You are on page 1of 40

Number Word IPA Sound Vietnamese

1 Abandon əˈbæn.dən
2 Ability
3 Able
4 Abortion
5 About
6 Above
7 Abroad
8 Absence
9 Absolute
10 Absorb
11 Abuse
12 Academic
13 Alternative
14 Approach
15 Appropriate
16 Approval
17 Approve
18 Approximately əˈprɑːk.sə.mə
19 Arab
20 Architect
21 Area
22 Argue
23 Argument
24 Arise
25 Arm
26 Armed
27 Army
28 Around
29 Arrange
30 Arrangement
31 Arrest
32 Arrival
33 Arrive
34 Art
35 Article
36 Artist
37 Artistic
38 As
39 Asian
40 Aside
41 Ask
42 Asleep
43 Aspect
44 Assault
45 Assert
46 Authority
47 Auto
48 Available
49 Average
50 Avoid
51 Award
52 Aware
53 Awareness
54 Away
55 Awful
56 Baby
57 Back
58 Background
59 Bad
60 Badly
61 Bag
62 Bake
63 Balance
64 Ball
65 Ban
66 Band
67 Bank
68 Bar
69 Barely
70 Barrel
71 Barrier
72 Base
73 Baseball
74 Basic
75 Basically
76 Basis
77 Basket
78 Basketball
79 Beneath
80 Benefit
81 Beside
82 Besides
83 Best
84 Bet
85 Better
86 Between
87 Beyond
88 Bible
89 Big
90 Bike
91 Branch
92 Brand
93 Bread
94 Break
95 Breakfast
96 Breast
97 Brush
98 Buck
99 Budget
100 Build
101 Building
102 Bullet
103 Bunch
104 Burden
105 Burn
106 Bury
107 Chain
108 Chair
109 Chairman
110 Challenge
111 Chamber
112 Champion
113 Championship
114 Chance
115 Change
116 Changing
117 Channel
118 Chapter
119 Character
120 Characteristic
121 Characterize
122 Charge
123 Charity
124 Chart
125 Chase
126 Cheap
127 Check
128 Chinese
129 Claim
130 Class
131 Classic
132 Classroom
133 Clean
134 Closely
135 Closer
136 Clothes
137 Clothing
138 Cloud
139 Club
140 Clue
141 Cluster
142 Coach
143 Confidence
144 Confident
145 Confirm
146 Conflict
147 Confront
148 Confusion
149 Congress
150 Congressional
151 Connect
152 Connection
153 Consciousness
154 Consensus
155 Consequence
156 Conservative
157 Consider
158 Considerable
159 Consideration
160 Consist
161 Consistent
162 Constant
163 Constantly
164 Constitute
165 Constitutional
166 Construct
167 Construction
168 Consultant
169 Consume
170 Consumer
171 Consumption
172 Contact
173 Contain
174 Container
175 Contemporary
176 Content
177 Defend
178 Defendant
179 Defense
180 Defensive
181 Deficit
182 Define
183 Definitely
184 Definition
185 Degree
186 Delay
187 Deliver
188 Delivery
189 Demand
190 Democracy
191 Democrat
192 Democratic
193 Demonstrate
194 Demonstration
195 Deny
196 Department
197 Depend
198 Dependent
199 Depending
200 Depict
201 Depression
202 Depth
203 Deputy
204 Derive
205 Describe
206 Description
207 Desert
208 Deserve
209 Design
210 Designer
211 Desire
212 Desk
213 Desperate
214 Despite
215 Destroy
216 Destruction
217 Detail
218 Detailed
219 Detect
220 Determine
221 Develop
222 Developing
223 Development
224 Device
225 Devote
226 Economic
227 Economics
228 Economist
229 Economy
230 Edge
231 Edition
232 Editor
233 Educate
234 Education
235 Educational
236 Educator
237 Effect
238 Effective
239 Effectively
240 Efficiency
241 Efficient
242 Effort
243 Egg
244 Eight
245 Either
246 Elderly
247 Elect
248 Election
249 Electric
250 Electricity
251 Electronic
252 Element
253 Elementary
254 Eliminate
255 Entertainment
256 Entire
257 Entirely
258 Entrance
259 Entry
260 Environment
261 Environmental
262 Episode
263 Equal
264 Exciting
265 Executive
266 Exercise
267 Exhibit
268 Female
269 Fence
270 Few
271 Fewer
272 Fiber
273 Fiction
274 Field
275 Fifteen
276 Fifth
277 Fifty
278 Fight
279 Fighter
280 Fighting
281 Figure
282 File
283 Fill
284 Film
285 Final
286 Finally
287 Finance
288 Financial
289 Find
290 Finding
291 Fine
292 Finger
293 Finish
294 Fire
295 Firm
296 Flee
297 Flesh
298 Flight
299 Float
300 Floor
301 Flow
302 Flower
303 Fly
304 Focus
305 Folk
306 Follow
307 Following
308 Food
309 Foot
310 Football
311 For
312 Force
313 Funny
314 Furniture
315 Grow
316 Growing
317 Growth
318 Guarantee
319 Guard
320 Guess
321 Guest
322 Guide
323 Guideline
324 Guilty
325 Gun
326 Guy
327 Habit
328 Habitat
329 Hair
330 Half
331 Hall
332 Hand
333 Handful
334 Handle
335 Hang
336 Happen
337 Happy
338 Hard
339 Hardly
340 Hat
341 Hate
342 Have
343 He
344 Head
345 Headline
346 Headquarters
347 Health
348 Healthy
349 Hear
350 High
351 Highlight
352 Highly
353 Highway
354 Hill
355 Him
356 Himself
357 Hip
358 Hire
359 His
360 Historian
361 Historic
362 Historical
363 History
364 Hit
365 Hold
366 Infant
367 Infection
368 Inflation
369 Influence
370 Inform
371 Information
372 Ingredient
373 Initial
374 Initially
375 Initiative
376 Injury
377 Inner
378 Innocent
379 Inquiry
380 Intense
381 Intensity
382 Intention
383 Interaction
384 Interest
385 Interested
386 Interesting
387 Internal
388 International
389 Internet
390 Interpret
391 Interpretation
392 Intervention
393 Interview
394 Into
395 Introduce
396 Introduction
397 Invasion
398 Invest
399 Investigate
400 Investigation
401 Investigator
402 Investment
403 Investor
404 Invite
405 Involve
406 Involved
407 Involvement
408 Iraqi
409 Irish
410 Leadership
411 Leading
412 Leaf
413 League
414 Lean
415 Learn
416 Learning
417 Least
418 Leather
419 Leave
420 Left
421 Leg
422 Legacy
423 Legal
424 Legend
425 Legislation
426 Legitimate
427 Like
428 Likely
429 Limit
430 Limitation
431 Limited
432 Line
433 Link
434 Lip
435 List
436 Loan
437 Local
438 Locate
439 Location
440 Lock
441 Long
442 Long-term
443 Look
444 Loose
445 Male
446 Mall
447 Man
448 Manage
449 Management
450 Manager
451 Manner
452 Manufacturer
453 Manufacturing
454 Many
455 Map
456 Margin
457 Mark
458 Market
459 Marketing
460 Marriage
461 Married
462 Marry
463 Mask
464 Mass
465 Massive
466 Master
467 Match
468 Material
469 Math
470 Matter
471 May
472 Maybe
473 Mayor
474 Me
475 Meal
476 Miss
477 Missile
478 Mission
479 Mistake
480 Monitor
481 Month
482 Mood
483 Moon
484 Moral
485 More
486 Moreover
487 Myself
488 Mystery
489 Myth
490 Naked
491 Name
492 Narrative
493 Narrow
494 Nation
495 National
496 Native
497 Natural
498 Neighbor
499 Neighborhood
500 Neither
501 Nerve
502 Nervous
503 Net
504 Network
505 Never
506 Nevertheless
507 New
508 Newly
509 News
510 Newspaper
511 Next
512 Nice
513 Night
514 Nine
515 No
516 .nobody
517 Nod
518 Orange
519 Order
520 Ordinary
521 Organic
522 Organization
523 Organize
524 Orientation
525 Origin
526 Original
527 Outcome
528 Outside
529 Oven
530 Over
531 Overall
532 Overcome
533 Overlook
534 Particular
535 Particularly
536 Partly
537 Partner
538 Partnership
539 Party
540 Pass
541 Passage
542 Passenger
543 Passion
544 Past
545 Patch
546 Path
547 Patient
548 Pattern
549 Pause
550 Pay
551 Payment
552 Pc
553 Peace
554 Peak
555 Peer
556 Penalty
557 People
558 Pepper
559 Per
560 Perceive
561 Percentage
562 Perception
563 Perfect
564 Perfectly
565 Perform
566 Performance
567 Perhaps
568 Period
569 Permanent
570 Pilot
571 Pine
572 Pink
573 Pipe
574 Pitch
575 Place
576 Plan
577 Plane
578 Planet
579 Planning
580 Plant
581 Plastic
582 Plate
583 Platform
584 Play
585 Player
586 Poll
587 Pollution
588 Pool
589 Poor
590 Pop
591 Popular
592 Population
593 Porch
594 Port
595 Portion
596 Precisely
597 Predict
598 Prefer
599 Preference
600 Pregnancy
601 Pregnant
602 Preparation
603 Prepare
604 Prescription
605 Presence
606 Present
607 Presentation
608 Preserve
609 President
610 Presidential
611 Press
612 Pressure
613 Pretend
614 Pretty
615 Prevent
616 Previous
617 Previously
618 Price
619 Pride
620 Producer
621 Product
622 Production
623 Profession
624 Professional
625 Professor
626 Profile
627 Profit
628 Program
629 Progress
630 Project
631 Prominent
632 Promise
633 Promote
634 Prompt
635 Proof
636 Psychology
637 Public
638 Publication
639 Publicly
640 Publish
641 Publisher
642 Pull
643 Punishment
644 Purchase
645 Pure
646 Purpose
647 Pursue
648 Push
649 Recently
650 Recipe
651 Recognition
652 Recognize
653 Recommend
654 Recommendation
655 Record
656 Recording
657 Recover
658 Recovery
659 Recruit
660 Red
661 Reduce
662 Reduction
663 Refer
664 Reference
665 Reflect
666 Reflection
667 Reform
668 Refugee
669 Refuse
670 Regard
671 Regarding
672 Regardless
673 Remind
674 Remote
675 Remove
676 Repeat
677 Repeatedly
678 Replace
679 Reply
680 Report
681 Reporter
682 Represent
683 Representation
684 Representative
685 Republican
686 Reputation
687 Request
688 Require
689 Requirement
690 Research
691 Researcher
692 Resemble
693 Reservation
694 Resident
695 Resist
696 Resistance
697 Resolution
698 Resolve
699 Resort
700 Resource
701 Respect
702 Respond
703 Respondent
704 Response
705 Responsibility
706 Responsible
707 Rest
708 Restaurant
709 Restore
710 Restriction
711 Result
712 Retain
713 Retire
714 Score
715 Scream
716 Screen
717 Script
718 Sea
719 Search
720 Season
721 Seat
722 Second
723 Secret
724 Secretary
725 Section
726 Sector
727 Secure
728 Security
729 See
730 Seed
731 Seek
732 Seem
733 Segment
734 Seize
735 Select
736 Selection
737 Self
738 Sell
739 Senate
740 Senator
741 Send
742 Senior
743 Sense
744 Sensitive
745 Shelf
746 Shell
747 Shelter
748 Shift
749 Shine
750 Ship
751 Shirt
752 Shit
753 Shock
754 Shoe
755 Shoot
756 Shooting
757 Shop
758 Shopping
759 Shore
760 Short
761 Shortly
762 Shot
763 Should
764 Shoulder
765 Slave
766 Sleep
767 Slice
768 Slide
769 Slight
770 Slightly
771 Slip
772 Slow
773 Slowly
774 Small
775 Smart
776 Smell
777 Smile
778 Smoke
779 Smooth
780 Snap
781 Snow
782 So
783 So-called
784 Soccer
785 Source
786 South
787 Southern
788 Soviet
789 Space
790 Spanish
791 Speak
792 Speaker
793 Special
794 Specialist
795 Species
796 Specific
797 Specifically
798 Speech
799 Speed
800 Spend
801 Spending
802 Spin
803 Stock
804 Stomach
805 Stone
806 Stop
807 Storage
808 Store
809 Storm
810 Story
811 Straight
812 Strange
813 Stranger
814 Strategic
815 Strategy
816 Stream
817 Street
818 Strength
819 Strengthen
820 Stress
821 Stretch
822 Strike
823 String
824 Strip
825 Stroke
826 Strong
827 Strongly
828 Structure
829 Struggle
830 Student
831 Studio
832 Study
833 Stuff
834 Stupid
835 Style
836 Subject
837 Submit
838 Subsequent
839 Substance
840 Substantial
841 Succeed
842 Success
843 Successful
844 Successfully
845 Suit
846 Summer
847 Summit
848 Sun
849 Symbol
850 Symptom
851 System
852 Table
853 Tablespoon
854 Tactic
855 Tail
856 Take
857 Tale
858 Talent
859 Talk
860 Tall
861 Tank
862 Tap
863 Tape
864 Target
865 Task
866 Taste
867 Tax
868 Taxpayer
869 Tea
870 Teach
871 Teacher
872 Teaching
873 Team
874 Tear
875 Teaspoon
876 Technical
877 Technique
878 Technology
879 Teen
880 Teenager
881 Telephone
882 Telescope
883 Television
884 Tell
885 Temperature
886 Temporary
887 Ten
888 Tend
889 Test
890 Tight
891 Time
892 Tiny
893 Tip
894 Tire
895 Tired
896 Tissue
897 Title
898 To
899 Tobacco
900 Today
901 Toe
902 Together
903 Tomato
904 Tomorrow
905 905.tone
906 906.tongue
907 Tonight
908 Too
909 Train
910 Tremendous
911 Trend
912 Trial
913 Tribe
914 Trick
915 Trip
916 Troop
917 Trouble
918 Truck
919 True
920 Truly
921 Trust
922 Truth
923 Try
924 Tube
925 Tunnel
926 Turn
927 Tv
928 Twelve
929 Twenty
930 Twice
931 Twin
932 Two
933 Type
934 Typical
935 Typically
936 Unit
937 United
938 Universal
939 Universe
940 University
941 Unknown
942 Unless
943 Unlike
944 Unlikely
945 Until
946 Unusual
947 Up
948 Upon
949 Valley
950 Valuable
951 Value
952 Variable
953 Variation
954 Variety
955 View
956 Viewer
957 Village
958 Voter
959 Wash
960 Waste
961 Watch
962 Water
963 Wave
964 Way
965 We
966 Weak
967 Wealth
968 Wealthy
969 Weapon
970 Wear
971 Weather
972 Wedding
973 Week
974 Weekend
975 Weekly
976 Weigh
977 Weight
978 Welcome
979 Welfare
980 Well
981 West
982 Western
983 Wet
984 What
985 Whatever
986 Will
987 Willing
988 Win
989 Wind
990 Would
991 Wound
992 Wrap
993 Yield
994 You
995 Young
996 Your
997 Yours
998 Yourself
999 Youth
1000 Zone
Definition Example Type word Level NOTE

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