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REFERENCE​: Stay Tuned For Senegal

Cambridge Student’s Books ; 5​ème ​; page 37
AUTHORS​ : Pierre Claver Pouye, and Mamadou Mountagha Diop
Watching TV :​ a noun from the verb to watch (TV)
Example​ : Modou’s favorit passe time activity is watching Football Champion League game on TV.
Swimming​ : ​a noun from to swim. To move through water by moving one’s body.
Example​ : I usually go swimming after school.
Drinking Tea​ : a noun from to drink. The fact of putting liquid into one’s mouth and swallow it.
Example​ : Drinking tea is one of Senegalese habit after lunch.
Hanging out with somebody :​ a noun from to hang. To saty out or spend time in a particular place with a
particular group of people.
Example​ : My mother prevents me from hanging out with bad boys.
Doing odd job​ : a noun from to do. Small divers works people do from time to time.
Example​ : During summer break, many students prefer doing odd jobs to better prepare​ the coming
school year.
Travelling​ : a noun from to travel. It’s the fact of making a journey or moving from one place to another.
Example​ : Travelling is one of the best means of self-learning.
Going for walks​ : a noun from to walk. It’s the fact of walking somewhere in a slow and relaxed​ ​way​.
Example​ : After dinner, my parents often go out for walks.
Fishing​ : a noun from to fish. An act of trying to catch fishes.
Example​ : Dad loves to go fishing in the village river.
Camping​ ​:​ a​ noun from to camp.​ It’s when you stay in a tent for a holiday usually during summer
Example : We’re going camping in the seaside.
Going to the night club​ : It’s the fact of going out during night for club.
Example ; On Saturday, young people enjoy going to the night club for entertainment.
Reading​ : a noun from to read. The activity or skill of learning an article, book, newspaper …
Example​ : Reading ‘’A so long a letter’’ is very important for the fourth form students. (3ème
​ )​
Playing computer or video games​ : a noun from to play. It’s to use a computer in an entertaining way.
Example​ : Playing computer or video games is the favorit hobby of today’s children.
Playing footbal​ : It’s the fact of kicking a ball.
Example​ : Sadio Mané becomes a Euro millionaire thanks to playing football.
Playing board game​ : A game such as chess that is played on a board.
Example : Noone can beat Bakary on playing board game like scrabble.
Hunting​ : a noun from to hunt. It’s when you go to chase or kill aminals in the bush or in the parc.
Example : The lion seldome hunt small animals.
When we talk about things in the past that are not true any more or presently, we can do it in different way
wheither by using : ​used to ; would ; and the simple past of a verb.
✓ Used to : ​we use ‘used to’ to talk about past habits that don’t happen any more.
Form​ : used to + verb Examples :

1) Affirmative​ : When I was a child, I used to spend night in my mother’s bedroom.

Grandfather used to offer us candies when we was kids
2) Negative ​: She didn’t use to hang out with her friends.
I did not use to hurt people.
3) Question​ : Did you use to smok a lot ?
​Didn’t she use to cry a lof as a child ?

✓ Would : ​would is slightly more formal than used to. There is no negative or question form of
would for past habits.
​Form​ : would + verb.
​Example​ : Twin sisters would wash clothes togather
His uncle would tell them amazing stories about world war II.
✓ Simple past​ : the simple past can be used as an alternative to used to and would to talk about past
habits or states.
​Example​ ​: ​When we were pupils, we went to school with one of our parents.
Synonyms​ : 1) When we were pupils ; we used to go to school with one of our parents.
2) When we were pupils ; we would go to school with one of our parents.

PRACTICAL EXERCISE​ : Choose the correct option to complete the following sentences.
● 1° When we was young, we …………………. in a big house in the countryside.
a) wouldn’t live ; b) used to live c) live

● 2° On summer morning, my brother and I ……………………. while everyone else was sleep.
a) have fished b) would fish c) fished

● 3° They ………………… breakfast and then went quickly out of the house to the river.
a) didn’t use to have b) had c) would have had

● 4° As a fisherman, Ibou ……………………... hours fishing in the river.

a) hasn’t spent b) would spend c) didn’t spend

● 5° Her brother ……………… the name of all the difference types off fish that was in the river.
a) knew b) wouldn’t know c) didn’t know

● 6° We often fell asleep in the boat and my father ……………………... to find us.
a) was coming b) didn’t came c) would come

● 7° But Dad …………………….. angry because, he had done the same when he was a kid.
a) wouldn’t get b) didn’t use to get c) got

● 8° Once I ………………………. an enormous fish, I was so happy.

a) would catch b) used to catch c) caught
● 9° I ………………………… a really sporty person.
a) would be b) was c) been

● 10° In my first year at college, I ……………………… for an hour every moring before breakfast.
a) have run b) would run c) used to run

● 11° Then I ……………………… the boxing college team and I really started to train hard.
a) would join b) used to join c) joined

● 12° During that time I …………………… at least two hours in the gum every day.
a) stay b) would stay c) have stayed

● 13° When I started my training I …………………… my diet completely.

a) would change b) change c) changed

● 14° I …………………… three eggs with toast and fruit for breakfast.
a) have had b) used to have c) had

● 15° I……………………. suggar in my tea because it wasn’t on my diet plan.

a) didn’t used to have b) wouldn’t have c) hadn’t

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