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Lesson 13
"“Certainly, Evolution and its twin sister, Involution, are two mechanical laws that
are processed simultaneously in everything created. These two laws exist. All the
mechanics of Nature are based on them. There is evolution in the creature that de-
velops within the mother's womb, in the child that is born, in the adolescent, in the
young. There is involution in the one who ages and dies”

The laws of Evolution and involution

Certainly, the Evolution and its twin sister, the Involution, are two mechanical laws that
are processed simultaneously in everything created. These two laws exist and all the mecha-
nics of Nature are based on them. Denying these two laws would be the height of the absurd;
However, it is wrong to attribute to these two laws factors that they do not have. For example,
it is wrong to believe that we can reach intimate self-realization through Evolution. We have
been evolving for more than eighteen million years and yet instead of being better, we have
become terribly perverse.

Everything evolves and involves, goes up and down, grows and decreases, comes and
goes, flows and refluxes. In everything there is a systole and a diastole, according to the Law
of the Pendulum. There is Evolution in every ascending civilization and there is involution in
any culture of descending type. It is obvious that these two laws cited constitute the fundamen-
tal, mechanical axis of nature. If either of these two laws ceased to function (even for a mo-
ment),, all natural mechanisms would be paralyzed.

There is evolution in the grain that germinates, grows and develops. There is involution
in the vegetable that withers and dies. There is evolution in the creature that develops within
the mother's womb, in the child that is born, in the adolescent, in the young. There is involution
in the one who ages and dies

Everything that exists evolves to a latest peak perfectly defined by nature and then in-
volves until it returns to its original starting point.

Unfortunately, those who have bottled in the dogma of evolution are no longer able to
understand the infinite destructive and decadent processes of all that is, of all that has been
and of all that will be.

The Intimate Self-realization of man can never be the product of any mechanical law,
but the result of a conscious work done on himself and within Himself, based on Tremendous
Super-Efforts, deep understanding and intentional and voluntary sufferings.

The evolutionary and involutive process of the Essence

Essential waves arise from the absolute and begin their evolution in the mineral king-
dom, continue with the vegetable kingdom, continuing to the animal kingdom and finally reach
the level of intellective humanoid kingdom.

Through vibration and wise guidance, the Devas instruct the essences that are beco-
ming aware of the Science that governs them in each of the mineral, vegetable, and animal
There is no doubt that advanced mineral elementals enter the plant kingdom. Each
plant is the physical body of a plant elemental. Every tree, every grass, however insignificant,
has its own particular elemental. The plant elementals have full freedom to enter and leave
their bodies at will. The elemental creatures of the vegetable kingdom are classified in the form
of families.

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The advanced elementals of the vegetable kingdom later enter the various departments
of the animal kingdom. These creatures distributed in multiple families or species also have
their guides in the fourth coordinate.
When a wave of evolution culminates, qualifying all exams, these essences are
properly prepared to be incorporated into human organisms. Then, the most advanced ele-
mental creatures enter the realm of intellectual humanoids. It is clear that with the re-entry to
this state we are assigned 108 stocks, which keep strict mathematical agreement with the
number of accounts that make up the Buddha's necklace.
If we do not take advantage of these existences in the humanoid kingdom, we will be
led by the downward path of involution. In other words, if this essence, as a human, does not
produce a revolution of consciousness, dedicating itself to eliminating the psychological aggre-
gate (I) and forming a physical, vital, astral, mental and causal solar structure, we will be led by
the descending path of the involution
.When the cycle of 108 stocks is completed and we have not done anything for our Real
Being, the Samsara wheel turns and takes us on a descent leaving the human state. Then, ac-
cording to the order, going through the animal kingdom, vegetable kingdom and mineral king-
dom. This process will gradually reduce us, through a long time of frightful sufferings, to a pure
divine spark again. This is due to the fact that in the process or passing through these king-
doms, all the infrahuman elements (selves) that did not voluntarily disintegrate before being
involved will gradually disintegrate.

When the divine spark is devoid of the Self, it is ready to embark on a new journey th-
rough evolution, starting with the mineral, vegetable, animal and later human
Three thousand times the wheel of Samsara turns. To understand this, to grasp its deep signi-
ficance, is indispensable and unplayable if we really crave final liberation.
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After each humanoid era, the Samsara wheel turns. then, it is clear that the waves of life
involved descend inside the planetary organism to re-ascend evolutionarily later.
No kind of apology could save those sparks that don't do a job of self-discovery. Well, the three
thousand laps of Samsara's wheel are processed in many cosmic days and in various univer-
sal scenarios offering endless possibilities to do the work.

Undoubtedly, after the last turn of the wheel, the doors close. When the latter happens,
the Monad, the immortal spark, our Real Being, collects its Essence and its principles to be
absorbed definitively within the bosom of the Universal Spirit of Life.

The mastery

Every divine spark, every Monad, can choose its path. It is indubitable that there are tri-
llions of absolutely innocent Monads in the infinite space that go beyond good and evil.
Many of these tried to achieve mastery. Unfortunately they failed. Millions of others ne-
ver wanted mastery, and now they are immersed in the bosom of the Universal Spirit of Life.
They enjoy authentic divine happiness because they are flashes of the Divine. Unfortunately
they do not possess the Master.

Divine Monads or Virgin Sparks that really want Mastery are very few. When any Monad
certainly yearns for Mastery, it is unquestionable that he achieves it by working intensively on
his Essence. it is very easy to recognize all Essence intimately worked from within by its Divine
Monad. That is the case of any person with great spiritual concerns.

Historical testimonials

These statements have documentation in India and Greece. in India, it is proven by the
wonderful doctrine exposed by that ancient Hindustan Avatara called Krishna. In Greece, the
doctrine of Pythagoras is verified with the second. Obviously, the metempsychosis of that great
Greek philosopher and the doctrine of transmigration of souls taught by the Hindu Avatara are
identical in form and substance. Unfortunately, people misrepresent the teaching and finally
reject it arbitrarily.


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The laws of Evolution and Involution serve to keep the Creation in balance. In short,
they are laws that maintain an order in nature. However, we must be clear that they are not
useful for salvation or self-realization.
This current humanity does not want to accept that we are the result of many comings
and goings. As returns within the human species, we must take into account that we are not
going to reach the Intimate Self-realization of the Being if our Essence or soul has not produ-
ced within its inner state an element of change and a Revolution of Consciousness that allows
it to wake up and enter into the parameters or guidelines that our liberation demands of us .
.People are not going to reach the intimate self-realization of being if their Essence, al-
ready as a human, does not produce a revolution of Consciousness, dedicating itself to elimi-
nating psychological aggregates and forming a physical, vital, astral, mental and causal solar

The human being who wants to get out of these mechanical laws must prepare to pro-
duce his own change, based on the three factors of the Consciousness Revolution:
To DIe: It refers to the death of the Ego. It is the disintegration of the Self that are formed with
all the psychological aggregates. We must remember that if we do not eliminate the Ego, we
must walk the path of involvement.
To be Born: It refers to be born in values. When something dies, something must born. When
the evil dies in ourselves, valuable things are born. This values are small portions of soul. It
also refers to the formation of solar structure, with scientific chastity, which is what gives us the
strength and will at work.
To Sacrifice yourself for Humanity: This Sacrifice for Humanity gives us the Light to light our
way. We must help the others. However, never forget your humanity.


Mantram raom gaom (to remember your dreams).

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