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Subiectul I

Dear Andrew,
I apologize for not being able to answer you earlier but I went
on vacation in Italy. My mother lives in Venice. Venice is a
wonderful city, romantic, full of art. I took a gondola ride and took
many pictures on the canals of Venice. In San Marco Square I ate
pigeons and visited the San Marco museum where the famous golden
lion is. On Christmas Eve I helped my mother cook. I made tiramisu
for the first time in my life. On Christmas day we had dinner with the
family, we played books and we watched the movie Home Alone. It
was a vacation I will never forget.
I really miss you and I can't wait to get back from London and
spend a lot of time together! Sweet kisses !
With much love, Izabela
Subiectul al II-lea
In my opinion, the quote “One language sets you in a corridor
for life. Two languages open every door along the way. " of Frank
Smith is true because the information you hold define you as a person
in society. The more information you hold, the people around you
treat you differently.
First of all, a foreign language gives you the opportunity to do
well in a strange country, to know how to ask certain things that
interest you, to create relationships with others, to buy what you need,
to solve problems. For example, English is an international language
that is required in any field and known by many people.
Secondly, if you know more languages, you have more
advantages. If you are passionate about learning languages, you can
find a job that involves using these languages. For example, if you
like to travel by plane, you can become a flight attendant.
I think that knowing a foreign language is very important
because it helps you to do better in life.

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