheckBox;

#endif // _CheckBoxDlg_H

Example 43. CheckBoxDlg.cpp - The implementation of the Checkbox example.

#include <wx/wx.h>

#include "CheckBoxDlg.h"

CheckBoxDlg::CheckBoxDlg() : wxDialog(NULL, -1, "CheckBoxDialog",

wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(150, 150))
m_pCheckBox = new wxCheckBox(this, ID_CHECKBOX, "Check Me");

// Set the checkBox in the middle of the dialog.

wxBoxSizer *dlgSizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL);
wxBoxSizer *checkBoxSizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL);
checkBoxSizer->Add(m_pCheckBox, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER);
dlgSizer->Add(checkBoxSizer, 1, wxALIGN_CENTER);

void CheckBoxDlg::OnCheck(wxCommandEvent& command)

if ( command.IsChecked() )
wxMessageBox("You checked me!");
wxMessageBox("You unchecked me!");

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void CheckBoxDlg::OnClose(wxCloseEvent &event)


BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(CheckBoxDlg, wxDialog)

7.5 wxCheckListBox
wxCheckListBox is like a listbox, except the items can be checked or unchecked. This
control is only available on the GTK and Windows port. When you want to use it on a
Windows platform, wxWindows should be compiled with the USE_OWNER_DRAWN set to
1. When you didn’t change any definitions, this should be ok.

The header file for wxCheckListBox is not automatically included with wx.h. You have to
include “wx/checklst.h” yourself.

wxCheckListBox is derived from wxListBox. See 7.9 for more information on using

The constructor looks like this:

wxCheckListBox(wxWindow* parent, wxWindowID id, const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition,

const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize, int n, const wxString choices[] = NULL,
long style = 0, const wxValidator& validator = wxDefaultValidator,
const wxString& name = "listBox")

! parent is the parent window of wxCheckListBox. This can’t be NULL!

! id is the unique identifier. Use –1 when you don’t need an identifier.
! pos is the position of the window.
! size is the size of the window.
! n is the number of items in the choice list.
! choices is an array of wxString elements. Make sure it has n elements.
! style is the style of the window. You can use the styles of wxListBox.
! validator is the validator for this control.

7.5.1 Methods
void Check(int item, bool check = true)
Use this method to check or uncheck an item.

bool IsChecked(int item)

Returns true when the item is checked, false when unchecked.

7.5.2 Event handling

You can use all events of wxListBox. wxCheckListBox has one specific event for notifying
you that an item in the list is checked or unchecked.


The argument for the handler function is a wxCommandEvent. You can use GetSelection
to retrieve which item is checked or unchecked.

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7.5.3 Example
The following example shows a checklistbox that contains three items. When an item is
checked or unchecked a message shows which item is selected and whether it is checked
or unchecked.
Example 44. CheckListBoxDlg.h - The definition of a checklistbox example.
#ifndef _CheckListBoxDlg_H
#define _CheckListBoxDlg_H

class CheckListBoxDlg : public wxDialog


void OnCheck(wxCommandEvent &event);
void OnClose(wxCloseEvent &event);


wxCheckListBox *m_pCheckListBox;

#endif // _CheckListBoxDlg_H

Example 45. CheckListBox.cpp - The implementation of a checklistbox example.

#include <wx/wx.h>
#include <wx/checklst.h>

#include "CheckListBoxDlg.h"

CheckListBoxDlg::CheckListBoxDlg() : wxDialog((wxWindow*) NULL, -1, "Test",

wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(150, 150))
wxString list[] = { "ABS", "Airbag", "Air conditioning" } ;
// We can use wxDefaultPosition and wxDefaultSize,
// because the sizers will take care of this.
m_pCheckListBox = new wxCheckListBox(this, ID_CHECKLISTBOX,
wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 3, list);

wxBoxSizer *dlgSizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL);

wxBoxSizer *CheckListBoxSizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL);
CheckListBoxSizer->Add(m_pCheckListBox, 1, wxGROW);
dlgSizer->Add(CheckListBoxSizer, 1, wxGROW);

void CheckListBoxDlg::OnCheck(wxCommandEvent& command)

int item = command.GetSelection();
wxString msg;
msg.Printf("You clicked on item %d. The item is now %s", item,
m_pCheckListBox->IsChecked(item) ? "checked" : "unchecked");

void CheckListBoxDlg::OnClose(wxCloseEvent &event)


BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(CheckListBoxDlg, wxDialog)

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To see if the item is checked or not, you have to use the IsChecked method from
wxCheckListBox. The IsChecked method from wxCommandEvent can only be used for
checkboxes and menus.

7.6 wxChoice
wxChoice is used to select one of a list of strings. The user sees the list when he clicks on
the control. The index of the list is zero-based.

The constructor of wxChoice:

wxChoice(wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id, const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& size,
int n, const wxString choices[], long style = 0,
const wxValidator& validator = wxDefaultValidator,
const wxString& name = "choice")

! parent is the parent of the wxChoice control. This can’t be NULL!

! id is the unique identifier. When you don’t need this use -1.
! pos is the position of the control.
! size is the size of the control.
! n is the number of items in the choices argument
! choices is a wxString array with the items.
! style is the style of the control. There are no special styles for wxChoice.
! validator is a validator for this control.

7.6.1 Methods
void Append(const wxString& item)
void Append(const wxString& item, void *clientData)
Item is appended to the list. clientData can be used to associate other data with the
item. This can be useful to associate an item with an index in an array.

void Clear()
The list is cleared. All items are removed.

void Delete(int n)
Deletes the item from the list. The index of the list is zero-based.

int FindString(const &wxString string) const

Finds a string in the list. When the string is not found, -1 is returned.

void* GetClientData(int n) const

Returns a pointer to the client data associated to the item. The index is zero-based.
When the item is not found, NULL is returned.

int GetCount() const

Returns the number of items.

int GetSelection() const

Returns the index of the selected item or –1 when nothing is selected. The index is zero-

wxString GetString(int n) const

Returns the string at the given position. The position is zero-based. When the position is
invalid an empty string is returned.

wxString GetStringSelection() const

Returns the selected string or an empty string when nothing is selected.

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void SetClientData(int n, void *data)

Associates the data pointer with the given item.

void SetSelection(int n)
Sets the text field with the string at the given position. This does not generate an

void SetString(int n, const wxString& string)

Replaces the item at the given position with the new string.

void SetStringSelection(const wxString &string)

Sets the choice with the string. This does not generate an EVT_CHOICE event.

7.6.2 Event handling

wxChoice has one specific event handler:

EVT_CHOICE(id, func)

The handler function will be called when an item is selected. The argument of the handler
is a wxCommandEvent.

7.6.3 Example
The example shows a dialog with a wxChoice control. When the user selects an item, the
item will be shown immediately in the text field. This is done with the SetSelection
method. When you don’t do this the selected item will only be shown when the user
clicks on the arrow or when the control looses the focus.
Example 46. ChoiceDlg.h - The definition of the wxChoice example.
#ifndef _ChoiceDlg_H
#define _ChoiceDlg_H

class ChoiceDlg : public wxDialog


void OnClose(wxCloseEvent &event);
void OnChoice(wxCommandEvent &event);


ID_CHOICE = 1000

wxChoice *m_pChoice;

#endif // _ChoiceDlg_H

Example 47. ChoiceDlg.cpp - The implementation of the wxChoice example.

#include <wx/wx.h>

#include "ChoiceDlg.h"

ChoiceDlg::ChoiceDlg() : wxDialog(NULL, -1, "ChoiceDialog",

wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(185, 185))
wxString list[] = { "ABS", "Airbag", "Air Conditioning" };
m_pChoice = new wxChoice(this, ID_CHOICE, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 3, list);
// An item can also be added with the Append method

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m_pChoice->Append("Automatic gear");

wxBoxSizer *dlgSizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL);

wxBoxSizer *ChoiceSizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL);
ChoiceSizer->Add(m_pChoice, 1, wxGROW);
dlgSizer->Add(ChoiceSizer, 1, wxGROW);

void ChoiceDlg::OnChoice(wxCommandEvent &event)

// When an item is selected it is not automatically shown in the choice box
// That's why it is set explicitly

void ChoiceDlg::OnClose(wxCloseEvent &event)


BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(ChoiceDlg, wxDialog)
EVT_CHOICE(ID_CHOICE, ChoiceDlg::OnChoice)

7.7 wxComboBox
A combobox is a combination of an edit control and a listbox. The user can select a string
from a list or can enter a value when the text field is not read-only. The control can be
displayed as a drop-down list with or without a text field. The index of the list is zero-

The constructor looks like this:

wxComboBox(wxWindow* parent, wxWindowID id, const wxString& value = "",

const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition, const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize,
int n, const wxString choices[], long style = 0,
const wxValidator& validator = wxDefaultValidator,
const wxString& name = "comboBox")

! parent is the parent of the combobox. This can’t be NULL!

! id is the unique identifier for the combobox. –1 can be used when you don’t need it.
! value is the initial value for the text field.
! pos is the position of the combobox.
! size is the size of the combobox.
! n is the number of strings in the choices argument.
! choices is an array of strings to initialize the list.
! style is the window style of the combobox. The specific combobox styles are listed

wxCB_SIMPLE A combobox with a permanently list. (Windows only)

Should be used together with wxCB_READONLY
wxCB_DROPDOWN A combobox with a drop-down list.
wxCB_READONLY A combobox with a read-only text field.
wxCB_SORT The entries are sorted alphabetically.

! validator is a validator for the combobox.

7.7.1 Methods
wxComboBox is derived from wxChoice. Therefore, all public methods of wxChoice are
also available for wxComboBox.

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void Copy()
Copies the selected text to the clipboard.

void Cut()
Copies the selected text to the clipboard and removes the selection.

long GetInsertionPoint() const

Returns the insertion point of the text field.

long GetLastPosition() const

Returns the last position of the text field.

int GetSelection() const

Returns the position of the selected string in the text field or –1 when nothing is selected.

wxString GetValue() const

Returns the value of the text field.

void Replace(long from, long to, const wxString& value);

Replaces the text between the two positions with the new string.

void Remove(long from, long to);

Removes the text between the two positions from the text field.

void SetEditable(bool editable);

Enables or disables the text field.

void SetInsertionPoint(long pos);

Sets the insertion point of the text field at the given position.

void SetInsertionPointEnd();
Sets the insertion point of the text field at the end.

void SetSelection(long from, long to);

Selects the text between the given positions.

7.7.2 Event handling

You can react on an item selection with the EVT_COMBOBOX event. When the content of
the text field changes, an EVT_TEXT event is fired.

EVT_COMBOBOX(id, func)
EVT_TEXT(id, func)

7.7.3 Example
The example will show a combobox where the user can select an item from the list, or
can enter a new value.
Example 48. ComboboxDlg.h - The definition of the wxComboBox example.
#ifndef _ComboboxDlg_H
#define _ComboboxDlg_H

class ComboboxDlg : public wxDialog


void OnClose(wxCloseEvent &event);

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void OnCombobox(wxCommandEvent &event);



wxComboBox *m_pCombobox;

#endif // _ComboboxDlg_H

Example 49. ComboboxDlg.cpp - The implementation of the wxComboBox example.

#include <wx/wx.h>

#include "ComboboxDlg.h"

ComboboxDlg::ComboboxDlg() : wxDialog(NULL, -1, "ComboboxDialog", wxDefaultPosition,

wxSize(185, 185))
wxString list[] = { "ABS", "Airbag", "Air Conditioning" };
m_pCombobox = new wxComboBox(this, ID_COMBOBOX, "",
wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 3, list);

wxBoxSizer *dlgSizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL);

wxBoxSizer *ComboboxSizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL);
ComboboxSizer->Add(m_pCombobox, 1, wxGROW);
dlgSizer->Add(ComboboxSizer, 1, wxGROW);

void ComboboxDlg::OnCombobox(wxCommandEvent &event)

wxLogMessage("You've selected item: " + event.GetString());

void ComboboxDlg::OnClose(wxCloseEvent &event)


BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(ComboboxDlg, wxDialog)
EVT_COMBOBOX(ID_COMBOBOX, ComboboxDlg::OnCombobox)

7.8 wxGauge
A gauge is a horizontal or vertical bar that shows a quantity. You can use a gauge to
show the user the progress of a lengthy process. In the MSW distribution wxGauge is
defined as a macro. When __WIN95__ is defined, the actual class that implements the
gauge is called wxGauge95. When __WIN95__ is not defined, wxGaugeMSW is used. The
difference is that wxGauge95 uses the gauge control of the common controls library from
Microsoft. Don’t use these classes directly and use wxGauge instead. Otherwise, you
break the portability of your code.

The constructor of wxGauge:

wxGauge(wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id, int range, const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition,
const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize, long style = wxGA_HORIZONTAL,
const wxValidator& validator = wxDefaultValidator, const wxString& name = “gauge”)

! parent is the parent of the gauge. This can’t be NULL!

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! id is the unique identifier of the gauge. Use –1 when you don’t need it.
! range is the maximum value of the gauge.
! pos is the position of the gauge.
! size is the size of the gauge.
! style is the window style of the gauge.

wxGA_HORIZONTAL A horizontal gauge. (default)

wxGA_VERTICAL A vertical guage.
wxGA_PROGRESSBAR On win95, creates a progress bar.
wxGA_SMOOTH On win95, creates a smooth progress bar.

! validator is the validator of the gauge.

7.8.1 Methods
int GetBezelFace(void) const
Returns the width of the 3D bezel face. This method can only be used when __WIN95__
is not defined. It returns 0 when __WIN95__ is defined.

int GetRange(void) const

Returns the range

int GetShadowWidth(void) const

Returns the 3D shadow margin width. This method can only be used when __WIN95__ is
not defined. It returns 0 when __WIN95__ is defined.

int GetValue(void) const

Returns the current value of the gauge.

void SetBezelFace(int w)
Sets the width of the 3D bezel face. This method can only be used when __WIN95__ is
not defined. It doesn’t do anything when __WIN95__ is defined.

void SetRange(int r)
Sets a new maximum range of the gauge.

void SetShadowWidth(int w)
Sets the width of the 3D shadow margin width. This method can only be used when
__WIN95__ is not defined. It doesn’t do anything when __WIN95__ is defined.

void SetValue(int pos)

Sets the current value of the guage.

7.8.2 Event handling

wxGauge is a control that doesn’t react on user actions. Therefore, there’s no event
handling available.

7.8.3 Example
The example shows a gauge with a maximum range of 100. To show the progress in the
gauge a timer is used. After each 100 milliseconds, the value of the gauge will be added
by one.
Example 50. GaugeDlg.h - The definition of the gauge example.
#ifndef _GaugeDlg_H
#define _GaugeDlg_H

class GaugeDlg : public wxDialog


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void OnTimer(wxTimerEvent &event);
void OnClose(wxCloseEvent &event);



wxGauge *m_pGauge;
wxTimer *m_pTimer;

ID_TIMER = 1000

#endif // _GaugeDlg_H

Example 51. GaugeDlg.cpp - The implementation of the gauge example

#include <wx/wx.h>
#include "GaugeDlg.h"

GaugeDlg::GaugeDlg() : wxDialog(NULL, -1, "GaugeDialog", wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(185, 185))

m_pGauge = new wxGauge(this, -1, 100, wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(150, 20), wxGA_SMOOTH);

// This example uses a timer to show the progress in the gauge

m_pTimer = new wxTimer(this, ID_TIMER);

wxBoxSizer *dlgSizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL);

wxBoxSizer *GaugeSizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL);
GaugeSizer->Add(m_pGauge, 1, wxALIGN_CENTER);
dlgSizer->Add(GaugeSizer, 1, wxALIGN_CENTER);

void GaugeDlg::OnTimer(wxTimerEvent &event)

int value = m_pGauge->GetValue();
if ( value == m_pGauge->GetRange() )
m_pGauge->SetValue(value + 1);

void GaugeDlg::OnClose(wxCloseEvent &event)


BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(GaugeDlg, wxDialog)
EVT_TIMER(ID_TIMER, GaugeDlg::OnTimer)

7.9 wxListBox
A listbox is used to show the user a list where he can select one or more items. The
index of an item is zero-based. The constructor looks like this:

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wxListBox(wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id, const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition,

const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize, int n = 0, const wxString choices[] = NULL,
long style = 0, const wxValidator& validator = wxDefaultValidator,
const wxString& name = “listbox”);

! parent is the parent window of the listbox. This can’t be NULL!

! id is the unique identifier for the listbox. Use –1 when you don’t need it.
! pos is the position of the listbox.
! size is the size of the listbox.
! n is the number of items in the choices array.
! choices is an array of strings to show in the listbox.
! style is the window style of the listbox. Besides the common wxWindow styles,
wxListbox has also its own styles.

wxLB_SINGLE Single selection list.

wxLB_MULTIPLE Multiple selection list.
wxLB_EXTENDED Extended selection list. The user can select multiple items
using the SHIFT key, the mouse or special keys.
wxLB_HSCROLL Creates a horizontal scrollbar.
wxLB_ALWAYS_SB Always shows a vertical scrollbar.
wxLB_NEEDED_SB Only show a vertical scrollbar when needed.
wxLB_SORT Items are sorted alphabetically. (Not on GTK)

! validator is the window validator of the listbox.

7.9.1 Methods

void Clear()
Removes all the items from the list.

void Delete(int n)
Deletes the item at the given position.

void Deselect(int n)
Deselectes the item at the given position.

int FindString(const wxString& s) const

Searches the item with the given string. Returns –1 when no item is found.

int GetCount() const

Returns the number of items in the list.

int GetSelection() const

Returns the position of the selected item. This method is only useful when the listbox
doesn’t allow multiple selections.

int GetSelections(wxArrayInt& aSelections) const

Fills the array with all positions of the selected items. The array size is returned.

wxString GetString(int n) const

Returns the item at the given position.

void Insert(const wxString& item, int pos)

void Insert(const wxString& item, int pos, void *clientData)
void Insert(const wxString& item, int pos, wxClientData *clientData)
A new item is inserted before the given position. Position 0 means inserting at the
beginning of the list. ClientData can be useful to associate the item with a pointer to your

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void InsertItems(int nItems, const wxString *items, int pos)

void InsertItems(const wxArrayString& items, int pos)
Inserts the items before the given position. Don’t forget to deallocate when you use a
pointer to an array of wxString elements.

bool IsSelected(int n) const

Returns true when the item at the given position is selected.

void Set(int n, const wxString* items, void **clientData = NULL)

void Set(const wxArrayString& items, void **clientData = NULL)
The listbox is cleared and filled with the new items. When using a pointer to an array of
wxString elements, don’t forget to deallocate it.

void SetClientData(int n, void *data)

The item at the given position is associated with a pointer to the client data.

void SetFirstItem(int n)
void SetFirstItem(const wxString& s)
The item at the given position or with the given string will be the first visible item in the
list. (Windows only)

void SetSelection(int n, bool select = TRUE)

Selects or deselects the item at the given position. This doesn’t fire an

void SetString(int n, const wxString& s)

Sets the item at the given position.

bool SetStringSelection(const wxString& s, bool select = TRUE)

The item with the given string is selected or deselected. This doesn’t fire an

7.9.2 Event handling

Events are fired when the user selects an item (EVT_COMMAND_LISTBOX_SELECTED) or
when he double clicks on an item (EVT_COMMAND_LISTBOX_DOUBLE_CLICKED). The
argument type for the handler function of both events is a wxCommandEvent.

EVT_LISTBOX(id, func)

7.9.3 Example
The example shows a listbox and will show a message box when the user double clicks
on the listbox.
Example 52. ListboxDlg.h - The definition of the wxListBox example.
#ifndef _ListboxDlg_H
#define _ListboxDlg_H

class ListboxDlg : public wxDialog


void OnClose(wxCloseEvent &event);
void OnListboxDClick(wxCommandEvent &event);


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wxListBox *m_pListbox;

#endif // _ListboxDlg_H

Example 53. ListboxDlg.cpp - The implementation of the wxListBox example.

#include <wx/wx.h>

#include "ListboxDlg.h"

ListboxDlg::ListboxDlg() : wxDialog(NULL, -1, "ListboxDialog", wxDefaultPosition,

wxSize(185, 185))
wxString list[] = { "ABS", "Airbag", "Air Conditioning" };
m_pListbox = new wxListBox(this, ID_LISTBOX, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 3, list);

wxBoxSizer *dlgSizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL);

wxBoxSizer *ListboxSizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL);
ListboxSizer->Add(m_pListbox, 1, wxGROW);
dlgSizer->Add(ListboxSizer, 1, wxGROW);

void ListboxDlg::OnListboxDClick(wxCommandEvent &event)

wxString selection = m_pListbox->GetStringSelection();
wxMessageBox("You double clicked on " + selection);

void ListboxDlg::OnClose(wxCloseEvent &event)


BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(ListboxDlg, wxDialog)

In the OnListboxDClick function, you see that the content of the selected item is retrieved
using the GetStringSelection method of the wxListBox class. The GetString method of
wxCommandEvent doesn’t work here.

7.10 wxRadioBox
A radiobox is a control that shows a list of mutually exclusive choices. The radio buttons
can be displayed in a vertical or horizontal column.

The constructor:

wxRadioBox(wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id, const wxString& title,

const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition, const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize,
int n = 0, const wxString choices[] = NULL, int majorDim = 0,
long style = wxRA_SPECIFY_COLS, const wxValidator& val = wxDefaultValidator,
const wxString& name = “radiobox”);

! parent is the parent window of the radiobox. This can’t be NULL!

! id is the unique identifier for this window. Use –1, when you don’t need it.
! pos is the position of the radiobox.
! size is the size of the radiobox.
! n is the number of radio buttons.

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! choices is a wxString array containing the names of the radio buttons.

! majorDim specifies the maximum number of rows (when the style
wxRA_SPECIFY_ROWS is used) or columns (when the style wxRA_SPECIFY_COLS is
used) for a two-dimensional radiobox.
! style is the style of the radiobox. wxRadioBox has two additional styles:

wxRA_SPECIFY_ROWS The major dimension parameter refers to the maximum

number of rows.
wxRA_SPECIFY_COLS The major dimension paramater refers to the maximum
number of columns.

! validator is a validator for the radiobox.

7.10.1 Methods
bool Enable(bool enable)
void Enable(int item, bool enable)
All items or the given item are enabled or disabled.

int FindString(const wxString& s) const

The item with the given string is search. –1 is returned when no item is found.

wxString GetLabel(int item) const

The label of the item is returned.

int GetNumHor() const

The number of rows is returned.

int GetNumVer() const

The number of columns is returned.

int GetSelection() const

The index of the current selected item is returned. –1 is returned when there’s no item
selected. The index is zero-based.

wxString GetString(int N) const

The name of the item at the given index is returned.

wxString GetStringSelection() const

The name of the item that is selected is returned or an empty string when there’s no
item selected.

int Number() const

The number of items is returned.

void SetLabel(int item, const wxString& label)

The name of the item at the given index is set to the new label.

void SetSelection(int N)
The item at the given index is selected. An EVT_COMMAND_RADIOBOX_SELECTED event
is not fired.

bool SetStringSelection(const wxString& s)

The item with the given name is selected. An EVT_COMMAND_RADIOBOX_SELECTED
event is not fired.

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bool Show(bool show)

void Show(int item, bool show)
Shows or hides all items or the given item.

7.10.2 Event handling

The EVT_COMMAND_RADIOBOX_SELECTED event is fired when an item is selected. Use
the following macro for handling this event.

EVT_RADIOBOX(id, func)

7.10.3 Example
The example shows a dialog that contains a radiobox with three items. The items are
placed in one column. When the user selects an item, a message box is shown with the
name of the selected item.
Example 54. RadioboxDlg.h - The definition of the wxRadioBox example.
#ifndef _RadioboxDlg_H
#define _RadioboxDlg_H

class RadioboxDlg : public wxDialog


void OnClose(wxCloseEvent &event);
void OnRadiobox(wxCommandEvent &event);


wxRadioBox *m_pRadiobox;

#endif // _RadioboxDlg_H

In Example 55 you see that wxRA_SPECIFY_COLS is used to place the items in a column.
Because all the items must be placed in one column, the maximum dimension parameter
is set to 1.

Example 55. RadioboxDlg.cpp - The implementation of the wxRadioBox example.

#include <wx/wx.h>

#include "RadioboxDlg.h"

RadioboxDlg::RadioboxDlg() : wxDialog(NULL, -1, "RadioboxDialog", wxDefaultPosition,

wxSize(185, 185))
wxString list[] = { "ABS", "Airbag", "Air Conditioning" };
m_pRadiobox = new wxRadioBox(this, ID_RADIOBOX, " Car options ", wxDefaultPosition,
wxDefaultSize, 3, list, 1, wxRA_SPECIFY_COLS);

wxBoxSizer *dlgSizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL);

wxBoxSizer *RadioboxSizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL);
RadioboxSizer->Add(m_pRadiobox, 1, wxGROW);
dlgSizer->Add(RadioboxSizer, 1, wxGROW);

void RadioboxDlg::OnRadiobox(wxCommandEvent &event)


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wxString selection = m_pRadiobox->GetStringSelection();

wxMessageBox("You selected " + selection);

void RadioboxDlg::OnClose(wxCloseEvent &event)


BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(RadioboxDlg, wxDialog)
EVT_RADIOBOX(ID_RADIOBOX, RadioboxDlg::OnRadiobox)

7.11 wxRadioButton
A radio button is a button that is used to show a mutually exclusive selection.

What’s the difference between wxRadioButton and wxRadioBox? wxRadioBox already

groups the items, while with a wxRadioButton you have to specify where a group starts
and ends. wxRadioBox also helps you to retrieve the selected item. In addition,
wxRadioBox is responsible for the layout of the buttons in rows or columns. While with a
wxRadioButton, you have to specify where the button is shown. What control do you use
then? Well, when you’re satisfied with the layout of wxRadioBox, then use wxRadioBox.

The constructor:

wxRadioButton(wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id, const wxString& label,

const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition, const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize,
long style = 0, const wxValidator& validator = wxDefaultValidator,
const wxString& name = wxRadioButtonNameStr)

! parent is the parent window of the radio button. This can’t be NULL!
! id is the unique identifier for this window. Use –1, when you don’t need it.
! label is the text displayed with the radio button.
! pos is the position of the radio button.
! size is the size of the radio button.
! style is the window style of the radio button. wxRadioButton defines one additional

wxRB_GROUP Marks the beginning of a new group of radio buttons.

! validator is the validator for the radio button.

7.11.1 Methods
bool GetValue(void) const
When the radio button is selected true is returned. Otherwise false is returned.

void SetValue(bool val)

Selects or deselects the radio button. The EVT_COMMAND_RADIOBUTTON_SELECTED
event is not fired.

7.11.2 Event handling

The EVT_COMMAND_RADIOBUTTON_SELECTED event is fired when a radio button is
selected. The EVT_RADIOBOX macro helps you to handle this event.

EVT_RADIOBOX(id, func)

In the current version of wxWindows (2.2.9), there’s a known bug in wxRadioButton.

When you handle the selection of a button and the button loses the focus, because you

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show a message box for example, the button will not be refreshed correctly. This bug will
be solved in version 2.3.3.

7.11.3 Example
The example will try to implement the same functionality as in wxRadioBox. You’ll see
that the use of wxRadioBox is much easier.
Example 56. RadioButtonDlg.h - The definition of the wxRadioButton example.
#ifndef _RadiobuttonDlg_H
#define _RadiobuttonDlg_H

class RadiobuttonDlg : public wxDialog


void OnClose(wxCloseEvent &event);
void OnRadioButton(wxCommandEvent &event);


wxRadioButton *m_pRadiobutton1;
wxRadioButton *m_pRadiobutton2;
wxRadioButton *m_pRadiobutton3;

#endif // _RadiobuttonDlg_H

In the constructor of the dialog, you’ll see that the first radio button has the
wxRB_GROUP style. This style indicates the start of a new group of radio buttons.

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Example 57. RadioButtonDlg.cpp - The implementation of the wxRadioButton example.

#include <wx/wx.h>

#include "RadiobuttonDlg.h"

RadiobuttonDlg::RadiobuttonDlg() : wxDialog(NULL, -1, "RadiobuttonDialog",

wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(185, 185))
m_pRadiobutton1 = new wxRadioButton(this, ID_RADIOBUTTON_1, "ABS", wxDefaultPosition,
wxDefaultSize, wxRB_GROUP);
m_pRadiobutton2 = new wxRadioButton(this, ID_RADIOBUTTON_2, "Airbag");
m_pRadiobutton3 = new wxRadioButton(this, ID_RADIOBUTTON_3, "Air Conditioning");

wxBoxSizer *dlgSizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL);

wxBoxSizer *RadioButtonSizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL);
dlgSizer->Add(RadioButtonSizer, 1, wxGROW);

void RadiobuttonDlg::OnRadioButton(wxCommandEvent &event)

wxString selection;
wxRadioButton *current = (wxRadioButton*) NULL;
current = m_pRadiobutton1;
current = m_pRadiobutton2;
current = m_pRadiobutton3;
// Warning: wxRadioButton doesn't like loosing the focus
// in this event handler. So to keep the example simple
// the message is put in the title of the dialog.
// This problem will be solved in version 2.3.3.
if ( current != (wxRadioButton*) NULL )
SetTitle("You've selected " + current->GetLabel());

void RadiobuttonDlg::OnClose(wxCloseEvent &event)


BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(RadiobuttonDlg, wxDialog)
EVT_RADIOBUTTON(ID_RADIOBUTTON_1, RadiobuttonDlg::OnRadioButton)
EVT_RADIOBUTTON(ID_RADIOBUTTON_2, RadiobuttonDlg::OnRadioButton)
EVT_RADIOBUTTON(ID_RADIOBUTTON_3, RadiobuttonDlg::OnRadioButton)

7.12 wxSlider
A slider is a control with a handle that the user can slide to change its value. Before
Win95, a scrollbar is used to simulate a slider. In Win95 the track bar control is used.
The correct implementation is chosen by wxWindows depending on the definition of
__WIN95__. wxSlider is translated into wxSlider95 when __WIN95__ is defined,
wxSliderMSW is used when it is not defined. You should always use wxSlider, instead of
the concrete classes. Otherwise, you break the portability of your code.

The constructor:

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wxSlider(wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id, int value, int minValue, int maxValue,
const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition, const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize,
long style = wxSL_HORIZONTAL, const wxValidator& validator = wxDefaultValidator,
const wxString& name = wxSliderNameStr)

! parent is the parent window of the slider control. This can’t be NULL!
! id is the unique identifier for the slider control. Use –1 when you don’t need it.
! value is the initial value of the slider control.
! minValue is the minimum value of the slider control.
! maxValue is the maximum value of the slider control.
! pos is the position of the slider control.
! size is the size of the slider control.
! style is the style of the slider control. wxSlider provides the following additional

wxSL_AUTOTICKS Tick marks are displayed.

wxSL_BOTH Tick marks are displayed on both sides.
wxSL_BOTTOM When wxSL_HORIZONTAL is set, the ticks are on bottom.
wxSL_HORIZONTAL The slider is displayed horizontally.
wxSL_LABELS The minimum, maximum and current value labels are shown.
wxSL_LEFT When wxSL_VERTICAL is set, the ticks are on the left.
wxSL_RIGHT When wxSL_VERTICAL is set, the ticks are on the right.
wxSL_SELRANGE The user can select a range on the slider (__WIN95__ only)
wxSL_TOP When wxSL_HORIZONTAL is set, the ticks are on top.
wxSL_VERTICAL The slider is displayed vertically.

! validator is the validator of the slider control.

7.12.1 Methods
void ClearSel() __WIN95__ Only
Clears a selection. This is only useful when wxSL_SELRANGE is used.

void ClearTicks() __WIN95__ Only

Clears the ticks.

int GetLineSize() const

Returns the number of steps the slider moves when the user moves it up or down.

int GetMax() const

Returns the maximum value.

int GetMin() const

Returns the minimum value.

int GetPageSize() const

Returns the number of steps the slider moves when the user pages up or down.

int GetSelEnd() const __WIN95__ Only

Returns the selection end point. This is only useful when wxSL_SELRANGE is used.

int GetSelStart() const __WIN95__ Only

Returns the selection start point. This is only useful when wxSL_SELRANGE is used.

int GetTickFreq() const __WIN95__ Only

Returns the tick mark frequency.

int GetThumbLength() const __WIN95__ Only

Returns the thumb length.

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int GetValue() const

The current value is returned.

void SetLineSize(int lineSize)

The number of steps the slider moves when the user moves it up or down.

void SetPageSize(int pageSize)

Sets the number of steps the slider moves when the user pages up or down.

void SetRange(int minValue, int maxValue)

A new minimum and maximum value is set.

void SetSelection(int minPos, int maxPos) __WIN95__ Only

Sets the selection. This is only useful when wxSL_SELRANGE is used.

void SetTick(int tickPos) __WIN95__ Only

Sets a tick position.

void SetTickFreq(int n, int pos) __WIN95__ Only

Sets the tick mark frequency and position.

void SetThumbLength(int len) __WIN95__ Only

Sets the slider thumb length.

void SetValue(int)
Sets a new value.

7.12.2 Event handling

The event handling of a slider is done in the same way as a scrollbar. Each function
receives a wxScrollEvent as argument.

EVT_COMMAND_SCROLL(id, func) Handle all the scroll events.

EVT_COMMAND_TOP(id, func) The slider is put on the top.
EVT_COMMAND_BOTTOM(id, func) The slider is put on the bottom.
EVT_COMMAND_LINEUP(id, func) Handle a line up command.
EVT_COMMAND_LINEDOWN(id, func) Handle a line down command.
EVT_COMMAND_PAGEUP(id, func) Handle a page up command.
EVT_COMMAND_PAGEDOWN(id, func) Handle a page down command.
EVT_COMMAND_THUMBTRACK(id, func) Handles a thumb track command.

7.12.3 Example
The example shows a dialog with a slider that shows its ticks, minimum value, maximum
value and the current value. Note that you have to set the line and page size, otherwise
clicking on the slider won’t work.
Example 58. SliderDlg.h - The definition of the wxSlider example.
#ifndef _SliderDlg_H
#define _SliderDlg_H

class SliderDlg : public wxDialog


void OnClose(wxCloseEvent &event);

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Example 59. SliderDlg.cpp - The implementation of the wxSlider example.

#include "wx/wx.h"

#include "SliderDlg.h"

SliderDlg::SliderDlg() : wxDialog(NULL, -1, "SliderDialog", wxDefaultPosition,

wxSize(200, 150))
wxSlider *slider = new wxSlider(this, -1, 5, 1, 10,
wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(80, 30),


wxBoxSizer *dlgSizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL);

wxBoxSizer *sliderSizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL);
sliderSizer->Add(slider, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER);
dlgSizer->Add(sliderSizer, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER);

void SliderDlg::OnClose(wxCloseEvent &event)


BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(SliderDlg, wxDialog)

7.13 wxSpinCtrl
wxSpinCtrl combines a text control with a spin button. wxWindows also provides a
wxSpinButton, but this is only implemented on Windows and GTK platforms. Therefore,
portable programs should use wxSpinCtrl.

wxSpinCtrl is not automatically included when you use <wx.h>. You have to include
<wx/spinctrl.h> yourself.

wxSpinCtrl(wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id = -1, const wxString& value = wxEmptyString,

const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition, const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize,
long style = wxSP_ARROW_KEYS, int min = 0, int max = 100, int initial = 0,
const wxString& name = _T("wxSpinCtrl"))

! parent is the parent window of the control. This can’t be NULL!

! id is the unique identifier for the control. Use –1 when you don’t need it.
! value is the default value shown in the text control.
! pos is the position of the control.
! size is the size of the control.
! style is the window style of the control. wxSpinCtrl defines the following additional

wxSP_ARROW_KEYS The user can use the arrow keys.

wxSP_HORIZONTAL Specifies a horizontal spin button (not on GTK)
wxSP_VERTICAL Specifies a vertical spin button.
wxSP_WRAP The value wraps when the minimum or maximum value is

! min is the minimal value

! max is the maximum value
! initial is the initial value of the control.

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7.13.1 Methods
int GetMax() const;
Returns the maximum value.

int GetMin() const;

Returns the minimum value

int GetValue() const

Returns the current value.

void SetRange(int minVal, int maxVal);

Sets a new minimum and maximum value.

void SetValue(const wxString& text)

void SetValue(int val)
Sets the value of the spin button.

7.13.2 Event handling

The only specific event fired is when the user changes the value of the control. Your
handler function receives a wxSpinEvent as the only argument.

EVT_SPINCTRL(id, func) Generated whenever the control is updated.

7.13.3 Example
The example shows a spin control in the middle of a dialog. You can select values from 0
to 10. When the maximum value is reached, the value will be reset to the beginning of
the range.
Example 60. SpinDlg.h - The definition of the wxSpinCtrl example.
#ifndef _SpinDlg_H
#define _SpinDlg_H

class SpinDlg : public wxDialog


void OnClose(wxCloseEvent &event);

ID_SPIN = 1000

Example 61. SpinDlg.cpp - The implementation of the wxSpinCtrl example.

#include <wx/wx.h>
#include <wx/spinctrl.h>

#include "SpinDlg.h"

SpinDlg::SpinDlg() : wxDialog(NULL, -1, "SpinDialog", wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(200, 150))

wxSpinCtrl *spin = new wxSpinCtrl(this, ID_SPIN, "", wxDefaultPosition,
wxDefaultSize, wxSP_ARROW_KEYS | wxSP_WRAP, 0, 10);

wxBoxSizer *dlgSizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL);

wxBoxSizer *spinSizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL);
spinSizer->Add(spin, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER);
dlgSizer->Add(spinSizer, 1, wxALIGN_CENTER);

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void SpinDlg::OnClose(wxCloseEvent &event)


BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(SpinDlg, wxDialog)

7.14 wxStaticBitmap
wxStaticBitmap displays a bitmap.

wxStaticBitmap(wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id, const wxGDIImage& label,

const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition, const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize,
long style = 0, const wxString& name = wxStaticBitmapNameStr)

! parent is the parent of this window. This can’t be NULL!

! id is the unique identifier for this control. –1 can be used, when you don’t need it.
! label is the bitmap to show.
! pos is the position of the window.
! size is the size of the window.
! style is the style of the window. wxStaticBitmap doesn’t have any own defined styles.

7.14.1 Methods
const wxBitmap& GetBitmap() const;
Returns the bitmap. This method will assert when you’ve used an icon instead of a

const wxIcon& GetIcon() const;

Returns the icon. This method will assert when you’ve used a bitmap instead of an icon.

void SetIcon(const wxIcon& icon);

Sets the icon.

void SetBitmap(const wxBitmap& bitmap);

Sets the bitmap.

7.14.2 Example
The example will show a bitmap in the middle of a dialog.
Example 62. StaticBitmapDlg.h - The definition of the wxStaticBitmap example.
#ifndef _StaticBitmapDlg_H
#define _StaticBitmapDlg_H

class StaticBitmapDlg : public wxDialog


void OnClose(wxCloseEvent &event);



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Example 63. StaticBitmapDlg.cpp - The implementation of the wxStaticBitmap example.

#include <wx/wx.h>
#include "StaticBitmapDlg.h"

StaticBitmapDlg::StaticBitmapDlg() : wxDialog(NULL, -1, "StaticBitmapDialog",

wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(200, 150))
wxStaticBitmap *staticBitmap = new wxStaticBitmap(this, -1, wxBitmap("button"));

wxBoxSizer *dlgSizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL);

dlgSizer->Add(staticBitmap, 1, wxALIGN_CENTER);

void StaticBitmapDlg::OnClose(wxCloseEvent &event)


BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(StaticBitmapDlg, wxDialog)

Example 64. StaticBitmapApp.rc - The resource file of the wxStaticBitmap example.

button BITMAP "books.bmp"
#include "wx/msw/wx.rc"

7.15 wxStaticBox
A static box is a rectangle drawn around other controls to denote a logical grouping of

wxStaticBox(wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id, const wxString& label,

const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition, const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize,
long style = 0, const wxString& name = wxStaticBoxNameStr)

! parent is the parent window. This can’t be NULL!

! id is the unique identifier for the static box. Use –1 when you don’t need it.
! label is the text shown on the top of the static box.
! pos is the position of the control.
! size is the size of the control.
! style is window style. The static box doesn’t have any special styles.

What’s the easiest way to put controls in the static box? Moreover, how can you make
sure that the size of the static box is big enough to show all the controls? The solution is
wxStaticBoxSizer. It works like a box sizer and draws a static box around its current size.
Read chapter 6.2.2 when you don’t know how use sizers.

7.15.1 Example
The example creates two controls. wxStaticBoxSizer is used two make sure that the
controls are laid out fine: the first control encloses the second one.

Example 65. StaticBoxDlg.h - The definition of the wxStaticBox example.

#ifndef _StaticBoxDlg_H
#define _StaticBoxDlg_H

class StaticBoxDlg : public wxDialog


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void OnClose(wxCloseEvent &event);



Example 66. StaticBoxDlg.cpp - The implementation of the wxStaticBox example.

#include <wx/wx.h>
#include "StaticBoxDlg.h"

StaticBoxDlg::StaticBoxDlg() : wxDialog(NULL, -1, "StaticBoxDialog", wxDefaultPosition,

wxSize(200, 150))
wxStaticBox *staticBox1 = new wxStaticBox(this, -1, "Box 1");//, wxDefaultPosition,
wxStaticBox *staticBox2 = new wxStaticBox(this, -1, "Box 2");//, wxDefaultPosition,

wxBoxSizer *dlgSizer = new wxStaticBoxSizer(staticBox1, wxHORIZONTAL);

wxBoxSizer *staticBoxSizer = new wxStaticBoxSizer(staticBox2, wxVERTICAL);
dlgSizer->Add(staticBoxSizer, 1, wxGROW);

void StaticBoxDlg::OnClose(wxCloseEvent &event)


BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(StaticBoxDlg, wxDialog)

7.16 wxStaticLine
wxStaticLine can be used to draw a vertical or horizontal line to separate groups of

wxStaticLine is not automatically included when you use <wx.h>. You have to include
<wx/statline.h> yourself.

wxStaticLine( wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id, const wxPoint &pos = wxDefaultPosition,

const wxSize &size = wxDefaultSize, long style = wxLI_HORIZONTAL,
const wxString &name = wxStaticTextNameStr )

! parent is the parent window of the static line. This can’t be NULL!
! id is the unique identifier for the line. Use –1 when you don’t need it.
! pos is the position of the line.
! size is the size of the line.
! style is the style of the line. wxStaticLine has two additional styles:

wxLI_HORIZONTAL Draws a horizontal line

wxLI_VERTICAL Draws a vertical line

7.16.1 Methods
bool isVertical() const
Returns true when the line is vertical.

7.16.2 Example
The example draws a static line in the center of the dialog.

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Example 67. StaticLineDlg.h - The definition of the wxStaticLine example.

#ifndef _StaticLineDlg_H
#define _StaticLineDlg_H

class StaticLineDlg : public wxDialog


void OnClose(wxCloseEvent &event);



Example 68. StaticLineDlg.cpp - The implementation of the wxStaticLine example.

#include <wx/wx.h>
#include <wx/statline.h>
#include "StaticLineDlg.h"

StaticLineDlg::StaticLineDlg() : wxDialog(NULL, -1, "StaticLineDialog",

wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(200, 150))
wxStaticLine *staticLine = new wxStaticLine(this, -1);

wxBoxSizer *dlgSizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL);

dlgSizer->Add(staticLine, 1, wxALIGN_CENTER);

void StaticLineDlg::OnClose(wxCloseEvent &event)


BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(StaticLineDlg, wxDialog)

7.17 wxStaticText
wxStaticText allows you to show one or more lines of read-only text.

wxStaticText(wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id, const wxString& label,

const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition, const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize,
long style = 0, const wxString& name = wxStaticTextNameStr)

! parent is the parent window of the control. This can’t be NULL!

! id is the unique identifier for the control. –1 can be used, when you don’t need it.
! label is the text to show.
! pos is the position of the control.
! size is the size of the control.
! style is the style of the control. wxStaticText has the following additional styles:

wxALIGN_LEFT The text is left aligned.

wxALIGN_RIGHT The text is right aligned.
wxALIGN_CENTER The text is centered horizontally.
wxST_NO_AUTORESIZE When this style is set, the control is not automatically
resized to exactly fit to the size of the text.

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7.17.1 Methods
wxString GetLabel() const
Returns the text.

void SetLabel(const wxString& label);

Sets the text.

7.17.2 Example
The example will show a dialog that contains a multiline text.

Example 69. StaticTextDlg.h - The definition of the wxStaticText example.

#ifndef _StaticTextDlg_H
#define _StaticTextDlg_H

class StaticTextDlg : public wxDialog


void OnClose(wxCloseEvent &event);



Example 70. StaticTextDlg.cpp - The implementation of the wxStaticText example.

#include <wx/wx.h>
#include "StaticTextDlg.h"

StaticTextDlg::StaticTextDlg() : wxDialog(NULL, -1, "StaticTextDialog",

wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(200, 150))
wxStaticText *staticText = new wxStaticText(this, -1, "This is line 1\nThis is line 2");

wxBoxSizer *dlgSizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL);

dlgSizer->Add(staticText, 1, wxALIGN_CENTER);

void StaticTextDlg::OnClose(wxCloseEvent &event)


BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(StaticTextDlg, wxDialog)

7.18 wxTextCtrl
A wxTextCtrl gives the user the ability to enter some text. The text can be on a single
line or multi-line.

wxTextCtrl(wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id, const wxString& value = wxEmptyString,

const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition, const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize,
long style = 0, const wxValidator& validator = wxDefaultValidator,
const wxString& name = wxTextCtrlNameStr);

! parent is the parent of the text control.

! id is the unique identifier. –1 can be used, when you don’t need it.

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! value is the initial text to show.

! pos is the position of the control.
! size is the size of the control.
! style is the window style of the control. wxTextCtrl defines some additional styles:


when the user presses the enter key.
wxTE_PROCESS_TAB You will receive an EVT_CHAR event when the user
presses the tab key.
wxTE_MULTILINE Multiple lines are allowed.
wxTE_PASSWORD The entered text will be replaced by asterisks.
wxTE_READONLY The text can’t be changed by the user.
wxTE_RICH A Rich Edit Text control will be created on Windows. Only
when wxUSE_RICHEDIT was defined when wxWindows
was compiled. (Does nothing on other platforms)
wxHSCROLL A horizontal scrollbar is drawn. (Not on GTK+)

! validator is a validator for the control.

7.18.1 Methods
void AppendText(const wxString& text);
Appends the text.

bool CanCopy() const;

Returns true when the selection can be copied to the clipboard.

bool CanCut() const;

Returns true when the selection can be cut.

bool CanPaste() const;

Returns true when the content of the clipboard can be pasted to the text control.

bool CanRedo() const;

Returns true when there’s a redo facility available.

bool CanUndo() const;

Returns true when there’s a undo facility available.

void Clear();
Removes the text.

void Copy();
Copies the selected text to the clipboard.

void Cut();
Copies the selected text to the clipboard and removes it from the control.

void DiscardEdits();
Clears the modified flag.

long GetInsertionPoint() const;

Returns the current insertion point.

long GetLastPosition() const;

Returns the last position of the text control.

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int GetLineLength(long lineNo) const;

Returns the length of the given line. A line number is zero-based.

wxString GetLineText(long lineNo) const;

Returns the text of the given line. A line number is zero-based.

int GetNumberOfLines() const;

Returns the number of lines.

void GetSelection(long* from, long* to) const;

Puts the start and end position of a selection in the given arguments. The values are the
same when there is no selection.

wxString GetValue() const;

Returns the text.

bool IsEditable() const;

Returns true when the user can edit the text.

bool IsModified() const;

Returns true when the user changed the text.

bool LoadFile(const wxString& file);

Loads the file with the given name and puts the contents in the control.

void Paste();
Copies the content of the clipboard to the selection of the text control.

bool PositionToXY(long pos, long *x, long *y) const;

Converts the given position into a column (x) and a row (y).

void Redo();
When the last operation can be redone, it redoes the last operation.

void Remove(long from, long to);

Removes the text between the given selection.

void Replace(long from, long to, const wxString& value);

Replaces the text between the given selection with the new text.

bool SaveFile(const wxString& file = wxEmptyString);

Saves the text to a file. When no argument is passed then the argument of the last
LoadFile call will be used.

void SetEditable(bool editable);

Enables/Disables the text control.

void SetInsertionPoint(long pos);

Sets the insertion point at the given position.

void SetInsertionPointEnd();
Sets the insertion point at the end of the text.

void SetSelection(long from, long to);

Sets the selection to the given arguments.

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void SetValue(const wxString& value);

Sets the text.

void ShowPosition(long pos);

Makes sure that the line containing the position is visible.

void Undo();
Tries to undo the last change.

void WriteText(const wxString& text);

Inserts the given text at the current position.

long XYToPosition(long x, long y) const;

Converts the given column (x) and the given row (y) in a position in the text control.

The << operator can also be used to set the value of the text control.

wxTextCtrl& operator<<(const wxString& s);

Writes a string value to the text control.

wxTextCtrl& operator<<(int i);

Writes an int value to the text control.

wxTextCtrl& operator<<(long i);

Writes a long value to the text control.

wxTextCtrl& operator<<(float f);

Writes a float value to the text control.

wxTextCtrl& operator<<(double d);

Writes a double value to the text control.

wxTextCtrl& operator<<(const wxChar c);

Writes a wxChar value to the text control.

7.18.2 Events
wxTextCtrl has two specific events:

EVT_TEXT(id, func) Generated whenever the control is updated. Also

when the SetValue method is used.
EVT_TEXT_ENTER(id, func) Generated whenever the user presses the enter key
in a single line text control.

7.18.3 Example
The example shows a dialog that contains a multi-line text control that fills the total area
of the dialog.

Example 71. TextDlg.h - The definition of the wxTextCtrl example.

#ifndef _TextDlg_H
#define _TextDlg_H

class TextDlg : public wxDialog



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void OnClose(wxCloseEvent &event);




Example 72. TextDlg.cpp - The implementation of the wxTextCtrl example.

#include <wx/wx.h>
#include "TextDlg.h"

TextDlg::TextDlg() : wxDialog(NULL, -1, "TextDialog", wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(200, 150))

wxTextCtrl *text = new wxTextCtrl(this, -1, wxEmptyString,
wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize,

*text << "This is line 1";

wxBoxSizer *dlgSizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL);

dlgSizer->Add(text, 1, wxGROW);

void TextDlg::OnClose(wxCloseEvent &event)


BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(TextDlg, wxDialog)

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8 Validators
A validator is an object that mediates between data and a control (mediator pattern),
transferring the data in either direction and validating it. A validator is also able to
intercept events generated by the control, providing a filtering behavior without the need
to create a new control class.

You can use wxTextValidator and wxGenericValidator, or you can write your own.

8.1 How it works

To make sure that a validator works correctly, you must call the validator functions at
the right time during dialog initialization and dismissal. When a dialog is shown the
InitDialog method of wxDialog is automatically called. This method sends an initialization
event to the dialog. The default implementation for the wxEVT_INIT_DIALOG event is
defined in the wxWindow class and calls the wxWindow::TransferDataToWindow method.
This function finds all validators in the windows’ children and calls the TransferToWindow
function for each child.

When you’re using a panel or a window, you need to call InitDialog yourself before
showing the window.

When the user clicks a button, the wxWindow::Validate method should be called. When
this return FALSE, the button handler should return immediately. When it returns TRUE,
the TransferDataFromWindow should be called.

wxDialog contains a default command event handler for the wxID_OK button. So when
you’re using validators and a normal OK button, you don’t need to write any code for
validating the dialog.

8.2 wxTextValidator
wxTextValidator validates wxTextCtrl objects. It provides also a filtering mechanism to
prevent that the user enters invalid characters. The constructor looks like this:

wxTextValidator(long style = wxFilterNone, wxString* valPtr = NULL)

! style is a bit list of flags that is used to filter characters.

! valPtr is a pointer to a wxString variable that contains the value.

Example 73 is a text control that allows only numeric characters. When the control is
validated, the text is stored in the textValue variable which type is a wxString.
Example 73. A Numeric Text Control with a wxTextValidator
wxTextCtrl *text = new wxTextCtrl(this, -1, “”, wxDefaultPostion, wxDefaultSize, 0,
wxTextValidator(wxFILTER_NUMERIC, &textValue));

8.3 wxGenericValidator
wxGenericValidator performs data transfer (no validation or filtering) for some basic

wxCheckBox Transfer data to/from a bool variable.

wxListBox Transfer data to/from a wxArrayInt variable.

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wxButton Transfer data to/from a wxString variable.

wxGauge Transfer data to/from an int variable.

8.4 Your own Validator

A new validator should provide the following functionality:

! A constructor is responsible for setting the kind of validation and to set a pointer to a
C++ variable that is used to store the data of the control.
! A Validate method that returns TRUE when the data of the control is valid.
! A TransferToWindow method that transfers the data of the C++ variable to the
! A TransferFromWindow method that transfers the data of the control to the C++
! A Copy constructor and a Clone method is needed because validators are passed by
reference to window constructors, and must therefore be cloned internally.

Optionally you can provide event handling. These events will be captured before the
control does. The following example implements a validator that checks that the value
entered in a text control is in a valid range.

Example 74. RangeValidator.h - A validator that checks that the value of a wxTextctrl is numeric and in a valid

* RangeValidator. Checks if an entered value is in a given range.

class RangeValidator : public wxValidator

* Constructor.
RangeValidator(wxString *value, long min, long max)
: m_min(min), m_max(max), m_value(value) {}

* Copy constructor
RangeValidator(const RangeValidator &toCopy);

* Returns a copy of this validator
virtual wxObject* Clone() const;

* Validate. Returns true when the entered value is correct, otherwise false
bool Validate(wxWindow *parent);

* Transfer the data to the window. Returns false when there's a problem.
bool TransferToWindow();

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* Transfer the data from the window. Returns false when there's a problem.
bool TransferFromWindow();


* Copies the given RangeValidator to this validator
bool Copy(const RangeValidator& val);

long m_min;
long m_max;
wxString *m_value;


Of course, you could extend from wxTextValidator, but this example is to show you how
to create your own validator.
Example 75. RangeValidator.cpp – The implementation of the RangeValidator.
// For compilers that supports precompilation , includes "wx/wx.h"
#include "wx/wxprec.h"

#ifndef WX_PRECOMP
#include "wx/wx.h"

#include "RangeValidator.h"

RangeValidator::RangeValidator(const RangeValidator &toCopy)


wxObject* RangeValidator::Clone() const

return new RangeValidator(*this);

bool RangeValidator::Copy(const RangeValidator& val)


m_min = val.m_min;
m_max = val.m_max;
m_value = val.m_value;

return true;

bool RangeValidator::Validate(wxWindow *parent)

wxWindow *win = GetWindow();
if ( !win )
return false;
wxTextCtrl *control = (wxTextCtrl*) win;

wxString message;
bool result = false;

wxString currentValue = control->GetValue();

long value;
if ( ! currentValue.ToLong(&value) )
message.Printf("%s is not a valid number", currentValue.c_str());
if ( value < m_min
|| value > m_max )

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message.Printf("%ld is not between %ld and %ld", value, m_min, m_max);

result = true;

if ( ! result )

return result;

bool RangeValidator::TransferToWindow()
wxWindow *win = GetWindow();
if ( ! win )
return false;
if ( ! m_value )
return false;
if ( ! win->IsKindOf(CLASSINFO(wxTextCtrl)) )
return false;

wxTextCtrl *control = (wxTextCtrl*) win;


return true;

bool RangeValidator::TransferFromWindow()
wxWindow *win = GetWindow();
if ( ! win )
return false;
if ( ! m_value )
return false;
if ( ! win->IsKindOf(CLASSINFO(wxTextCtrl)) )
return false;

wxTextCtrl *control = (wxTextCtrl*) win;

*m_value = control->GetValue();

return true;

To use this validator you have to create a text control and a class member that stores
the value of the text control. Example 76 shows you how the RangeValidator is used to
force the user to enter a valid line number. The variable m_lineNumber contains the
value that is shown in the text control. When the user clicks the Ok button, wxWindows
performs the default event handling for this button. This is validating the input and
transferring it to your C++ variable. When you implement the EVT_INIT_DIALOG event,
don’t forget to call TransferDataToWindow, otherwise the controls are not initialized.
Example 76. Using the RangeValidator.
void GotoLineDialog::OnInitDialog(wxInitDialogEvent &event)
RangeValidator rangeValidator(&m_lineNumber, 1, m_maxLineNumber);


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9 Scrolling

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10 Splitting windows
Sometimes it can be useful to be able to split a window. The wxSplitterWindow class
helps you doing this. A window can split vertically or horizontally.

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11 Common controls

11.1 Toolbar
A toolbar is a user interface component that contains bitmap buttons or toggles. A
toolbar gives the user faster access to an application’s facilities than menus.

wxWindows provides several implementations of the wxToolBarBase class. Depending on

the platform used, wxToolBar is one of these implementations. The selection of the
implementation is done in the toolbar.h header file.

A toolbar on a frame is created with the CreateToolBar method.

11.1.1 Events
The toolbar class handles menu commands in the same way that a menubar does.
Therefore, you can use one EVT_MENU macro for both a menu item and a toolbar button.
The event handler functions take a wxCommandEvent argument. For most event macros,
the identifier of the tool is passed, except for EVT_TOOL_ENTER that passes the toolbar
window and the tool id is retrieved from the wxCommandEvent.

Tool commands (and UI update events) are first sent to the focus window within the
frame that contains the toolbar. If no window within the frame has the focus, then the
events are sent directly to the toolbar.

Processing toolbar events can be done with the following macros:

! EVT_TOOL(id, func)
! EVT_MENU(id, func)
The same as EVT_TOOL.
! EVT_TOOL_RANGE(id1, id2, func)
Process a wxEVT_COMMAND_TOOL_CLICKED event for a range of id identifiers.
! EVT_MENU_RANGE(id1, id2, func)
The same as EVT_TOOL_RANGE.
Processes the right button mouse click on a tool.
! EVT_TOOL_RCLICKED_RANGE(id1, id2, func)
Processes the right button mouse click for a range of tools.
! EVT_TOOL_ENTER(id, func)
Process a wxEVT_COMMAND_TOOL_ENTER event.

11.2 Tree Control

The tree control displays its items in a tree like structure. Each item has its own optional
icon and a label. An item may be either collapsed (meaning its children are not visible) or
expanded (meaning its children are visible. Each item in tree is identified with a unique
id. wxTreeCtrl is the class that implements the tree control.

In Windows32 applications, wxTreeCtrl uses the standard common treeview control from
the system library comctl32.dll. Some versions of this library are known to have bugs
with handling the tree control colors. When you encounter these problems, the
recommended solution is to upgrade the comctrl32.dll to a newer version.

The constructor of wxTreeCtrl looks like this:

wxTreeCtrl(wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id, const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition,

const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize, long style = wxTR_HAS_BUTTONS,

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const wxValidator& validator = wxDefaultValidator,

const wxString& name = “treeCtrl”);

! parent is the parent of the tree control. This must not be NULL.
! id is the window identifier. –1 indicates a default value.
! pos is the window position.
! size is the window size.
! style is the style of the window. Multiple styles can be specified with the or operator.
Use this style to show + and – buttons to the left of parent items.(Win32
Use this style when the user is allowed to change the text of the label.
Use this style when the user is allowed to select more than one item.
! validator is a validator for this window.
! name is the window name.

11.2.1 Items
Each item has a unique id. The type of an id depends on the platform. That’s why
wxWindows wraps the id in the wxTreeItemld class. For example under Windows32, this
class wraps around the HTREEITEM handle. This way, wxWindows makes sure that your
code is portable.

Before you can add items to the tree, you need to add a root item. The AddRoot method
is used for this. AddRoot returns the id of the item. Later you can use this id to add
children to the root with the AppendItem method. When you want to insert an item at
the same level, you use the InsertItem method. Inserting an item as the first child of his
parent can be done with the PrependItem method.

To associate data with your items you can use the wxTreeItemData class. Your data class
should derive from wxTreeItemData. The association is set with the SetItemData
method. Because the tree itself controls the pointers to the wxTreeItemData instances,
you must create the data classes on the heap and you are not allowed to delete them.
Once a data class is set, the tree will delete it when the tree is destroyed. If you do
delete a data class, make sure that you’ve cleared the association with the SetItemData
(with NULL as the second argument) method to prevent that the tree deletes the pointer
for the second time.

11.2.2 Enumerating items

There are three ways of enumerating items: for the children of a given item, for the
sibling of the given item and for the visible items (those that are currently shown to the
user, which means that the item is expanded and in the current view).

Enumerating the children of items is done with the GetFirstChild and GetNextChild
methods. For these enumerating methods, you pass a ‘cookie’ parameter, which is
necessary to make these functions reentrant. The cookie (type long) passed to these
methods must be the same for each enumeration.

Enumerating the sibling item of a given item is done with the GetNextSibling and
GetPrevSibling methods.

Enumerating the visible items is done with the GetFirstVisibleItem, GetNextVisible and
GetPrevVisible methods.

All these enumerating methods return an invalid id when an item is not found. Use the
IsOk method of wxTreeItemId to check this.

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11.2.3 Using images

Setting and getting the image of an item is done respectively with GetItemImage and
SetItemImage. Use the enumeration wxTreeItemIcon to get the right image. An item can
have four different kinds of images:
! A normal image is shown in normal circumstances. (wxTreeItemIcon_Normal)
! A selected image is shown when the item is selected. (wxTreeItemIcon_Selected)
! An expanded image is shown when the item is expanded.
! A selected expanded image is shown when the item is selected and expanded.

You can also use the wxImageList class.

11.2.4 Sorting items

Sorting items is done with the SortChildren method. Items are compared in the
OnCompareItems method, which you can override to provide your own comparison. The
default is ascending alphabetical order.

11.2.5 Tree control events

To process events from a tree control you can use the following event handler macros.

Begin dragging with the left mouse button. Call the wxNotifyEvent Allow method to
allow dragging.
Begin dragging with the right mouse button. Call the wxNotifyEvent Allow method to
allow dragging.
! EVT_TREE_END_DRAG(id, func)
Drag ended (drop).
Begin editing a label. Call the wxNotifyEvent Veto method to disallow editing.
Finished editing a label. Call the wxNotifyEvent Veto method to disallow the change.
Delete an item.
! EVT_TREE_GET_INFO(id, func)
Request information from the application.
! EVT_TREE_SET_INFO(id, func)
Information is supplied.
The item is activated.
The item is collapsed.
The item is about to be collapsed. Prevent this by calling the wxNotifyEvent Veto
The item is expanded.
The item is about to be expanded. Prevent this by calling the wxNotifyEvent Veto
The selection has changed.
The selection is about to be changed. Prevent this by calling the wxNotifyEvent Veto

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! EVT_TREE_KEY_DOWN(id, func)
A key is pressed.

The member functions take a wxTreeEvent, derived from wxNotifyEvent, as an


11.2.6 Editing items

When you’ve created the tree control with the wxTR_EDIT_LABELS style, the user can
click on a label to start editing. On Win32 systems, you can also start editing the label,
by calling the EditLabel method. Whenever the user tries to start editing a label the tree
control gets an EVT_TREE_BEGIN_LABEL_EDIT event which can be vetoed so that the
user can’t change the label. When the user ends editing, an EVT_TREE_END_LABEL_EDIT
event is send to the tree control. This event can also be vetoed, which means that the
label keeps unchanged.

11.3 List Control

A list control displays its items in a list in the following formats: list view, report view,
icon view and small icon view. wxListCtrl is implemented in a generic way on all
platforms except Windows32. The constructor of wxListCtrl looks like this:

wxListCtrl(wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id = -1, const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition,

const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize, long style = wxLC_ICON,
const wxValidator& validator = wxDefaultValidator,
const wxString& name = _T("wxListCtrl"));

! parent is the parent window.

! id is the unique id of the list control.
! pos is the position of the control.
! size is the size of the control.
! style is the style of the control.
wxLC_LIST Multicolumn list view, with optional small icons.
wxLC_REPORT Single or multicolumn report view, with optional
wxLC_ICON Large icon view, with optional labels.
wxLC_SMALL_ICON Small icon view, with optional labels
wxLC_ALIGN_TOP Icons align to the top. (Win32 only)
wxLC_ALIGN_LEFT Icons align to the left.
wxLC_AUTOARRANGE Icons arrange themselves. (Win32 only)
wxLC_USER_TEXT The application provides label text on demand. (Win32
wxLC_EDIT_LABELS Labels are editable.
wxLC_NO_HEADER No header in report mode. (Win32 only)
wxLC_SINGLE_SEL Only one item can be selected.
wxLC_SORT_ASCENDING Sort in ascending order.
wxLC_SORT_DESCENDING Sort in descending order.
! validator is the validator.
! name is the window name.

11.3.1 Methods

11.3.2 wxListItem

An item is inserted with the InsertItem method that returns the index of the inserted
item when it succeeds or -1 when it fails. When you want to set several attributes of an
item, you can use the wxListItem class. Associating data with an item is done with the
SetItemData method or you can use the wxListItem class again.

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When you have a list control in report view, you can set sub-items with the SetColumn or
the SetItem method. SetItem can also be used with the wxListItem class.

wxListItem is used together with wxListCtrl. Use this class to set/get several attributes of
an item in a wxListCtrl at once.

void Clear()
Clears all the members.

void ClearAttributes()
Clears all the attributes (font, color, …)

wxListColumnFormat GetAlign () const

Returns the format of a column. See SetAlign for more information.

wxColour GetBackgroundColour () const

Returns the background color of the item.

int GetColumn () const

Returns the column.

long GetData () const

Returns a pointer to application defined data.

wxFont GetFont () const

Returns the font of the item.

long GetId () const

Returns the index of the item.

int GetImage () const

Returns the image index in the ImageList of the item.

long GetMask() const

Returns the mask. See SetMask for more information.

long GetState () const

Returns the State of the item. See SetState for more information.

const wxString& GetText () const

Returns a const reference to the text of the item.

wxColour GetTextColour () const

Returns the color of the text.

int GetWidth () const

Returns the width of the item.

bool HasAttributes () const

Returns true when the item has associated attributes (font, color, …)

void SetAlign (wxListColumnFormat align)

A format for a column.

wxLIST_FORMAT_LEFT The text will be left aligned.

wxLIST_FORMAT_RIGHT The text will be right aligned.

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wxLIST_FORMAT_CENTRE, The text will be centered.


void SetBackgroundColour (const wxColour& colBack)

Sets the background color of the item.

void SetColumn (int col)

Sets the index of the column.

void SetData (long data)

void SetData(void *data)
Sets a pointer to application-defined data.

void SetFont (const wxFont& font)

Sets the font of the item.

void SetId (long id)

Sets the index of the item.

void SetImage (int image)

Sets the index of the image in the associated ImageList.

void SetMask (long mask)

Sets a flag that indicates which fields are valid. You can combine these flags with the OR-

wxLIST_MASK_STATE The m_state field is valid.

wxLIST_MASK_TEXT The m_text field is valid.
wxLIST_MASK_IMAGE The m_image field is valid.
wxLIST_MASK_DATA The m_data field is valid.
wxLIST_MASK_WIDTH The m_width field is valid.
wxLIST_MASK_FORMAT The m_format field is valid.

void SetState (long state)

Sets the state of the item.

wxLIST_STATE_DONTCARE Don’t care what the state is. (Windows32 only)

wxLIST_STATE_DROPHILITED The item is highlighted to receive a drop event.
(Windows32 only)
wxLIST_STATE_FOCUSED The item has the focus.
wxLIST_STATE_SELECTED The item is selected.
wxLIST_STATE_CUT The item is in cut state. (Windows32 only)

void SetStateMask (long stateMask)

A mask indicating which state flags are valid. See SetState for all flags.

void SetText (const wxString& text)

Sets the text of the item.

void SetTextColour (const wxColour& colText)

Sets the foreground color of the item.

void SetWidth (int width)

Sets the width of the column.

11.3.3 List control events

To process events from a list control you use the following event macros:

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Begin dragging with the left mouse.
Begin dragging with the right mouse button.
Begin editing a label. Call the wxNotifyEvent Veto method to disallow editing.
Editing a label is finished. Call the wxNotifyEvent Veto method to discard the change.
An item is deleted.
All items are deleted.
! EVT_LIST_GET_INFO(id, func)
Request information from the application, usually the item text.
! EVT_LIST_SET_INFO(id, func)
Information is supplied. (not implemented)
The item is selected.
The item is deselected.

11.3.4 Editing items

When you’ve set the wxLC_EDIT_LABELS style, the user can edit the items. When the
user clicks on a selected item, a text control is shown. When the user doesn’t press the
escape key, the item is changed. Before the editing starts, the application receives an
EVT_LIST_BEGIN_LABEL_EDIT, which can be vetoed so that no text control will appear.
When the user has changed the label, the application receives an
EVT_LIST_END_LABEL_EDIT, which can also be vetoed so that the item is not changed.

11.4 Imagelist
A wxImageList contains a list of images and is used together with wxTreeCtrl,
wxNotebook and wxListCtrl.

11.5 Tab
A Tab control is created with the wxNotebook control. The tabs can be placed on the left,
right, top or bottom side of the control.

This is the constructor:

wxNotebook(wxWindow* parent, wxWindowID id, const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition,

const wxSize& size, long style = 0, const wxString& name = "notebook");

! parent is the parent window

! id is the window identifier
! pos is the position of the window
! size is the size of the window
! style
wxNB_FIXEDWIDTH All tabs have the same width. (Windows only)
wxNB_LEFT Place tabs on the left side.
wxNB_RIGHT Place tabs on the right side.
wxNB_BOTTOM Place tabs on the bottom of the control.
! name is the name of the control

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The default placement of the tabs is at the top of the control. To reduce flickering you
can use the wxCLIP_CHILDREN window style.

11.5.1 Tab pages

Any window can be a page for a tab. wxNotebookPage is just a typedef for wxWindow. A
page is added with the AddPage or InsertPage method. When you add a window as a
page, you’re not allowed to delete this window. This will be done by wxNotebook when
the control is destroyed. When you don’t want this behavior, you can use the
RemovePage method. RemovePage deletes the specified page, without deleting the
associated window.

11.5.2 Events
To process events from a wxNotebook control you can use the following macros:
The page selection was changed.
The page selection is about to be changed. This can be prevented by calling Veto.

11.6 Tooltip

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12 Property Sheets

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14 Document/View framework

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15 The clipboard

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16 Drag & drop

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17 Printing

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18 Drawing

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19 Strings

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20 Date & Time

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21 Container classes
wxWindows provides some container classes such as dynamic arrays and hashtables.

wxWindows doesn’t use the STL container classes for some reasons. First, wxWindows
was written before STL was written. Second, there are still compilers today that cannot
deal well with all of the STL classes. When the support for STL improves, future versions
of wxWindows will use STL.

21.1.1 Dynamic Arrays

wxWindows provides three different kinds of arrays. All of them derive from the
wxBaseArray class, which handles the untyped data. wxBaseArray can’t be used directly.
wxWindows has some macros that you can use to generate a new class that derives from
wxBaseArray. Because of portability issues, wxWindows doesn’t use templates.

wxBaseArray provides you dynamic arrays. When you add an element and there’s not
enough memory allocated, wxBaseArray will allocate more memory. In debug mode,
wxBaseArray also performs range checking on the index values.

For simple types, the macro WX_DEFINE_ARRAY can be used. A simple type is a type
which size is smaller then sizeof(long). Example 77 shows you how it works. The macro
generates a class with the name IntArray that can only contain int’s.

Example 77. A dynamic array of a simple type.

#include <wx/dynarray.h>

WX_DEFINE_ARRAY(int, IntArray) // Defines a dynamic unsorted array of int’s.

For types with a larger size then sizeof(long) or for objects you need to use the
WX_DECLARE_OBJARRAY macro. This macro only declares the array. After you’ve
included the <wx/arrimpl.cpp> file in your implementation file, you need to use
WX_DEFINE_OBJARRAY to define the array.
Example 78. Declaring a dynamic array for an object.
#include <wx/dynarray.h>

WX_DECLARE_OBJARRAY(wxFile, ArrayOfFiles);

Example 79. Defining a dynamic array for an object.

#include <wx/arrimpl.cpp>

Example 78 shows you how to declare an array class for wxFile instances, while Example
79 shows you how to define the array class.

A sorted array is created with the WX_DEFINE_SORTED_ARRAY macro as you can see in
Example 80.
Example 80. A sorted dynamic array.
WX_DEFINE_SORTED_ARRAY(wxFile*, SortedArrayOfFiles);

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wxWindows – Programming cross-platform GUI applications in C++ - 103 -

21.1.2 wxHashTable
The wxHashTable provides hash table functionality for wxWindows. wxHashTable is kept
simple: you can only use integers or strings as the key. The hash table is implemented
as an array of pointers to lists. The constructor of wxHashTable looks like this:

wxHashTable(unsigned int key_type = wxKEY_INTEGER, int size = wxHASH_SIZE_DEFAULT);

! key_type defines the type of the key. wxKEY_INTEGER for int, wxKEY_STRING for
! size is the default size of the hash table. The default contains space for 1000

You can use the WX_DECLARE_HASH macro to define a type safe hash table. This macro
generates a class for you.

WX_DECLARE_HASH(wxFile, wxList, FileHashTable)

21.1.3 Use STL

Before you can use STL together with wxWindows you have to change the following
macros in the “setup.h” header file and set them as shown below. You find this file in the
“include/wx” directory.


You’ve to do this because wxWindows redefines new for debugging purposes and this
gives trouble with STL.

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wxWindows – Programming cross-platform GUI applications in C++ - 104 -

22 File handling

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wxWindows – Programming cross-platform GUI applications in C++ - 105 -

23 Multi-lingual applications

- 105 -
wxWindows – Programming cross-platform GUI applications in C++ - 106 -

24 Logging

- 106 -
wxWindows – Programming cross-platform GUI applications in C++ - 107 -

25 Databases

- 107 -
wxWindows – Programming cross-platform GUI applications in C++ - 108 -

26 Multithreading

- 108 -
wxWindows – Programming cross-platform GUI applications in C++ - 109 -

27 Debugging

- 109 -
wxWindows – Programming cross-platform GUI applications in C++ - 110 -

28 Class reference

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wxWindows – Programming cross-platform GUI applications in C++ - 111 -

28.1 wxAcceleratorEntry

28.1.1 Overview
An object used by an application, which want to create an accelerator table.

! Derived from


! Include files

#include <wx/accel.h>

! See also


28.1.2 Example

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wxWindows – Programming cross-platform GUI applications in C++ - 112 -

28.2 wxAcceleratorTable

28.2.1 Overview

- 112 -
wxWindows – Programming cross-platform GUI applications in C++ - 113 -

28.3 wxFrame

28.3.1 Overview

- 113 -
wxWindows – Programming cross-platform GUI applications in C++ - 114 -

! See also

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wxWindows – Programming cross-platform GUI applications in C++ - 115 -

Appendix A: Event Macros

This is a list of all the classes that are derived from wxEvent and their associated macros
for event handling.

Event Macros
EVT_ACTIVATE(func) An activate event is sent when a
wxActivateEvent EVT_ACTIVATE_APP(func) window or application is activated or
wxCommandEvent EVT_COMMAND(id, event,
id2, event, func)
EVT_BUTTON(id, func)
EVT_CHECKBOX(id, func)
EVT_CHOICE(id, func)
EVT_LISTBOX(id, func)
EVT_TEXT(id, func)
EVT_TEXT_ENTER(id, func)
EVT_MENU(id, func)
EVT_MENU_RANGE(id1, id2,
EVT_SLIDER(id, func)
EVT_RADIOBOX(id, func)
EVT_COMBOBOX(id, func)
EVT_TOOL(id, func)
EVT_TOOL_RANGE(id1, id2,

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Appendix B: Example List

Example 1. A makefile for MingW........................................................................... 11
Example 2. Adding additional libraries to a makefile. ................................................ 11
Example 3. HelloWorldApp.h - The HelloWorldApp definition...................................... 11
Example 4. HelloWorldApp.cpp - The implementation of HelloWorldApp ...................... 12
Example 5. TextFrame.h - The TextFrame definition................................................. 13
Example 6. TextFrame.cpp – The TextFrame implementation .................................... 14
Example 7. TextEditorApp.h – The TextEditorApp definition....................................... 14
Example 8. TextEditorApp.cpp – The TextEditorApp implementation........................... 14
Example 9. TextFrame.h – The TextFrame definition with wxTextCtrl ......................... 15
Example 10. TextFrame.cpp – The TextFrame implementation with wxTextCtrl ........... 15
Example 11. TextFrame.h - The TextFrame definition with menus.............................. 16
Example 12. TextFrame.cpp – The TextFrame implementation with menus ................. 16
Example 13. Creating a statusbar .......................................................................... 17
Example 14. Menus with a description-text. ............................................................ 17
Example 15. TextFrame.h – The TextFrame definition with an event table .................. 18
Example 16. TextFrame.cpp – The TextFrame implementation that processes menu
events .......................................................................................................... 18
Example 17. An event table .................................................................................. 20
Example 18. NumTextCtrl.h – The definition of a numeric text control ........................ 21
Example 19. NumTextCtrl.cpp – The implementation of a numeric text control ............ 21
Example 20. Vetoing an event. .............................................................................. 22
Example 21. LogEventHandler.h - The definition of the LogEventHandler. .................. 22
Example 22. LogEventHandler.cpp - The implementation of the LogEventHandler. ....... 23
Example 23. Implementation of the File Open and File Save menu actions. ................. 25
Example 24. Selecting a color with wxColourDialog .................................................. 26
Example 25.Selecting a font with wxFontDialog ....................................................... 26
Example 26. TextEditorApp.rc - A simple resource file. ............................................. 29
Example 27. AboutDialog.h – The AboutDialog definition .......................................... 29
Example 28. AboutDialog.cpp – The AboutDialog implementation .............................. 30
Example 29. How to show a dialog? ....................................................................... 30
Example 30 AboutDialog.cpp - Using wxLayoutConstraints........................................ 32
Example 31. Using the wxBoxSizer ........................................................................ 34
Example 32. AboutDialog using wxGridSizer............................................................ 35
Example 33. Using wxFlexGridSizer........................................................................ 36
Example 34. Nested sizers. ................................................................................... 37
Example 35. ButtonDlg.h - The definition of the wxButton example............................ 40
Example 36. ButtonDlg.cpp – The implementation of the wxButton example. .............. 40
Example 37. ButtonDlg.h - The definition of the wxBitmapButton example.................. 42
Example 38. ButtonDlg.cpp - The implementation of the wxBitmapButton example...... 42
Example 39. ButtonApp.rc - The resource file of the wxBitmapButton example. ........... 43
Example 40. CalendarDlg.h - The definition of the Calendar example. ........................ 46
Example 41. CalendarDlg.cpp - The implementation of the calendar example. ............. 46
Example 42. CheckBoxDlg.h - The definition of the Checkbox example. ...................... 48
Example 43. CheckBoxDlg.cpp - The implementation of the Checkbox example. .......... 48
Example 44. CheckListBoxDlg.h - The definition of a checklistbox example. ................ 50
Example 45. CheckListBox.cpp - The implementation of a checklistbox example. ......... 50
Example 46. ChoiceDlg.h - The definition of the wxChoice example............................ 52
Example 47. ChoiceDlg.cpp - The implementation of the wxChoice example................ 52
Example 48. ComboboxDlg.h - The definition of the wxComboBox example. ............... 54
Example 49. ComboboxDlg.cpp - The implementation of the wxComboBox example. ... 55
Example 50. GaugeDlg.h - The definition of the gauge example................................. 56
Example 51. GaugeDlg.cpp - The implementation of the gauge example..................... 57
Example 52. ListboxDlg.h - The definition of the wxListBox example. ......................... 59
Example 53. ListboxDlg.cpp - The implementation of the wxListBox example. ............. 60

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Example 54. RadioboxDlg.h - The definition of the wxRadioBox example. ................... 62

Example 55. RadioboxDlg.cpp - The implementation of the wxRadioBox example. ....... 62
Example 56. RadioButtonDlg.h - The definition of the wxRadioButton example. ........... 64
Example 57. RadioButtonDlg.cpp - The implementation of the wxRadioButton example.65
Example 58. SliderDlg.h - The definition of the wxSlider example. ............................. 67
Example 59. SliderDlg.cpp - The implementation of the wxSlider example. ................. 68
Example 60. SpinDlg.h - The definition of the wxSpinCtrl example. ............................ 69
Example 61. SpinDlg.cpp - The implementation of the wxSpinCtrl example. ................ 69
Example 62. StaticBitmapDlg.h - The definition of the wxStaticBitmap example........... 70
Example 63. StaticBitmapDlg.cpp - The implementation of the wxStaticBitmap example.
.................................................................................................................... 71
Example 64. StaticBitmapApp.rc - The resource file of the wxStaticBitmap example..... 71
Example 65. StaticBoxDlg.h - The definition of the wxStaticBox example. ................... 71
Example 66. StaticBoxDlg.cpp - The implementation of the wxStaticBox example........ 72
Example 67. StaticLineDlg.h - The definition of the wxStaticLine example. .................. 73
Example 68. StaticLineDlg.cpp - The implementation of the wxStaticLine example. ...... 73
Example 69. StaticTextDlg.h - The definition of the wxStaticText example. ................. 74
Example 70. StaticTextDlg.cpp - The implementation of the wxStaticText example. ..... 74
Example 71. TextDlg.h - The definition of the wxTextCtrl example. ............................ 77
Example 72. TextDlg.cpp - The implementation of the wxTextCtrl example. ................ 78
Example 73. A Numeric Text Control with a wxTextValidator ..................................... 79
Example 74. RangeValidator.h - A validator that checks that the value of a wxTextctrl is
numeric and in a valid range. .......................................................................... 80
Example 75. RangeValidator.cpp – The implementation of the RangeValidator............. 81
Example 76. Using the RangeValidator. .................................................................. 82
Example 77. A dynamic array of a simple type. ..................................................... 102
Example 78. Declaring a dynamic array for an object. ............................................ 102
Example 79. Defining a dynamic array for an object............................................... 102
Example 80. A sorted dynamic array. ................................................................... 102

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