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21st Telecommunications forum TELFOR 2013 Serbia, Belgrade, November 26-28, 2013.

Ontology-based knowledge management

approach for information system development
Karmen Klarin and Stipo Čelar

 business model and integration of the components in the

Abstract — Today’s level of development of information final software product. These important phases are also
and communication technology offers many ways for business import features of ontology development methodologies
organizations to communicate and share knowledge, but there [4]–[8], which also include expanding and harmonizing
are many problems in practical applications. A serious
problem can be in diversity of software applications that
existing ontologies. Ontological approach supported by
exists within an organization and the issues with their these specified development processes encourages greater
integration. There is also a problem of establishing uniform cooperation within the development teams.
and quality communication patterns between business
partners. This paper proposes a solution of problems in A. The role of ontologies in the information system
information system development process by using a method of development
an ontological knowledge representation. An ontology-based Two points of view of the role of ontologies in software
approach to the knowledge management in the IS development are described in [3]. The first is described as
development is presented. Application of this model is
an ontology that exists and is used during the software
suggested on one new project for public administration.
Keywords — information system, knowledge management, development time. The second view uses an existing
ontology. ontology during software run-time. Within each of the two
described views, one can recognize two additional
I. INTRODUCTION conceptual divisions defined by the type of ontology that

W E consider the ontology as an instrument for

studying and representing an organization and the
nature of the world around us, independently of our
supports an IS [3]. These are the ontology as a part of an
ontological tool (infrastructure), and the domain ontology
as a part of software. Fig. 1 shows the interaction of these
knowledge about the world [1]. It is stated that the views and present possibilities of collaboration between
knowledge incorporated in information systems (IS) across ontology and IS development.
different domains are presented in an incompatible way,
although identical knowledge model was used [2]. A
specific program solution is just one implementation of
system model, but with ontology approach that solution
can be harmonized with the referent ontology. Proposed
approach enables us to complete the knowledge contained
in specific program solution with knowledge built-in
In this paper we analyzed the method of ontology
application in IS development [3]. In Section II we analyze
the elements of improvements the IS development using
ontology-based approach. The proposed model of Fig. 1. An ontology and IS development
ontology-based knowledge management (KM) approaches
for IS development is described in Section III. Furthermore, we are analyzing the ontological modeling
Implementation of this model in a public administration in detail, by describing the types of ontologies according to
case is described in Section IV. the level of conceptualization and the level of formality.
II. ONTOLOGICAL APPROACH IN INFORMATION SYSTEM B. Types of ontologies and knowledge management
DEVELOPMENT A more complex relationship between the levels of
Software development is a complex process which conceptualization and levels of formality is given in Fig. 2
consists of: logical modeling, encoding, reusing of existing [4], [1]. The beginning of a domain meta-model is a top-
components, verifying of the work done through the level ontology, which is an integral part of the ontological
tool. These top-level ontology and partial common
Karmen Klarin, University Department of Professionals Studies in
concepts domain ontology are meta-structures referenced
Split, University of Split, Kopilica 5, 21000 Split, Croatia (tel. by task ontology and application ontology of the
+38521329314, e-mail: prescribed domain.
Stipo Čelar, FESB, University of Split, Ruđera Boškovića 32, Split,
The level of formality also starts from the meta-model in
Croatia, (tel. +38521305843, e-mail:

978-1-4799-1420-3/13/$31.00 ©2013 IEEE 805

the form of informal structures [9]. An informal structure demanding work because one must identify multiple
becomes specific at the time of formalization, when it is clusters of interdependent areas which constitute specific
implemented in an ontological language. Additional logical units. For that reason it is necessary to divide the
characteristic in structure designing is achieved by concept of ontology for the public administration into
embedding rules and constraints. Such specific formal multiple sub-ontologies (division in Fig. 3) with respect to
structure is often complemented by settings of the the appropriate domains of knowledge [15].
application in a given environment. This means that none When analyzing the communication between public
of the axes are self-contained in the description of a given administrations subjects the exchange of data and
ontology. The ontology is usually represented by a information, integrated vertically and horizontally should
combination of one or more types of ontologies defined by be taken into consideration (Fig. 4). Regardless of the
each of the axes in Fig. 2 [10], [11]. point of view it is important to integrate public administra-
The knowledge line is located between the two axes, as tion on all levels and throughout all independent entities
described in Fig. 2. The main processes of KM, such as owning or processing data related to mentioned tasks.
organization, collection and transfer of knowledge are the
result of a (good) control and management of business
processes. The situation when the business is supported by
a software solution and ontological structure (Fig. 1)
creates prerequisites for the effective gathering and
processing of various and complex knowledge areas.
However, the knowledge line in Fig. 2 raises another
important characteristic of knowledge, if it is viewed as the
knowledge repository through the ontology. The process of
creation of an ontology within a specific business domain
starts by questioning about environment [12]. It is likely
that outside the business system there may exist libraries of Fig. 3. Ontologies of hierarchical system of public
finished reusable ontologies containing parts of the administration
knowledge required [13].
So, this study is oriented towards the methods of
knowledge distribution in complex organization such as
the public administration [16].


It is necessary to define procedures to solve the problem
of software creation/ modification/ update using the
ontology. Ideas for the procedure of discovering
knowledge about the domain by using ontological
engineering can be found in the relevant literature [1],
[17], [18], [19].
Thus, solving a particular project task can proceed
Fig. 2. Ontological richness and KM according to the method whose framework is specified by
the following four steps:
The idea is to adopt a conceptualization outside of the 1) Domain - identifying the domain and defining the scope
business system, and to build formalization within the IS. of the project task.
Therefore, the Fig. 2 suggests the relationship between the 2) Knowledge - designing the domain knowledge structure
external and internal world for a given business domain. by using elements of the identified ontology, and
C. Public administration information system possibly upgrading own ontology with specific concepts
and (business) rules.
Public administration systems are specific because they
3) Support - modeling and implementation of the new
establish (through laws and regulations) the conceptual
software solution in the given environment of the IS.
structure of some domain and also determine behavior
4) Application - connecting the new software solutions
rules and restrictions related to using this domain in
with business systems from the environment.
specific circumstances. Such systems are the creators of
Domain: The new IS data model is commonly defined
knowledge about the respective domain and impose it as
by using the functional user requirements. It is necessary to
standard in KM [14]. For that reason, it is often difficult to
define boundaries of the business system and connection
determine where in the public administration system
points with the environment. In this context mainly internal
hierarchy (and its connections with environment) is the
documents are analyzed and data structure is designed. The
information important to the software solution located.
first step of the proposed method is to recognize
Building the ontology for such a complex system is

potentially interesting environment concepts and In the beginning the focus is on the model of
relationships between them, such as the ontologies of information (domain) and later on the model of
common concepts, shown in Fig. 2. Next, the commonly functionality (processes) [21]. Such an approach can
agreed structure is upgraded with domain-specific concepts provide a better knowledge about the structure of the
of the system being developed [20]. This research of the system on which the business model is based.
external world can impose other conceptual categories, Implementing the common rules provides systems
such as specific applications ontology (like a legally based interoperability, and enables their upgrade with business-
general rules for sharing documents or legally defined the specific constraints.
detailed exchange of specific information in public
administration, and, generally, business world). IV. A CASE STUDY
Knowledge: If a reusable ontology was found in the The case of IS development for County of Split-
environment, it certainly needs to be upgraded with Dalmatia [22] has been described below. Fig. 4 shows the
elements of the internal domain, thus starting to build a components of the IS that are already functioning through
proprietary version of the ontology with implemented subsystems the Accounting and the DMS (Document
knowledge about the business organization. Therefore Management System), and the parts that are under
knowledge is embedded into the IS by means of development, such as subsystems the Budget planning and
researching of own business domain and the potential the Budget reports.
ontology from the environment. As shown in Fig. 2
ontological richness progresses from informal to formal
ontology and from domain concepts to their relationship,
rules and restrictions.
Support: How to use the embedded ontological
knowledge for software development depends on the
architecture of the current system in reference to the
possibilities presented in Fig. 1. Using the knowledge and
results from the previous two steps one can determine
more precisely where to locate a given problem in the
schema of Fig. 1. For example, the appropriate recognized Fig. 4. An example of public administration system
ontology from the environment can be the support to the IS architecture
through the ontology-driven development. Such ontology
contains valuable domain knowledge that does not need to For this example, the scope and purpose of the project
be rediscovered. Also this ontology can reduce the effort are defined through the three basic tasks:
needed to design the model of IS. 1) Creating specified base data to be connected to the
Application: The previous step proposes an ontological corresponding base data from the environment
way of supporting IS development. It is a prerequisite for 2) Connecting functionalities of subsystems Budget
efficient business processes supported by the new IS. planning and Plan execution with users and other
Specifically, ontology elements that support the IS are applications.
embedded in it, are the basis for a different and automated 3) Connecting subsystems Plan execution and Budget
communication between the business system and its reports with subsystems Accounting and DMS.
environment. For example, Fig. 1 shows that the ontology- The application of proposed method is represented by
driven IS development provides an explicit description of mapping of specific requirement into ontology
the structure of concepts and the ability to their reuse, both construction steps. We consider plan execution through
internally, and in communication with the outside world. payment to the vendor.
Starting from this position, further in the software In step 1. (Domain) the common concept ontology like
development the structure of the ontology can be mapped the business partner ontology and the classification
to the code. Equally important is the impact of the ontology (Fig 5) determine base concepts for exchanging
ontological knowledge approach to business rules and information. The business partner ontology is adopted
interoperability with systems from the environment. from the business world and the classification ontology is
In the proposed method, there are elements of the defined in [23].
ontology development and the IS development (Table 1). Step 2. (Knowledge) can be carried out by implementing
structure and knowledge from business rules into the
TABLE 1: METHOD ACTIVITIES GUIDELINES OVER ONTOLOGY domain ontology Budget and Base data ontology.
CLUSTERS (EXAMPLE) Third step of the specified method, called Support,
provides the ability to upgrade the Accounting and the
DMS systems through the ontology-based architecture
already made. Meta-data of the DMS application can be
integrated with domain ontologies (like Accounting) via
information generating procedures. (3a in Fig 5).

Fig. 5. Ontology structure for public administration
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