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Essay about : Religion

Religion can be defined as a group f people who have shared beliefs who feel their life has purpose or
meaning. Some people consider that religion is not important in a human life but some others did , and I
believe that religion is present since the beginning of time ,and it is the root and the purpose of our life
because it gives a meaning of being in life, and it can also bind together societies and nations.

Firstly, when we talk about religion, our thoughts go directly to the origins, the roots, and the references
of us. To put it another way, live without origin seems like having a sickness without treatment . So,
religion is like the first page that gives the access of creating events of a story.

Secondly, human being require purpose in their lives , and religion imposes many people that purpose.
Further, people are frightened of the responsibility of making decisions and choices , but, if religion is
present, we can make these decisions and choices easily and it offers many ways that are comfortable
for people . Furthermore religion provides ethical constructions, and rules to live a good life with
correct beliefs .

Thirdly, for societies and cultures, religion can join people together with common beliefs , practices , and
rituals . It is also tending for cooperation, providing one unity over the individual , witch is a necessity for
a human life. Another key point to remember is that civilization can not be founded without founding
religion .

Above all, it seems pertinent to remember that life will loose it meaning if we do not have a place for
religion in our life.

Thank you sir.

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