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Last Saturday, my family had an important celebration. It was my father’s birthday

and we celebrated the special occasion by throwing a surprise party for him.
Birthday is the most awaited day in everyone's life. It is the day we are born and
it is a special day for all of us. So, I decided to make my father's birthday
Because, definitely, it wasn't just a family member's birthday,it was the birthday
of the most special and the most important person in my life, My dad. He is my best
friend, mentor and my biggest supporter.

We decided to ask his friend from childhood for helping. He is a kind heart person
as he always help me when I need his for helping. When he knew I needed his helped
to prepare party, he didn't refuse and agree to help immediately. I was very happy
because he also helped me to cook the dishes. We didn't spend much time in the
market because we needed a lot of time to prepare after my father came back from
work. We cooked a lot of dishes such as fried chicken, meal,curry, dessert and of
course a delicious cake.

After he got back from work,my older brother requested our father to take him
shopping in a shopping centre to buy some sports gear. Our father had no idea that
it was just a pretext to get him out of the house.After decorating the living room
with balloons, we went to a bakery to fetch the birthday cake that we ordered a few
days earlier.

About an hour later, the guests started arriving. Just then, my brother called to
inform our mother that he and our father would be coming home soon. Mother told him
to stay in the shopping centre a bit longer as not all the guests had arrived yet.
He said that he would try his best. After all the guests had arrived, all of us hid
excitedly and waited for their return. Within moments, we heard a car parking,
followed by people walking towards the front door.

After my father had turned the key and opened the door, all of us jumped out of our
hiding places and shouted, “Surprise!” My father was quite confused to see so many
people in our beautifully decorated living room. For a while, he was stocked, but
then he laughed and and hugged us.
After the meal, all of us gave my father birthday gifts. Before the party ended, my
father made a short speech to thank all the guests for coming and also for their
presents. He also expressed that the greatest gift he had ever received is his
family. Everyone of us applauded.
I believe that a father-son relationship is one of the strongest on this earth
and he has enhanced its beauty with his love, care and support for me. My father
has sacrificed so much for the well-being of our family. This is why I love him so

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