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My Annoying Relative

I have an annoying relative. She is my cousin. Her characteristics and behavior always

annoys me. She is a fat lady with white skin toned and curly hair, inspite of being short she has a

loud voice. She always uses a hard fragranced perfume which I hate most. Whenever, she opens

her mouth, she always show off what luxury items she has and she can buy. I think annoying me

is her most favourite work to do. She always pinch me for my style, my personal life and my

exam results. She never motivated me she always demotivate me by her talks. Not just me, she

always likes to interfere in the lives of others which is what bother me the most. She always

taunts others for his weakness and she does that with her high pitched voice. That’s why

whenever I see her, I always try to avoid her.

[150 words]

My Birthday Party
Last year I arranged my birthday party at my roof and party was so perfect without an

incident. I arranged that party because I hadn't met up with my all friends long time. So, I invited

all of my friends in that party. I arranged many kinds of food for that party. We all were enjoying

the party. But an incident took place when some of my friends were cracking fireworks a cracker

hit the main electrical switch of our house directly and caught fire. Everybody become frightened

and begun to run here and there. In that moment I had to decide what to do. So, I told everybody
to stop run here to there and I call fire brigade for help. After few minutes later fire brigade came

and extinguished the fire. From that incident I learned that we should take decision in cold head

and don’t panic in every situation.

[152 words]

Entertaining an Unwelcoming Guest

Hospitality is a great virtue and a guest is a person to be honored and respected. But

sometimes an unwelcoming guest bother us in our day to day life routine. We can follow three

steps to entertain unwanted guests. First, we have to greet our guests with a smiling face and

invite them inside the house. Because it’s a good way to welcome a guest. Secondly, we will ask

them to sit down and ask about their health and other condition. Then I will let them be fresh and

comfortable because they have come a long way. At this point we will arrange and offer some
food and drinks for them. Finally, I will chit-chat with them and we can play a lot of indoor

games like ludo, chess etc for entertaining them. Anyone who follows these steps they can easily

entertain their unwelcoming guests without disrespecting them and that will feel honored to

receive them.

[156 words]

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