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COMSATS University Islamabad

Abbottabad campus.

Assignment # 4
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Program & Section:

BS (CS), Section (4A)


“The Harm that Good Men Do 1926” by Bertrand

Russell begins by mentioning a philosopher named Jeremy Bentham

who lived a century before him and famously stated that "people
ought to make soup of their dead grandmothers." Many people
disapproved of Bentham's philosophical ideas and considered him a
"bad man." Russell then describes the social reforms of the
Victorian Era and mentions that much of the progress was
influenced by the progressive ideas of Bentham who promoted

He then describes the ideal "good man" who behaves amiably,

attends church, and has "irreproachable" morals. He then contrasts
society's idea of a "bad man" by describing a person who is a
nonconformist, has subversive opinions, seeks enjoyment without
consequences, and is honest with himself and others. Russell then
mentions how Wordsworth and Coleridge were considered "bad
men" when they did not abide by Christain standards despite
producing some of their most extraordinary works. He proceeds to
list famous poets, philosophers, and scientists who were considered
"bad men" simply because their views did not align with the ideals
of their government. In the modern era, Russell believes that a
"good man" is simply a person whose opinions and activities please
those in authority.

Russell then discusses what society considers "good men" like

George III who oppressed Catholics and Kaiser Wilhelm who caused
immense harm to humanity. According to Russell, the purpose of a
"good man" is to provide a smoke-screen to the public so that
villainous individuals can secretly carry out their actions. "Good
men" also ruin the political careers of those who disagree with the
majority in power. Russell also argues that "good men" suppress
knowledge, particularly concerning the prevention of venereal
diseases, in order to maintain Biblical precepts. Russell comments
on the wars which have been started over the deaths of "good
men," and argues that standards of "goodness" do not make the
world a happier place.

Russell says that men with Bentham's moral belief in "the greatest
happiness of the greatest number" will live an arduous life
compared to those who obey conventional precepts. Russell
advocates for a morality based on "love of life, upon pleasure in
growth and positive achievement, not upon repression and

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