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Due to the fact that I’m currently at home in lockdown and that my metabolism wasn’t really at par I

started excluding one meal from the plan. I started supplementation on the 31 st.

Diet was good everyday but on the 31 st and the 1st due to family lunches/dinners. I’m not drinking enough,
I’ll focus on that. Found everything but DIM for supplementation, but I can order it if you thing it would be
beneficial. Only thing is that shipment will take some time.

After the start of supplementation I was a little bit bloated for 2/3 days and had some pimples. From the 4 th
things were a lot better.

As you can see from the table I’m loosing weight.

On one side I’m good with it, because it means that my metabolism is coming back and I can shave those
extra kilos. This said I feel good, muscles are pretty full and recovery is on point.

On the other side I don’t know if that is good given the program I’m following, this is where you are going
to tell me if it’s good or not!

What I would like to do is to continue like that for another 10 days and see what happens. If anything feels
off I’ll tell you straight away and we can change, maybe reintroducing the extra meal I’m not doing at the

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