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Part 1: Business email

Jazzric Orozco
901 E Alosta Ave
Azusa, CA 91702

10 October 10, 2020

Superintendent Austin Beutner

Los Angeles Unified School District
333 South Beaudry Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90017

Dear Superintendent Austin Beutner,

Thank you for taking the time to read this message. I know you guys and your team are very busy with a
lot of concerns trying to make our district a better place for everyone. I am writing about the concerns of
religion being taught in the schooling system of Los Angeles district.Thisdistrict. This conflict between
on including religion into public school has been around for years now and as more and more problems
rise about equality, religion is one of these problems. I am therefore pleased to presentproactively
presenting to you my ideas of why religion should be adapted restored into the public-school system in
the Los Angeles county area.

Religion has been around forever and is the basis of life for many people. When schools disclude
exclude religion it takes away students freedom, causing stress, and building bonds amongst people.
for religionsviolates the First Amendment. The First Amendment’s Establishment Clause and Free
Exercise Clause are two clauses stating that freedom of religion should not be prohibited to
exercise freely. These two clauses state, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment
of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.” This states that religion should be free to be
practiced in schools and that there shouldn't be any rules rescristingrestricting this practice of
religion. We are ultimately stripping the students of their freedom and limiting them of expressing
something that is a part of their life. This also causes stress amongst students distracting them
from excelling in their school work limiting them from reaching their potential. According to a
study by Iranian Journal of Public Health it shows that, “increasing religious orientation among
students, depression and anxiety decreased and as a result, mental health increased.” This
Therefore, religion (faith) helps eliminate stress, which students suffer from school every year. If
schools allow students to practice faith in school, it allowsAllowing our students to balance their lives
and find peace amongst themselves. When we include the freedom of religion into our schools, we
eliminate any inequality that could be conflicting. Kathy McLinn says that, “studying religion
shouldn’t be the study of a series of isolated facts, but sometimes some very basic knowledge offers
perspective and opens up a whole new world.” By including religion in schools we are able to
understand people and who they are on the inside. We go deeper into others roots and look at others in a
different view.
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I have been a member of this community for a long time and have seen how religion plays a huge role in
people's lives, and how it can make a huge difference for them.Thethem. The bigger picture is to
hopefully start small and spark a bigger movement.

Thank you in advance for taking the time to read my message. I hope to keep in touch with you in the


Jazzric Orozco

Part 2: Personal email/letter

Dear Johnny,

Hey Cousin, Hope all is well with you and the family. How's college at NYU treating you? I've been
recently assigned a task explaining how religion should be allowed in schools. I take the side that
religion should be free to be practiced at any school. I feel when we allow students to express
themselves and their religion we see their true selves. Kathy McLinn says that studying religion shouldnt
be memorizing facts but rather seeing a different perspective in people and seeing who they truly are on
the inside. This allows us to bond with others and build connections with people. As a student I know
you experience stress all the time. Interestingly I discovered by the Iranian Journal of Public Health
that,“increasing religious orientation among students, depression and anxiety decreased and as a result,
mental health increased.” Mental health is crucial especially when you're in college you have to stay
strong and keep working hard. You understand how important keeping a healthy mental mind is mainly
on how hard your major is and the long hours of hard work you put into studying. My last evidence
showing why religion should be freely expressed are the First Amendment’s Establishment Clause and
Free Exercise Clause. These clauses say that there should be no laws that prohibit the free exercise of
religion in school. Religion plays a big part in many people's lives and these clauses allow people to
freely express their religion and who they are within. What are your thoughts and opinions on this
matter? Do you have any recommendations for me? I know how big of a role religion plays in your life,
how would you go about this question?


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Part 3: Instagram Post

Caption: Is religion an important factor in your life? How many times have you heard about schools not
allowing students to practice religion? Schools should allow students to freely express their religion
whenever they want. Religion is shown to help students cope with stress and balance out their mental
health. It builds bonds amongst students allowing them to see others for who they really are on the
inside and not what is portrayed on the outside. There are laws set in place which allow everyone living
in the United States to have freedom of religion. Schools shouldn’t be able to take this freedom away
from us. We should be allowed to express ourselves and what we believe in even if not everyone agrees
with our beliefs. #religion #schools #religioninschools

Part 4: Text Message

Hey Mom, I miss you. How is everything at home? School has recently given me a difficult task
involving my thoughts on religion. They have asked if I believe religion should be included in all
schools systems. I feel that going to a school that allows us to freely express our religion is ultimately
beneficial for me. After long hours of research I have come up with reasons that provide evidence that
religion should be allowed to be freely expressed in school. After gathering data the Iranian Journal of
Public Health shows that religion helps students cope with stress and mental health compared to students
without religion. I know that with religion I have someone to talk to and discuss my worries. I have a
community to help me go through this journey. People from my school know me for who I am on the
inside and get a better perspective of me because of religion. We are able to see the bigger picture in
each other and see who we truly are. Lastly, I believe we should have the freedom to practice religion in
schools because of the 1st amendment and the clauses that goes behind them. Special clauses like the
First Amendment’s Establishment Clause and Free Exercise Clause prove that religion should be
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allowed to be freely exercised in schools. They say that there can be no laws restricting religion in
schools. What do you believe? What would you recommend me adding to my list of proofs? Religion
has played a big part of our lives and it has ultimately made our bond stronger. Love you. Miss you.

Part 5: Tweet
Whether or not religion should be practiced in schools has been a debate that has been going around for
years now. Religion should be practiced freely and not be limited in any way. This allows the student to
express themselves and build a more personal bond amongst other students. Leading to less stress and
more positive mental health. We were given this freedom to express in what we believe and I believe it
should be followed in all institutions. #religion #fightforfreedomofreligion #educationandreligion

Work Cited

Forouhari, Sedighe et al. “Relationship between Religious Orientation, Anxiety, and Depression
among College Students: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.” Iranian journal of public
health vol. 48,1 (2019): 43-52.

KSB School Law. “The Intersection of Religion and Schools at Graduation: Not a Stop Sign, but
Proceed with Caution.” KSB School Law, KSB School Law, 4 May 2018,
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McLinn, Kathy. 7 Reasons Why Religion Must Be Taught in School. 30 Nov. 2014,

“Religion in the Public Schools.” Pew Research Center's Religion & Public Life Project, 14 Aug.

“Sign the Petition.”,


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