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Paredes Mamani Lizeth 8341455 Causes and effect


Drugs and alcohol are not the best solution.

Won’t be more man for consumming drugs. When its time to talk about drugs and
alcohol, almost always they speak based on how this trouble affect to the society, that
the crime is growing and thinks like these, but now I really would like to take account
how this ends up affecting yourself. So that I’m gonna to start saying that: Drugs and
alcohol offer you their world, in exchange for destroying your life.

This problem affect one-self. But before to explain why this affect you, we have to
know how is a person enter to this “drugs and alcohol world”. I don’t wanna to
generalize all causes, many people have diferente reasons (even I can say that is
causal), but if we are going to be objectives, Emotional suffering or curiosity can be
one of the biggest causes, Who never had a problem into his or her family, at work or
school?, well only who is living with these just mentioned, knows perfectly how affect
you, maybe these make you feel bad or an internal pain, anyway, you start to suffer,
and you need something can calm that bad you feel. But in the other hand the
Curiosity is a main cause too for very young people, I mean children, teenegers and
adolescents (Furthermore is necessary to mention that they have problems too). And
as they are not old enough to deal with this, well they fall, and its some hard get them
out from the place (situation) they are (but not impossible). Whatever the cause will
be, they need to grab or lean on something, and the first thing they find will be
welcome, in effect they will depend on an unnecessary thing.

More than you, your familly is also affected. And when I am saying “family” i don mean
only your father, mom, and siblings, but also people who love you, and trusth me, it is
worrisome to see one of yours in a critical situation, and the worst, neither know how
can help her or him, so that, family instability is created. But this effect is more viewed
into teeneger’s families. There is the “perfect place” to start with anothers problems,
the most frequently the uncertainty of parents wondering “what did I do bad to my
childrens ends up like this?”

Don’t mind how big is your problem, when someone is in a bad situation anything that
has the power to make you feel better is okay, and sound like a good solution, but is
the start of your end. And how is this going to destroy your life? First with one-self and
it will continue with your family. So that, think before acting.

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