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2030 HRS

Evening News 31.12.2020

CBSE to hold 10th and 12th Board Examinations from 4th May to June 10, 2021.
Prime Minister gives new mantra ‘Davai bhi, kadaai bhi’ to deal with Corona Pandemic in the New Year.
Nationwide dry run for COVID-19 vaccination to take place on Saturday.
COVID-19 recovery rate improves to 96.04 per cent.
FASTag to be mandatory for all vehicles in the country from tomorrow.
President and Vice President greet people on the eve of New Year-2021.
As the nation fights the COVID-19 pandemic, we begin with a message of precaution to stay safe and protected by following these three simple steps --
· Wear a face mask.
· Maintain Do Gaz Ki Doori for social distancing.
· Focus on hand and face hygiene.
And now the news:
Education Minister Ramesh Pokhriyal Nishank today announced the schedule of the CBSE Board examinations for class 10th and 12th. He said that the CBSE
board examinations will be held from 4th May to 10th June of 2021. He said the results will be declared by 15th July of the next year. The practical
examination for class 12th will start from 1st March 2021.

" यापक परामश करने के बाद अब हम लोग इस िनणय पर प ं चे ह िक जो बोड की परी ा है हमारी चार मई से ारं भ हो जाये गी।
हमको भरोसा है िक हम दस जू न तक इसको पू रा कर सक गे और प रणामों की घोषणा 15 जु लाई तक कर दे नी चािहए।"

Mr. Nishank appreciated the role of teachers and parents saying that they provided constant support and help to the students during the unprecedented and
uncertain situation caused by Covid-19 pandemic.

"िबना िकसी तनाव के आप परी ा की तै यारी म जु ट । व त भी हमारे पास है और सी बी सी ने वै से भी इन तु ितयों म तीस ितशत पा म को अपना कम िकया है ।
हम लगातार आपके साथ हम बात म ह। सी बीएस सी बोड के आज चे य रमै न पू रातं आपके साथ जु ड़ा आ है । "
He said, teachers adopted new techniques and methods for teaching. The Minister also highlighted various steps taken by the government to provide a
platform and content for learning through digital medium. He said, the government has successfully conducted JEE and NEET exams during the Covid-19
pandemic which is unprecedented.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi laid the foundation stone of All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) at Rajkot in Gujarat today through video
Addressing on the occasion, the Prime Minister said if 2020 was the year of health challenges, 2021 is going to become the year of health solutions. He
stressed, India will play a major role in the health solutions as it played in meeting the challenges of 2020.

"िजस दे श म 130 करोड़ से ादा लोग हों, घनी आबादी हो, वहां करीब-करीब एक करोड़ लोग इस बीमारी से ल ड़कर जीत चु के ह।
कोरोना से पीिड़त सािथयों को बचाने का भारत का रकॉड दु िनया से ब त बे ह तर रहा है । वही ं अब सं मण के मामले म भी भारत लगातर नीचे की तरफ जा रहा है । "

Given the competence of Indian medical professionals and service motivation, along with expertise like mass immunization experience India will provide smart
and affordable solutions to the world. Health startups are integrating health solutions and technology and making health care accessible.
The Prime Minister remarked that India's record of saving victims of Corona has been much better than other countries. He said in India, every necessary
preparation about the vaccine is going on.

"वै ीन को ले क र भारत म हर ज़ री तै या रयां चल रही ह। भारत म बनी वै ीन ते ज़ी से हर ज़ री वग तकप ं चे , इसके िलए कोिशश अं ितम चरणों म ह।
दु िनया का सबसे बड़ा टीकाकरण अिभयान चलाने के िलए भारतकी तै यारी जोरों पर है ।
मु झे िव ास है िक िजस तरह बीते साल सं मण से रोकने के िलए हमने एकजु ट होकर यास िकए, उसी तरह टीकाकरण को सफल बनाने के िलए भी पू रा भारत एकु जटता से आगे बढ़े

Stating that the country is preparing for mass vaccination, PM Modi said that the new year is “coming with the hope of treatment. He said he used to say ‘jab
tak davai nahi dhilai nahi’ but now the mantra for 2021 should be: ‘Davai bhi, kadaai bhi’.

"कोरोना सं मण घट ज़ र रहा है , ले िकन ये ऐसा वायरस है जो ते ज़ी से िफर चपे ट म ले ले ता है ।

इसिलए दोगज़ की दू री, मा और से िनटे शन के मामले म ढील िब ु ल नही ं दे नी है । नया साल हम सभी के िलए ब तखु िशयां ले क र आए।
आपके िलए और दे श के िलए नया साल मं ग ल हो। ले िकन म ये भी क ं गा, म पहले कहताथा जब तक दवाई नही, तब तक िढलाई नही, बार-बार कहता था।
अब दवाई सामने िदख रही है ।
कु छ ही समयका सवाल है तो भी म क ं गा, पहले म कहता था दवाई नही ं तो िढलाई नही ,ं ले िकन अब म िफर से कह रहा ं , दवाई भी और कड़ाई भी।
कड़ाई भी बरतनी है और दवाई भी ले नी है । दवाई आ गई तो सब छू ट िमल गई, ये म म मत रहना।
दु िनया यही कहती है , वै ािनक यही कहते ह और इसिलए अब मं रहे गा हमारा 2021 का, दवाई भी और कड़ाई भी।"

Mr Modi said, his government started working holistically in the health sector focusing on preventive care as well as modern treatment facilities. He said, over
30,000 crore rupees of poor‘s money has been saved due to Ayushman Bharat Yojana. This scheme has freed the people from the struggles of good treatment
due to lack of money.
Congratulating Gujarat on developing huge medical infrastructure in the past two decades, Prime Minister said, AIIMS will further strengthen the health
network in the state.
Gujarat Chief Minister Vijay Rupani said, the AIIMS will play a big role in ensuring the modern health care facility reaches to the last mile in the state.
Our correspondent reports that for the AIIMS project, 201 acres of land has been allotted near Rajkot. It will be built at an estimated cost of one thousand one
hundred 95 crore rupees and is expected to be completed by mid of 2022.
The state-of-the-art 750-bed hospital will also have a 30-bed AAYUSH block. It will have 125 MBBS seats and 60 nursing seats.
Gujarat Governor Acharya Devvrat, Union Health Minister Dr. Harsh Vardhan and Union Minister of State for Health Ashwini Kumar Choubey were also present
on the occasion.
The dry run for COVID-19 vaccine will take place across the country on 2nd January 2021. The Centre has asked all States and Union Territories to ensure
effective preparedness for the vaccine roll out. Union Health Secretary Rajesh Bhushan today chaired a high-level meeting to review the preparedness at
session sites for COVID-19 vaccination with Principal Secretaries (Health), NHM MDs and other health administrators of all States and UTs through video
conference. During the dry run, the activity is proposed to be conducted in all State Capitals in at least three session sites.
With 21 thousand eight hundred 21 new COVID-19 cases in the last 24 hours, total cases have reached one crore two lakh 66 thousand six hundred 74. The
Health Ministry said, with 299 fatalities in last 24 hours the death toll has touched one lakh 48 thousand seven hundred 38. The Active cases are now two lakh
57 thousand six hundred 56. With 26 thousand one hundred 39 recoveries, total recoveries have reached 98 lakh 60 thousand two hundred 80. Recovery rate
has touched 96.04 per cent.
In Assam, lower-primary schools are to be reopened tomorrow. Before the reopening of schools, a set of Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) has been
issued by the Assam Government. According to the SOP, lower primary schools will open for classes on alternate days for all classes from I to V. The SOP
mandates the issued guidelines for government and private institutions equally. It states that schools will open at 9 A.M. and end at 1.45 P.M. Mid-day meals in
government schools is also mentioned to be provided between 12.15 to 12.45 P.M. All school premises will be sanitized once every week. Classes of
Standard IV and V will be held on every Monday, Wednesday and Friday while Classes of Standard I, II, and III will be held on Tuesday, Thursday and
In Manipur, fifty one persons including 3 personnel from the Central Armed Police Force were confirmed as new COVID-19 positive cases during the past
twenty four hours.
Meanwhile, seventy seven persons were discharged in the past twenty four hours in the State and the recovery rate improved to 94.64 percent.
Agriculture and Farmers’ Welfare Minister Narendra Singh Tomar today inaugurated the Virtual Agri-hackathon 2020 in New Delhi. Speaking on the occasion,
Mr Tomar said, in the light of Prime Minister’s vision to introduce new-age technology and innovations in agriculture, the Agri India Hackathon is being
organised. The Minister said, agriculture is the backbone of the country and plans are afoot to strengthen this backbone with youth engagement, employment
generation, technology and digitization.
The two month long event is the first of its kind and the largest virtual event in the history of Indian agriculture. It will bring together the most important
stakeholders from industry and government alongside India’s young bright minds, creative startups and smart innovators who will build new, fast and frugal
solutions to tackle the big questions the country is facing today.
In our Special Series Year ender-2020, today we bring you a report on Skill India. National Skill Development Mission also known as Skill India Mission was
launched on 15th July, 2015 to provide a strong institutional framework to implement and scale up skill development efforts across the country. In the last five
years, nearly one crore two lakh youths from different regions of the country have been trained under the Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana. Addressing a
virtual conclave on World Youth Skills Day on 15th July this year, Mr Modi had said that in a rapidly changing world, millions of skilled people are needed and
there is a huge potential, especially in health sector.

"ते जी से बदलती ई आज की दु िनया म अने क से रों म लाखों लोगों की ज रत है । िवशे ष कर ा से वाओं म तो ब त बड़ी सं भावनाएं बन रही है ।
यही समझते ए अब कौशल िवकास मं ालय ने दु िनया भर मबन रहे इन अवसरों की मै िपं ग शु की है ।
कोिशश यही है िक भारत के यु वा को अ दे शों की ज रतों के बारे म उसके सं बं ध म भी सही और सटीक जानकारी िमल सके ।"

Skill Development and Entrepreneurship Minister Dr. Mahendra Nath Pandey has said that our youth is the biggest asset and an important force in the
economic growth, and social development of the country.

"हम सब आज के िव की ज रतों के िहसाब से भारत के यु वाओं को तै यार करना, भारत के अं द र, रत के बाहर, उस िदशा म भी हमने काफी कदम बढ़ाए ह।
और पीएमके वाई-3 िजसे भारत सरकार ने ायोिगक प से शु आत की मं जू री दे दी है । उसको हम आज ले के आए ह पां च बरस की या ा म।
इसम नया आभास दे श के यु वाओं को होगा। और कई ऐसे पहले िकए ह।"

Our correspondent reports that the Skill Development Ministry is targeting to train eight Lakh candidates at an outlay of over 948 crore rupees during 2020-21.
The Scheme will be launched shortly.

"Skill India is an initiative of the Government of India to empower the youth with skill sets, making them more employable. It offers courses across
several sectors which are aligned to the standards recognised by both, the industry and the government under the National Skill Qualification
Framework. The Skill India programme has numerous benefits and its objective is to enable youth to take up training in order to secure a better
livelihood. There has been a substantial increase in the size of the ITI ecosystem and more than five thousand ITIs have been established over the
last five years. More than three lakh 42 thousand peoples were trained in special farming. Around five lakh apprentices have been trained in last
three years. Under the Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Grameen Kaushalaya Yojana, four lakh 40 thousand candidates have been trained during 2018-19 and
2019-20. Out of them more than 84 thousand candidates belong to Scheduled Tribes. Besides, over 96 thousand people were trained as Yoga
Instructors and Trainers under Skill India Mission. With Dipendra Kumar, Anupam Mishra, AIR News, Delhi."
As the year 2020 comes to close, All India Radio will broadcast a special programme, "2020 ki Baat - Aakashwani ke saath" tonight from 9:30 PM to 10 PM on
FM Gold channel. It will have glimpses of the major events of the year gone by.
The FASTag will be mandatory for all vehicles in the country from tomorrow. However, thegovernment has allowed the National Highways Authority of India to
fulfill regulatory requirement for 100 per cent payment through FASTag latest by 15th of February 2021. Meanwhile, cash lanes at toll plazas will be open for
covenience. FASTag will be useful for the commuters as they will not need to stop at toll plazas for cash payments. It will also save time and fuel.
President and Vice President have greeted the people on the eve of the New Year-2021. In his message, President Ram Nath Kovind said, every New Year
provides an opportunity to make a new beginning and emphasizes the resolve for individual and collective development. He said, this difficult time arising out
of COVID-19 situation is a time for all the people to move forward unitedly.
Vice President M. Venkaiah Naidu said New Year is an occasion that reinforces our spirit of optimism, hope and bonhomie. He said, to welcome the New Year
with the spirit of hope as all bid goodbye to a year that has taught people many life lessons through one of the most disruptive pandemics in recent memory.
With several states and major cities across the country imposing night curfews, restricting large gatherings and shutting down pubs and restaurants, the New
Year celebrations in India is likely to be muted.
In the national capital, a night curfew has been imposed. The government said it would not allow more than five people to assemble at public places.
In Maharashtra, Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC) has urged people to remain indoors amid New Years' celebrations. People have been asked to
keep the new year celebration party a homebound affair. Restaurants and bar can continue their food delivery and takeaway services till 1.30 am instead of
closing by 11pm.
In Bengaluru, section 144 is imposed since noon today preventing over five people from congregating at one place. This will be in place till tomorrow morning
at 6 A.M.
However, there are no restrictions in Goa, where people from all parts of the country are ready to celebrate the occasion. Amidst the restrictions of pandemic
COVID-19, various programmes, music programmes and other events are organized especially at the beach sites.
In Bihar, Magistrates and security personnel have been deployed at several public places, parks and important places across the state to ensure compliance
of COVID safety measures. A report from our Patna correspondent:

"On the New Year prominent tourist destinations of Bihar including Sanjay Gandhi Biological park of Patna, Valmiki Nagar Tigers reserve in West
Champaran, Mahbodhi temple of Bodhgaya, Vishnupada Temple of Gaya, and tourist sites of Rajgir like Ghora Katora, Pandu Pokhar will remain
open. Tour operators and hotel owners have come up with lucrative offers for New Years revellers. Public parks and picnic hotspots have been
sanitized in view of social gatherings. Several people throng at temples for worship, so special arrangements are made by authorities for crowd
management. Dharmendra Kumar Rai, AIR News Patna"

In Rajasthan, the State Government has clamped night curfew in big cities of the state on the new year eve. A night curfew on the new year’s eve will be in
effect in all cities having a population of over one lakh.
In Uttar Pradesh, Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath has appealed to the people of state to celebrate New Year with strict adherence to the social distancing and
follow the Covid protocol. A report from our Lucknow Correspondent.

"The New Year celebration programmes will be organised only after prior permission of the district magistrate and the district police chief
concerned. The order from Chief Secretary RK Tewari says that a large number of people were likely to gather at different places for celebrating the
New Year and there were apprehensions of spread of coronavirus. He said that the organisers of the New Year celebration programmes would be
apprised of the Covid protocol and they would be responsible for its compliance. SUSHIL CHANDRA TIWARI, AIR NEWS, LUCKNOW "

Odisha have imposed night curfew from 10 tonight to 5 tomorrow morning across the state. However, all essential services and movements are allowed during
the curfew hours. A report from our Bhubaneswar correspondent:

"Against the backdrop of the state transiting through a crucial stage in covid-19 containment coupled with its carefully calibrated approach towards
the highly transmissible UK variant of the virus, the government have come up with the the decision to impose curfew tonight. The order that
closely follows the ban on zero night celebrations and New Year congregations effectively means the closure of all shops and commercial
establishments and offices on the one hand and the movement of individuals on the other, during the 7 hour long curfew, beginning 10:00 p.m.
tonight. The Commissionerate Police too have decided to clamp prohibitory orders under section 144 in the twin cities of Cuttack and Bhubaneswar
from 9 p.m. tonight to prevent large gathering in public places. Girish Chandra Dash, AIR News Bhubaneswar"
Restrictions are being placed on New Year festivities around the world as many countries struggle to curb new spikes in coronavirus cases. Firework displays
and other public gatherings have been cancelled from Sydney to New York. Festivities are being particularly muted in Europe, amid fears over a new strain of
the disease. One of the first nations to ring in the New Year is Australia. The Sydney fireworks display is going ahead, but crowds are not allowed to gather on
the city's harbour to enjoy it. The foreshore, parks and beaches have been shut down to stem the spread of COVID-19 with police and security patrolling. Most
Sydney residents will simply watch the pyrotechnics on TV at home, where gatherings are limited to five guests.
Railway Minister Piyush Goyal today launched upgraded e-Ticketing Website and Mobile App for booking of online Railway Tickets. The booking of meals,
retiring rooms and hotels has been integrated with the website and passenger can directly book along with the tickets. Passenger can check their refund
status at the user accounts page. Earlier this feature was not easily accessible. Train search and selection has been simplified by putting the information on
one page to reduce the time used by passengers and enhancing the booking experience. In case of waitlisted tickets, its confirmation probability will be
displayed on the website.
Speaking on the occasion, Mr Goyal said, the Railways is committed to serving the nation and constantly working to augment its services to further improve
the rail travel experience. He said, this Upgraded e-ticketing platform for booking of online Railway tickets, will enhance passenger convenience.
The Group of Ministers, GoM on Ek Bharat Shreshth Bharat today held a high- level meeting under the chairmanship of Education Minister Ramesh Pokhriyal
Nishank and reviewed the progress of Ek Bharat Shreshth Bharat, EBSB programme. Information and Broadcasting Minister Prakash Javadekar, Sports
Minister Kiren Rijiju and Minister of State for Culture and Tourism Prahlad Singh Patel were pressent in the meeting.
Briefing the GoM about the implementation of the EBSB so far, Secretary, Higher Education, Amit Khare said all the partner Ministries must take up concerted
and coordinated efforts to transform the EBSB programme into a larger Jan Andolan.
Speaking on the occasion, Education Minister emphasized that the EBSB programme should be taken further to celebrate the commemoration of 75th year of
country’s independence. In this regard, Mr Pokhriyal requested each partner Ministry to provide suggestions and devise an action plan exploring new
initiatives that can be taken up under EBSB.
Union Minister Dharmendra Pradhan has called for affirmative action for reservation to the Other Backward Classes (OBCs) and Socio Economically Backward
Classes (SEBCs) in Odisha. In his letter to the Chief Minister Naveen Pattnaik today, the Union Minister said that the OBCs and the SEBCs, who constitute a
considerable portion of the total population of the state, have been historically deprived of opportunities in education and employment thereby scuttling their
socio-economic development. Making a reference to the state government's recent decision to provide reservations for government school students in medical
and engineering colleges of Odisha, Mr. Pradhan reiterated his request to the chief minister to make provisions of reservation for the OBCs in the field of
public employment and educational institutions and for the SEBCs in educational institutions.
The Government has further extended the deadline to file the income tax return (ITR) for individual taxpayers till 10th January 2021 in view of the Covid-19
pandemic. The deadline for filing ITR for the financial year 2019-20 by companies has also been extended till 15th February 2021.
The Income Tax department said, the decision has been taken in view of the continued challenges faced by taxpayers in meeting statutory compliances due to
Covid-19 outbreak.
India has started export of Moringa powder keeping in mind its rising global demand. Two tonne of organic certified Moringa powder were sent to the United
States through air consignment on 29th of this month. Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority (APEDA) has been supporting
private entities in creating necessary infrastructure in this regard. One of the APEDA registered exporter from Telangana has been supported to start the
export activities in a planned manner. The company plans to export around 40 metric tonne of Moringa leaves powder to USA. With more Moringa processing
units being created through support of APEDA, the exports will be increasing in the next few years which would bring benefits to the farmers. Moringa has
been used for centuries due to its medicinal properties and health benefits in various forms.
Fate of thousands of Indian students pursuing their higher studies in China is in limbo as there is no clarity and indication from Chinese side on their return to
the campuses. Due to COVID-19 outbreak in China, over 20000 Indian students have been returning to their motherland at different stages since January
2020. They along with many other foreign students are now waiting for the past many months to return and fully resume their studies. Many of them are stuck
for 11 months now, losing almost a year.
Now, let us take a look at the weather forecast for tomorrow.
Srinagar will have mainly clear sky becoming partly cloudy towards afternoon or evening. Temperature will hover between minus six degree celsius and nine
In Jammu, sky will be clear. The minimum temperature will be four degree Celsius while maximum will be 19 degree.
Leh will have clear sky. The minimum temperature will be minus 15 degree Celsius while the maximum will be minus one degree.
In Gilgit, sky will be partly cloudy. The minimum temperature will hover between minus four degree to 10 degree celsius.
Muzaffarabad will have clear sky. The temperature will move between one to 17 degree Celsius.
The National capital will experience cold wave. The city will observe minimum temperature of three degree Celsius and a maximum of 19 degree.
Mumbai will have mainly clear sky. The temperature will hover between 20 and 32 degree Celsius.
Chennai will have generally cloudy sky with light rain or drizzle. The temperature will varry between 24 and 30 degree Celsius.
In Kolkata, there will be fog and mist in the morning and clear sky later. The city will observe minimum temperature of 12 degree Celsius and a maximum of 25
Dehradun, will observe minimum temperature of five degree Celsius and a maximum of 21 degree. The city will have clear sky.
Chandigarh will have mainly clear sky. The temperature is likely to hover from four to 16 degree Celsius.
In Hyderabad, the minimum temperature will be 19 degree Celsius while the maximum 28 degree. The city will witness fog or mist in the morning.
Ahmedabad will witness mainly clear sky. The minimum temperature will be 14 degree Celsius while maximum will be 26 degree.
Patna will experience fog or mist in the morning and mainly clear sky later. The minimum temperature will move between eight degree celsius to 22 degree.
And, in Guwahati there will be fog or mist in the early morning. The minimum temperature will be 11 degree Celsius while maximum will be 25 degree.

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