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Generated for #19688 Andy Magic


Back when Lewis Le Val brought out his Revelations

project, I spoke with him about ways to reveal playing
cards, specifically during readings. He gave me a
couple of ideas which I then developed, and you’ll find
them in the following pages.

This technique utilises an age old concept that you

are probably so familiar with, that you may have even
dismissed it or swapped it out for an alternative, but
hopefully this approach will help you to see it in a new

Everything you’re about to read is done in the context

of a cartomancy reading, and so I highly recommend
picking up my ebook ‘The Four Pillars of Truth’ from E
Mentalism if you haven’t already (it’s only $3). In the
ebook I outline a super simple system that’ll help you
to instantly begin interpreting every card in a playing
card deck, allowing you to give expert cartomancy
readings anywhere, anytime (even without a physical

Let’s begin!
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Fate Card

Fate Card is essentially a playing card force, done

whilst giving a reading with a wonderful justification for
the actions, leaving your spectator with a mystery card
that you have secretly known the entire time, which is
then revealed in a truly beautiful manner.


One deck of playing cards which can be borrowed.


Begin by asking your sitter to shuffle the deck until

they are happy.

Then, take the deck back, turn them face up and

spread through them, showing the faces to your sitter
as you say,

“What you have done here is created something truly

unique, something that has never been done before.
Due to the astronomical amount of combinations a
deck of cards can be shuffled into, it is extremely
unlikely that any deck of cards has ever fallen into this
order before. You have created order from chaos.
Traditionally, every card in the deck had a specific
meaning, which eventually gave birth to tarot. So if
every card in the deck has a meaning, and this order
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is uniquely yours, we can then view this deck as the

entire story of you. It contains your past, present,
future, thoughts, dreams, goals, hopes and desires,
your fears, your memories, everything that is you,
every card a page.”

This is something that fascinates me, and I will always

try to include it in my readings. The amount of orders
a deck of cards can be shuffled into is


This number is beyond astronomically large. I say

beyond because every number we consider to be
astronomically large is only a tiny fraction of this
number. If you’d like to hear this number spoken out
loud, simply ask Google Assistant “What is 52

Whilst speaking and spreading through the deck,

notice and remember what the top card is. Don’t worry
about doing this so openly, there will be plenty of time
misdirection between this moment and the moment
your spectator has this card in their hands.

Then square up the deck, and put it face down on the

table (you now know what the top card is).

Continue with,
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“The anatomy of a deck of cards can be seen like a

physical body, or even an astral body. At the top we
have the head, further down, the heart, and so on. So
first lets open the mind centre and take a look at
what’s been on your mind recently. I’d like you to pick
up a portion of cards from the top, turn them face up
and put them back on the deck.”

I’m sure you can see where this is going, you’re about
to do the ‘cut deeper’ force!

“Any amount, less than half” is a good line to use if

your sitter is still unclear of the instructions.
Essentially they will be picking up about a quarter of
the deck, turning it face up then putting it back on the
face down deck. This will bring a random card to the
top, face up.

From here, proceed to do a reading for this card,

through the context of what’s been on their mind
recently, speak your interpretation as though it is the
recent thoughts of your sitter. Don’t worry about
getting hits, just speak your interpretation and allow
your sitter to find meaning; you provide the words,
they provide the meaning.

You can read the card alone, or if you wish to make

the reading longer, interpret the cards that numerically
come before it and after it too. So if the card brought
to the top is the 3 of Clubs, interpret the 2 and the 4 of
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Clubs too. Further details on this can be found in The

Four Pillars of Truth.

Next, explain that you will open the ‘heart centre’ to

see how they have been feeling recently. Instruct your
sitter to lift up around half of the deck, turn it face up
and put it back onto the remainder of the deck.

Interpret the new card that comes up as before, only

this time, through the context of your sitter’s feelings.
This portion of the reading can take a more intimate
route, as our feelings are often outside of our control,
or caused by things in the world around us.
Essentially, this is the effect the world/environment/
people/events is having on your spectator.

Our thoughts originate from us, but our feelings are

the effect of something else. Sometimes it’s external,
but most often it is our thoughts that are the cause
and our feelings are the effect, so this portion of the
reading can be used to find conflicting narratives; if
your spectator is feeling any negativity, help them to
find a fresh perspective on whatever they may be
facing, as new thoughts will invoke new feelings.

For example, “I don’t think I’ll be able to give

somebody an accurate cartomancy reading. What if
nothing I say has any relevance or I get stuck and
don’t know what to say? What if it just isn’t any good?”
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The above thoughts would cause a feeling negative

enough to put you off even trying, so you become
stuck. But if the thoughts changed to,

“Even though I don’t feel fully prepared, the best way

for me to learn and get better at this is to just give it a
go, and the only real effort I need to make is to
communicate with my sitter and interpret the cards
with them and not just for them. Through conversation
I can try to help them find a new way of looking at
things, and in turn I will strengthen my reading
abilities. The more I do this, the better I’ll get, and
maybe after my first attempt, I’ll realise it’s not that
difficult at all, and the worry is for nothing.”

Both of these trains of thought can be had from the

same starting position, the first is most likely to put
you off trying, and the second helps you to feel more
motivated to get started. We can override negative
feeling by utilising positive thought.

Next, it is time to open the ‘body centre’. Instruct your

sitter to lift more than half of the deck, turn it face up
and put it back onto the face down remainder of the

This card should be interpreted as physical action or

advice. So the first card is to identify thoughts, the
second to identify feelings, and the third to bring
everything together and offer guidance, advice or
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suggestions. This third card should aim to provide the

‘aha’ moment.

That’s it, the reading is done! But what about the rest
of the force and the force card itself?

This is the cartomancer’s secret weapon.

Continue with,

“I don’t often do this, but would you like to see your

fate card? Basically a card that may give you a
glimpse into your own future, to see how things will
turn out? Before you answer, it is important to know
that you may or may not like what comes up, but
either way, good or bad, it will be something you can
learn from.”

If they say yes (most times they will) say,

“Have you heard the saying, as above, so below? It is

an ancient quote to describe the idea that what
happens on a higher plane of existence also happens
on our plane of existence, what happens in the stars
above also happens at the deepest core of who you
are. All I need you to do, is turn the entire deck over.”

Once the deck is turned over, if you spread through

them, the very first face down card you come to will of
course be the force card. As you spread through
them, say,
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“All of these face up cards, these pages in the

storybook of you, are all of the moments in your life
that have been and gone. The very last face up card
will be this moment right now, and the next card…
shows what’s next in store for you.”

Of course this will be the force card that you peeked

at the beginning. So just to recap the steps of the

The deck is face down on the table, you know what

the top card is.

Around a quarter of the deck is turned face up and put

back, then around half is turned over and put back,
then around three quarters is turned over, then the
whole deck. Now, spreading to the first face down
card will bring you to the force card.

The illusion here is nice because knowing that they

had control of each cut makes it feel like that face
down card was a result of their cutting. There is also
plenty of time misdirection between each cut and you
have already addressed three truly random cards in a
similar fashion. All of the necessary psychological
conditioning is built in.

With this final card, the force card, don’t turn it face
up. Instead, have your spectator take it to look at, then
hold against their chest, not showing anybody,
including you.
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This is where the secret weapon reveal comes in. For

a long time I played around with seemingly intuitively
revealing the card, by interpreting it then getting a
‘feeling’ of what the card is, but no, the following
reveal is FAR better.

Rather than actually revealing the card, you are going

to use it to offer motivational hope (with caution). For
example, let’s say the force card was the 7 of
diamonds, my scripting might go something like this:

“Alright, so I will not ask you what that card is, and I
don’t want you to show me. Instead, I will tell you
enough about the cards in general so that you can
interpret it for yourself. These meanings only apply to
fate cards, not any of the other cards that came up.

Firstly, if you are holding a black card, great difficulties

are coming your way, and could only get worse before
they get better. If you are holding a red card, this is
good news, there is new light on the horizon. Judging
by the look on your face, this is a red card? Yes? Ok, I
will not ask any more about the card.

If your card is an even number, it’s going to take some

time before you reach your goals, and you may need
to remove some things from your life to make way for
the new. If your card is an odd number, positive
change is coming quicker than you think.
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If your card is a diamond, focussed efforts are

required, and you must prioritise not only your goals
but also the smaller steps leading towards them. If
your card is a heart, you don’t really need to do
anything, and everything you want will fall nicely into
your lap.

I hope that gives you some insight into your future

direction, please return the card to the deck.”

So as you can see here, because you know what card

they are holding, you can tailor its characteristics to
suit a meaningful, positive outcome or message for
the future (with caution, which we will talk about in a

Firstly, the colour. I know they are holding a red card,

so I can make black seem like a bad omen, and red
becomes the opposite. To save having to name all
four suits, I use the “judging by the look on your face”
line to name the correct colour. Then, logically, there is
no need to give meanings for the black suits.

Then, because I know their card is an odd number (7),

I can give even numbers the less exciting outcome,
and odd numbers the more exciting.

Finally, here’s where the caution comes in, I know

their card is a diamond. It is here where I give the less
desirable outcome. I don’t want to leave them thinking
or feeling that all of their goals in life will happen
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automatically, I need to let them know that efforts are

required. I’m basically saying “You’ll get what you
want if you make it happen, and you have what it
takes to do that.”

Also, because I’ve given the less desirable outcome

first each time, it is important to also do that when the
less desirable outcome applies to them too.
Highlighted in red are the options that apply to the 7 of

Black card - Bad - Really bad

Red card - Good - Really good

Even card - Bad - Tedious and inconvenient

Odd card - Good - Surprising and easy

Diamond - Good but efforts must be made

Heart - Good, automatic success

Every step of this reveal is positive and optimistic, with

the final message being that of guidance; what must
be done in order to progress.

You can make this more personal to your sitter by

using information that came up during the reading.
Remember, not everything that comes up in a reading
comes from the cards, it comes from conversation and
asking questions too.
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The simplest example I can give as to how you might

ask a question during a reading is, “This is interesting,
I’m seeing great difficulty surrounding your work life,
what could this be?”

Then LISTEN to what they say and interpret the card

through the information they give you.

“I’m starting a new business and struggling to manage


“Ah that makes sense, a five usually indicates change,

but the five of clubs also shows us that the difficulties
you are facing right now are almost like lessons, and
by learning the hard way now you are setting yourself
up for a better future in how you manage your
business. It’s ok to make mistakes, and even better to
make them early on. The struggles are shaping you
and although they’re not very pleasant, in time you’ll
be glad you encountered and dealt with them now
rather than later down the line when there’s a lot more
at stake.”

See how easy that was? The card gave me direction

but what they told me gave me content.
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If the force card happens to be a Jack, Queen or King,

instead of giving options for odd and even numbers,
simply use ‘face cards and number cards’ instead.
The same could be done with an Ace. “If you’re
holding an ace, jack queen or king…”

When spreading through the deck to get to the face

down force card, we are implying here that all of the
face up cards are the past and present, and all of the
face down cards are the future, essentially leading
right up to death, like turning the pages of a book.

If you can fit it into your script, when spreading to the

force card, point out some things as though you’re
noticing them in the cards from your spectator’s past,
such as “here’s that time you got pushed down in
school by someone you later became friends with”
and “this was a fun birthday, although you were a little
scared of the balloons,” or “here’s when you got that
scar” and so on. Just one or two of these sort of lines
will be enough.

Here’s one final idea that I played with for a while but
stopped using. When doing the final reveal, I’d make it
something neutral, not the best but not the worst.
Something motivating but also very realistic, then I’d
say, “But of course your future is yours to decide, so if
you are happy with this direction then I wish you all
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the best, but if you’d prefer to spin the wheel of fate,

not knowing what’s in store for you, simply shuffle the
remainder of the deck.”

I’d then give them the rest of the face down cards to
shuffle, symbolically shuffling their future.

Thank you for reading,

I hope you enjoy what I have presented here and that

you got something valuable from it!

Until next time,

Silvia x

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