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Vapor lock in refrigeration

Vapor lock in refrigerant liquid lines is one of totally vapor bound. Subsequently, a signifi
the most common causes of malfunction in cant pressure differential is required to free the
refrigeration systems used for comfort cool line of vapor and reestablish liquid flow to the
ing. Design manuals, such as the ASHRAE expansion valve and evaporator.
Handbook of Fundamentals and most rele As an example, again disregarding velocity
vant textbooks, give little information for the conversion and friction losses, if Refrigerant
system designer to follow regarding the liquid 22 at 110 F 43.3 C condensing temperature
line design. leaves a receiver and rises 13 ft 4 m vertically,
As part of an integrated two-phase system, at the top of the riser approximately 13
the design procedure for the liquid line cannot percent of the available piping volume will
be segregated from the physical design of the initially be occupied by vapor, and to remove
condenser, receiver, subcooler, and general this vapor through a subsequent 13-ft vertical
geometry regarding the relative location of drop will require a pressure motivation of
these components. approximately 6 psi 41,368.56 N/rn2. But
The vapor lock phenomenon is similar to since the vertical column represents a gain of
vapor locking or air binding in a hydronic approximately 6 psi wh, the net motivating
system. It occurs when the liquid line rises, force must equal 12 psi 82,737.1 N/rn2. With
possibly runs horizontally, and then drops the net loss of 6 psi, the vapor cannot be
again to the throttling device expansion recondensed, and thus, the fluid entering the
valve. In addressing this problem, the first expansion valve will be a liquid/vapor mix
characteristic that must be recognized is that ture.
the receiver contains a mixture of liquid and Manifestations of this phenomenon in re
vapor. Thus, the fluid in the receiver is always frigeration systems include:
saturated. Neglecting velocity conversion
losses pv2/2 and friction losses, if the liquid * Unstable operation of ther,nostatic ex
line leaves the receiver and rises upward, a pansion valve-The valve, sensing excessive
pressure loss equal to the product of the superheat resulting from lack of adequate
specific weight w and height h results. refrigerant, opens full. Following sufficient
Thus, as the refrigerant rises, evaporation pressure differential buildup to purge the line,
occurs. This phenomenon results in vapor the high-liquid content mixture reaches the
bubbles forming in the higher section of valve and the evaporator, subsequently de
piping. creasing the superheat and closing the valve.
This cyclical action causes surging or instabil
Pressure differential needed ity in the valve operation.
With the relatively low velocities existent in * Extreme head pressure sensitivity-
most liquid lines, the vapor will not continue Often, with the sight glass properly placed
down the subsequent drop to the expansion immediately ahead of the expansion valve, the
valve but will collect in the higher horizontal only way the glass can be "cleared" of vapor is
piping until the line has essentially become by overcharging the system until the receiver is

completely flooded, and some of the condenser pressure! temperature/ quality analysis of the
surface is used as a subcooler. This "correc system being designed. Short of this, the
tion" results in decreasing the condenser heat following may prove useful design guidelines:
transfer surface. In addition to limiting the full
load capacity, this makes the system head * Remember, if a receiver is employed, the
pressure overly sensitive to changes in ambi fluid in the receiver is at saturated condition.
ent temperature for air-cooled units or water * Any useful subcooling must be accom
temperature for water-cooled units. plished after the fluid leaves the receiver.
* Signflcant reductions in system capac * Subcooling must be adequate to offset all
ity-A further capacity reduction occurs if the pressure decreases in all segments of the liquid
sight glass is located at the receiver outlet system not just, for example, a net head
rather than immediately ahead of the expan difference between receiver liquid level and
sion valve; it will not reveal the liquid vapor expansion valve inlet.
mixture existing at the valve location. Thus, * Avoid high points rise and ensuing drop
although there may be a clear liquid at that in the liquid line whenever possible. Without a
point, the fluid entering the expansion valve, high point, flashing can occur, but vapor lock
being a mixture of liquid and vapor, will will not result.
significantly reduce the full load capacity of * If there are necessary rises in the liquid
the system. line, all devices that cause dynamic pressure
* Occasional liquid slugging of compres drop filter/ dryer, solenoid valve, etc. should
sor-Generally, the most costly result of liq be located immediately ahead of the expan
uid line vapor lock is the loss of a compressor sion valve.
due to liquid slugging at reduced-load condi * Locate a liquid line sight glass immedi
tions. With low load on the evaporator, the ately ahead of the expansion valve.
superheat sensor, as explained previously, o Do not overlook pressure losses resulting
positions the valve full open, and following from conversion of static pressure in the
the ensuing vapor purge of the liquid line, the receiver to flow velocity pv2/2 in the liquid
low-quality mixture moves liquid refrigerant piping.
through the evaporator and to the compressor
before the thermal element can respond. In summary, this often overlooked phe
nomenon of the design of the liquid system in
Useful design guidelines a vapor compression refrigeration cycle can
The most basic approach to follow to prevent either plague designers or be an interesting
vapor lock in liquid line design is to perform a challenge.

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