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The Power of the Brothers

By: Eva Song

The Beginning
“Father!” yelled Will “Charles and I can’t find it!”
“Find what” he yelled back in an annoyed voice. “I’m busy working if you
can’t tell. I want to help this patient with her symptoms but I can’t if you two are
being loud.”
“Sorry father” they replied in a guilty voice. The two of them were looking
for the washboard and their bucket so they could do their family’s laundry but now
they looked stumped as to where it could be.
“If only it would just zoom out at us like magic. That would b--” But he
wasn’t able to finish his sentence. Suddenly, as if it was magic, both the washboard
and the bucket zoomed out and both of the brothers looked equally horrified as
well as amazed. They never spoke of this incident until something else happened.

Fourteen Years Later...

“Dad, the ground’s shaking. The wind is blowing so hard!” Charles
screamed so he could be heard over the racket outside.
“I know!” he replied back in a tone of panic. “I think it’s a tornado!”
“WHAT DO WE DO!!!” the brothers screamed at the top of their lungs!
“Get somewhere safe! Find everyone and make sure they are safe!” the dad
said, gasping for breath.
“I think it’s over,” said Will after the tornado finally stopped. This tornado
was just the beginning of the many tornadoes that hit Rochester that day. As their
father was a doctor, they were forced to wait at home as their father went out to go
and help others who may have been disturbed. Later that night, the two brothers
saw their dad sitting at the dinner table deep in thought as if he were trying to come
up with an idea.
“Ughhhh...I can’t do it!” the dad said suddenly.
“What?” Will said “What can’t you figure out? What’s keeping you
“I want to be able to help these people but I already have a job as a doctor.”
he replied.
“I know!!!” Charles screamed.
“What is it?” Father replied.
“We should create our own way to treat people.” Charles replied in a very
proud voice.
“You mean we should create our own hospital?” Will replied incredulously.
Charles felt beaten. He slowly started to walk out of the room when,
“Yes!” the father screamed all of a sudden. “Yes! That’s a wonderful idea.
You two are both old enough and I’m already a doctor! Wonderful job Charles.
We’ll get started as soon as possible.”
“Ok...?” Charles replied starstruck. “Well I guess I’m going to bed now. We
can start brainstorming tomorrow morning for possible ideas. Good night.” The
next morning, they started working on this new project. They knew they had to
work really hard because creating a hospital would be really hard. At least they
were all doctors, even the brothers. Their biggest problem was that they needed
employees and helpers because they definitely couldn’t do this all by themselves.
About three days later they had a main idea for how they were going to make this
hospital and they also finally came up with a name! The Mayo Clinic!

Mayo Clinic’s Founding

Five years later, Mayo Clinic was finally founded after a harsh half decade.
Undoubtedly, the family worked very hard and eventually created their very own
hospital to treat the injured and sick. Their inspiration was the tornado five years
ago that left so many families helpless and injured.
“I can’t believe we pulled this off” Charles explained. “After all, this
was just a little idea that popped into my mind. I didn’t actually think that we
would actually found our own hospital from scratch.”
“Well...I guess lets just go celebrate!” Will said breaking the awkward
silence. Arriving home at 11 o’clock p.m., they all collapsed into their beds too
tired for words.
A couple years later and this hospital is really thriving. The hospital is doing
super well but they think their biggest problem is that their hospital is in a rural city
that most people don’t even know about. However, this problem may be fixed very
soon. But it might not be how you think. It was Tuesday, December 5 and it was
snowing very hard outside.
“Quick,” Will said. “She’s badly injured”
“How so?” Charles replied instantaneously.
“I think she slipped on the ice and her ligament or anterior cruciate ligament
(ACL) might’ve ripped.” Will said “I’m not completely sure though.”
“Well, either way I think we may need to do something about it. We might
even need to do some surgery and see if we can fix the problems with some
stitches or something.” A nurse said.
“Well I suppose that sounds fine but I don’t know if it’ll be enough to fix it.”
Will replied. “The cut is so deep it may need a little more than that.” They started
to try and treat the deep gash but they soon realized that she tore her ACL as well.
“I wish we had magical powers so we could just fix it up without having to
deal with complications.” Suddenly, the woman’s leg randomly fell off.
“Ahhhhhh!” the nurse gasped, horrified. “What did you two do? Are you
“I forgot about this. It seemed like forever ago doesn’t it Charles?” Wll
“Indeed it does.” Charles replied.
“Who are you two? Are you like freaks or something?” the nurse screamed.
“No. No. We’re not. I promise” Charles said. “I promise we’re ok.” But they
both knew very well that the word was probably going to get out and that their
hospital that they spent so much time trying to perfect might have come to an end.
Two days later, this happened.
Breaking News: The Mayo Clinic is Under Fire
for MAGICALLY Removing Someone’s Leg
Without Their Consent
By: Margaret Heath

Yesterday, Mayo Clinic was held accountable for the

removal of a woman’s leg without her approval. People are
starting to question the Mayo Clinic for this case. Mayo
Clinic has been known as one of the best hospitals in the
country but it is now under fire for this. We reached out to
the woman’s family and here’s what they said. “I am very
disappointed with the Mayo Clinic. My daughter was
innocent and removing her leg without her consent was very
inappropriate. I doubt I will ever go back there again.” said
John Michael Densmore, the victim’s father. We also reached
out to the Mayo Brothers but they declined. However, their
father agreed to come talk to us. “I’m very disappointed in
my children. I do believe that they don’t have control of these
powers but I still believe that they should have told me earlier
that they had these powers. I asked both of them and they
admitted that they found out about this around 20 years ago
but they didn’t believe it.” Will Worrall Mayo said when we
asked him what he thought of it. What do you think about
this hospital? Do you think it was just one big mistake or do
you really think the Mayo Clinic should close down and go

“Ughh. I can’t believe it. This may be the end of our beautiful masterpiece.”
Charles said.
“I know” Will mourned. “ I wish we could keep it for longer.”
“Well, I guess there's an end for everything.” Charles said.
“Sadly, there is.” Will replied. In an attempt to keep their hospital alive, the
two brothers worked very hard to try and convince people that they were ok and
that they didn’t plan on hurting that woman. They also said that they don’t have
control of their powers and that it just happens whenever. Sadly, barely anyone
believed them. About 5 years later, the Mayo Brothers received even more bad
news. They found out that they now had a fierce rival when it came to medicine.
Cleveland Clinic was now founded in Cleveland, Ohio by George Crile, William
Lower, John Plillips, and Frank Bunts. They knew this was especially bad because
they were also receiving high marks after only being open for a couple of days.
“Will, did you hear about this?” Charles asked.
“Hear what?” Will replied.
“We have a new rival clinic. Its name is Cleveland Clinic.” Charles said
“What?” Will said with shock. “We’ve already had enough bad news for our
entire life.” They continued to talk about Cleveland Clinic until finally, Will
said that you might not have to worry about them because if Mayo Clinic
shuts down, then there is no rival. However, they still wanted to try and keep
their hospital living. Each and every day, they still continued to talk about
possible ways This went on for around 8 months until…
“Charles!” Will screamed. “I can’t believe we did it! I can’t believe we
cleared our name!”
“Wait seriously?” Charles replied, shocked.
“Yeah,” said Will. “I know right!”
“Should we tell dad?” Charles asked.
“Yeah! I know he’s always been really worried.” Will said.
“But there’s still one more thing.” Charles said
“What?” Will asked confused.
“What are we going to do about our wizarding powers?” Charles asked.
“What if we go out of control again?”
“Oh, that’s true.” Will replied. “I guess we shouldn’t say, I wish. Because
that always ends up doing our bidding whether or not we want it.”
“Ok. I guess that sounds good.” Charles said, nodding his head. “Should we
try and experiment with our powers though? Maybe we can find out a little more
about it. We’ll just have to make sure that we’re careful.”
“Well, I suppose. But we really need to make sure we’re careful.” Will
replied cautiously.” For the next couple of days, they kept on trying different
things and finding out more and more about their wizarding powers. They realized
that not only could they summon things but they could also make things disappear.
They were always fascinated with whatever they did whether they made each other
do something or if they made themselves do something. It seemed like they were
little kids again.


The two Mayo brothers worked at their clinic for another 20 or so years and
lived a happy life. Both of them started successful families and most of their
children also worked at the hospital. Sadly, Charles’s son died in a tragic accident
and their father Will Worrall Mayo died in 1911, but other than that, their life was
peaceful and happy. As all things must come to an end, Charles Horace Mayo died
on May 26, 1939 at the age of 73 and William James Mayo died on July 28, 1939
at the age of 78. Their magnificent clinic will always be remembered with pride
and happiness. It also helps you remember your family is always there for you as
the Mayo Brothers were for their family as well as patients.

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