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A Project Report On



Delhi Technological University (DTU)


Submitted To: Submitted By:

Prof. A.K. Gupta Km. Sakshi

December 2020



CHAPTER 2........................................................................................6
Literature Review:................................................................................6
Limit Equilibrium Method:..................................................................6
Finite Element Method:........................................................................6
Strength Reduction Method (SRM):.....................................................6
Indirect Method:...................................................................................7
Shotcrete (FRS)....................................................................................7
Wire Mesh............................................................................................8
CHAPTER 3........................................................................................9
CHAPTER 4......................................................................................10
Design Methodology for cut Slope:....................................................10
Design Data of Geological/Geotechnical..........................................10
Design Data for Cut Slopes................................................................11
Global Stability check for Cut Slopes Weathered Rock by Phase-2
Global Stability Analysis Output........................................................13
CHAPTER 5:.....................................................................................15
Result and Discussion.........................................................................15
CHAPTER 6:....................................................................................16
Scope of future work:.........................................................................16
CHAPTER 7......................................................................................17

List of Figures

Figure 1 General Outline of steep cut Slope of 32m...........................5

Figure 2 Shortcrete Compressive Strength..........................................7
Figure 3 Discretized Model of Cut Slope in Weathered Rock of
Height 32 m and Rock Properties.........................................................9
Figure 4 Discretized Model of Cut Slope in Weathered Rock of
Height 32 m........................................................................................12
Figure 5 Cut Slope in Weathered Rock 32m Height (Unsupported)
(FOS =2.5)..........................................................................................13
Figure 6 Cut Slope in Weathered Rock 32 m Height (Unsupported-
Seismic) (FOS =1.78).........................................................................14

List of Tables
Table : 1Rock Mass Parameters for Cut Slope...................................10
Table : 2 Adopted FOS for Possible Loading Conditions..................11
Table : 3 For 32 m Height Cut Slope in Weathered Rock..................15


National Highways Authority of India (NHAI) has taken up the task
of developing various National Highway Corridors where the
intensity of traffic has increased significantly requiring, augmentation
of capacity for safe and efficient movement of traffic. The global
stability analysis for cut slopes has been carried out for all critical
section using Phase2/ RS2 software. The results of the analysis are
expressed as a factor of safety which is defined as the ratio of
available shear strength to the shear stresses developed on the sliding
plane. The stability analysis of cut slope has been carried out using
Shear strength reduction (SSR) method of Phase2 software. The Shear
Strength Reduction option in Phase2 allows us to automatically
perform a finite element slope stability analysis and compute a critical
strength reduction factor for the model. The critical strength reduction
factor is equivalent to the "safety factor" of the slope. In recent years
large scale infrastructure development activities especially widening
of roads have aggravated the landslide problems. PHASE 2
SOFTWARE is amongst the widely used software to assess the
stability of slopes.

Figure 1 General Outline of steep cut Slope of 32m
Literature Review:
For a slope to be stable, the resisting forces in the slope must be
sufficiently greater than the forces causing the failure. To perform a
slope stability analysis the geometry of the slope, external and internal
loading, soil stratigraphy and strength parameters and variation of the
ground water table all along the slope must be defined. In the current
state of practice, there are many numbers of slope stability analysis
methods available. However, the scope of this report is limited to a
discussion on the limit equilibrium methods and finite element
Limit Equilibrium Method:
Limit equilibrium analyses consider force and/or moment equilibrium
of a mass of soil above the potential failure surface. The available
shear strength is assumed to be mobilized at same rate at all points on
the potential failure surface. Therefore, as a result the factor of safety
is constant over the entire failure surface. Limit equilibrium analysis
provide no information on slope deformations.
Finite Element Method:
The finite element method considers linear and non-linear stress-strain
behaviour of the soil in calculating the shear stress for the analysis. In
a finite element approach the slope failure occurs through zones
which cannot resist the shear stresses applied.
Strength Reduction Method (SRM):
Shear strength is gradually reduced until the calculation no longer
converges in analysis. At that point, slope failure is assumed, and the
rate of the maximum strength reduction is considered to be the
minimum safety factor for the slope.

Indirect Method:
Stress analysis of a slope is performed using FEM. Based on the stress
anal analysis results, safety factor for various sliding surfaces used in
LEM are calculated. The smallest safety factor and the corresponding
critical section are identified.
Shotcrete (FRS)
The shotcrete is modelled as plastic standard beam element, so that
the excess forces are transferred to the adjacent rock mass and support
element, if the shotcrete yield at any point. Shotcrete with wire mesh
(100mmx100mm x5 mm) will be used at portals. For slope stability of
portal, we will use shotcrete which is equivalent to M40grade
concrete as per Indian or another appropriate international standard.

Figure 2 Shortcrete Compressive Strength

Figure 3 Shortcrete Cracking Strength
Figures 1, 2 are provided to find short term property of shotcrete for
1hour and 24 Hour. From the figures it is clear that short term
property of shotcrete (SFRS) such as compressive strength, cracking

Wire Mesh
For critical or disintegrated slope region wire mesh will be used to
protect falling of small pieces of rock during movement of vehicles.
This will be used along with shotcrete of adequate thickness. Grade of
wire mesh will be Fe500, thickness of wire mesh will of 5 mm and
grid to grid spacing will be 100 mm x100 mmx5mm.

The objective of this report is to check the stability of hill slope of
32m height, open cut slope in Weathered Rock. To take care of
stability of this cut slope, analysis has been carried out by the
PHASE2 V.9.0 Rocscience software is used to check the stability of
slope and recommendations for long term stability of excavated slope
have been outlined. Based on analysis, shear strength parameter of
Weathered Rock has been considered as per of IS code (IRC: 75-
2015- Guidelines for Hill are Cut Slopes. The stability analysis of cut
slope has been carried out using Shear strength reduction (SSR)
method of Phase2 software. The Shear Strength Reduction option in
Phase2 allows you to automatically perform a finite element slope
stability analysis and compute a critical strength reduction factor for
the model. The critical strength reduction factor is equivalent to the
"safety factor" of the slope.

Figure 3 Discretized Model of Cut Slope in Weathered Rock of

Height 32 m and Rock Properties


Design Methodology for cut Slope:
1. Cut Slopes of any hill in Rock Mass has been analysed
considering the principal that local and global stability problem
both will be encountered. Following methodology has been
adopted for excavation of cut slopes in rock mass.
2. Planar and Wedge failure has been checked with and without
support system, if wedges are not stable (FOS is less than
desirable) wedge has been reanalysed with support system and
its adequacy against desired FOS shall be checked.
3. An excavated slope has been checked against global failure
using strength reduction method with help of phase2), if
excavated slope is unstable (factor of safety is less than desired)
slope has been re-analysed with suitable slope protection
measures to achieve desired factor of safety. Considering the
fact rock mass is of good to fair quality global instability of
slope is remote.

Design Data of Geological/Geotechnical

The material properties obtained from IS Code shall be broadly
considered for slope stability analysis for weathered rock.

Cohesion 300 KPa

Angle of Internal Friction 42o

Poisson’s Ratio 0.3
Unit weight 18 KN/m2
Table: 1Rock Mass Parameters for Cut Slope

Design Data for Cut Slopes
Only Global stability of cut slope in Weathered Rock will be checked
as due to weathering tracing of joint is not possible and Weathered
Rock mass shall be treated as homogeneous material. The
homogeneous Weathered Rock mass shall be checked for global
stability. Adopted factors of safety for global failure with different
load cases are tabulated in Table. The adopted factor of safety is taken
based on FHWA (Federal Highway of America guidelines).

Load Case Description Minimum FoS

Dead Load + Water Normal operating 1.5*
Dead Load + Water + Extreme Condition 1.0
Table: 2 Adopted FOS for Possible Loading Conditions

As per IRC 75:2015, FoS for hilly area cut slope can be restricted up
to 1.4 for normal condition but even to be on conservative side factor
of safety of more than 1.5 has been targeted in design. Drainage Hole
at suitable spacing will be provided all along the slope so for analysis
saturated weight of rock mass has been considered.

Following load combinations shall be considered for the analysis
 Self-weight of Weathered Rock Mass (saturated unit weight) is
considered as 27 kN/m3.
 Earthquake Loads: Horizontal Seismic Coefficient of 0.18
(Z =0.24, I=1.5, Sa/g=2.5, R=2.5 hence coefficient
=Z/2*Sa/g*I/R =0.18) and Vertical Seismic Coefficient equal to
0.12 is considered for analysis based on consideration of project
area in seismic zone-IV.
 The in-situ stress ratio for the slope is considered based on
Jacky’s formula (1-sinΦ) as for Phi=42 degree K=0.33, for
analysis of slope a conservative value of 0.5 has been adopted.

Global Stability check for Cut Slopes Weathered Rock by Phase-2


Figure 4 Discretized Model of Cut Slope in Weathered Rock of

Height 32 m

Global Stability Analysis Output
The global stability analysis for cut slopes has been carried out for
both phyllite and Slate using Phase2/ RS2 software. To simulate the
behaviour of Slate interbedded joint has been simulated. First section
shall be analysed without any support system. The results of the
analysis are expressed as a factor of safety (FOS) which is defined as
the ratio of available shear strength to the shear stresses developed on
the sliding plane.

Figure 5 Cut Slope in Weathered Rock 32m Height (Unsupported)

(FOS =2.5)

Figure 6 Cut Slope in Weathered Rock 32 m Height (Unsupported-
Seismic) (FOS =1.78)
Factor of Safety (FoS) of 32m Cut slopes are presented. FoS are
within permissible limits.


Result and Discussion

Results for Global Stability analysis for Cut Slope in Weathered

S.No. Load cases FoS obtained FoS Remarks

Case A Cut Slope in 2.5 1.5 Safe
Case B cut slope in 1.78 1.0 Safe

Table: 3 Load cases for 32 m Height Cut Slope in Weathered Rock

 From the above table, it is clearly seems that FOS under static
condition and Pseudo static condition without support system is
within permissible limit.
 Hence, the following support measures are provided for hill
slope as erosion and seepage point of view.
 Toe of the hill slope should be supported with the retaining wall
with 100mm dia weep holes for seepage and drainage purposes.
 Wire mesh of 25mm provide with 50mm shotcrete as erosion
and safety point of view.


Scope of future work:

 If any moment in the wedge or foliation will notice we will
treated with the support system.
 Fill all the gaps along with the bedding planes with the groting.
 Rock bolts/Rock Anchor’s will provide to stabilize the hill



The following references are used in the context of the analysis and
design of slope:
1. PHASE2 V.9.0. Finite Element Analysis code for Excavations
and Slopes. Rocscience.
2. User's Guide Phase2
3. Back-analysis of the 1756 Tjellefonna rockslide, Langfjorden.
Norwegian University of Science and Technology Department
of Geology and Mineral Resources Engineering.
4. IRC: 75: -2015-Guidelines for Hill Area Cut slope.
5. 144480:1997 Code of Practice for Reinforcement of Rock
Slopes with Plane Wedge Failure.
6. IS 14458: Part 1: 1998 Guidelines for retaining wall for hill
area: Part 1 Selection of type of wall.
7. IS 14458: Part 2: 1997 Guidelines for retaining wall for hill
area: Part 2 Design of retaining/breast walls.
8. IS 14458: Part 3: 1998 Guidelines for retaining wall for hill
area: Part 3 Construction of dry-stone walls.
9. 14448 :1997 Code of Practice for Reinforcement of Rock
Slopes with Plane Wedge Failure.

Annexure:1 Phase2 Output Data


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