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Religion Doesn’t Give Harm But The Good


08. Defal Felyx Girsang

32. Reynard Medwin Hutapea

33. Rini Romaito Kristiani Simamora


Religion is a system that regulates belief and worship of God as well as rules related to

customs, and a world view that connects humans with the order of life, the implementation of

religion can be influenced by local customs.

Religion is a source of morals, the truth of guidance to the people, both joy and sorrow. Apart

from that, religion is also a way of life and a benchmark that regulates the behavior of its

adherents in everyday life. Whether a person's actions are good or bad depends on how obedient

and deep the appreciation of the religion one believes is. Religion plays a very important role in

regulating human life towards a better life.

2. Argument

 Indonesia requires all its citizens to have a religion

This is stated in the first precept of Pancasila which reads "the one and only

God" which in Indonesian means "Ketuhanan Yang Maha Esa".Every citizen is also free

to have a religion. They are free to choose what religion they choose in life. This is

found in article 29 of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia which states

that the State guarantees the freedom of each citizen to embrace their own religion and

worship according to their religion and beliefs. But don't be religious, it is prohibited in

Indonesia because it would conflict with the values of Pancasila.

In other countries it may be permissible not to have a religion or atheism, but in

Indonesia citizens are required to have a religion. However, in practice there are indeed

Indonesian citizens who do not believe in or adhere to a particular religion (atheists).

And it is true that there is no law that explicitly prohibits and determines sanctions for

someone who adheres to atheism. However, if someone adheres to atheism, it will have

an impact on that person's rights in the eyes of the law. For example, difficulties in

processing population documents such as identity cards or family cards that require the

inclusion of religion. Also when someone wants to get married, Marriage is only valid if

it is carried out according to the laws of each religion one adheres to.

 Every religion teaches good things

Every religion teaches us to live in peace with other people. All religious people

must correctly understand the teachings of their religion, so they will not take acts of

violence to solve a problem.

All religions agree on several commitments related to world religious and ethical

relations. All religions teach their people to avoid violence, no religion teaches their

people to kill and injure other people. Then, all religions also teach humans to have

solidarity, humanity in all aspects of life. Then, the concept of honesty is also taught by

every religion, all religions want their people to act and say according to the truth.

Finally, all religions teach the values of equality and tolerance among other human


Christianity as a religion also teaches these things even though many now abuse

religion, due to low religious understanding of the concept of religious tolerance. So, a

Christian must be open and courageous in facing the challenges that exist. "Many

Christians are still trapped in their own thoughts when understanding a religion,

interfering with their understanding of religion with their own opinions."Christianity

does not teach forcing people of other religions to embrace Christianity or certain

religions. All people in this world must be able to live together in diversity and

harmony. To achieve this, there must be spiritual and religious maturity of every human

being. Humans, as God's most perfect creation, have an obligation to create a just and

peaceful world until the end of this life. "No one has the right to monopolize this world

for any reason.”

 Religion as a way of life that can guide people to the right path

Every religion must teach the goodness. Religion guides its adherents to get

better. Because in religion there are rules and orders, to do the good,according to social

and humanitarian levels. However, kindness also depends on one's conscience. There

are also many people who are religious but their actions are like someone who is not

have religion. This is because they are far from God, they only regard religion as an

identity, not as a guide to get better. So that it will be better for humans to have religion,

so that their lives are guided

3. Function

 Religion provides mental peace.

According to this opinion, human life is very uncertain. Humans struggle to survive

amidst emotions, insecurities, and dangers. Sometimes he feels helpless so it is religion that

provides comfort and encouragement in these times of crisis. Religion provides a true

refuge for humans so that humans obtain mental calm and emotional support. Religion

gives advice to humans to deal with life and its problems.

 Religion heals social virtues.

Religion promotes major social virtues, for example, truth, honesty, non-violence,

service, love, discipline, etc. A follower of a certain religion internalizes these virtues and

becomes a disciplined citizen.

 Religion increases social solidarity.

Religion awakens the spirit of brotherhood. Durkheim argued that religion

strengthens social solidarity. Other experts point out that religion has an integrated power in

human society. This is true because religious people have the same beliefs, the same

sentiments, the same worship, participating in rituals together and so on are important

cohesive factors that strengthen unity and solidarity.

 Religion is an agent of socialization and social control.

Parson said that religion is one of the most important agents for socialization and

social control. Religion has an important role in regulating/organizing and directing social

life. Religion also helps maintain social norms and social control. He socializes individuals

and exercises control over both individuals and groups in various ways. Organizations such

as churches, mosques, and the like also control the behavior of individuals at different


 Religion increases well-being.

Religion forbids its followers to serve the community and improve the welfare of

society. He forbade that service to fellow human beings is also service to God. That's why

humans use their money to feed the poor and the needy. Certain religions such as

Hinduism, Islam and Christianity, and others, give

 Emphasis on the goal of giving to the poor and begging.

Religion develops human philanthropy and thereby encourages the idea of

mutual assistance and cooperation. Influenced by religious beliefs, various religious

organizations involve themselves in various activities for the welfare of others. It is

possible that not all religious people agree with this, but it is almost certain that there

are teachings like this in various religions.

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