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Rouhaniah by Arab magicians, Pneuma by the Greeks and Prana by the Hindi.

They are spiritual

emanations or powers, embodied in all living things in nature, activated by the Divine Spirit. Working
with these Rouhaniah changes not only the magician’s life, but also her personality and world view.
It amounts to a feeling of connection with the cosmos that is sadly lacking in our world today. The
ancient magicians viewed the power of the mind and imagination as the medium, not the source.
The Divine Spirit infl uences the soul; the soul infl uences the mind; the mind infl uences the physical
form. By acknowledging the role of the Divine Spirit and then becoming a living conduit for it, m agic
becomes a liberating process with limitless potential. Magic views the cosmos as a living entity,
interconnected on all levels, physical, mental and spiritual. It conceives of everything as having a
rouhaniah that connects it to the One Divine source. This is stated beautifully in the Emerald Tablet
of Hermes:

“That which is above is from that which is below, and that which is below is from that which is
above, working the miracles of one, as all things were from one.” (Jabir Ibn Hayyan’s translation)

As with all other branches of human knowledge, magic also attempts to address the most basic
needs of humanity. Our most recurring need seems to be that of change and the power to control it.
We want to improve our lives or have the ability to change our situation when and how we wish.
That is why magical literature is fi lled with techniques to change one’s material status, marital
status, health status, and so on. The ancient spells call on angels and other spiritual beings by
ancient and powerful holy names, to do the bidding of the magician. The archetype of the magician
is thus born: standing tall in her attire, holding a wand of power, and summoning the denizens of the
invisible. She isn’t calling on these beings by her own authority, but by the authority of the Divine.
The Divine is the source of all magical causations, directly and indirectly. The magician strives to
build a reality that is in harmony with the essential reality of oneness and spiritual balance. In
restructuring their internal cosmos upon a strong foundation, magicians embody the highest level of
wisdom. Once having become a living agent of the Divine, transformed by the Light, the magician
has the authority to call on the spiritual forces of the Cosmos to aid her. Really powerful m agic
happens when your will and the Divine Will are the same and act together in unison.

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