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Project Plan Name: KaTechno’s Study Centre

Date Proposed: December 18, 2020

Project Goals:

• To have the students a proper area in order to study well.

• To focus on learning and studying without any interruptions.
• To make their tasks such as assignments and projects in a decent place.

Primary Use and Benefits:

 Its primary use is to provide a welcoming area in which students feel comfortable to socialize
and spend downtime.
 Having a dedicated area for study sharpens the mind and improves concentration.
 It’s vital for students to have a recognised space for the sole purpose of studying. When set
up properly, this space can go a long way to minimise distraction and interruption.
 Productive study is best done in a space that’s private, quiet, and free from disturbances.

Project Timeline:

Date In – charged Personnel/s Specifications

September 20,2020 Scarlet, Erza Plans and Contracts

September 30, 2020 Natsuki, Subaru Site Work and Masonry

October 10, 2020 Yuuki, Asuna Framing

October 20, 2020 Zoldyck, Killua Plumbing and Electrical

November 25, 2020 Kageyama, Tobi Insulation

December 01,2020 Ackerman, Levi Final Inspections

Items for Proposal Consideration:

Item Quantity Estimated Cost

Study table with chair 500 P50,000 - P100,000

Academic books 1000 P30,000 - P50,000

Printer 5 P10,000 - P20,000

Mini canteen 1 P5,000 - P10,000

School supplies store 1 P5,000 - P10,000

Air conditioner 3 P30,000 - P50,000

Sofa bed/couch 2 P50,000 - 70,000

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