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Lesson 14
“Death is the deposit of life. The path of life is formed with the traces of the
hooves of the horses of death. ”

The pilgrimage of the essence

The Essence in its pilgrimage (successive existences) becomes aware of everything created.

The evolutionary rise of the Essence begins from the Mineral Realm. The most advanced mineral
elementals enter the Vegetable Realm. The following statement should be remembered: "Nature does not
jump." So the most advanced states of the plant kingdom give way to the essence of the animal kingdom.
The essence first rejoins in very simple organisms and then returns in more and more complex orga-
The fundamental thing for the essence after death is to achieve
RATION. This is only possible for the EMBRYO OF SOUL as-
cending to the ELECTRONIC WORLD.

If at the moment of dying the essence recognizes the CLEAR


If at the moment of death the deceased only perseveres the

CLEAR SECONDARY LIGHT, He will have to fight hard to
achieve the BUDDHIC RELATIVE state.

The difficult thing for the Essence is to UNBLOCK, escape from its prison, get out of the LUNAR BO-

The death

It is urgent to understand thoroughly and in all areas of the mind what death itself is. Only in this way is
it possible to fully understand what IMMORTALITY is.

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Seeing the human body of a loved one in a coffin does not mean having understood the Mystery of
Death. The truth about the Mystery of Death can only be known through Direct Experience.

The Self (the I) always wants “death insurance” or a supplementary guarantee that ensures it continues
in the hereafter. That is all. Many people want to continue with their material assets, family, prestige,
beliefs, children, etc.Then, realizing that all this is temporary, they are horrified and scared of Death.

Death itself is nothing terrifying. She is something beautiful, sublime and undeniable.

Life and Death constitute an integral whole, unitotal. Death is the deposit of Life. The path of Life is
formed with the footprints of the helmets of Death.

The Antakarana, the Angels of Life and the Angels of Death

The Antakarana or silver cord is the thread of life
that unites our physical body with our Soul. The
Angels of Life are in charge of connecting the silver
cord with the fertilizing zoosperm. Unquestionably,
millions of zoosperms escape at the moment of co-
pulation, but only one of them has enough power to
penetrate the egg in order to carry out conception.
This force is not a product of chance but driven by
the Angel of Life who in such moments makes the
connection of the returning essence. The returning
essence is the one that has died but now is coming
back to life.

The essence comes to be connected to the germ cell through the Silver Cord.The disembodied person,
the one who prepares to take on a new physical body, rejoins the moment the creature is born. In other
words, the deceased rejoins at the precise moment when he takes his first inhalation.

It is very interesting that with the last exhalation of the dying person comes Death and that with the first
inhalation comes Life.

The Angels of Death are dressed in their funeral costumes. They carry a sickle with which they cut the
Antakarana Cord that connects the INTERNAL BODIES with the PHYSICAL BODY. Then, the angels of
death cut the thread of life and take the ego out of the physical body.

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Every Angel of Death carries a Book. In that book the names of all the souls that have to be di-
sembodied are written down. The angel of death breaks that cord so that the soul cannot return to the
physical body.

The ray of death

From birth to death different ty-

pes of energy flow within the
human organism. The only type
of energy that the human orga-
nism cannot resist is the RAY OF

This beam has too high an elec-

trical voltage. The human orga-
nism cannot resist such a volta-
ge. Just as lightning can rip a
tree apart, so too the Death Ray
as it flows through the human organism inevitably destroys it.

The Ray of Death connects the Death Phenomenon with the Birth Phenomenon. This Ray reduces the
human organism to its fundamental elements (Personality, essence and ego).The interval between Death
and Conception is something that does not belong to Time.

Life is determined and determining energy. During the course of existence different types of energy flow
through the human organism. Each type of energy has its own system of action. Each type of energy ma-
nifests itself in its time.

Two months after conception, we have digestive function. At four and a half months of conception, the
motor and muscular force is manifested. This is related to respiratory and pulmonary function. During
the first seven years the human personality (energy) is formed. At the age of fourteen, the sexual energy

The last energy to make its appearance is the Death Ray. It reduces the so-called man to a molecular
quintessence. Just as a ton of flowers can be reduced to a simple drop of essential perfume. The energy
of death for being so strong, totally destroys the human organism. It is a current of such a high voltage,
which inevitably destroys the organism when it circulates through it.

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What goes to the grave and what continues existing?

Three things go to the cemetery:




At the last moment of life, the vital body escapes from the physical organism. The vital body floats near
the grave and disintegrates as the physical body disintegrates. The vital body is the basic seat of organic
life. This has been designed by the agents of life in accordance with the law of Cause and Effect. That is
to say, those who in their old life accumulated serious debts receive a defective vital body. The vital body
is the thermo-electro-magnetic organism; it is the seat of organic life. No organism could live without
the vital body. At the last moment of life, the vital body escapes from the physical organism, the vital
body does not enter the grave and slowly disintegrates along with the physical body. The physical body
belongs to the three-dimensional world. The vital body is the body of the fourth dimension.

Personality is energetic. After death, it slowly decomposes in the pantheon until it completely disintegra-
tes. Personality belongs to time and dies over time. She has been trained in the first seven years of life
and has been strengthened with experience. Personality differs from the vital body in that it can survive
for centuries. However, there is no future for personality. She does not return with the essence in the fo-
llowing lives. The personality is the daughter of her time and dies in her time.

What continues to exist are the Essence and the Ego.

The ego carries its worldliness beyond the grave. He continues to dress in his lunar bodies in the Mole-
cular World. The ME hopes to return with the essence that it had in its power. The Self is a sum of diffe-
rent entities. Not all entities return to a new human organism.

The angels that govern the processes of conception normally live in the fourth dimension and those who
govern death in the fifth dimension. The first of them connects the Ego with the zoosperm, the second
breaks the connection between the Ego and the physical body. The angels of death work according to the
Law, with supreme wisdom and much love and charity. The angels of death take human life. They do it
by cutting the silver cord or Antakarana. Said cord corresponds to the umbilical cord.

The deceased live in the fifth dimension. Length, width and height form the three dimensions of the ce-
llular world. Time is the fourth dimension. Eternity is the fifth dimension and that which is beyond eter-
nity and time corresponds to the sixth dimension. Liberation begins in the sixth dimension, the world of

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the Divine Spirit, in the Electronic world, the World of the Sixth Dimension. Everyone who dies enters
the fifth dimension. Eternity opens to devour the deceased and then expels them from their womb to re-
turn them to the world of time and physical form. The deceased are expelled from eternity because they
do not yet possess the BEING. Only those who possess the Being can live in eternity. The Being is the
Intimate; The spirit.

The psychological design

The electromagnetic footprint left by a man's life at the moment of death is imprinted tremendously on
the conception of the fetus. The path of life is formed with the tracks of the hooves of the horse of death.
Death, Judgment, and Conception constitute a perfect trio. That footprint is made up of very intimate
electrical voltages and a certain key note that have the determining power of combining genes within
the fertilized egg. Similar to television waves that carry images, they are the vibratory waves of the de-
ceased. What is the screen to the emitting waves, is the embryo of the waves of death. The vibratory wa-
ves of death carry the image of the deceased. This image is deposited in the fertilized egg.

When we die, we take a psychological design with us. Such design is psychically connected to the fertili-
zing zoosperm. At the precise moment in which the deceased breathes his last breath, he projects an
electro-psychic design of his personality. Such design continues in the supersensible regions of nature.
Later, this design comes to saturate the fertilized egg. This is how upon returning, upon rejoining a new
physical body, we come to possess personal characteristics very similar to that of the previous life.

The Three Trials

The Tibetan book of the dead says: "You have been in a state of fainting for the past three and a half
days. As soon as you recover from this fainting, you will have the thought, what has happened? At that
time all Samsara will be in revolution."

The steps that follow after death are:


During the three and a half days after death, the conscience of the deceased and his internal judgment
are released by electronic shock. Then, the deceased watches his whole life go by in retrospect, starting
from the moment the last breath was breathed out until ending at the moment of birth. The shock is so
strong that the deceased later falls into a coma and incoherent dreams. Only those who have what is ca-
lled the Soul can resist electronic shock without losing consciousness.

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The concept of time is very important for understanding what will happen next. Time happens much fas-
ter in the electronic world. The molecular world is less fast. The cellular region much less quickly than
the molecular world. The entrance to the Electronic and Molecular worlds at the moment of death is a
tremendous test for the conscience of man, the Tibetan book of the dead assures that all men fall at the
moment of death in a faint that lasts three days and a half. Max Heindel, Rudolf Steiner and many other
authors assure that during these three and a half days the disembodied Ego sees his whole life go by in
the form of images and in retrospective order.

FIRST TRIAL: First Retrospection

This judgment is made in the Electronic World. The deceased have to retrospectively relive all the life
that has just passed. The essence enters a lunar-like state of consciousness and already in the molecular
world prepares to do a hindsight.

The disembodied man falls into a three-day swoon and the life that has just passed begins to see her like
a movie, in retrospect, from death to birth. When he sees the bad acts committed, he feels ashamed and
rejoices when contemplating the good actions. This judgment is carried out by the Divine Law so that
the disembodied person becomes aware of the good and bad works that he did in life. After the first
judgment is made, an Angel of Death cuts the silver cord that unites the physical body with the soul

It has happened many times that people who are undergoing the first trial, reviewing the film of their
lives, have come back to life again.

SECOND TRIAL: Second Retrospection

In the molecular world, the 2nd JUDGMENT takes place and we relive our lives again, but much
more slowly. This process is carried out from death to childhood and birth. The disembodied visit those
places with which they related. They relive every scene in their life, they say and do the same as they
did, feeling joy for good works and deep moral pain for bad. They roam the streets, continue in their
daily work and sit at the table and lie on their bed. But worst of all, they do not realize that they are di-
sembodied and did not care to awaken consciousness during their life on the physical plane. After three
and a half days, the Essence enters a moon-like state of consciousness.

Finished the previous retrospective work, the essence has to appear before the courts of Divine Justice,
the Angels of the Law, who will judge us for our actions. Retrospection makes us fully aware of the good
or bad results of the life that has just happened, and that's when everyone who is not decidedly lost ma-

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kes a decision to make up for their mistakes and pay what they owe. Only the completely lost do not res-
pond to the terrible impacts of the Molecular and Electronic worlds.

THIRD TRIAL: The Court of Justice

The final judgment is what decides the fate of the disembodied. With the retrospective work done,
the essence has to appear before the Karma courts. In these courts, the essence has to answer charges.
The judges' sentence is final. The final judgment divides the disembodied into three groups:

• Those who ascend to the heavenly states, who return to take physical form long after.

• Immediate return to a new matrix to return again or after some time, depending on the merits.

• Involution: Entrance to the submerged mineral kingdom of our planet earth.

The destiny of the Essence bottled up in the Ego, is according to the judgment in the courts of Karma in
the fifth dimension, this judgment is by number, weight and measure.

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The legend of Zoroaster says: "Everyone whose good works exceed their sin by three grams, goes to
heaven, everyone whose sin is greater, to hell; as long as those who are equal will remain in Hamistan,
until the future body or resurrection "

The molecular region is the region of Paradise, those beings who suffered a lot in life and who were re-
latively very good in life, immerse themselves in the happiness of the molecular world, before taking a
new physical body.

Men dedicated solely to material things will not have the joy of experiencing the happiness of the Elec-
tronic world.

The bliss of Essence in the electronic world after death is very temporary, because the human being is
not yet a being prepared to live continuously in those solar regions.


We know that once our sacred fires are awakened we must make them ascend through the medullary ca-
nal of our spinal cord. This promotion is very expensive and is carried out according to the merits of our
hearts, vertebra by vertebra (camera by camera).

This is the element of judgment for the lords of Karma, the measure of our Kundalini, that is, how many
vertebrae have ascended our sacred fires through the medullary canal.


This third element of judgment is neither more nor less than the number of lives lived. If the defendant
completed his 100th existence, then he is deemed to have the right to another existence. If instead he
completed existence number 108, according to the element of judgment number he is not entitled to re-
ceive a new human physical body. In any case, Divine mercy exists. If the person has made a revolution
in consciousness and has shown that he has had impulses to transform himself radically, following them,
they assign him a new existence.

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Pranic exercises

Every day at dawn the following exercise will be done:

Light clothing should be worn. If the circumstances allow, do a small exercise to warm up the body in
order to activate circulation.

Standing, about 25 cm. feet apart. You will start by raising your arms to head height, touching your
hands together. When you raise them you will take the prana through your nose, when you lower them
you will exhale through your mouth.

This exercise should be done 30 times. The feet should be barefoot receiving the vital energy from the
earth. It is convenient to clarify that, in this prana exercise, the body is charged with the energy of the
earth and the energy that comes from the air.

This prana that descends from above, if there is good concentration and harmony, enters through the
nose turned into a sky-blue light flooding our entire organism and harmonizing it. The prana or energy
that rises from the earth enters through the sole of the foot turned into a golden yellow color. She goes
up to her knees also giving us harmony, tranquility, security.

After having done this exercise 30 times, we must sit in a comfortable position, asking, praying to the
Holy Spirit so that those vibrations that have come from above merge with those that have come from
the earth, healing us, pronouncing in turn the mantram M (Em).

In this pranic exercise the three primary forces unite to create: the blue of the Father, the yellow of the
Son, and the red of the Holy Spirit. This creation focuses on our creative organs: prostate and gonads in
men, and ovaries and uterus.

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