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Pon el verbo entre paréntesis en el pasado simple

1. Peter ……………………………. (KNOW) his brother’s address

2. You …………………………… (GET) a lot of homework yesterday
3. They …………………………… (SEE) a film at the cinema
4. We ……………………………… (RUN) ten miles yesterday
5. John …………………………… (LEAVE) his wallet on the table
6. The boys ……………………….. (THROW) the ball through the window

Pasa las frases anteriores a negativa e interrogativa

1. _________________________________________________________________________________

2. _________________________________________________________________________________

3. _________________________________________________________________________________

4. _________________________________________________________________________________

5. _________________________________________________________________________________

6. _________________________________________________________________________________

Academia, Librería, Informática Diego C/ Manresa (El Rincón), 110 Puente Tocinos, Murcia

Tlf: 968 30 30 00

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