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Received December 24, 2018, accepted February 2, 2019, date of publication February 18, 2019, date of current version

March 12, 2019.

Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2899368

Integrating Technology Acceptance Model With

Innovation Diffusion Theory: An Empirical
Investigation on Students’ Intention to Use
E-Learning Systems
1 Facultyof Education, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Johor Bahru 81310, Malaysia
2 EducationalTechnology Department, College of Education, King Saud University, Riyadh 11362, Saudi Arabia
3 Education Technology Department, Faculty of Education, King Faisal University, Alahsa 31982, Saudi Arabia
4 Psychology Department, College of Education, Taif University, Taif 26571, Saudi Arabia
5 Self-Development Skills Department, Common First Year, King Saud University, Riyadh 11362, Saudi Arabia

Corresponding authors: Waleed Mugahed Al-Rahmi ( and Noraffandy Yahaya (
This work was supported by Research Management Centre (RMC) at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) for funding this project under
grant number PY/2018/02903: Q.J130000.21A2.04E40. Also, the authors extend their appreciation to the Deanship of Scientific Research
at King Saud University for funding this work through Research Group no RGP-1435-003.

ABSTRACT This paper aims to explore and investigate the potential factors influencing students’ behav-
ioral intentions to use the e-learning system. This paper proposes an extended technology acceptance
model (TAM) that has been tested and examined through the use of both innovation diffusion theory (IDT)
and integrating TAM. This paper was conducted on 1286 students utilizing systems of e-learning in Malaysia.
The findings were obtained via a quantitative research method. The findings illustrate that six perceptions of
innovation characteristics, in particular, have impacts on students’ e-learning system behavioral intention.
The influences of the relative advantages, observability, trialability, perceived compatibility, complexity,
and perceived enjoyment on the perceived ease of use is noteworthy. Moreover, the effects of the relative
advantages, complexity, trialability, observability, perceived compatibility, and perceived enjoyment on the
perceived usefulness have a strong impact. Therefore, the empirical results provide strong backing to the
integrative approach between TAM and IDT. The findings suggest an extended model of TAM with IDT for
the acceptance of the e-learning system used to improve the students’ learning performance, which can help
decision makers in higher education, universities, as well as colleges to evaluate, plan and execute the use
of e-learning systems.

INDEX TERMS Technology acceptance model (TAM), innovation diffusion, theory (IDT), E-learning
system, structural equation modeling, system adoption, end-students’ perception.

I. INTRODUCTION teachers and students get the opportunity to communicate

The term E-learning is used to refer to the online learning with one another. It is believed that education institutions
which is basically a type of training and tuition that is based including the higher education ones should make it easy for
on technology. In such learning, students are involved in individuals to access these virtual courses for e-learning [1].
various activities within a virtual environment. This training The concept of e-Learning is known as utilizing Information
includes activities such as audiovisual interaction and inves- and communications technology (ICT) in a way to provide
tigation with different subjects. Through e-learning, both students with the various resources of knowledge and infor-
mation challenging geographic and time limitations [2]. The
The associate editor coordinating the review of this manuscript and idea of e-learning is based on merging both online resources
approving it for publication was Hongli Dong. and online resources in a way to deliver communication,
2019 IEEE. Translations and content mining are permitted for academic research only.
VOLUME 7, 2019 Personal use is also permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. 26797
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W. M. Al-Rahmi et al.: Integrating TAM With IDT

information and education online [3]. Several benefits such as advantages, observability, perceived compatibility and per-
cost savings, learning process improvement, various learning ceived enjoyment as factors determining the perceived use-
styles accommodation, an increase in access to instructors fulness, perceived ease of use and behavioral intention to
for students, dynamic course content, and a quality training use e-learning system. The importance of the current study
that can be structured or unstructured can be utilized by the stems from the fact that it can develop and test theories in
organizations that make use of e-learning. Higher and pri- relation for the understanding of the designing strategies and
mary education and corporate training as well as government those which can promote e-learning systems. Such theories
employees training are some areas which witness the use are the ones in relation to e-learning system acceptance and
and the application of e-learning [4], [5]. This implies that to specialists. The contribution of this study extends to the
there is a difference between traditional and online types policymakers at universities who can gain deeper insights
of learning. Through e-learning, students are encouraged to and understandings of the students’ acceptance of e-learning
study at their homes individually and not in groups as in technology leading to a better developed e-learning policy.
traditional learning where there are classes and study groups.
It also gives the students the chance to manage their time
based on their preferences as they attend the online course II. THEORETICAL MODEL AND HYPOTHESES
individually in their homes. They also have the freedom to Innovation adaptation research, that primarily deal with
choose any online course they feel useful to them and their acceptance of information technology and information sys-
needs. tems (i.e IT and IS), has formed variety of complemen-
The advantages of e-learning and its applications have been tary and competing models to study adoption. According
addressed in previous related literature [4], [6]. In spite of the to Rogers’ [18] and Davis’ [19] Diffusion of Innovations
increased usage of e-learning, still there is a lack of utilizing (DOI) and Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) represent
this technology which poses a problem in itself [4], [6]. The the most powerful theoretical emphasis to innovation adapta-
problem is represented by the fact that the full benefits of such tion literature, also, being extensively utilized by scholars to
learning cannot be achieved unless students and learners are explore a variety of technological innovations adoption [20].
able to utilize these e-learning systems [7], [8]. Both experts A review on IT adoption study shows that the features of inno-
and researchers have been trying to investigate this prob- vations mostly belong to IT adoption literatures [20], [21].
lem through exploring the decisions of students and learners Both TAM and DOI share similar premise that adopters
embracing the e-learning systems which can get them many assess innovations on the perception of their characteristics,
benefits [1], [9], [10]. or postulates that innovations having favorable features are
The improvement of students’ competencies, skills, and likely to be more adopted [18], [19]. In addition, value-
knowledge are seen as the main benefits of the organiza- oriented aspects including perceived usefulness and relative
tional level for e-learning [11]. Both the user satisfaction advantage [18], [19], effort-oriented features for example
and behavioral intention to use thereof are the determining perceived ease to use and complexity [18], [19], compati-
factors of the success of E-Learning [12], [13]. The instant bility [18] are repeatedly been observed as major reasons
antecedent of usage behavior is known as the Behavioral manipulating adoption of inventions [22]. This is considered
intention which determines the readiness of users to carry a significant theoretical contribution to previous Technology
on certain behavior [14]. The actual usage can be precisely Acceptance Model (TAM) with Innovation Diffusion The-
indicated by measuring the behavioral intention [14], [15]. ory (IDT) in the educational context [23], [24]. Therefore,
The area of antecedents of technology adoption intention the adoption of IS/IT is assessed by the two IDT and TAM
has been addressed in literature and most of the studies in which are described as alike in some constructs comple-
this regard report that it can be highly predicted by users’ menting each other. It has been reported by researchers that
attitudes [14], [16]. the TAM employed constructs are basically a subsection of
The individuals’ satisfaction with e-learning received perceived innovation characteristics. This means that stronger
much attention be researchers who used a number of different model can be created through combining these two theo-
theoretical models to assess this satisfaction but there was ries [25], [26]. Looking at the existing literature, it is noticed
a lack of models to assess usefulness [2], [11], [17]. The that studies reported satisfactory results when combining
gap also extends to the understanding of e-learning and its both of these theories [9], [26]. Based on this background,
use including its influence on learning performance in higher TAM [18], [27], IDT [19], [28] and the two major theories
education [3]. In an attempt to bridge this gap, the current employed in this study. The current study starts by studying
study explores the relationship between the TAM variables the existing works on technology acceptance followed by
and innovation diffusion theory in the same model. Through a synthesis of the major theories and the previous related
the use of IDT as a background theory, this study explores research. As the outcome of this study, a model of the key
the motivational determinants’ influence on TAM constructs constructs of intention to use the E-learning systems and
which is seen as a fruitful addition to the existing knowledge E-learning system acceptance is presented at the end of
in this regard. In particular, six factors are under investigation this study. Both of the diffusion of innovations theory and
in the current study namely: trialability, complexity, relative technology acceptance model are integrating in this research

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FIGURE 1. Research model and hypotheses.

to develop a model to measure Students’ Intention to use and the only study done in this regard found out that stu-
E-Learning Systems. See Figure 1. dents’ perceived higher relative advantages means that they
Both of the innovation diffusion theory and technology would perceive a higher level of usefulness of the E-Learning
acceptance model are combined in this research for the systems.
purpose of supporting students’ intention to use e-learning Complexity is defined as the level of difficulty in under-
systems. The factors of TAM namely perceived ease of use standing innovations and their ease of use that is perceived
(PEU), perceived usefulness (PU), perceived enjoyment (PE), by the end-user. Based on this definition, the current study
and behavioral intention to use (BIU) e-learning system), uses these terms to refer to extent of difficulty viewed by
the factors of IDT (relative advantages (RA), complexity the learner that affects his/her learning performance. It has
(CO), trialability (TR), observability (OB), and perceived been found in previous research that when the end users
compatibility (PC) are examined in this study. The following perceive the e-learning system as being complex, they tend
sections illustrate the different research theories: to have a low intention to use the system [31]. Moreover,
Hardgrave et al. [32] revealed that complexity has a negative
A. INNOVATION DIFFUSION THEORY (IDT) relationship with the perceived usefulness. Other empirical
IDT is defined as the ‘‘innovations that offer advantages, per- studies such as the ones by [30] and [33]; highlighted the
ceived compatibility with existing practices and beliefs, low behavioral intention to use is negatively influenced by the
complexity, potential triablity, and observability will have a complexity of E-Learning system.
more widespread and rapid rate of diffusion’’ [29]. Thus, Observability is defined as the level in which ‘‘the out-
a positive behavioral intention to use e-learning is expressed come of the innovation is noticeable by others’’. It is assumed
by the students’ perceiving of E-learning as a beneficial tool, that friends and neighbors of an adopter frequently ask
compatible with their current activities, and easy to use. him/her of a feedback. Visibility is seen as a factor that stim-
A relative advantage is defined as the level to which peo- ulates peer discussion of new ideas. Based on these points,
ple assume that the new innovative is better than the old tradi- the acceptability viewed by students of the use of E-learning
tional one. Thus, this term is used in the current study to refer system that has an impact on their learning performance
to the degree where learners believe that the use E-learning defines the term trialability. The relation between the inten-
system can enhance their learning performance. The finding tion to use the system and trialability has been addressed
that intention to use the E-Learning system is positively in several studies [9], [30]. These studies found out that the
influenced by the perceived relative advantages has been intention to use the system is positively influenced by triala-
frequently reported in the related literature [9], [30]. The rela- bility. However, there is a lack of research in this area in terms
tionships among relative advantages, perceived ease of use, of investigating the relation between perceived ease of use,
perceived usefulness and perceived enjoyment within TAM trialability, perceived enjoyment, perceived usefulness and
and IDT research has received little attention by researchers behavioral intentions to use the systems. The few attempts

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in this regard found out that the higher trialability expressed intention to use E-learning was found to the highly influenced
by individuals lead to higher levels of usefulness, and ease of by the factor named as perceived usefulness [4], [40], [41].
use of the system [9], [34]. Perceived ease of use is a term referring to the learn-
Trialability refers to the extent to which people think that ers’ impression that a certain system is easy or effortless to
they need to experience the innovation before talking the handle [18]. In this study, this term is used to refer to the
decision of adopt it or not. The trialable innovation tends to students’ perspectives on the use of this system which can
have less uncertainty perceived by individuals who consider enhance their learning experiences and performance. Other
adopting it and those individuals tend to learn through this researchers highlighted that this term is defined in terms
experience. As for the current study, this concept refers to of the efforts exerted in the use of a certain system [18],
how a student views his/her use E-learning system having a [42], [43].
significant impact on their learning performance. It has been Behavioral intention to use is known as the learners’
found by research done on different populations, through the choice whether to continue using the technology or not and
use of methodologies, that the users’ attitude towards using this term is seen as a factor determining the use of a technol-
the system and their intentions intention to do so is highly ogy [44]. Thus, it is assumed, in this study, that behavioral
influenced by observability [30]. Research done in the area intention to use in relation to E-learning system is able to
of TAM and IDT has found out that there is a significant improve the learning performance of the students. The use
effect of the perceived use of the systems on the observabil- of E-learning system in this work is deemed important as it
ity by the students [34], [35]. This observability has also a is an integral part for the building of technology utilization
positive impact on other dimensions such as perceived ease models [10], [18]. The basic principles of TRA, which con-
of use, behavioral intention to use the e-learning system and sider that social media use is the function of the attitude by
perceived usefulness [9]. individual behaviors and subjective norms, are considered the
Perceived compatibility refers to the fact in which learn- origin of all of these theories and models. TRA was enhanced
ers feel that the innovation is compatible with their stan- to include perceived control and hence TPB [45]. High levels
dards, previous involvements and the desires of the probable of user satisfaction and continuance intention were found to
adopters. Moore and Benbasat [28] were also of the same be the most likely products of both perceived ease of use
view stating that if the e-learning system goes in line with the and perceived usefulness [46]. It has also been found that a
learners’ values, needs and experiences, then the level of per- high-level interaction with the system as well as a high level
ceived compatibility is considered to be high. This research of behavior social media use are expressed by learners as they
uses this term to refer to the learners’ perspectives on the enjoy social media use [47].
benefit they can get by using the E-learning system. Previous
literature regarding information systems adoption has often III. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY
used Perceived compatibility as an indicator of the students’ Two experts were consulted for the evaluated the question-
behavioral intention to use [10]. It has been found that per- naire’s content. Prior to data collection, a permit for this
ceived compatibility had a positive relation only with per- purpose was obtained from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
ceived usefulness as reported by [36]. Other researchers such (UTM). Regarding the population and sampling, the study
as Wu and Wang [25] and Chang and Tung [37] reported the was conducted on undergraduate and postgraduate students
significant relationship between behavioral intention and per- who were users of E-learning system. The items in the ques-
ceived usefulness. The behavioral intention to use, perceived tionnaire on Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), Innova-
usefulness, and perceived ease of use were also strongly tion Diffusion Theory (IDT) were rated by students based on a
affected by perceived compatibility [9], [32]. The relation 5-point Likert scale. The students, who manually received the
between similar technologies and prior experience was posi- questionnaires, were asked to fill in their details and provide
tively connected to the ease of use of technology innovation their perspectives of E-learning systems and its impact on
was reported as positive by [38]. their learning performance. The Statistical Package for the
Social Sciences (SPSS) was used for data analysis obtained
from questionnaires. In particular, Structural Equation Mod-
B. TECHNOLOGY ACCEPTANCE MODEL (TAM) eling (SEM- Amos) was used as the main tool of data analy-
Perceived enjoyment refers to how learners perceive the sis. The process of using SEM- Amos was of two main stages:
different activity or services to be enjoyable in them regard- assessing the construct validity, the convergent validity, and
less of any consequences that may be predicted [39]. the discriminant validity of the measurements; and analyzing
Thus, learners’ enjoyment resulting from the use of the structural model. These two steps followed the recom-
E-learning system in a way that enriches their learning expe- mendations by [48] and [49].
riences is considered as perceived enjoyment in the current
Perceived usefulness is a term that is used to reflect the 1432 questionnaires were manually distributed and only
learners’ opinions on whether they feel that a certain sys- 1362 forming 94.7% of them were returned to the researchers.
tem can enhance their learning performance [18]. Behavioral After excluding 26 incomplete questionnaires, 1336 were

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analyzed using SPSS. Additional 50 questionnaires were Moreover, the crematory factor analysis (CFA) results with
excluded: 23 were of missing data and 27 were outliners. factor loading (FL) should be 0.70 or over while the results
The total number of the valid questionnaire was 1286 after of Cronbach’s Alpha (CA) are agreed to be ≥ 0.70 [44]. The
this exclusion. This step of exclusion is supported by researchers also add that composite reliability (CR) should
Venkatesh et al. [44] who highlighted that this process is be ≥0.70
important to be carried out since the existence of outliers
might be a reason for imprecise outcomes. In terms of the A. MODEL ANALYSIS
demographic details of the respondents: 612 (47.6%) were
The current study used AMOS 23 for data analysis.
males, 674 (52.4%) were females, 93 (7.2%) were in the In particular, both structural equation modeling (SEM)
age range of 18-20, 203 (15.8%) were in the age range of and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) were used as
21-24, 468 (36.4%) were in the age range of 25-29 and 522
the major tools of analysis. Uni-dimensionality, reliabil-
(40.6%) were above 30 years of age. In terms of the level of
ity, convergent validity and discriminant validity were
study: 166 (12.9%) were undergraduate students, level one,
used to assess the measurement model. Byrne [51], Hair
157 (12.2%) respondents were undergraduate students, level et al. [49], and Kline [52] emphasized that goodness-of-
two, 164 (12.8%) respondents were undergraduate students fit guidelines, like the normed chi-square, chi-square/degree
three, whereas 152 (11.8) respondents were in undergrad- of freedom, normed fit index (NFI), relative fit index
uate students’ level four, 404 (31.4%) respondents were in
(RFI), Tucker-Lewis coefficient (TLI) comparative fit index
postgraduate students’ master level, and 243 (18.9) respon-
(CFI), incremental fit index (IFI), the parsimonious good-
dents were in postgraduate students’ PhD level. Regarding
ness of fit index (PGFI), the root mean square error of
the demographic factors of specialization, 283 (22.0%) of approximation (RMSEA) and the root mean-square resid-
the respondents from social science, 427 (33.2%) of the ual (RMR) are all tools that can are used as the proce-
respondents from engineering, and 576 of the respondents
dures to assess the model estimation. The measurement
from science and technology with the percentages of (44.8).
model of students’ behavioral intention to use E-Learning
Majority of the respondents 1203 (93.5%) used E-Learning
system for learning was evaluated by the goodness-of-fit
system for learning, and the remaining 83 (6.5%) did not
indices and illustrated in Table 1 while Figure 2 illus-
do so. trates measurement technology acceptance model (TAM)
and innovation diffusion theory (IDT) of students’ behav-
ioral intention to use E-Learning system for learning. See
The items of the constructs were adapted to meet the pur- Table 1 & Figure 2.
pose of ensuring content validity. The survey is mainly
of three parts. The first section is on the respondents’
demographic details such as age, gender, educational level. B. MEASUREMENT MODEL
The second section consists of items assessing students’ This type of validity is normally used to determine the size
perspectives of perceived ease of use, perceived enjoy- of the difference between a concept and its indicators with
ment, perceived usefulness and behavioral intention to other concepts [48]. Based on the analysis in this regard, dis-
use e-learning system in the TAM model. The second criminant validity proved to be positive for all concepts since
section contains 24 items adapted from the measurement the values were above 0.50 (cut-off value) with p = 0.001 via
by Chen et al. [26] and Venkatesh and Davis [43]. The Fornell and Larcker [54]. According to Hair et al. [49], corre-
third and final sections, which are designed based on IDT, lations of items in any two given constructs should not exceed
includes 18 items adapted from the previous studies [18], the square root of the average variance shared by them in one
[28], [50]. The third section includes items on relative advan- construct.
tages, complexity, trialability, observability and perceived The resulting values of composite reliability (CR) and
compatibility. those of Cronbach’s Alpha (CA) were around 0.70 and above
while the results of the average variance extracted (AVE)
IV. RESULT AND ANALYSIS were around 0.50 and above which indicates that the whole
The result of Cronbach’s Alpha reliability coefficient was factor loadings (FL) were significant as they meet the con-
0.911 of the factors under TAM and IDT which have an ventions of such assessment [49], [51]. The sections below
influence on students’ behavioral intention to use E-Learning expand more on the findings on the measurement model.
system for the purpose of learning in the environment The results of validity and reliability as well as those of
of higher education. The evaluation of discriminant valid- the average variance extracted (AVE), composite reliabil-
ity (DV) was conducted through the use of three crite- ity (CR) and Cronbach’s Alpha (CA) all were accepted are
ria namely: index among variables which should be below also illustrated establishing the discriminant validity. It is
0.80 [49], the AVE value of each construct that needs observed that all the values of (CR) are ranging between
to be equal to or above 0.50, and square of (AVE) of 0.837 and 0.915 which means that they are above the cut-off
each construct that has be above, in value, than the inter value of 0.70. The (CA) resulting values are also ranging
construct correlations (IC) connected with the factor [49]. between 0.841 and 0.920 exceeding the cut-off value of 0.70.

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TABLE 1. Summary of goodness fit indices for the measurement model (IDT and TAM).

FIGURE 2. Measurement model (IDT and TAM).

The (AVE) are also above 0.50 ranging between 0.570 and Factors of TAM (Perceived Ease of Use (PEU), Per-
0.656. All of these results are positive and indicating ceived Usefulness (PU), Perceived Enjoyment (PE), and
significant (FLs) and they meet the conventional assessment Behavioral Intention to Use (BIU) e-learning system), and
guidelines [49], [54]. See Table 2. examines the factors of IDT (Relative Advantages (RA),

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TABLE 2. Validity and reliability for the model (IDT and TAM).

FIGURE 3. Results for the proposed model for E-Learning system.

Complexity (CO), Trialability (TR), Observability (OB), and of this study. Table 3 below indicates that the main statistics
Perceived Compatibility (PC)). of the model are good, indicating model validity and the
hypotheses testing results through illustrating the values of
C. STRUCTURAL MODEL ANALYSIS unstandardized coefficients and standard errors of the struc-
The path modeling analysis was used in this study to tural model.
investigate the influence of students’ learning within higher
education through TAM and IDT factors on their behav- 1) INNOVATION DIFFUSION THEORY (IDT) HYPOTHESES
ioral intention to use E-Learning system of the different The first direct ten assumptions are where the innovation
groups (male and female). Based on the E-learning system, diffusion theory (IDT) is addressed. According to Figure 3
the results are presented and compared in the discussion and Table 3, the relationship between relative advantages and
of hypothesis testing. Later, being the second phase, factor perceived usefulness has a significant with (β = .112, t =
analysis (CFA) was carried out on the structural equation 4.149, p < 0.001) indicating that the first hypothesis (H1)
modeling (SEM) to test the proposed hypotheses as illustrated proposed a positive and significant relationship. In other
in Figure 3. words, the current model shows that all students use
Figure 3 above illustrates that twelve hypotheses were E-Learning system advantages and its utility for learning.
accepted and only three were rejected based on the results The next hypothesis that proposes a direct effect of relative

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TABLE 3. Hypothesis testing results of structural model.

advantages has a significant relationship with perceived ease words, in the current model show that all students have
of use E-Learning (β = .282, t = 11.703, p < 0.001) observability of use E-Learning system thus, its usefulness
indicating that the 2th hypothesis (H2) proposed a positive for learning. Nonetheless, next direct effect it’s a negative
and significant relationship. In other words, the current model relationship between observability and perceived ease of use
shows that all students use the system of E-Learning is advan- E-Learning (β = .044, t = 1.438, p < 0.001) indicating
tages and its ease of use for learning. that the 8th hypothesis (H8) proposed a negative impact,
Added to the above results, a negative relationship between In other words, in the current model show that all students
complexity and perceived usefulness was indicated with haven’t observability of perceived ease of use E-Learning
(β = .014, t = 0.528, p < 0.001) signifying that the 3th system.
hypothesis (H3) proposed a negative impact. In other words, The relationship between perceived compatibility and
in the current model show that all students got complexity perceived usefulness has a significant with (β = .173,
of using E-Learning system and therefore less usefulness t = 5.863, p < 0.001) indicating that the 9th hypothesis
of E-Learning system. The next hypothesis direct effect is (H9) proposed a positive and significant relationship, In other
complexity has a positive and significant with perceived ease words, in the current model show that all students compatibil-
of use E-Learning (β = .079, t = 3.219, p < 0.001) ity of use E-Learning system and its usefulness for learning.
indicating that the 4th hypothesis (H4) proposed a significant The next hypothesis direct effect is perceived compatibility
relationship, in other words, in the current model show that has a positive and significant with perceived ease of use
all students use E-Learning system is not’ complexity and its E-Learning (β = .187, t = 6.898, p < 0.001) indicating that
ease of use for learning. the 10th hypothesis (H10) proposed a positive and significant
The relationship between trialability and perceived useful- relationship, In other words, in the current model show that
ness was positive and significant with (β = .061, t = 2.452, all students compatibility on E-Learning system used and
p < 0.001) indicating that the 5th hypothesis (H5) proposed its ease of use for learning. This is consistent with previous
a positive and significant relationship. In other words, the studies [4], [15], [25], [32], [35], [37], [55]–[57].
current model shows that all students have trial ability to use
E-Learning system thus, its usefulness for learning. Never- 2) TECHNOLOGY ACCEPTANCE MODEL (TAM) HYPOTHESES
theless, next direct effect is a negative relationship between The second direct six assumptions are the TAM Model
trialability and perceived ease of use E-Learning (β = .027, addressed. Based to Figure 3 and Table 3, the relationship
t = 1.138, p < 0.001) indicating that the 6th hypothesis (H6) between perceived enjoyment and perceived usefulness has
proposed a negative impact. In other words, in the current a positive and significant with (β = .112, t = 4.149,
model show that all students not trialability of perceived p < 0.001) indicating that the 11th hypothesis (H11) is
ease of use E-Learning system. Moving on to the hypothesis supported, In other words, in the current model show that
number seven, it proposed a significant relationship between all students enjoyment of use E-Learning system and its
observability and perceived usefulness (β = .073, t = usefulness for learning. The next hypothesis direct effect
2.234, p < 0.001) indicating that the 7th hypothesis (H7) is perceived enjoyment has a positive and significant with
proposed a positive and significant relationship. In other perceived ease of use E-Learning (β = .282, t = 11.703,

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p < 0.001) indicating that the 12th hypothesis (H12) observability, perceived enjoyment, and perceived compat-
proposed a positive and significant relationship, In other ibility. This finding goes in line with previous related lit-
words, in the current model show that all students enjoy- erature. This indicates that students first check whether the
ment on E-Learning system used thus, its ease of use for e-learning systems could meet their study needs or be rele-
learning. vant to their study before talking the decision of using such
Furthermore, the hypothesis number thirteen (H13) pro- technology. Students are noticed to perceive the e-learning
posed that perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness systems to be more useful only after they realize that such
has a significant relationship of (β = .593, t = 19.911, technology is better than the traditional learning that does
p < 0.001) which indicates that the 13th hypothesis is not involve E-Learning [9], [11], [25], [37], [60]. It is also
supported, In other words, in the current model show that noticed that students’ intentions to use E-Learning is strongly
all students perceived ease of use E-Learning system and influenced by both perceived usefulness and perceived ease
its usefulness for learning. Similarly, next hypothesis direct of use. This can be understood through the popularity of these
effect is perceived usefulness has a positive and significant systems within universities.
with students’ behavioral intention to use E-Learning with Based on the analysis and as illustrated in tables and fig-
(β = .180, t = 5.913, p < 0.001) indicating that the ures, it seems that only 3 hypotheses of all the study hypothe-
14th hypothesis is supported, In other words, in the current ses were rejected. For example, the first hypothesis (H3)
model show that all students perceived usefulness of use the relationship between complexity of E-Learning system
E-Learning system and they have intention to use E-Learning and perceived usefulness of using E-Learning system. At the
for learning. The last hypothesis on the connection between same time, Lee [30] and Hardgrave et al. [32] the use of
perceived ease of use and students’ behavioral intention to E-Learning system can be negatively affected by the com-
use E-Learning with (β = .537, t = 15.693, p < 0.001) plexity of E-Learning system which goes against the find-
indicating that the 15th hypothesis is supported, in other ings of this study stating that perceived usefulness can be
words, in the current model show that all students perceived badly influenced by E-Learning system complexity. Regard-
ease of use E-Learning system and they have intention to use less of the difficulty faced by students using E-Learning
E-Learning for learning. In sum, the entire TAM hypotheses systems, they reported that such modern learning helped
are supported by the results of this research, which consis- them to improve. On the other hand, students who don’t
tent the majority of the prior studies that reported the per- consider that the use of e-learning can be fruitful for them
ceived enjoyment, perceived usefulness and perceived ease of might be of the ones who consider this technology as simple
use E-Learning increases behavioral intention to E-Learning and easy to handle. Such contradicting results necessitate
for learning which in turn increases students’ academic more research in order to explore and investigate these two
performance [2], [4], [9], [10], [18], [30], [40], [41], factors.
[45], [58], [59]. As for the second hypothesis which is (H6), the results
indicated that perceived ease of use of E-Learning system
D. DISCUSSION AND IMPLICATIONS is negatively affected by trialability. In particular, a high
The development of a new hybrid technology acceptance level of perceived ease of use comes with a low level of
model by combining TAM with IDT was the grand aim of trialability. This result does not go in line with some previous
this study to explore the influencing elements on the students’ related studies [9], [35]. Due to all of these contradictions,
behavioral intentions in terms of using the e-learning systems this study recommends future research to be conducted to
usage in universities. This study is stepping a step forward investigate the nature of such a relation. Concerning the third
by applying IDT into a TAM model. Through the use of the hypothesis (H8), the results showed that the factor named
proposed model, this study investigated how the perceived observability did not have any significant influence on the
usefulness, perceived enjoyment and the perceived ease of perceived ease of use leading to inconsistent results with
use with students’ behavioral intention are linked to the five previous related studies [9], [34], [35]. One of the reasons
innovative characteristics. Both of the hypotheses and the behind might be that while the users of e-learning can observe
research model were confirmed based on the findings. This other learners’ use of E-Learning systems and had an impres-
study which examined the students’ behavioral intention to sion of how to operate them, they considered the E-Learning
use E-Learning system and the connection with their per- systems to be easier to use and simplifying their study learn-
ceived enjoyment, perceived usefulness, and perceived ease ing. Thus, further rigorous follow-up studies should be con-
of use provided many insights into the Technology Accep- ducted to investigate the precise role of observability in this
tance Model (TAM). The study also examined several factors case.
namely: Innovation Diffusion Theory (IDT); relative advan- Perceived ease of use E-Learning systems’ perceived ease
tages, complexity, trialability, observability, and perceived of use was not affected by Observability and trialability which
compatibility in turn affect students’ behavioral intention to was in line with [4], [11], [60]. However, this result was not
use E-Learning system. The current study found out that in line with the findings from Yang [34] and Huang [35].
perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use are positively Based on these contradicting results, more research is needed
influenced by relative advantages, complexity, trialability, to explore the influence of specific such characteristics of

VOLUME 7, 2019 26805

W. M. Al-Rahmi et al.: Integrating TAM With IDT

E-Learning systems’ perceived ease of use in various contexts provided with the content of the course or attain other goals in
of E-Learning systems. relation to learning. Learners who believe that the E-Learning
The current research suggests that information system (IS) system would help them learn expressed a greater intent to use
department staff should pay more attention to the area of the E-Learning system.
improving the usefulness of the system while investing on Students’ behavioral intention to use E-Learning system
its ease of use. This can be explained by the important path was supported by the findings of the current research. The
coefficient of the perceived usefulness as it can speed up their findings indicated that students’ behavioral intention to use
readiness in arousing their intents. The study found out that E-Learning system for learning are largely influenced by a
perceived usefulness is positively influenced by observability number of factors such as perceived enjoyment, perceived
and trialability and supports the hypothesis saying that per- usefulness and perceived ease of use E-Learning system
ceived usefulness can be negatively influenced by complex- which in turn increases students’ behavioral intention to use
ity. These results go in line with other findings [9], [32], [34]. E-Learning system for learning. Similarly, students’ behav-
Bases to TAM, the students’ behavioral intention to use ioral intention to use E-Learning system is also positively
the E-Learning systems was largely affected by perceived influenced by advantages, complexity, trialability, observ-
enjoyment, perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness. ability, and perceived compatibility. The study also con-
This was similar in the current study; it is believed that firmed the findings on students’ behavioral intention to use
higher perceived usefulness lead to a higher level of behav- E-Learning system for learning and that it speeds their learn-
ioral intention in terms of using the systems of E-Learning. ing performance in higher education.
This study also proved that perceived usefulness was directly Although this study is considered important in area of
influences by the perceived ease of use. Such results are in e-learning, it has some limitations. One of the limitations is
line with Venkatesh and Davis [43] found in their study. related to the sample size which makes it hard for the research
It was found that when E-Learning is perceived as com- findings to be generalized to additional areas such as private
plex and difficult by students, students tend to perceive armies, universities, or school educators. Additional limita-
the E-Learning systems with discomfort. This means that tion revolves around the type of data. In particular, the current
when students have the feeling that E-Learning system could did not include qualitative data looking and soliciting the
promote their study performances, this drives them to find perspectives of teachers and students. Thus, other studies are
E-Learning systems as easy. Also, the more chances students strongly recommended to be conducted in dissimilar cultures
have to try E-Learning systems make them feel that such and take these limitations into consider.
technology is easy to use. Thus, this study suggests that Three empirical pieces of evidence were provided in this
E-Learning system developers should design the systems study. These evidence were empirical evidence of E-Learning
to be user-friendly and relevant to the students’ study so through the perceived ease of use perceived usefulness;
that students have a better the perception of ease to use of empirical evidence of students’ behavioral intention to use
E-Learning. E-Learning system through perceived enjoyment, perceived
In short, the findings about the system characteristics sug- usefulness and perceived ease of use E-Learning system
gest that the needs and values of system users should be that can improve students’ academic performance in higher
considered by the developers, designers, and institutional education; and empirical evidence of perceived usefulness
purchasers of E-Learning systems to ensure that these sys- and perceived ease of use E- Learning system through rel-
tems effectively meet these demands. Such perceived com- ative advantages, complexity, trialability, observability, and
patibility between system features and user requirements has perceived compatibility that can affect students’ behavioral
been found to enhance E-Learning adoption. Also, Students’ intention to use E-Learning system. This is considered a
behavioral intention to use E-Learning system can be influ- significant theoretical contribution to previous Technology
enced by other factors such as relative advantages; complex- Acceptance Model (TAM) with Innovation Diffusion The-
ity, trialability and observability in turn affect students [8], ory (IDT) in the educational context [4], [9], [18], [30], [62].
[18], [28]. These claims are in line with recent findings for Three implications based on the result of this research are
E-Learning systems [4], [15], [61], [62]. presented below:
This study has a number of implications based on the • Students’ performance in higher education can be
model as well as the findings. The first implication is related enhanced by utilizing E-Learning system for learning.
to importance of the belief constructs. In particular, the posi- Moreover, lecturers and supervisors carry the responsi-
tive relation between perceived ease of use perceived useful- bility of helping the students in this regard by attending
ness of the E-Learning system is a key issue in the prediction to their questions and be effective in sharing knowledge.
of E-Learning system use. When it is possible, Faculty needs Such role by the teachers can enhance the students’
to illustrate the use of the technology supplying students with learning performance develop their research skills.
instructional materials that can ease their learning of the tech- • Students who are able to use E-Learning system should
nology taking in consideration that e-learning is perceived as be attracted and encouraged but not forced by Educa-
both easy to use and useful. Students should be educated on tional institutions to learn such courses. Through this
the many benefits of using the technology and they should be encouragement, all the components and tools of using

26806 VOLUME 7, 2019

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26808 VOLUME 7, 2019

W. M. Al-Rahmi et al.: Integrating TAM With IDT

AHMED A. ALDRAIWEESH was the Head of UTHMAN ALTURKI received the Ph.D. degree
the Educational Technology Department, College from Kansas State University, in 2004. He was a
of Education, for two years. He is currently an full-time Consultant for three years at the National
Associate Professor with the Educational Tech- Center for E-learning and Distance Learning.
nology Department, College of Education, King He was the Head of the Computer Department at
Saud University, Saudi Arabia. He is also the Vice a teachers’ college for two years. He was the Dean
Dean of scientific research for development and and the Deputy Dean for four years in the Ministry
quality. His research interests include educational of Education. He is currently a Full Professor with
technology, e-learning, educational technology for the Educational Technology Department, College
special education, and educational computing. of Education, King Saud University, Saudi Arabia.
The relationship between the performance and the perceived benefits of using
an electronic performance support system. Innovations in Education and
MAHDI M. ALAMRI received the bachelor’s
Teaching International, 41, 343–364. His research interests include learning
degree in special education-gifted and talented
technology, e-learning and distance learning, massive open online courses
students’ education and the master’s degree in
and cloud computing, evaluating the design and use of new technology, and
education technology from King Saud University,
learning analytics.
Saudi Arabia, in 2001 and 2005, respectively, and
the Ph.D. degree in education technology from
LaTrobe University, Australia, in 2014. He is cur-
rently an Assistant Professor with the Educational
Technology Department and the Vice Dean of the
Scientific Research Deanship, King Faisal Univer-
sity, Alahsa, Saudi Arabia. His research interests include blended learning,
online learning, flipped classroom, social media networks, thinking develop-
ment skills, problem-based learning, and special education programs.
Dean for Academic Affairs for five years. He was
the Head of the Educational Technology Depart-
NADA ALI ALJARBOA received the bachelor’s degree in mathematics ment at a teachers’ college for two years.
from the Education College, Taif University, Saudi Arabia, in 2004, and the He is currently an Assistant Professor with the
master’s degree in education psychology from Jordan University, Jordan, Self-Development Skills Department, Deanship of
in 2006. She is currently pursuing the Ph.D. degree with the Psychology Common First Year, King Saud University, Saudi
Department, Umm Al-Qura University, Makkah, Saudi Arabia. She is also a Arabia. He is also the Dean of Common First Year.
Lecturer with the Psychology Department, Education College, Taif Univer- His research interests include educational technol-
sity. Her research interests include generations conflict, school bullying, and ogy, e-learning, and educational computing.
mathematical abilities.

VOLUME 7, 2019 26809

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