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Handwriting Analysis
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This is one of my favorite things to do! I love being hired to sit in a quiet corner of a large party and do a rather quick, (under ten minutes), analysis of
people’s handwriting and signatures.

I bring some paper, a couple pens and my magnifying glass and I’m ready . . .

It’s really just a matter of common sense, most of it. (Well, common sense amplified by forty years of experience!) I see it as a very Sherlock Holmes
sort of activity.

If we have a room with a hundred people in it and fifty of them write very large letters and the other fifty write with very tiny letters, you will, if you do a
little examination, discover similar personality patterns in each of the two groups.

In the third grade when the teacher requested that a student stand at the front of the class and give an answer to a question, those who wrote quite large
seemed to enjoy the attention. (Or at least they weren’t so terribly intimidated by it.)

On the other hand, those who wrote with very tiny letters were often hiding in the back rows hoping fervently that the teacher would not choose them to
stand in front of their class mates. They’d be having a panic attack before they ever reached the front of the room!

Those who write with very heavy pressure on the paper will be different than those who do not.

Those who write on a very straight line will be different than those whose line of writing droops noticeably at the right end.

There are, to my experience, about thirty to thirty five things you can find in most handwriting – at least if you have a good page or two of it – that you
can use to infer some relevant insight into the writers personality.

One of the fun things at these parties is to look at the handwriting of a couple who are just beginning to date. It’s often insightful to look at their writings
and compare them.

You can possibly uncover similar patterns in the two of them. Perhaps these were what caused them to be interested in each other in the first place!

You can also find areas where their personalities will be different and possible friction might arise.

It’s best to know these things ahead of time, so that when they happen they can be understood as quite natural and expected of someone with their
personality type.

Any disagreements are not necessarily done just to drive the other person nuts at all! It can be a great help in understanding the other persons point of

I have done extensive analyses for large corporations, although this is starting to get too serious for me. For similar reasons I never wanted to get into
document identification for law enforcement, either.

I prefer the less formal one-on-one analyses, or the compatibility analyses for fun, education and entertainment.
If you wish, bring extensive samples of someone else’s writing that you may be interested in. We can compare your writings!

Obviously, examining two peoples writings costs more than only analyzing one, but you may find it to be quite helpful in any potential – or ongoing –

I don’t explain too much detail about what I look for in handwriting here, as I would prefer the person who wants their handwriting examined to not be too
prepared for it!

I’m sure you’ll find it an interesting experience!

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