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Filthy 50

50 box jumps with a 24-inch box,

50 jumping pullups,
50 kettlebell swings,
50 walking lunge steps,
50 knees to elbows,
50 reps of push press with 45 pounds,
50 back extensions,
50 wallballs using a 20-pound ball,
50 burpees (dropping all the way to the floor),
50 double-unders.

Fran is a series of thrusters and pullups done as quickly as possible. This is a shorter WOD that includes
three rounds, including 21 reps of each exercise in the first round. In the second and third rounds, you
must complete 15 and 9 reps of each exercise respectively. You can modify this WOD to your ability—the
thruster can vary in weight and you can do jumping pull-ups as well.

Murph is pretty simple but pushes your body to the limit with its relentlessness. Run one mile and then
do​100 pullups​, 200 pushups, 300 squats, and then run another mile. Do it as fast as you can. Pullups can
be modified if need be.

5 rounds
Run 100m
10x Burpees
10x Push-ups
10x Mountain climbers
10x Sit-ups
10x Prisoner squats

10 rounds
10x Burpees
25x Squats
25x Push-ups
10x Pull-ups
10x Ring dips
25x Sit-ups

Bitch better have my money

3 rounds
Run 400m
20x Pull-ups
20x Push-ups
20x Burpees
20x Squats
20x Walking lunge steps, each leg
Max rounds in 15 minutes
5x Pull-ups
10x Push-ups
15x Box jumps (20 inch)

2-way Jay
2 rounds
Do second round in reverse order
100x Double unders
90x Squats
80x Sit-ups
70x Push-ups
60x Pull-ups
50x Dips
40x Box jumps
30x Burpees
20x Knees to elbows
10x Handstand push-ups

10 rounds
10x Pull-ups
20x Push-ups
30x Sit-ups
40x Squats

Your shit's fucked up

For time
105x Pull-ups
10x Man-makers (35#/25# DBs)
84x Dips
20x Deadlifts (bw)
63x Push-ups
30x Deadlifts
42x Squats
40x Man-makers
21x Burpees
Row 2000m
For time
20x Push-ups
35x Squats
20x Plyo push-ups
35x Split squats
20x Clapping push-ups
35x Broad jumps
20x Ring push-ups
35x Lateral hops (over 12" obstacle)
20x Handstand push-ups

1 round
50x Push-ups
10x Star jumps
50x Sit-ups
10x Star jumps
50x Squats
10x Star jumps
50x Body rows
10x Star jumps

For time
30x Pull-ups
30x KB swing (53#/36#)
30x DB thrusters (35#/20#)
15x each arm KB snatch (53#/24#)
30x Push-ups
30x Box jumps
30x Wall ball (20#/14#)
Row 30 calories

4 rounds
8x Burpee tuck jumps
8x Knees to elbows
8x Deadlifts (275#/135#)
8x Ring dips
8x KB swings (72#/53#)
8x Pistols
8x Pull-ups
8x Handstand push-ups

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