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This chapter is designed to present some points which are considered as: (1)

Summary, (2) Conclusion, (3) Suggestion.

5.1 Summary

This research was conducted at Sekolah Menengah Negeri 1 Abiansemal in

academic year, 2014/2015. As the objective of this research were to describe: (1)

speech acts categories used by the eleventh grade students of Sekolah Menengah

Negeri 1 Abiansemal, (2) locutionary act in terms of politeness is used by the

eleventh grade students of Sekolah Menengah Negeri 1 Abiansemal, (3) speaking

errors are committed by the eleventh grade students of Sekolah Menengah Negeri 1

Abiansemal, and (4) sources of error are committed by the eleventh grade students

Sekolah Menengah Negeri 1 Abiansemal.

The speech acts categories were based on theory from Searle (1985) and

Clark’s speech acts theories (2008). There were some types of speech acts categories,

they were: assertive, directive, commissive, expressive and declarative. The theory of

politeness was focused on Watts’s politeness theory which presented the table of

signaling politeness in utterances. Related to theory of errors presented by Finney in

2005, there were two mains types of error they were grammatical error and content

error. Furthermore, related to errors committed, it used theory the very first theory of

errors from Touchie (1986) who mentioned some types, namely: simplification,

overgeneralization, hypercorrection, faulty teaching, fossilization, absence of

knowledge, absence of knowledge, inadequate, and false concepts of hypothesized.

The subject of this research was language class of eleventh grade at Sekolah

Menengah Atas Negeri 1 Abiansemal. The class consisted of 30 students. The design

of this research was Survey Research which was aiming at mapping and analyzing

students’ speaking competency (speech acts, locutionary act in terms of politeness,

speaking error, and sources of error) to be described and discussed based on the result

of interview or instruction given to the respondent. The process of collecting the data

in this research were: (1) students were asked to make utterances based on some

instructions which were designed from the essential of speech acts categories and

those utterances were recorded. (2) the students’ recording was analyzed in order to

find out the speech acts used, politeness, and errors. (3) for the sources of error, the

data was gathered through general group discussion which was conducted by

involving all students in the language class in order to discuss the students’ reason of

making any errors in their utterances whether because of absence of knowledge or

overgeneralization. Then, this research had an instrument which was used to collect

the main data, and the instrument was in form of performance assessment in


As the result of the analysis, it was discovered that, (1) the speech acts

category was mostly used by the students were directive (149 utterances/ 20.5%) and

commissive (149 utterances/ 20.5%). (2) the students tended to use polite utterances

when they intended to give order or command to other students (131 utterances/

17.5%), and use impolite utterances when they intended to commit themselves (145

utterances/ 19.3%). (3) in terms of error, the students tended to commit error in

grammatical (123 errors) rather than content error (80 errors). (4) Related to source of

error, the students showed that they made error because they had absence of

knowledge (123 utterances) rather than overgeneralization (80 utterances).

5.2 Conclusion

According to the first data analysis, it was concluded that the speech acts

which were used mostly by the students of language class of eleventh grade at

Sekolah Menengah Atas Negeri 1 Abiansemal were directives (20.5 %) and

commissives (20.5), and the highest three was declarative (20.1), the rest were

assertive (19.7), and expressive (19.3). In specific it could be stated that in directing,

the students mostly asked other students rather than requesting, telling, advising and

praying, meanwhile in commissive the students showed that they were better to do

promising to show their commitment rather than accepting, offering, swearing and


The second data analysis discovered that the students were mostly being

polite during speaking when they gave order or asked someone to do something, but

the politeness was not achieved when they showed their commitment to others. In

general, the percentage of politeness in the use of speech acts by the students were

mostly different, in which the students mostly did not achieve politeness when they

used the speech acts categories (76%)), and only 21.3% which were polite.

The third data which was about speaking error. It was discovered that from

two types of error which were focused in this research (grammatical and content

error), the students’ utterances were mostly identified to have 123 grammatical error,

and for the content error there was only 80 utterances. In details, the students were

committing error when they uttered or showed their commitment (commissive), and

for the content error was mostly committed when the students stated about facts or

reality to others.

In the last data which was about sources of error, it was found that based on

general group discussion, the students concluded that the reason of committing errors

because they totally forgot about any terms or rules about English speaking (absence

of knowledge: 16.5% and overgeneralization: 10.7%).

5.3 Suggestion

The result of this study was intended to be beneficial to any educational

aspect since this research was involving many aspects which was important to be

notice for students speaking competency, such as speech acts categories were used by

students, the locutionary acts in terms of politeness, error which were committed by

students during the use of speech acts, and also the sources of error which were

committed by the students. The benefits could be mentioned as follows;

5.3.1 Students

For students, it needs to be consider how every utterance that they speak can

be functioned as speech acts in order to make their utterances more meaningful and

also important to be used, moreover when students can identify and use speech acts

categories, it is indicated that students are able to develop and improve their speaking

competency as the knowledge that they learn is expanded. Further, students can get

benefit from the politeness use in speech acts categories in order to make their

utterances to be better for the hearer to be responded and can make the hearers feel

better. Then, students are gaining the knowledge and evaluation from the speech acts

and also politeness that they learn in which they can identify types of error in their

utterances, and students can learner from the error in order to avoid any use of error

utterances again. As the last benefit that can be achieved by the students is about

source of error. It is indicated not enough for the students only know about the types

of error that they commit, but the also need to realize and know how every error can

be committed and where the errors from. By knowing the sources of error, it is

expected that students can prepare themselves to be better in order to make utterances

without making errors.

5.3.2 Teachers

This research brought out the results which are beneficial for the teachers

especially for EFL teachers as sources and references and also as references in order

to recognize; (1) students’ speech acts categories in use during speaking class, (2)

students’ strength and weaknesses in making polite and impolite utterances which

relate to speech acts in use, (3) students’ error in speaking, especially when they utter

speech acts, (4) students’ reasons of committing any errors. Further, the teachers are

also indicated to get references as consideration about how creating a speaking

activity which can involve all students by considering the speech acts categories,

politeness, can avoid error from the students, and if only the errors are committed by

students, the teachers are prepared to recognize and handle the source of the errors in

better and fast ways.

5.3.3 Researchers

It is also considered that this research is indicated to be important for other

researchers who are interesting in analyzing and describing students’ speaking

competency in terms of speech acts, politeness, error and sources of error. The other

researchers are claimed to have good chance to develop this research into bigger and

better scope by specifying some of those aspects in order to discover better rich data.

Further, the other researches can use the result from this research as references or

consideration when they intend to develop or even to specify any important aspects in

this research. Speech acts categories can be used as references to another same

research about speech acts, the table of signaling politeness can be beneficial for

other researchers to recognize others utterances from other students from other

schools related to politeness in speaking. Moreover, both error and sources of error’s

theories can be used as supporting theories and can be compared into others error and

source of error theories in order get more empirical review.


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