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Mindanao State University – Iligan Institute of Technology

College of Business Administration and Accountancy

Submitted by:

Dela Cruz, Melanie B.

Ermac, Michelle D.

Lozano, Jewel Lou A.

Unggay, Celesteah Danielle L.

Submitted to:

Pilar, Fern Elles Marie B.

October 19, 2020

Case Analysis

I. Introduction

Jennifer’s company is a growing architectural firm that has 10 employees. Her

employees are experts in architectural designs. 5 of them are expected to retire in 3
years. This architectural firm is one most in demand in Visayas before the pandemic.
Due to pandemic the company has seen a decline with the number of its clients. The
owner of the company proposed a plan to telecommunicate 1-2 days in a week. The
base salary is not enough on its own to provide a viable income for the company in
the meantime. In order to continue the employees’ health benefits, the company
would have to deduct it from their base salary. Employees will still largely rely on
their commissions but at least have a cushion to fall back on as they ramp up

II. Case evaluation

The company faces huge problems because of the economic status of their
community, five of its employees are expected to retire in three years and needs to
be replaced by new skilled and knowledgeable workers. Jennifer has to invest in her
new hired employees by training them and hire them to adapt the culture of the
company. Jennifer believes they may be able to save costs by allowing employees
to telecommute one to two days per week. She has some concerns about
productivity if she allows employees to work from home. The disadvantages of
working from home are; difficult or lacking communication, if the employer or
employees have some concerns or they have to convey something about their job.
Low reliability and retention, Jennifer has some concerns about productivity if she
allows employees to work from home. Difficult to manage and maintain
accountability, it is hard to manage and evaluate employees’ performance if they are
working from home. Loss of productivity, working from home can cause demotivation
of employees, little or no oversight as to what an employee is doing during the day or
how distracted they are. Security concerns, Without the security protections that
office systems afford us such as firewalls and blacklisted IP addresses and
increased reliance on technology, we are far more vulnerable to cyber attacks.
III. Proposed Solution/changes

· How can human resource manager monitor and evaluate employees

work status? A remote team is required with more micromanagement to
ensure that they are right on track. Simply the company will provide a tracking
tool to remote workers just to monitor them.

· Most remote workers problem is having technical difficulties specially in

their connection to the internet, power interruption or data management.
Miscommunication is also a problem especially in your co-workers, it is
important to have a regular meeting to know what are the concerns or
problems that your employee is facing. Time pressure and quota can also be
a problem especially when you have a lot of projects to do and the time is
only limited. Employees must work under pressure and human resource
managers role is to motivate their employees especially those who are
working really hard just to reach the deadline with a high quality of work.

· One week dry-run of the new working system then evaluate what
measure to apply after. Before implementing the new working system it is
important to have a performance test to evaluate or measure if there are
some areas in the company or there are some strategies that are not
functioning well.

· Our role, evaluate the performance of the employees, train and research
new methods to apply in the compyoy retirement for the underperforming
employees. Jennifer's role is to finalize company decisions and to make sure
that it is executed properly

· The company invests in the representative with a monetary reward,

regardless of their performance, in addition to compensation for whatever
they sell. In exchange, the sales representative fully invests their skills and
time to earn both parts of their compensation.

IV. Conclusions and Recommendations

· Third party apps to monitor performance of the employees. To ensure

that the employees are properly working their assigned task and evaluate
their performance..
Training the new hired employees on how they will function in their
specific job position. The company will have to invest in training the new
hired and old employees to cope up with the developing technology.

· Pursue telecommunication work from home. Working from can also be

beneficial for both company and employees. Companies that allow their
employees to work from home reduces their cost. Employees can work with
their desired time.

· Deduction of benefits from the base salary but retain the commission
of every project the company has. It is mandatory in every firm or company
that every employee must have health benefits. In the case of Jennifer’s
company, the health benefit will be deducted to the base salary temporarily
until the economy will spike back but the employees will still receive
commissions on every project that they will finish to keep them motivated.


Sujan patel, 2019

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