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序号 单词

1 ability
2 absent-minded
3 abstract
4 academic
5 accentuate
6 acceptable
7 access
8 accident
9 accommodation
10 accompany
11 accomplishment
12 accounting
13 accumulate
14 accurate
15 ache
16 achieve
17 acknowledge
18 acquire
19 adapt
20 addictive
21 additional
22 address
23 adequate
24 adhere
25 administration
26 admire
27 admittance
28 adopt
29 advanced
30 advantage
31 advantageous
32 advertise
33 advertisement
34 advice
35 advise
36 affair
37 affect
38 affirmative
39 affluent
40 afford
41 agenda
42 aggravate
43 agreement
44 agriculture n
45 air-conditioning
46 aircraft
47 airport
48 aisle
49 alcohol
50 alcoholic
51 amend
52 align
53 amount
54 analysis
55 analytical
56 annex
57 announcement
58 annual
59 anticipate
60 anxiety
61 apartment
62 appeal
63 appear
64 appendix
65 applicant
66 application
67 apply
68 appoint
69 appreciate
70 approach
71 appropriate
72 approval
73 approved
74 approximate
75 archaeologist
76 architecture
77 argument
78 arranged
79 array
80 arrogant
81 arthritis
82 article
83 artificial
84 aspect
85 assembly
86 assert
87 assess
88 assessment
89 asset
90 assignment
91 assistant
92 associate
93 association
94 assumption
95 assurance
96 assured
97 athlete
98 athletic
99 atmosphere
100 attempt n
101 attendance
102 attention
103 attract
104 attraction
105 attribute
106 audience
107 audio
108 auditorium
109 author
110 authority
111 automatic
112 autumn
113 auxiliary
114 available
115 avenue
116 average
117 avoid
118 backache
119 background
120 bacteria
121 badminton
122 balance
123 ballot
124 ban
125 bank
126 bankruptcy
127 chart
128 barbecue
129 barrier
130 baseball
131 basement
132 basic
133 basketball
134 bather
135 beach
136 beard
137 bedroom
138 beginning
139 beneficia
140 benefit
141 bibliography
142 bilingual
143 biology
144 black
145 blanket
146 block
147 blond
148 blue
149 book
150 boom
151 boring
152 borrow
153 bottom
154 boxing
155 brainstorming
156 branch
157 brand
158 break
159 breakthrough
160 british
161 broadcast
162 brochure
163 brown
164 browser
165 budget
166 bunch
167 business
168 cafeteria
169 calculate
170 calorie
171 campaign
172 campus
173 cancel
174 candidate
175 canteen
176 capacity
177 capital
178 carbohydrate
179 carbon dioxide
180 carriage
181 cash
182 cassette
183 catalog(ue)
184 category
185 cater
186 cause
187 cautio
188 censure
189 centigrade
190 central
191 century
192 cereal
193 ceremony
194 certificate
195 challenge
196 challenging
197 championship
198 chance
199 chancellor
200 change
201 channel
202 chaotic
203 characteristic
204 charge
205 check
206 cheerful
207 chemical
208 cheque
209 chess
210 chips
211 choice
212 choosy
213 chronic
214 chronological
215 civil
216 civilisation
217 claim
218 classify
219 clean-shaven
220 client
221 close
222 clue
223 coach
224 coastal
225 cognitive
226 coherent
227 collapse
228 colleague
229 collect
230 collide
231 colourful
232 column
233 combine
234 comedian
235 comedy
236 competent
237 competition
238 commence
239 comment
240 commission
241 commit
242 committee
243 communication
244 community
245 company
246 comparatively
247 compare
248 comparison
249 compensate
250 compensation
251 compete
252 competitive
253 complain
254 complete
255 component
256 comprehend
257 compromise
258 compulsory
259 computer
260 concentrate
261 concentration
262 concept
263 concern
264 conclusion
265 conclusive
266 concrete
267 confirm
268 conflict
269 confront
270 confuse
271 congress
272 consequence
273 conservation
274 consider
275 considerable
276 consistent
277 constant
278 constitute
279 constitution
280 construction
281 consult
282 consultant
283 consultation
284 consumer
285 consumption
286 contact
287 contain
288 contaminate
289 contemplate
290 contemporary
291 content
292 context
293 contradict
294 contrast
295 contribute
296 contribution
297 controversial
298 convenient
299 convention n.
300 conversation
301 convert
302 convict
303 convince
304 cooking
305 cooperate
306 coordinator
307 copyright
308 core
309 corporate
310 correlation
311 correspondent
312 costly
313 counsellor
314 counterpart
315 course
316 cover
317 cramped
318 crash
319 creative
320 credit
321 crime
322 criminal
323 criteria
324 criticism
325 criticize
326 crowded
327 crocodile
328 crop
329 cross-cultural
330 crucial
331 cultivate
332 curly
333 current
334 curriculum
335 curriculum vitae
336 cycling
337 damage
338 dangerous
339 dark
340 date
341 deadline
342 debate
343 decade
344 decision
345 decline
346 decoration
347 decrease
348 dedicate
349 defective
350 deficiency
351 deficit
352 define
353 degree
354 demand
355 demanding
356 democracy
357 democrat
358 democratic
359 demographic
360 demonstrate
361 density
362 dentist
363 department
364 deposit
365 depression
366 descendant
367 describe
368 description
369 design
370 desperate
371 despite
372 destination
373 destruction
374 detailed
375 determine
376 development
377 device
378 diagnose
379 diagnostic
380 diagram
381 diameter
382 dietary
383 dietitian /
384 dietician
385 diminish
386 dining hall
387 diploma
388 direction
389 director
390 directory
391 disadvantage
392 disagree
393 disaster
394 discard
395 discipline
396 discount
397 discrimination
398 discuss
399 disease
400 displace
401 display
402 dissertation
403 distinct
404 distribution
405 diversity
406 diving
407 division
408 doctor
409 document
410 documentary
411 documentation
412 dollar
413 domestic
414 donation
415 dolphin
416 dorm/dormitory
417 double
418 downright
419 down-to-earth
420 draft
421 dramatically
422 drawback
423 drinking
424 driver
425 drop -out
426 drought
427 duration
428 dwelling
429 dwelling house
430 earthquake
431 economic
432 economics
433 economy
434 edge
435 editorial
436 education
437 edible
438 effect
439 effective
440 efficient
441 elderly
442 election
443 electronics
444 electricity
445 elephant
446 eligible
447 eliminate
448 mail
449 embassy
450 emerge
451 emergenc
452 emission
453 emphasis
454 encourage
455 encounter
457 end
458 endure
459 energetic
460 energy
461 enforce
462 engineering
463 english
464 enjoy
465 enormous
466 enroll
467 ensure
468 entertainment
469 entrance
470 entrepreneur
471 envelope
472 environment
473 environmental
474 equipment
475 equivalent
476 eradicate
477 escape
478 essay
479 essence
480 essential
481 establish
482 establishment
483 estimate
484 ethnic
485 evaluate
486 evaporation
487 evidence
488 exam
489 example
490 exceed
491 except
492 excessive
493 exchange
494 exciting
495 exclaim
496 excursion
497 exemption
498 exercise
499 exhaust
500 exhaustion
501 exhibition
502 exhibitor
503 exit
504 exotic
505 expand
506 expect
507 expectation
508 expense
509 expensive
510 experience
511 experiment
512 experimentation
513 expert
514 expire
515 explain
516 explore
517 export
518 exposure
519 express
520 extension
521 extensive
522 extinction
523 extra
524 extreme
525 facilitate
526 facility
527 factor
528 faculty
529 failure
530 familiar
531 fascinate
532 fascinating
533 fashion
534 fashionable
535 fatal
536 favourable
537 favourite
538 fax
539 federal
540 federation
541 feedback
542 fiction
543 field
544 film
545 final
546 finance
547 financial
548 firm
549 fitness
550 flat
551 flexibility
552 flexible
553 flight
554 flood
555 flow chart / flow diagram
556 fluctuate
557 focus
558 food
559 football
560 forbid
561 forc
562 forecast
563 form
564 former
565 formulate
566 forum
567 fossil
568 foundation
569 fragment
570 frame
571 free
572 frequency
573 frightening
574 frontier
575 frustrating
576 fulfill
577 function
578 fund
579 furnished
580 further
581 future
582 garage
583 garden
584 gardening
585 gear
586 gender
587 generalise
588 generate
589 generation
590 glimpse
591 goat
592 gold-plated
593 golf
594 government
595 governmental
596 gradual
597 graduate
598 graduation
599 grain
600 grammar
601 grammatical
602 grant
603 graphic
604 green
605 grey
606 gymnasium
607 gross
608 ground
609 growth
610 guarantee
611 guardian
612 guide
613 habitat
614 handball
615 handle
616 handout
617 handwriting
618 harmonious
619 harmony
620 harness
621 harvest
622 head
623 headache
624 headlines
625 headphone
626 health
627 healthy
628 heart
629 disease/attack
630 height
631 helpful
632 heritagen
633 hesitate
634 hiking
635 hill
636 hillside
637 hint
638 hire
639 history
640 hitch-hike
641 hockey
642 holiday
643 home stay
644 homeless
645 homosexual
646 honorary
647 household
648 horse-riding
649 horticultural
650 hospital
651 hothouse
652 humanity
653 hunger
654 hunting
655 hurt
656 hypothesis
657 ice skating
658 identical
659 identification
660 identify
661 ignition
662 illegal
663 illiterate
664 imitation
665 immature
666 immediate(ly)
667 immune
668 impact
669 imperative
670 implementation
671 implication
672 impose
673 improve
674 inadequate
675 incidence
676 incident
677 incidentally
678 income
679 incorporate
680 increase
681 incur
682 infectious
683 index
684 indicate
685 indigestion
686 indoor
687 induce
688 industry
689 inflammable
690 inflation
691 influence
692 influential
693 influenza
694 inform
695 informal
696 information
697 inhabit
698 inhabitant
699 injured
700 innovation
701 inquiry
702 insomnia
703 insomniac
704 install
705 instruct
706 intake
707 integral
708 intend
709 intensive
710 interaction
711 interest-free
712 interesting
713 interlibrary
714 intermediate
715 internal
716 international
717 interpret
718 interpretation
719 interpreter
720 interrupt
721 intersection
722 interview
723 interviewer
724 intimate
725 introduction
726 invest
727 investigate
728 involve
729 irrelevant
730 irritation
731 isolated
732 issue
733 item
734 jeans
735 journal
736 journalistic
737 judge
738 judgemen
739 kitchen
740 knowledge
741 label
742 labor
743 laboratory
744 labour
745 lack
746 land
747 landlord
748 landmark
749 landscape
750 lane
751 latter
752 launch
753 law
754 lawn
755 leaflet
756 lease
757 lecture
758 lecturer
759 legal
760 legislation
761 leisure
762 lend
763 length
764 librarian
765 library
766 license
767 life expectancy
768 likelihood
769 linguist
770 linguistics
771 link
772 literacy
773 loan
774 lobby
775 locate
776 location
777 locked
778 locomotive
779 logical
780 long
781 loose
782 lounge
783 magnificent
784 main
785 maintain
786 maintenance
787 majestic
788 major
789 majority
790 mammal
791 manage
792 management
793 manager
794 manipulate
795 manual
796 manufacture
797 manufacturer
798 marine
799 mark
800 market
801 marketing
802 master
803 material
804 mature
805 maximum
806 measure
807 meat
808 mechanical
809 media
810 medical
811 medicine
812 medium
813 membership
814 memo
815 mental
816 metabolism
817 methodology
818 micro-computer lab
819 middle
820 midnight
821 migrant
822 migrate
823 milestone
824 million
825 mineral
826 mini-computer
827 mini-lecture
828 minimum
829 minor
830 minority
831 minus
832 misleading
833 mode
834 modern
835 module
836 monitor
837 monitoring
838 motel
839 motivation
840 motor
841 motorbike
842 moustache
843 multimedia
844 multiple
845 museum
846 narrative
847 national
848 natural
849 neat
850 negative
851 neglect
852 negotiate
853 negotiation
854 net
855 network
856 newspaper
857 newsreader
858 nicotine
859 noisy
860 nontoxic
861 notice
862 noticeable
863 notify
864 notion
865 notorious
866 nourishing
867 nuclear
868 number
869 nutrient
870 nutrition
871 objection
872 objective
873 observable
874 observatory
875 observe
876 obtain
877 occupy
878 offer
879 office
880 officer
881 official
882 olympic
883 ongoing
884 on-line
885 opening
886 operate
887 opinion
888 opponent
889 opportunity
890 oppose
891 optimism
892 option
893 order
894 organise
895 organizer
896 orientation
897 oriented
898 origin
899 original
900 originate
901 outline
902 outmoded
903 outscore
904 outskirt
905 outweigh
906 overdraft
907 overdue
908 overextend
909 overflowing
910 overlook
911 overseas
912 overview
913 overweight
914 owe
915 owner
916 oxygen
917 page
918 painting
919 pale
920 panic
921 paper
922 parade
923 parking
924 parrot
925 participation
926 particulare
927 passenger
928 passer-by
929 passive
930 passport
931 path
932 patient
933 pattern
934 pause
935 pavement
936 pay
937 peak
938 penalty
939 pension
940 perceive
941 percent
942 perceptive
943 perform
944 performance
945 performer
946 period
947 periodical
948 permanent
949 permission
950 persistent
951 personal
952 personnel
953 persuade
954 pet
955 petroleum
956 phenomenon
957 photocopy
958 physical
959 pick up
960 picnic
961 pie chart
962 pilot
963 pioneer
964 placement
965 plagiarism
966 plan
967 plantation
968 plastic
969 platform
970 pledge
971 plump
972 pneumonia
973 pocket
974 police
975 policeman
976 policy
977 politician
978 poll n
979 pollution
980 popular
981 population
982 postcode
983 postgraduate
984 postpone
985 posture
986 potential
987 pound
988 poverty
989 powerful
990 practical
991 practise
992 precious
993 precision
994 predecessor
995 predict
996 predictable
997 predispose
998 preference
999 preparatory
1000 pre-requisite
1001 prescribe
1002 presentation
1003 president
1004 pressure
1005 prestige
1006 prestigious
1007 presume
1008 previous
1009 price
1010 pricy
1011 primary
1012 principal
1013 print
1014 priority
1015 privacy
1016 private
1017 privileged
1018 probability
1019 problem
1020 procedure
1021 process
1022 produce
1023 production
1024 productive
1025 professional
1026 profile
1027 profitable
1028 programme
1029 progress
1030 project
1031 prolong
1032 promise
1033 promote
1034 promotion
1035 pronunciation
1036 proportion
1037 proposal
1038 prospectus
1039 protection
1040 protein
1041 provide
1042 psychological
1043 psychologist
1044 psychology
1045 public
1046 publication
1047 publisher
1048 punctuation
1049 pure
1050 purpose
1051 pursuit
1052 qualification
1053 qualitative
1054 quality
1055 quantitative
1056 quantity
1057 quarterly
1058 query
1059 question
1060 questionnaire
1061 queue
1062 racism
1063 radiation
1064 radiator
1065 radical
1066 rainforest
1067 raise
1068 random
1069 range
1070 rank
1071 rate
1072 ratio
1073 rational
1074 raw
1075 react
1076 reaction
1077 reading
1078 realistic
1079 reality
1080 realize
1081 rear
1082 reasonable
1083 receipt
1084 reception
1085 recession
1086 recommend
1087 reconsider
1088 recording
1089 recovery
1090 recreation
1091 recycle
1092 reduce
1093 redundant adj
1094 reef
1095 refer
1096 referee
1097 refinement
1098 reflect
1099 reflection
1100 reform
1101 refresh
1102 regard
1103 region
1104 register
1105 registration
1106 regular
1107 regularly
1108 regulation
1109 reinforce
1110 reject
1111 related
1112 relationship
1113 relax
1114 relaxation
1115 relaxing
1116 release
1117 relevant
1118 reliability
1119 reliable
1120 relief
1121 religious
1122 remarkable
1123 reminder
1124 renew
1125 renewable adj
1126 rent
1127 repair
1128 repellant
1129 replace
1130 report
1131 represent
1132 representative
1133 reprint
1134 reproduce
1135 reproduction
1136 request
1137 require
1138 rescue
1139 research
1140 resemble
1141 reservation
1142 reserve
1143 resident
1144 resist
1145 resource
1146 respect
1147 respiratory
1148 respond
1149 respondent
1150 response
1151 responsibility
1152 restaurant
1153 restless
1154 restrict
1155 restructure
1156 result
1157 resume
1158 retailer
1159 rethink
1160 return
1161 reunion
1162 reused
1163 reveal
1164 reverse
1165 review
1166 revise
1167 rewarding
1168 ripe
1169 ripen
1170 road
1171 robbery
1172 rock climbing
1173 role
1174 roundabout
1175 route
1176 routine
1177 rowing
1178 rural
1179 safety
1180 salary
1181 sailing
1182 salty
1183 sample
1184 satellite
1185 satisfactory
1186 save
1187 scale
1188 scan
1189 scandal
1190 scene
1191 school
1192 schedule
1193 scheme
1194 scholarship
1195 scholastic
1196 science
1197 scope
1198 score
1199 scottish
1200 scratch
1201 screen
1202 sculpture
1203 season
1204 seat
1205 secret
1206 secretary
1207 section
1208 security
1209 select
1210 semester
1211 seminar
1212 semi-skimmed
1213 senate
1214 sensation
1215 sensible
1216 sensitive
1217 sensitivity
1218 separate
1219 series
1220 serious
1221 service
1222 session
1223 settle
1224 severe
1225 shape
1226 share
1227 sharp
1228 sheet
1229 shift work
1230 shopper
1231 shopping
1232 short
1233 shortcoming
1234 sightseeing
1235 signaling light
1236 significant
1237 similar
1238 simplicity
1239 single
1240 situation
1241 size
1242 skiing
1243 skill
1244 skim
1245 skimmed
1246 skipping
1247 skyscraper
1248 sleep
1249 sleeplessness n
1250 slender
1251 slim
1252 slippery
1253 small
1254 smoking
1255 so-called
1256 soccer
1257 social
1258 society
1259 sociology
1260 soft
1261 software
1262 solar
1263 solution
1264 solve
1265 sound
1266 source
1267 souvenir
1268 sovereignty
1269 space
1270 spark off
1271 sparkling
1272 special
1273 specialised
1274 specialist
1275 specialize
1276 species
1277 specific
1278 spectacular
1279 spectator
1280 spectrum
1281 speculate
1282 speculative
1283 speeding
1284 spell
1285 sports gear
1286 sportsman
1287 spot
1288 sprawl
1289 spring
1290 spring up
1291 square
1292 squash
1293 stable
1294 stadium
1295 staff
1296 stagnant
1297 stagnate
1298 stair
1299 stand
1300 stand out
1301 standard
1302 state
1303 statement
1304 station
1305 stationery
1306 statistical
1307 statistics
1308 stay
1309 steal
1310 step
1311 stick
1312 stimulate
1313 sting
1314 stock
1315 stolen
1316 store
1317 stout
1318 stove
1319 straight
1320 strategy
1321 street
1322 strengthen
1323 stress
1324 Student Union
1325 studio
1326 study
1327 subject
1328 subjective
1329 subsequent
1330 subsidy
1331 subsistence
1332 substance
1333 suburb
1334 sudden
1335 suffer
1336 sufficient
1337 suit
1338 summarize
1339 summary
1340 summer
1341 sunburned
1342 sunscreen
1343 supermarket
1344 supervisor
1345 supervisory
1346 supplement
1347 supplementary
1348 support
1349 surface
1350 surfer
1351 surfing
1352 surgeon
1353 surgical
1354 survey
1355 survival
1356 survivor
1357 susceptible
1358 sustain
1359 swallow
1360 sweater
1361 swimming
1362 swimsuit
1363 switch
1364 syllabus
1365 syndrome
1366 synonym
1367 synthetic
1368 system
1369 take-off
1370 takeover
1371 table
1372 talk
1373 target
1374 tasteless
1375 tax
1376 teaching
1377 technica
1378 technique
1379 technological
1380 tedious
1381 telecommunication
1382 telephone
1383 television
1384 temple
1385 tend
1386 tennis
1387 tension
1388 term
1389 terminal
1390 terrorism
1391 terrorist
1392 tertiary
1393 test
1394 text book
1395 theatre
1396 theme
1397 theoretical
1398 thesis
1399 thick
1400 thief
1401 thin
1402 ticket
1403 tiger
1404 tight
1405 timetable
1406 tired
1407 tissue
1408 title
1409 tolerable
1410 toothache
1411 top
1412 topic
1413 tounament
1414 tourism
1415 tourist
1416 township
1417 toxic
1418 track and field
1419 trading
1420 traditional
1421 training
1422 transfer
1423 transform
1424 transition
1425 transport
1426 trapped
1427 travel
1428 treatment
1429 trend
1430 trial
1431 tribe
1432 triple
1433 trivial
1434 tropical
1435 tuition
1436 tumour
1437 tutor
1438 twin
1439 twinkling
1440 twofold
1441 type
1442 typewriter n
1443 typical
1444 unattractive
1445 unavailable
1446 unceasing
1447 undergo
1448 undergraduate
1449 underground
1450 undertake
1451 underwater
1452 undesirable
1453 undeveloped
1454 undoubtedly
1455 unemployment
1456 unfamiliar
1457 unhealthy
1458 unique
1459 United Nations
1460 university
1461 unlocked
1462 unprecedented
1463 unpredictable
1464 unrealistic
1465 unreliable
1466 unshaven
1467 untidy
1468 up-to-date
1469 upward
1470 urban
1471 urgent
1472 usage
1473 useful
1474 utilise
1475 vacancy
1476 vacant
1477 vacation
1478 vacuum
1479 valid
1480 valuable
1481 value
1482 van
1483 variable
1484 variation
1485 variety
1486 various
1487 vary
1488 vast
1489 vegetable
1490 vegetarian
1491 vehicle
1492 venue
1493 version
1494 vertical
1495 victim
1496 video
1497 view
1498 viewpoint
1499 vigorous
1500 village
1501 violence
1502 virtual
1503 virus
1504 visa
1505 visitor
1506 visual
1507 vital
1508 vitamin
1509 vitamin-scaping
1510 vocabulary
1511 vocational
1512 volcano
1513 volleyball
1514 volume
1515 voluntary
1516 vote
1517 walking boo
1518 wallet
1519 ward
1520 warden
1521 warm
1522 warn
1523 wash
1524 waste
1525 waterfal
1526 wavy
1527 way
1528 wealth
1529 wear
1530 western
1531 weather
1532 weather-beaten
1533 website
1534 weekend
1535 weight
1536 weight-lifting
1537 welcome
1538 welfare
1539 well-stocked
1540 wheatmeal
1541 wheelchair
1542 white
1543 wholemeal
1544 bread
1545 widespread
1546 wild
1547 wing
1548 wisdom
1549 withdraw
1550 witness
1551 work
1552 workable
1553 workforce
1554 workshop
1555 worldwide
1556 worthy
1557 would-be
1558 wrapping
1559 wreckage
1560 wrestling
1561 wrinkled
1562 zone
1563 especially
1564 specialization
1565 specialise
1566 speciality
1567 specify
1568 specifically
1569 differ
1570 difference n
1571 different
1572 differentiate
1573 inappropriate
1574 contradiction
1575 contrary
1576 contras
1577 claimant
1578 reclaim
1579 reclamation
1580 similarly
1581 similarity
1582 assimilation
1583 evident
1584 achievement
1585 career
1586 circles
1587 discourse
1588 institution
1589 life
1590 skills
1591 success
1592 world
1593 writing
1594 year
1595 behaviour
1596 measurement
1597 picture
1598 record
1599 goal
1600 outcome
1601 involvement
1602 participant
1603 involved
1604 aware
1605 cost
1606 resources
1607 practices
1608 technology
1609 explanation
1610 means
1611 method
1612 model
1613 tool
1614 conference
1615 meeting
1616 equally
1617 theory
1618 action
1619 conditions
1620 data
1621 language
1622 level
1623 point
1624 intelligence
1625 factors
1626 element
1627 Premise
1629 principle
1630 structure
1631 resemblance
1632 apparent
1633 blurred
1634 established
1635 independent
1636 obvious
1637 visible
1638 differently
1639 described
1640 opposition
1641 evolution
1642 sex
1643 account
1644 discussion
1645 time
1646 definition
1647 defined
1648 sector
1649 transaction
1650 country
1651 thought
1652 controlled
1653 selected
1654 task
1655 doubt
1656 relation
1657 consequences
1658 control
1659 feature
1660 importance
1661 part
1662 position
1663 tenet
1664 assumptions
1665 characteristics
1666 circumstances
1667 constantly
1668 rapidly
1669 attitude
1670 attitudes
1671 nature
1672 needs
1673 case
1674 consciousness
1675 text
1676 boundary
1677 demonstrated
1678 identified
1679 important
1680 understand
1681 proximity
1682 scrutiny
1683 allied
1684 associated
1685 connected
1686 linked
1687 tied
1688 examination
1689 inspection
1690 look
1691 learning
1692 identity
1693 memory
1694 activity
1695 offence
1696 ancestor
1697 culture
1698 error
1699 accepted
1700 Called
1701 encountered
1702 found
1703 known
1704 referred
1705 used
1706 effectively
1707 reason
1708 area
1709 set
1710 framework
1711 effort
1712 remarks
1713 resolution
1714 interests
1715 possibility
1716 implications
1717 detail
1718 extent
1719 interest
1720 results
1721 elements
1722 parts
1723 existence
1724 use
1725 significantly
1726 meaning
1727 message
1728 opportunities
1729 problems
1730 impression
1731 thinking
1732 evaluation
1733 perspective
1734 difference
1735 differences
1736 dimension
1737 heritage
1738 norm
1739 practice
1740 significance
1741 tradition
1742 values
1743 climate
1744 status
1745 living
1746 gathering
1747 necessary
1748 understanding
1749 embedded
1750 rooted
1751 attempt
1752 competence
1753 populated
1754 stage
1755 considerably
1756 widely
1757 observation
1758 affected
1759 proportional
1760 responsible
1761 group
1762 line
1763 sphere
1764 ideology
1765 paradigm
1766 distinction
1767 force
1768 equilibrium
1769 times
1770 decades
1771 accessible
1772 understood
1773 affairs
1774 benefits
1775 crisis
1776 exploitation
1777 forces
1778 inequality
1779 integration
1780 power
1781 prosperity
1782 relations
1783 relationships
1784 stability
1785 provision
1786 setting
1787 intervention
1788 investigation
1789 difficulties
1790 clear
1791 new
1792 changes
1793 degradation
1794 effects
1795 issues
1796 likely
1797 1
1798 consideration
1799 dilemma
1800 expression
1801 common
1802 straightforward
1803 removed
1804 agency
1805 movement
1806 answer
1807 chapter
1808 phase
1809 product
1810 assistance
1811 format
1812 instructions
1813 Currency
1814 investment
1815 investor
1816 cited
1817 obligation
1818 employment
1819 developed
1820 informed
1821 integrated
1822 realized
1823 requirement
1824 divided
1825 prospects
1826 insight
1827 equality
1828 stereotype
1829 consensus
1830 formula
1831 tendency
1832 agree
1833 assumed
1834 considered
1835 consent
1836 guidance
1837 indication
1838 capitalism
1839 marketplace
1840 shift
1841 trade
1842 expenditure
1843 representation
1844 accuracy
1845 autonomy
1846 awareness
1847 enhance
1848 influenced
1849 reduced
1850 surprising
1851 limitations
1852 expectations
1853 intensity
1854 percentage
1855 turnover
1856 findings
1857 death
1858 paragraph
1859 discussed
1860 mentioned
1861 concerned
1862 aim
1863 care
1864 individual
1865 correct
1866 motivated
1867 threat
1868 connotation
1869 image
1870 correlated
1871 customer
1872 harm
1873 risk
1874 rule
1875 measures
1876 sense
1877 organism
1878 class
1879 charged
1880 complex
1881 critical
1882 dependent
1883 desirable
1884 educated
1885 problematic
1886 selective
1887 skilled
1888 sophisticated
1889 structured
1890 successful
1891 unlikely
1892 valued
1893 event
1894 roots
1895 suited
1896 features
1897 following
1898 preceding
1899 goods
1900 products
1901 constraints
1902 restrictions
1903 productivity
1904 complexity
1905 difficult
1906 people
1907 rights
1908 nation
1909 flow
1910 processing
1911 retrieval
1912 sharing
1913 arrangement
1914 property
1915 party
1916 organ
1917 body
1918 organization
1919 treaty
1920 player
1921 portion
1922 quantities
1923 based
1924 confined
1925 determined
1926 ignored
1927 writings
1928 basis
1929 proceedings
1930 Right
1931 adjustments
1932 arrangements
1933 explicit
1934 prediction
1935 recommendation
1936 judgement
1937 dominance
1938 worker
1939 coverage
1940 illness
1941 wage
1942 philosophy
1943 identities
1944 sources
1945 recognition
1946 trust
1947 exclusive
1948 press
1949 speaker
1950 occurring
1951 side
1952 initiative
1953 acquired
1954 created
1955 discovered
1956 emerging
1957 formed
1958 exception
1959 family
1960 war
1961 weapon
1962 studies
1963 frequently
1964 naturally
1965 database
1966 leader
1967 intent
1968 intended
1969 acute
1970 striking
1971 need
1972 appearance
1973 presence
1974 properties
1975 symptom
1976 activism
1977 arena
1978 growing
1979 emissions
1980 merits
1981 few
1982 high
1983 little
1984 low
1985 rare
1986 recent
1987 simple
1988 literature
1989 belief
1990 faith
1991 freedom
1992 heavily
1993 unchanged
1994 unclear
1995 purposes
1996 dispute
1997 appropriately
1998 edition
1999 equal
2000 objectivity
2001 help
2002 plausible
2003 entity
2004 parameters
2005 abuse
2006 act
2007 intercourse
2008 figures
2009 improvement
2010 reduction
2011 higher
2012 fraction
2013 construct
2014 exclusion
2015 isolation
2016 mobility
2017 transformation
2018 constructed
2019 panel
2020 reference
2021 designed
2022 explicitly
2023 planning
2024 bond
2025 opposed
2026 suggest
2027 adjustment
2028 condition
2029 precedence
2030 expertise
2031 advances
2032 centre
2033 sparingly
2034 aspects
2035 greatly
2036 impossible
2037 perception
2038 documented
2039 received
2040 adopted
2041 believed
2042 dispersed
2043 distributed
2044 read
2045 recognized
2046 regarded
2047 shared
2048 acceptance
2049 archaeology
2050 mathematics
2051 gymnastics
2052 algebra
2053 geometry
2054 geography
2055 chemistry
2056 physics
2057 astronomy
2058 politics
2059 biochemistry
2060 journalism
2061 botany
2062 anthropology
2063 pathology
2064 epidemiology
2065 urbanization
2066 commercial
2067 pedestrian overpass
2068 hygiene / hygienic
2069 unemployment rate
2070 noise abatement
2071 infrastructure
2072 commute
2073 metropolitan
2074 congestion
2075 migration
2076 agriculture
2077 weed
2078 coalition
2079 cooperation
2080 corporation
2081 compliance
2082 appliance
2083 complement
2084 compliment
2085 illusion
2086 delusion
2087 deficient
2088 distinctive
2089 intense
2090 considerate
2091 concise
2092 conscientious
2093 conscious
2094 council
2095 console
2096 counsel
2097 critics
2098 dynamics
2099 prospective
2100 allocate
2101 cyclone
2102 publications
2103 collective
2104 protest
2105 dining
2106 renovation
2107 concession (card)
2108 participate
2109 due
2110 consist of
2111 outbreak
2112 polish
2113 constructive
2114 impel
2115 compel
2116 infer
2117 defer
2118 electrical
2119 electric
2120 industrial
2121 industrious
2122 surpass
2123 benchmark
2124 wonder
2125 wander
2126 odd
2127 bizarre
2128 resembling
2129 vessel
2130 vein
2131 artery
2132 survive
2133 revive
2134 extract
2135 subtract
2136 burden
2137 comprehensive
2138 enlightenment
2139 perplexing
2140 access (to)
2141 creativity
2142 horizon
2143 revolution
2144 versatility
2145 ubiquitous
2146 arduous
2147 insulate
2148 fiber
2149 iconoclastic
2150 integrate
2151 buffer
2152 momentous
2153 domain
2154 patent
2155 cathedral
2156 sewage
2157 ventilation
2158 thermodynamics
2159 asymmetrical
2160 bilateral
2161 paradox
2162 attainment
2163 temperature
2164 precipitation
2165 estimated
2166 illiteracy
2167 utility
2168 foyer
2169 cite /citation
2170 refectory
2171 submit
2172 submission
2173 audition
2174 symbolic
2175 adversary
2176 aplomb
2177 apprehensive
2178 aptitude
2179 attentive
2180 banish
2181 barricade
2182 bluff
2183 brackish
2184 brandish
2185 circumference
2186 commotion
2187 concoction
2188 conspicuous
2189 contortion
2190 counter
2191 cunning
2192 debris
2193 defiance
2194 deft
2195 disdain
2196 dismal
2197 dispel
2198 eavesdrop
2199 egregious
2200 ember
2201 engross
2202 exasperation
2203 exhilarate
2204 falter
2205 foresight
2206 fragrance
2207 furtive
2208 grueling
2209 gusto
2210 habitation
2211 hasten
2212 headway
2213 ignite
2214 illuminate
2215 impending
2216 imperious
2217 jabber
2218 jargon
2219 jostle
2220 jut
2221 kindle
2222 knoll
2223 luminous
2224 malleable
2225 materialize
2226 meander
2227 meticulous
2228 misgiving
2229 momentum
2230 monotonous
2231 multitude
2232 muster
2233 narrate
2234 obscure
2235 ominous
2236 outlandish
2237 pertinent
2238 plenteous
2239 precipice
2240 pristine
2241 quell
2242 recluse
2243 recuperate
2244 replenish
2245 repugnant
2246 restitution
2247 sabotage
2248 scarcity
2249 scurry
2250 serenity
2251 sociable
2252 somber
2253 specimen
2254 stamina
2255 subside
2256 swagger
2257 swarm
2258 tactic
2259 terse
2260 translucent
2261 uncanny
2262 unsightly
2263 versatile
2264 vigilant
2265 vulnerable
2266 waft
2267 waver
2268 zeal
2269 bemused
2270 abate
2271 chicanery
2272 disseminate
2273 gainsay
2274 latent
2275 aberrant
2276 coagulate
2277 dissolution
2278 garrulous
2279 laud
2280 abeyance
2281 coda
2282 dissonance
2283 goad
2284 lethargic
2285 abscond
2286 cogent
2287 distend
2288 gouge
2289 levee
2290 abstemious
2291 commensurate
2292 distill
2293 grandiloquent
2294 levity
2295 admonish
2296 compendium
2297 diverge
2298 gregarious
2299 log
2300 adulterate
2301 complaisant
2302 divest
2303 guileless
2304 loquacious
2305 aesthetic
2306 compliant
2307 gullible
2308 lucid
2309 aggregate
2310 conciliatory
2311 dogmatic
2312 harangue
2313 alacrity
2314 condone
2315 dormant
2316 homogeneous
2317 magnanimity
2318 alleviate
2319 confound
2320 dupe
2321 hyperbole
2322 malingerer
2323 amalgamate
2324 connoisseur
2325 ebullient
2326 ambiguous
2327 contention
2328 eclectic
2329 idolatry
2330 maverick
2331 ambivalence
2332 contentious
2333 efficacy
2334 immutable
2335 mendacious
2336 ameliorate
2337 contrite
2338 effrontery
2339 impair
2340 metamorphosis
2341 anachronism
2342 conundrum
2343 elegy
2344 impassive
2345 analogous
2346 converge
2347 elicit
2348 impede
2349 misanthrope
2350 anarchy
2351 convoluted
2352 embellish
2353 impermeable
2354 mitigate
2355 anomalous
2356 craven
2357 empirical
2358 imperturbable
2359 mollify
2360 antipathy
2361 daunt
2362 emulate
2363 impervious
2364 morose
2365 apathy
2366 decorum
2367 endemic
2368 implacable
2369 mundane
2370 appease
2371 default
2372 enervate
2373 implicit
2374 negate
2375 apprise
2376 gdeference
2377 engender
2378 implode
2379 neophyte
2380 approbation
2381 delineate
2382 inadvertently
2383 obdurate
2384 denigrate
2385 ephemeral
2386 inchoate
2387 obsequious
2388 deride
2389 equanimity
2390 incongruity
2391 obviate
2392 artless
2393 derivative
2394 equivocate
2395 inconsequential
2396 occlude
2397 ascetic
2398 desiccate
2399 erudite
2400 officious
2401 assiduous
2402 desultory
2403 esoteric
2404 indeterminate
2405 onerous
2406 assuage
2407 deterrent
2408 eulogy
2409 indigence
2410 opprobrium
2411 attenuate
2412 diatribe
2413 euphemism
2414 indolent
2415 oscillate
2416 audacious
2417 dichotomy
2418 exacerbate
2419 inert
2420 ostentatious
2421 austere
2422 diffidence
2423 exculpate
2424 pate
2425 ingenuous
2426 paragon
2427 autonomous
2428 diffuse
2429 exigency
2430 inherent
2431 partisan
2432 aver
2433 digression
2434 extrapolation
2435 innocuous
2436 pathological
2437 banal
2438 dirge
2439 facetious
2440 insensible
2441 paucity
2442 belie
2443 disabuse
2444 insinuate
2445 pedantic
2446 beneficent
2447 discerning
2448 fallacious
2449 insipid
2450 penchant
2451 bolster
2452 discordant
2453 fatuous
2454 insularity
2455 penury
2456 bombastic
2457 discredit
2458 fawning
2459 intractable
2460 perennial
2461 boorish
2462 discrepancy
2463 felicitous
2464 intransigence
2465 perfidious
2466 burgeon
2467 discrete
2468 fervor
2469 inundate
2470 perfunctory
2471 burnish
2472 disingenuous
2473 flag
2474 inured
2475 permeable
2476 buttress
2477 disinterested
2478 fledgling
2479 invective
2480 pervasive
2481 cacophonous
2482 disjointed
2483 flout
2484 irascible
2485 phlegmatic
2486 capricious
2487 dismiss
2488 foment
2489 irresolute
2490 piety
2491 castigation
2492 disparage
2493 forestall
2494 itinerary
2495 placate
2496 catalyst
2497 disparate
2498 frugality
2499 laconic
2500 plasticity
2501 caustic
2502 dissemble
2503 futile
2504 lassitude
2505 platitude
2506 plethora
2507 propitiate
2508 rescind
2509 sporadic
2510 stractable
2511 plummet
2512 propriety
2513 stigma
2514 transgression
2515 porous
2516 proscribe
2517 resolve
2518 stint
2519 truculence
2520 pragmatic
2521 pungent
2522 reticent
2523 stipulate
2524 vacillate
2525 preamble
2526 qualified
2527 reverent
2528 stolid
2529 venerate
2530 precarious
2531 quibble
2532 sage
2533 striate
2534 veracious
2535 precipitate
2536 quiescent
2537 salubrious
2538 strut
2539 verbose
2540 precursor
2541 rarefied
2542 sanction
2543 subpoena
2544 viable
2545 presumptuous
2546 recalcitrant
2547 satiate
2548 viscous
2549 prevaricate
2550 recant
2551 saturate
2552 substantiate
2553 vituperative
2554 savor
2555 supersede
2556 volatile
2557 probity
2558 recondite
2559 secrete
2560 supposition
2561 unwarranted
2562 refractory
2563 shard
2564 tacit
2565 wary
2566 prodigal
2567 refute
2568 skeptic
2569 tangential
2570 welter
2571 profound
2572 relegate
2573 solicitous
2574 tenuous
2575 whimsical
2576 prohibitive
2577 reproach
2578 soporific
2579 tirade
2580 zealot
2581 proliferate
2582 reprobate
2583 specious
2584 torpor
2585 propensity
2586 repudiate
2587 tortuous

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