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Histology of

Male Reproductive System

Histology course Part 10

Dr. Michael Barlasov MD

Seminiferous tubules 250 lobules
Straight tubules – short terminal section of the seminiferous
tubule is lined only by Sertoli cells
Rete testis
Efferent ductules
Seminiferous tubule
Rete testis - Complex interconnecting Efferent ductules - Pseudostratified
channels - low columnar epithelium within columnar epithelium
the highly vascular connective tissue

Connective tissue (CT) smooth muscle (SM) blood vessels (BV)

Tubules of the epididymis
Sperm maturation
Decapacitation - inhibits the fertilizing ability of the sperm
Absorption – fluid
Secretion - glycerophosphocholine, sialic acid, and glycoproteins
Phagocytose – degenerate sperm cells
Ductus (vas) deferens
Seminal vesicles
The wall contains:
• mucosa pseudostratified nonciliated columnar epithelium
• layer of smooth muscle Mucosa folds - increase the secretory surface
• fibrous layer

smooth muscle

Secrete contains : HCO3-, fructose, amino acids, ascorbic acid, clotting

proteins and prostaglandins
Tubuloalveolar gland
Fibromuscular stroma

prostate gland secretes: • Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) (protease)

• Prostatic acid phosphatase (PAP)
• Fibrinolysin
• citric acid
Urinary & Reproductive
Bulbourethral glands (Cowper’s glands)

compound tubuloalveolar gland

simple columnar epithelium

excretory ducts

bulbourethral glands secrete: preseminal fluid

• galactose
• galactosamine
• galacturonic acid
• sialic acid
• methylpentose
Penis Penis

Corpora cavernosa

Corpus spongiosum
Corpora cavernosa
Corpora cavernosa contain:
• Tunica albuginea - dense, fibroelastic layer
• Cavernous sinuses wide, irregularly shaped vascular spaces lined with
vascular endothelium
• Smooth muscle layer surrounded spaces
Histology of
Female Reproductive System
primordial follicle

primary follicle late primary follicle


mature Graafian follicle

secondary follicle
Corpus luteum

Urinary & Reproductive

Uterine tube
Uterine tube

Simple ciliated columnar epithelium

Urinary & Reproductive

Uterine wall

• simple ciliated columnar epithelium
• lamina propria
- stratum functionalis (functional layer)
- stratum basalis (basal layer)

three layers of smooth muscle fibers:
- inner longitudinal
- middle circular
- outer longitudinal

visceral peritoneum
- simple squamous epithelium
- areolar connective tissue.

Urinary & Reproductive

Cervix, cervical canal, and vaginal fornix

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