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1. Penicillin can be obtained from the?

a) Yeast b) Mold c) Fungi d) Bacteria

2. Niclosamide is most effective against?
a) Tape worms b) Pin worms c) Whip worms d) Look worms
3. Vancomycin used to treat?
a) Urinary tract b) Skin infection c) Serious d) Burns
infection infection
resistant to
other drug
4. An advantage of amoxicillin over ampicillin is?
a) Is move rapidly b) Less toxic c) Has broader d) Longer duration
absorbed spectrum of action
nd rd
5. A drug used in treating 2 or 3 degree burns?
a) Mafenide b) Sulfisoxazole c) Nitrofurantoin d) Polymyxin
6. A broad spectrum antibiotic effective against staphylococcus infection?
a) Vibramycin b) Hinocycline c) Demeclocycline d) Tetracycline
7. Which of the following antifungals also has amoebicidal properties?
a) Nystatin b) Flucytosine c) Miconazole d) Metronidazole
8. Which of the following is most metabolized by liver?
a) Phenobarbital b) Barbital c) Pentobarbital d) Secobarbital
9. Vencomycin is?
a) Preferably b) Well c) Single chemical d) Isolated from
administered I.V absorbed entity strain of bacillus
10. Pyridoxine is?
a) Vitamin B6 b) Vitamin A c) Vitamin B1 d) Vitamin B2
11. Which of the following drug used to treat fungal infestations of eye?
a) Nafcillin b) Natamycin c) Amikacin d) Idoxurine
12. Vitamin K associated with?
a) Hb concentration b) Bones c) Pellagra d) Blood clotting
13. Which of the following found in vitamin B12?
a) Co b) Fe c) Ni d) Mg
14. Most diarrhea remedies contain?
a) Kaolin b) Citrates c) Benzocaine d) Aluminum oxide
15. Which of the following is not natural alkaloid?
a) Lobeline b) Apomorphine c) Papaverine d) Scopolamine

1b 2a 3c 4a 5a
6b 7d 8b 9a 10 a
11 b 12 d 13 a 14 a 15 b

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