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Deparhnent of Chemical Engineering, Universiti Laval, Qu&ec, Canada G9A 5H7

(Received 22 April 1983; accepted 4 January 1984)

Abstraft-The output fluctuation of the model of imperfectly mixed reactors in series has been studied
for a sinusoidalinput of concentration. The effects of the three parameters p, m and n on the output, in
terms of damping factor, from the last tank are presented. It has been found that the parameter n plays
a very important role in minimizingthe damping factor.
Presented also is a comparison of three minimal damping factors, obtained respectivelywith the model
under study, the generalized model of ideal CSTR’s in series, and the model of axial dispersion. This
comparison shows the limits which one can attain with these three models.

INTRODUCTION other, for which p = m = n = 1. Because of the

Fluctuation in intensive property of a fluid in a flow flexibility of that model, a study was thus undertaken
system is often undesirable, because it sometimes in an attempt to use its RTD in the optimization of
produces a very large output lluctuation. For a given output performance for flow systems with fluctuating
input, such a fluctuation depends only on the resi- input of concentration.
dence time distribution (RTD) of a fluid-element in In analyzing process control problems, different
the system. When designing a flow system for a types of fluctuating inputs can be used, however, the
variable input, one hence attempts to minimize the scope of our study was restricted to the use of
output fluctuation or damp it to an acceptable level periodic ones. In this paper, only the work related to
by controlling the RTD. Agitation is a fundamental the sinusoidal input is presented. With the same kind
unit operation which can alter the flow pattern of a of input in feed composition and rate, Sincic and
fluid-element in a flow system, thus changing the Bailey[ lo] studied the effects of feed splitting and
RTD of the fluid[l]. Then, this made one to conceive recycle streams on the output fluctuation of a domes-
of studying theoretically the effect of mixing on tic sewage treatment process, composed of two
system output fluctuation. In real continuous flow activated-sludge reactors in series. They showed that
systems where agitation is required, fluid elements are the effluent quality variation, in terms of substrate
very often under the. condition of imperfect mixing. concentration, can be optimized with operational
Though the exact nature of the RTD’s of such strategy. Minimization of damping factor with re-
systems is difficult to know, investigators have pro- spect to the parameter n indeed yielded interesting
posed over the past years different mixing models results, indicating that the effect of feed short-
which allowed them to establish RTD’s for real circuiting can play a very important role in the
systems [2-51. For a given flow system, depending on reduction of output fluctuation. Results obtained in
the assumptions made initially or on the system’s our study with other types of inputs, also periodic in
physical constraints, different mixing models can be nature, will be appearing in a future article.
formulated, therefore resulting in diverse RTD’s. Presented also is a comparison of three minimal
Chiang and Cholette[6] proposed a model of p damping factors, obtained respectively with the
equal and non-ideal CSTR’s in series and presented model under study, the generalized model of ideal
the RTD for such a model. In that model, each tank CSTR’s in series, and the model of axial dispersion.
reactor is characterized by the parameters m and n, This comparison will show clearly on a Bode diagram
for any tank in the series; where m, the “level of the limits which one can attain in practice when using
mixing”, represents the volume fraction of a reservoir these three models.
in which mixing is considered to be complete, while
n represents the fraction of the feed which enters the
zone of perfect mixing. The schematic representation DAMPING FACTOR FOR THE MODEL OF p NON-IDEAL

of that model can be found elsewhere[f%9]. Such a CSTR’S M SEllIEs

model makes it possible to interpret mixing condi- Presented in the following is the derivation to
tions ranging from piston flow at one extreme, where obtain damping factor for the model studied, when
p = co, to perfect mixing in only one CSTR at the the inlet concentration, for the tlrst tank, is subjected
to a sinusoidal variation. Assuming this variation has
*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. the form of:
Present address: Universit& du Qu&ec & Trois Rivitires,
Qu&ec, Canada. “~o=q+A sinwz (1)

1402 S. N. Lo er al.

then the concentration at outlet of the pth tank can

be proved to vary as follows: - Input
---- output
y =a,+Bsin(wr +$). (2)

Figure 1 shows the variations of these two concen-

trations as a function of time. For convenience, the
following relative concentration is used:

c=bJ -%/A.. (3)

Equations (I) and (2) can thus be simplified: Fig. 1. Sinusoidal variations of inlet and outlet concen-
trations as a function of time f.
CO= sin cot (4)
which is the ultimate outlet concentration for the p th
C=rsin(ot +d) (5) tank. From this equation (lo), one can find the
damping factor, r, and the phase angle, 4:
where r, defined as the damping factor, is equal to
B/A. r = (q2 + E,q’” (11)
For the model studied, through the use of the
transfer function presented previously [71, one can
obtain the following expression for the Laplace trans- 4=tal-‘(-If&) (12)
form of C,,(0 = qt/pV) which is the outlet concen-
tration for the p th tank [I 11. where

cos jY
C@(S)= f
,-0 0p
&(l - .)W
p P
=,goj M -nFj ~1 + (mo/pn)2y2 03)

where s is the variable
The inverse transform
used in Laplace trans-

of this eqn (6) yields for

B,=k *
,-0 i Ml -nym’ [I + (rnU/& 21’.,* . (14)

With the use of the relation of B,*+ Bz2=

C,,(S) the following expression:
(B, + B&B, - ilt,), it can be shown that:

C,(e)=(l -nn)PsinwB r = {[@n/m)2 + (1 - n)‘o’l/[@n/m)’ + oZJ)p’2

= (11 + (1 - n)Z(mmo/pn)*l[l + (mo/pn)7~‘z (15)
0 nq1 - n)“-‘@n/m)hf(e) (7)
d=h -ti) (16)
sin (0~0 --jr) where a = tan-’ [mw(l - n)/pn] and
f(O) =
w [(pn /in)2 + W-qJZ $ = tan- ’(mw/pn).
If rn = n = 1, the cake of p ideal CSTR’s in series,
eqns (15) and (16) become, respectivley:

r= [l + (o/p)q--pfl (17)

C#J=-pP = --p tan-‘(m/p). (18)

These two results can be found elsewhere[l2].
in which
P = tan -I (mo/pn). (9) ATION OF r AS A FUNCITON OF EFFECllVE TIMIt 0,
When the value of 6 is large enough, then eqn (7) With eqn (lS), one can plot r as a function of O,,
will reduce to: where 28, is the dimensionless effective period of the
sinusoidal input signal. Figure 2 shows such a vari-
ation for different values of n and p_ As seen in this
figure, for certain values of n, curves for p = 1, 2, 3,
and 4, intersect each other at different points. The
x sin (we - jY)l[l + (mmo/pn~]J’ (10) existence of such intersections suggests that, for a
Optimization of output fluctuation for the model of non-ideal CSTR’s


Fig. 3. Variations of minimal damping factor (r_) and

optimal value of n, (a,,), as a function of the red~ed
effective period 0,, for ditTerentvalues of p.

0.6 differentiating equation (14) with respect to n:

ar/an = (&‘/G-z*)[n*
+ (nwW/p2) - (&nf/p2)]
x [(pn/m)’+ (1 - n)‘o’l’““-‘)[@n/m)*
+ w7]-o/12+1)

The solution of this eqn (19) for n,, yields the

O.+------ following expression:
tI n=0.2 1
0.6 I? nopt= 2/( 1 + [l + (4P*/wW)s.5]}. (20)

0.4 ’ Then, when substituting this nW, for n in eqn (15) the
0.2 value of r, calculated from that equation, would
0 I 2 become minimal. Presented in Fig. 3 are two families
of curves, showing respectively the variations of nDpt
and rmin with 0, for different values of p. From this
Fig. 2. Variation of damping factor r as a function of the figure one can choose, for a given OD,,either nW or p
reduced effective period O,, for different values of p and n. or both to obtain the minimal damping factor r,,,,,.

given value of 8,, the output fluctuation can be USE OF RODE DL4CAlAM TO PRESENT THE VARIATIONS

damped optimally by controlling the number of tanks

in the series. For example, in the case where n = 1 In the preceding section, the effect of n on the
(Fig. 2a), the intersection for curves with p = 1 and variation of rhas been shown as a function of 8,, using
2isat0,=1.ll1;whilethatforcurveswithp=2and p as a parameter. Another convenient method to show
3 is at f3, = 0.645. Thus, for 0.645 < 19~c 1.111, the the response results is the use of the Bode diagram
optimal number of tanks is 2, for 0, < 0.645, it is which consists of two graphs: one for the damping
better to use 3 tanks; while when 6, > 1.l 11, the use factor r and the other for the phase angle $. The
of only one tank is always the best choice. diagrams obtained for different values of n, using p as
A further look at this Fig. 2 indicates generally a parameter, are shown in Figs. 4 and 5. One can see
that, at constant p. the parameter n has a very from Fig. 4 that the curves also intersect each other at
pronounced influence on the variation of r with 0,. different points, as in Fig. 2.
Therefore, for the model with a given number of The effect of feed short-circuiting on r can be made
tanks, one should attempt to control the feed short- more evident by plotting the latter versus frequency,
circuiting so as to reduce. the damping factor. The for a constant p, with n as a parameter. For that, Fig.
optimal value of n, (n,&, which would minimize the 6 shows two families of curves, one for p = 1 and the
value of r for constant values of p and &, can be other for p = 30. In the case where p = 1, it can be
found from the following equation, obtained by noted from Fig. 6(a) that when mw i 2.85 a tank
1404 S. N. Lo et al.

n=IO n-O.8 n=O.6 ” -0.4 n=0.2

Fig. 4. Variation of damping factor r as a function of frequency mm, for different values of p and n.


(aJ--2 30 ‘0 E
30 ‘O w 30 (dl
0 4

6 0 2 4 6 0 2 4 6 0 2 4 6

Fig. 5. Variation of phase angle q5 as a fiuwtion of frequency mw, for different values of p and n.

the value of r for a given n,, would tend towards a

certain limit. Such a limit might be used to explain
certain experimental results which deviate greatly
from those predicted either with the model of axial
dispersion or with the model of ideal CSTR’s in
series. In establishing an expression for this limit, eqn
(15) is first combined with eqn (20) to eliminate n and
then becomes, after taking natural logarithms on
both sides:

0 e 4 6
In r = (p/2) In {{ - If [l + (4pz/m2c02)10.5)
mw m&l /{l + [l + (4p92%9p.s}} (21)
Fig. Variation of damping factor r as a function of
frequency mw, for different values of p = 1 and 30; 0: which, when the value of p approaches infinity, yields
optimal limit of the model of p. m and n.
the desired expression for the limit:

reactor with partial mixing and feed short-circuiting In r,,, = -mo 12 (22)
has a lower damping factor than an ideal CSTR.
Upon substituting m = 1 into the abscissa mw, the p = m.
curve with n = 1 shows the variation of r versus w
for an ideal CSTR. When the value of p is large This eqn (22) indicates that the plot of T,vs m on
enough, for example p = 30, the value of r obtained semi-logarithmic paper is a straight line which has a
with any degree of feed short-circuiting will be much slope of - 0.5.
lower than that with m = n = 1, as illustrated in Fig. Referring again to eqn (15). when m = n = 1, this
6(b). equation applies to the generalized model of ideal
The above results, given in the preceding para- CSTR’s in series[l3]. In such a case, the value of the
graph, suggest that if the value of p is very large then parameter p is not necessarily equal to an integer.
Optimization of output fluctuation for the model of non-ideal CSTR’s 1405

” w

Fig. 8. Variations of damping factor r and phase angle 9

as a function of frequency mw, for different values of Peclet

mw It can be observed from Fig. 8(b) that, for a given

Fig. 7. Comparison between the model under study and the frequency w, the damping factor r would reach a
generalired model of ideal CSTR’s in series; 0: optimal minimum at a certain value of p,. The condition to
limit of the model of p, m and n; 0: optimal limit of the obtain this minimum is to set:
general&d model of ideal CSTR’s in series.
arlap, = 0 (29)
Hence, for a given w, r would be a continuous
function of p; and the minimization of this function from which one obtains:
with respect to p requires that the following system
of equations be solved simultaneously: y3-22y*+1 =o (30)
I r = lpy(p2 + w’)lp” or In r - ( p/2) In [ p’/( pz + w’)] (23)
1 arjap = 0+[202/(p2 + a?)] + ln cp2/@’ + w2)] = 0 (24)

which yields, from cqn (24): where

p = 0.506w (25) Y = [(l + x)/21”’ (31)

and from eqn (23): X = (1 + A2)“2. (32)

In r,, = - 0.402~. (26) This cubic equation (30) has the following three
This eqn (26), similar to eqn (22), can also give rise
to a straight line when plotted on semi-logarithmic YI= 1 (33)
paper, as shown in Fig. 7. The simultaneous solution
of eqns (23) and (24) also suggests that this straight Y2 = (1 - Jw (34)
line is the envelope of the families of curves, shown
in Fig. 7, defined by eqn (23), using p as a parameter. Y3 = (I+ J5)/2. (35)

Among these roots y, is invalid, because, by the

COMPARISON AMONG THE MODEL UNDER STUDY, THE nature of 1 L 0 from which x L 1, the value of y
MODEL OF AXIAL DISPERSION, AND THE GENERALIZED calculated from eqn (31) must be greater than or
MODEL OF IDEAL CSTR’S IN SERIES equal to 1. When Y = I for which x = 1, that is Y,, 1
Before making the comparison, the folfowing two in eqn (32) has zero as its value, implying two
expressions, obtained for the mode1 of axial particular cases where w = 0 if I’, # 0 or P,+m if
dispersion[lO], are plotted on Figs. 8(a) and (b): w # 0. Consequently, the only meaningful and ac-
ceptable root is Y3 from which, through eqns (3 1) and
r = exp (P,/2){1 - {[1 + (1 + ~2)“2]/2}“2} (27) (32) and PC = b/l:

$ = -(PJ2){[(1 + A)“Z_ 11/2}“2 (28) P, = 2w/(I@G7Q (36)

where P, is the Peclet number and A = 40/p.. which shows that, under the condition of minimizing
1406 S. N. La et al.

Acknowledgement--The authors express their gratitude to

the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of
Canada for tinancial support of this research.


reference concentration, g-mole/l
amplitude, g-mole/l
amplitude, g-mole/l
functions, defmed respectively by eqns (13)
and (14)
relative concentration, (y - %)/A
relative concentration of feed at the inlet of
the first tank, sir-rot
relative concentration at the outlet of the p th
Laplace transform of C,(0)
axial dispersion coefficient, cmr/sec
mw length of a mixer or of a reactor
level of mixing, or fraction of the volume of
Fig. 9. Cumparison of rti’s obtained with the model under
study, the model of axial dispersion, and the generalized a tank in which mixing is perfect
model of ideal CSTR’s in series: : model of axial fraction of the feed which enters the zone of
dispersion; @: model ofp, m and a; 8 : generalizedmodel perfect mixing; (1 -n) is the short-
of ideal CSTR’s in series. circuiting
optimal value of n
number of tanks in series
I-, the Peclet number P. is directly proportional to the Peclet number, uL/D
frequency w. With this Pcclet number and from eqn feed rate, l/set
(27) one obtains, for the minimal damping factor variable used in the Laplace transformation
rminr the following expression: time, set
period, so-’
In r,,, = (ao/2){1 - {[l + (1 + 16/~*)‘~]/2)‘~} (37) mean fluid velocity, cm/set
volume of each tank in the model, I
where c = 2fJ’q. total volume of the p tanks in the series, 1
function, defined by eqn (32)
This expression shows the linear relationship be- function, defined by eqn (31)
tween the natural logarithm of r,, and the frequency defined as tan-’ [mo(l - n)/pn]
o. It also defines the envelope for the curves of r vs concentration, g-mole/l
ru, defined by eqn (27), for constant values of P,. On feed concentration at inlet of the first tank,
the Bode diagram, this envelope, or the variation of g-mole/l
rmin with w, will be a straight line with a slope of damping factor, B/A
- 0.3 and an intercept of I. minimal damping factor with respect either
With this eqn (37) and the other two eqns (22) and tonwhenp=coortopwhenm=land
(26) presented previously, one can compare for a p is a continuous number larger than zero;
constant <IIthe values of rmin obtained from the three or with respect to P.
models considered. The comparison, when made reduced time
graphically, revealed that, except for the point at reduced period of a perturbation
w = 0 and In I-,. = 1, the value of Tmi. calculated reduced effective period
with the model of p, m and n is the least, as shown phase angle
in Fig. 9. Figure 9 also shows that the difference, tan-‘(mw/pn)
which is rather large, between the two values of r,, reduced frequency, n/6,,
calculated respectively with the model of p, m and II
and the model of axial dispersion becomes larger and
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