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Mihi nomen est: Carson Schmidt

Neuter Nouns

Fill in the chart with the phrase “the beautiful river.”

Singular Plural
Nominative Bellum flumen belles flumes
Genitive bellis flumis bellum flumum
Dative belli flumi bellibus flumibus

Accusative bellem flumem belles flumes

Ablative belle flume bellibus flumibus

Diagram the following sentences. Then translate. Latin One: only do 1-7.
● Bold the subject. ● Highlight the verb and label its tense
● Underline the direct object. ● Mark any adjectives the same way as
● Italicize indirect objects. the nouns they modify (i.e. if an
● Put prepositional phrases [in adjective is describing the subject,
brackets.] put it in bold as well)

1. Dux cum multis hominibus navem magnam prope flumen aedificabat.

Verb Tense: imperf
Translation of Sentence: The leader builds a great ship with many men near the river.

2. Misera regina ad oram fluminis ambulabit.

Verb Tense: future
Translation of Sentence: The sad queen will walk toward the rivers coast.

3. Nomen magni ducis erat Aeneas.

Verb Tense: present
Translation of Sentence: Name leaders that are great.

4. Nomina victorum erunt perpetua. (victor, victoris winner)

Verb Tense: imperfect
Translation of Sentence: what is the name of the winner

5. Aut in oppido vestro remanere aut ad caput patriae ambulare optatis.

Verb Tense: present
Translation of Sentence: Stay inside your captured town and be a patriot of your country.
6. Milites corpus ducis in regiam portabant. (Portare = to carry)
Verb Tense: imperfect
Translation of Sentence: Soldiers carry the leader’s body inside the palace.

7. Sunt multa flumina in Italia; autem caput Roma est prope flumen Tiberim.
Verb Tense: imperfect
Translation of Sentence: There are many rivers in Italy; the head of the Tiber is near
Multa carmina callidi poetae de amore sunt.
Verb Tense:
Translation of Sentence:

8. Malus rex nomina benignorum hominum tolerare non potest.

Verb Tense:
Translation of Sentence:

Write the following in Latin. Latin One: only do 1-3.

1. The soldier’s body is strong.
Verb Tense: present
Translation of Sentence: Miles corpus is validus

2. We have beautiful names.

Verb Tense: present
Translation of Sentence: Habeo nominismus pulcher.

3. The head of the river is near the palace.

Verb Tense: present
Translation of Sentence: Caput flumen prope reginam.

4. The scribe loves to sing songs to the good queen. (canto, cantare to sing)
Verb Tense:
Translation of Sentence:

5. The leader of the soldiers was not able to tolerate foolish men.
Verb Tense:
Translation of Sentence:

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