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Worldview and Nursing Process Personal Statement


Grand Canyon University: NUR-513 Introduction to Advanced Registered Nursing

February 8, 2022

Worldview and Nursing Process Personal Statement

Humans, whether they realize it or not, have a worldview. A worldview is a viewpoint through

which an individual perceives and understands the world. Worldviews have a significant impact

on how people think, interact, and make choices. According to Zamanzadeh et al. (2015),

viewpoints are formed through socialization and personal stories. The environment in which a

humans are born, dwells, works, or settles has a significant impact on an individual's

understanding, emotions, beliefs, and opinions toward various phenomena (Kaihlanen et al.,

2019). Individual viewpoints influence the quality of treatment and attitude in communicating

with patients in healthcare. Nurses with a warped worldview are more likely to deliver inferior

quality of care for patients because they do not grasp the distinctions in their patients' origins and

preferences.  The author describes my viewpoint and a nursing philosophy that best corresponds

with viewpoint in this article. The author also describes an incident in which they used their

perspective and nursing philosophy to address an issue.

My Point of View

My worldview is shaped by the ideals and ethics that guide my professional and personal

decisions. Nursing is a "passion" instead of a job for me. Nurse are expected to offer high-quality

treatment that improves patient contentment, experience, and clinical results (Kaihlanen et al.,

2019). Nurses are placed in specialized areas of healthcare to guarantee the well-being and

healing of the ill and in suffering. As being such, nurses are hopeful and healthcare merchants.

As a Christian, I believe in the presence of a greater force that guides our everyday life. Nursing

is also a form of art that ensures patients have access to all aspects of healing. Nursing's objective

is to care for a patient's physiological, psychological, religious, and mental well-being. Not

everyone is born with the capacity to be a nurse. Successful nurses have innate desire and

compassion, as well as a strong dedication to improving the health and lives of their patients.

Theory of Nursing

Jean Watson's Theory of Caring, in my opinion, most aligns with my viewpoint and nursing

ethic. This idea was chosen because it is close to my spiritual, cultural, and philosophical beliefs

regarding the role of humans in the world. Humans, as per the Bible, were made to care for the

natural surroundings. As a result, delivering care is a critical obligation for nurses. The caring

concept and my ideology of care are comparable in that both support for loving-kindness,

imparting faith and hope, cultivating personal and spiritual beliefs and practices, care delivery,

establishing a healing atmosphere, and believing in wonders (Kaihlanen et al., 2019). Similarly,

my opinion of nursing would be that this is more than a task-oriented employment, which aligns

with the caring idea.

Nursing philosophy strengthens my approach to patient care by emphasizing that nurses' roles

extend beyond providing drugs, doing tests, and documenting. Rather, nurses are committed to

ensuring that patients' emotional and spiritual needs are satisfied in a comprehensive manner

(Pajnkihar et al., 2017). As a result, nurses must foster a healing atmosphere in which individuals

can self-heal and achieve overall health. Self-healing is essential for nurses to provide high-

quality care. Watson's nursing philosophy states that nurses must practice self-care before

serving others (Mendes, 2018). Caritas in the philosophy of caring, which includes motivating

and empowering patients, adopting altruistic principles to care, developing relationships, and

providing healing surroundings for both self and patients, are all applicable to my practice as a

professional nurse.

Practice Example

Case management is a part of my responsibility in nursing practice. Case managers work with

other health care providers to design and deliver long-term treatment plans, ensuring safe and

high quality patient care (Wei & Watson, 2019). I am now employed as a case manager in a

healthcare institution that provides health services. the allotted cases had a patient who arrived at

the unit with problems. The treating nurses acquired a dislike for the patient and a bad attitude

toward him. The patient care to this individual was of poor quality. Because the patient's family

was unhappy about the care offered to their relative, they requested a transfer. However, I

worked with the patient and family members to form a therapeutic connection. The family

withdrew the demand by demonstrating care and compassion for the patient. I also spoke with

the nurses and told them of their utmost importance to ensure that patients receive great


Future Application

My viewpoint and Watson's caring principle will benefit my practice as a healthcare

professional. When working with patients, I will guarantee that each situation is treated as

individual and that I utilize the ideas of self-care theory and my concept of healthcare to provide

holistic treatment. Likewise, I will draw on my cultural and religious experiences to ensure that

patients receive a therapeutic environment that improves their experiences, contentment, and

health outcomes. Caring, as per Watson, is a moral imperative for caregivers (Sitzman, 2017). As

a result, I intend to cultivate a therapeutic connection with my patients. Patient participation will

also be an important component of my treatment strategy. When I interact with patients, I will

make an effort to train them on various health subjects such as diet, fitness, screening, managing

stress, and adherence to treatment. While my primary role will be to relieve patients' symptoms,

promote patient comfort, develop a therapy connection for improved outcomes, and assess

patients' health promotion knowledge, I intend to go above and beyond to satisfy their spiritual

and emotional needs.



Kaihlanen, AM., Hietapakka, L. & Heponiemi, T. Increasing cultural awareness: qualitative

study of nurses’ perceptions about cultural competence training. BMC Nurs 18, 38


Mendes, Aysha. (2018). Impact of worldview on the nursing care of patients. British Journal of

Cardiac Nursing. 13. 44-45. 10.12968/bjca.2018.13.1.44.

Pajnkihar, M., Štiglic, G., & Vrbnjak, D. (2017). The concept of Watson's carative factors in

nursing and their (dis)harmony with patient satisfaction. PeerJ, 5, e2940.

Sitzman, K. (2017). Theory-guided self-care for mitigating emotional strain in nursing: Watson’s

caring science. International Journal of Human Caring, 21(2), 66-76.

Wei, Holly & Watson, Jean. (2019). Healthcare interprofessional team members' perspectives on

human caring: A directed content analysis study. International Journal of Nursing

Sciences. 6. 10.1016/j.ijnss.2018.12.001.

Zamanzadeh, V., Jasemi, M., Valizadeh, L., Keogh, B., & Taleghani, F. (2015). Effective factors

in providing holistic care: a qualitative study. Indian journal of palliative care, 21(2),


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