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Lesson 15

“Man is what his life is; if a man does not work his own life, he is wasting his time
miserably. To these two laws (return and recurrence) we are mechanically subjec-
ted as long as we do not dissolve the ego and become conscious ”
Return, Recurrence and Reincarnation

Over the years, the person's fear of death and also of life increases. We fear dying due to ignorance of
what causes death; We are afraid of life because we also do not know the processes that originate it. Life
and death, two laws of nature that operate within the concept of time, closely related to the concepts of
Return and Recurrence

The incessant return of all things is a law of life, and we can verify it from moment to moment. The earth
returns to its starting point every year, and then we celebrate the new year; all the stars return to their
original starting point, the atoms within the molecule return to their initial point, the days return, the
nights return, the four seasons return: spring, summer, autumn and winter, the cycles return, calpas, yu-
gas, Mahanvantaras, etc.

When we die three elements go to the grave to dissolve permanently:

• The physical corpse.

• The vital body or also known as the aura, which escapes from the physical body with the last
exhalation and slowly disintegrates as the physical body decomposes .

• The ex-personality, which is of energetic constitution, can go to some places that are familiar
to him, but in a parallel dimension.

That which continues, that which does not go to the grave, is the Ego.

We are told that at the precise moment of death, the moment the deceased breathes his last, he projects
an electro-psychic design of his personality, such a design continues in the supersensitive regions of na-
ture and later comes to saturate the fertilized egg, that's why when we return, when we rejoin a new phy-
sical body, we come to possess personal characteristics very similar to those of the previous life.

Upon returning to a new physical body, the law of karma comes into action, for there is no effect without
cause, nor cause without effect.

It is completely absurd to affirm that one voluntarily chooses the place where one must be reborn; the
reality is very different. It is precisely the lords of the law, the angels of karma, who select for us the
exact place, home, family, nation, etc., where we must return.

If the ego could choose the site for its new reincorporation, then it would seek wealth and sumptuous-
ness, there would be no poor, there would be no pain or bitterness, no one would pay for karma, we
could all commit the worst crimes without celestial justice reaching us.

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The law of return is, then, "to come again"; we are mechanically subject to this law as long as we do not
dissolve the ego and become conscious.

The Law of Return is closely related to the Law of Recurrence. As long as we don't dissolve the Ego, we
will have to be returning.

Today the human being returns incessantly and the law of recurrence catches him making him relive the
events of his previous life.

We return to this world with the purpose of becoming perfect. Each soul is the architect of its own des-
tiny; if one does good, then he receives good luck and if he does bad deeds, he is reborn in this world to
suffer and pay all he owes; Now we will explain why some are born in a feather mattress and others in

Humanity can only understand the reason for the return when it achieves the awakening of Conscious-

Recurrence means: "to repeat the events of previous lives". The humanoid mistakenly called man cannot
change circumstances, he is a victim of them, everything happens to him as when it rains, as when it
thunders; he has the illusion that he does but he has no power to do, everything happens through him.

Let us now turn to the modus operandi of this great law in the intellectual animal mistakenly ca-
lled man.

Upon rejoining, upon returning, upon returning, we repeat in detail all the events of our past and
past existences.

There are subjects of rigorous repetition, specific cases of egos that return for many centuries within the
same family, city and nation. Only our Intimate BEING can do, only the Being can create new circums-
tances, only the Being can change this order of things. But the humanoid does not have his Being incar-
nated. This is why the awakening of consciousness is necessary, urgent!

You can change intimately, when you really manage to modify your reactions to the various
events that happen to you daily. A single moment when you are conscious enough to stop being machi-
nes, if done voluntarily, often radically changes many unpleasant circumstances.

Everything happens again as it happened before plus the result or consequence of our previous actions.
The Ego that at the age of 40 had a lawsuit for material goods, in the new existence will wait for that
age to repeat the same situation.

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There are certain types of people with increasing tendencies to degeneration, who are resolutely mar-
ching down the spiral path, such as drunkards, suicide bombers, homosexuals, prostitutes, drug addicts,
thieves, murderers, etc .; They repeat their crimes more and more downward in each life.

In apparent contrast to this type of path or failure, but in the same descending position, are the knights
of the "high world", the great winners: billionaires, perverse scientists who invent destructive weapons,
degenerate artists, etc. etc., which take away from humanity its eternal values.

The winning guy is hypnotized by success and that is precisely his greatest danger, they ignore that they
are going down the downward spiral drunk with victory. The winning guy knows what he has to do every
time he returns to this world stage, and he always repeats his own adventures.

Reincarnation is something very different, it is the return of Higher Beings with the sole purpose of fulfi-
lling a Sacred mission. The word Reincarnation is very demanding. No one could be reincarnated wit-
hout first having eliminated the Ego. It would be absurd to confuse Reincarnation with Return. The slee-
ping consciousness humanoid Returns. Krishna doctrine teaches that only Gods, Devas, Divine Kings,
demigods are Reincarnated, unfortunately in the western world that term has been abused


A man is what his life is; if a man does not work his own life, he is wasting his time miserably; Only by
eliminating the undesirable elements that we carry inside, can we make our life a masterpiece.

Death is the return to the beginning of life, with the possibility of repeating it again on the stage of a
new existence. Life is a movie, once the screening is over, we wrap the tape on its reel and take it with us
for eternity.

Re-entry exists, return exists; When we return to this world we project on the mat of existence the same
movie, The same life. We can state the thesis of successive existences, but not of successive lives, becau-
se the film is the same.

This really is the mechanical law of recurrence; over thousands of years the same characters meet again
to experience the same dramas, tragedies and comedies. The person is nothing more than a machine at
the service of these selves with so many commitments. The worst thing is that these commitments are met
without prior information.

If we disintegrate the Egos of anger, the tragic scenes of violence inevitably end; likewise if we reduce
the secret characters of envy to ashes, the events of the same will end radically.

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Since these selves are regrettably processed at the different levels of the Being, it is necessary to know
their cause, their origin and the procedures to free ourselves from them.

Studying Christian gnostic esotericism is basic when it comes to bringing about a radical and definitive
change in us in order to get out of the law of eternal return and recurrence.

1.- Situated in a comfortable position we relax our body until we do not have any member in
tension, then we will proceed to quiet the mind.

2.- We will carry out a retrospective exercise in the following way: On the screen of the mind
we will project the different scenes of the day, in the same order in which they happened. The
starting point will be the moment when we start to practice and the end will be the moment
when we get up in the morning. The scenes of the day should be observed as if it were a film
projecting backwards.

3.- Every day we will go a little further in our retrospection: until we remember what we lived
during the hours of sleep, the day before, past months, previous years.

4.- With this exercise, dormant faculties of conscience begin to be exercised, in such a way that
the moment comes when they begin to remember events from previous lives.

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